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The Long Journey Home

Alexandra keeps the gaze but a profound sadness wells in her eyes for a moment and springs back to a cheery bright sheen.

"I can understand that sir."

I knew someone like this once before...damn, oh well perhaps I can fix him.

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Alexander looks at the pair before them, one eye-brow raised as he examined the nearly-identical twins. He was starting to work out which was which, but that knowledge was based largely on the genders they gave each other. Working out which was which would take time.

"So you two are the Morrissette siblings? I must admit, the report was a little vague about your specialities; heavy weapons and tactical analysis, am I correct?"

He doesn't even try to pin one roll on a particular sibling, knowing full well he'd probably get it wrong. Either way, he looks over the new team-mates. So young, especially compared to him and Arthur.

I'll have to look after these two...I have a feeling they have a bit more to learn about deep combat. Still, with any luck, such knowledge will be unnecessary for our peaceful endeavour!

Mikhail Zhukov

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Mikhail who up until now was leaning against a wall decided to break the silence.

We haven't even left the planet yet and you two are already planing your funerals. Is it going to be a private event or are me and mister scientist also invited.Although in our line of work we might end up sharing a mass grave. Don't worry I don't snore when I am dead.


First Post
What was that just now, regret? Pain? Or something else? At least she's not as green as I thought, and used to working alone that could be beneficial.

Now if you two would mind telling me about your experience and skills we can draw a close to this first meeting. Again I've been given a small summary but I need to know more if I'm to lead you successfully.

His attention moving away from Alexandra and now fully focussing on the remaining squad members. Ghost's expression remains unchanged at the comment by Mikhail and his focus remains on him.
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J. D. Tsuba

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I would think any who are not prepared to die should not have signed up to be soldiers in the first place.

At the first chance to talk about himself J.D. starts once more on a lengthy, not uncomplicated monologue about his times at the university and his work into theoretical physics and its applications to their mission.

Now I know I may seem intellectually imposing, but I assure you, once you get to know me, I will be the best friend you know. I value honour highly, especially amongst warriors such as yourselves, but do not get the wrong impression. Unlike our seemingly fearless captain, I will NOT die out here, and I will NOT willingly kill, unless my primary directive of not dying is questioned by my circumstances.

At this J.D. sits down heavily and stares directly at Ghost, seemingly offended by his earlier comment


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Staring back at J.D.

You do understand why you're here soldier do you not? We're security detail for this vessel, this means our primary objective is the protection of the crew of this vessel. Should that require us to kill then I expect you to follow your orders, if you feel uncomfortable doing so I suggest you talk to the commodore and opt out of security detail.

Tell me soldier, why did you join the security force if not to protect? What did you think you was signing up for?

Great a peace monger. Not something I need in my squad.


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"Paxis modification is my specialty" she said with a flick of her wrist, as if that would do anything "Find the enemy, pin them down, bring your allies to bear and..." she made a gun with her fingers "Bang"

She paused for a moment to compose herself "Of Course I hope it does not come to that, I have training in negotiation and analysis" she added, going back to that soft bright smile.

Ray Ray

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"Ey, you're not the one thats supposed to make things go bang. I'm the heavy weapons specialist. Rey may think she packs a punch, but put me on the back of a mounted turret and nothing will get within 20 metres of me alive guaranteed Mr. Baudric, I'll bet my special edition Zulu on it!" He grinned proudly, Hand forming a gun in an identical motion to Rey.

J. D. Tsuba

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As I understood, we are an exploration vessel, that is why I joined this crew. I am part of the security contingent because I am skilled at analyzing and manipulating battle. Do not worry commander, I know I may not sound like the kind of soldier you want on this mission, but I will not willingly let any of you die. There are more ways to protect people than simple murder.

This 'Commander' better not get me killed.


First Post
So I have an infiltrator and a manipulator, that just leaves you mikhail. what do you bring to the team? All I've been told is weapon support and troop transport.

Ghost takes a seat, placing his chin on joined hands.

Voidrunner's Codex

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