• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

Arthur was right; The captain insisted on going first. Nodding to the rest of his squad, he pulled his faintly glowing power fists up into a readied position, before moving forward.

"Come now. We shall see what the darkness conceals. The answers to many questions are within. Stay behind me, squad. I shall do my best to bottleneck whatever foes we encounter."

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J. D. Tsuba

First Post
'Sounds like a plan. On it.'

J.D. walks into the room and gives it a cursory scan for work stations or interface systems, being sure to keep his hands well away from his weapon, and moving slowly, so as not to alarm the distressed creature

OOC: walking to unobtrusive corner and perceiving!
perception: 6 vs 5: 1 DOS (willing to spend some destiny till I find something useful)

Ray Ray

First Post
"You were spouting so much crap over the comms that I assumed it was code, y'know? So I winged it. Right now I'm kind of GLAD you're not my commanding officer, we're outnumbered, what 5 to 1 here maybe more, and you're threatening to shoot em? I have more than some nerve Ghost , I just spent the last few minutes at the end of your gun barrel, and I was the only thing standing in the way of getting even with what seems to be some kind of arch-nemesis that SOMEHOW FOUND YOU IN THE VASTNESS OF :):):):)ING SPACE! But even I know when to lower my gun. Forgive me if I'm not a little rattled here and trying to make sense of things, ey?"

He stopped his half yelled speech to turn back to the little alien.

"I, uh... sorry you had to see that."

He offered him a somewhat forced smile, turning to Ghost also.

"Be nice,ey? We can rip each others throats out over this when we get back to the ship. Which we will cap'n. Rey doesn't leave a man behind and I doubt Cap'n Baudric would either."

Though I'm not so sure on Arthur, ey? Nah he'd probably blow us to bits before he let anyone else do so.


First Post
The glare not subsiding..

You assumed I used a code, which I had not discussed with you beforehand? So tell me, how many times have your commanders used a code when giving you orders that they have not explained to you beforehand?


OOC: Sorry cyclone weather here + bad internet. 2/6 people have placed their markers on the maps, can I ask the other 4 to do so too please?

Aleksandra can see that the pod is empty, it has been smashed open. The creature isn't saying much beyond looking at the pod quite solemnly. Mikhail and J.D then walk into the room inspecting things. As Mikhail approaches the pod the creature spots him and lets out a shriek and it collapses to the ground. From the adjoining rooms some bots hear the noise and start rushing to Sierra's position.

OOC: From now on I will be rolling initiative to speed things up, just add your mod to the dice I roll of you. I'll put the enemy on the board once everyone has positioned themselves, the enemies are coming from the open doors.

J.D: 9, Alek: 7, Mikhail: 9

Claw bots: 9
Blade bots: 17

There is the ever present claw bots that make a reappearance, a bot that the group has never seen before also enters the fray. A bot slightly larger that the claw bots that are bipedal but have very large 'feet' with sprawled out pistons touching the ground. 4 pistons on each 'foot'. The bots are wielding what looks like swords, or maybe some form of club. The are very thin sheet metal with vents every so often along the blade that have electricity pouring out of it. They look ready to start harvesting.

In the Bunker

Arthur sends out another sonic pulse, he gets 8 moving targets near him. 4 on left side, 2 on the right and 2 further down in front of them. The closest object to the right seems to have noticed the pulse and is moving towards the group.

OOC: Initiative for when combat begins, add your mod to what I've rolled:

Arthur: 11, Bauhdric: 4, Rey: 7

???: 15, ???: 8, ???: 12

Boarded up building

The little creature near Raymond shies away when he begins shouting hiding behind one of the others creatures. The group of aliens lower their weapons when Ghost lowers his, though the one that seems to be leading them (the one doing all the talking) says something else to Ghost in their language and points at Ghost's weapon then the floor.

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
Are you fuc.king joking? I should have stayed with the rearguard.

Mikhail got up reading his rifle and turned to the bots.

Что вылупились уроды, подходи все вместе щас буду вам глаза на жопу натягивать!
(What are you looking at bastards, come at me all at once I am about too stretch your faces until your eyes are positioned over your arses!)

And this is how I die

OOC: I presume the square with A is the alien. Initiative 21 if plus 1 to primary stat from JD still applies 19 otherwise.


First Post
He doesn't place the weapon on the floor. Instead he swings it around onto his shoulders, after which he removes his hands from the strap and holds them up flat in front of him. The strap is positioned diagonally across his chest so if anyone tries to disarm him it won't be too easy.

I'm not giving up my weapon that easily, look it's holstered.

Meeting the head alien's stare with one of his own.

OOC: Initiative 13, still got my stealth field up I never dropped it with the ole dominion staff but I don't know if that'll make a difference.

Aleksandra did her best to press herself out of the way of the onslaught to find the best way to enter the fray. As she did she readied Ula for a flash bang pulse.

"Dammit, why are we always the one's getting ambushed?"

She braced her legs, ready to dart after the best target as soon and the disorientating blast went off.
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Arthur Campbell

First Post
Eight targets captain, four on our left, two ahead and two to the right. One on the right appears to have noticed and is advancing in our direction. I can't see any traps, just hostiles. I can set up a precaution at one of the entrances' should they try to encircle us.
Kaboom rolled off to place an explosive as arthur took a quick evaluation of his surroundings
Thinking: It might be worth sealing some of these exits...still... multiple hostiles in a tight space...they don't stand a chance.
Arthur raised his grenade launcher in anticipation of the coming fight

If you look at Arthur's face his eyes seem to be incredibly wide, displaying the feeling of someone experiencing intense joy. Other than that he seems to be fighting to keep control of his facial expressions, showing only a slight twitch. Despite having spoken to him several times you've never seen him like this.

OOC: Initiative: 15
Kaboom will move to the left (is it left side of the picture? or left as our characters are looking?, I'll move it ,or you can, when I know) entrance and place a planted explosive as stealthily as possible.
Stealth: 8-7:1 DOS
Arthur will stay away from the entrances and take aim with his grenade launcher towards the right entrance. He'll also quickly check the feasibility of collapsing parts of this bunker. Engineering:7-7: flat pass.
Also, what is the curve in the room?

Voidrunner's Codex

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