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D&D 5E The Official Poll! What THREE things do you like most about D&D 5th Edition?

What do you like most about D&D 5th Edition? (Choose up to 3!)

  • Advantage/disadvantage

    Votes: 391 45.9%
  • Art direction/production values

    Votes: 68 8.0%
  • Backgrounds

    Votes: 145 17.0%
  • Bounded accuracy

    Votes: 307 36.0%
  • Concentration

    Votes: 58 6.8%
  • Inspiration mechanic

    Votes: 40 4.7%
  • Legendary creature mechanic

    Votes: 62 7.3%
  • Magic items not required/no "Christmas tree"

    Votes: 195 22.9%
  • Magic system

    Votes: 64 7.5%
  • Old-school "feel"

    Votes: 221 25.9%
  • Proficiency bonus

    Votes: 75 8.8%
  • Published adventures

    Votes: 12 1.4%
  • Rate of release/number of books

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Rulings not rules/DM empowerment

    Votes: 223 26.2%
  • Simplicity/light rules

    Votes: 309 36.3%
  • Speed of play

    Votes: 189 22.2%
  • I like nothing about D&D 5th Edition

    Votes: 17 2.0%


All three of my choices tie in together. I went with:
Advantage/Disadvantage - I find it helps players & DM being creative. Rather than the DM trying to figure out how hard or easy something is and come up with a +/- modifier, the DM can just apply advantage or disadvantage. I find it simple and speeds up the game.

Simplicity - The rules as a whole are fairly simple. I was able to get my wife, daughter (12) and son (7) into gaming and they had never played tabletop RPGs before. I hadn't played since they late 80's and found it _very_ easy to get back into

Old School Feel - Again, I hadn't played in a long time, but it hit the nostalgic notes while feeling updated, but still true to the feel of the 'old' game

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Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
;) There was no place to vote for 'Vin Diesel Playing D&D 5e with Celebrity Voice Actors' so I would like to nominate this for a vote


First Post
I like it. Physical quality of the books needs serious improvement, but the system is the best in decades. Every single previous edition would be improved by adopting rules from 5e.


First Post
I like some of the mechanics that are more universal like backgrounds or proficiencies. I also like the focus on speed of play where you do not have to deal with alot of interrupts or exceptions. However that is countered by some of the iconsistencies in the game when having to deal with multiple sub-systems just for the sake of being different where overall they could work better together when comparing saves, skills and attacks. That is where old school habits are brought back into the game for nostalgia versus making the game more streamlined and easier to play. It also makes it a pain to add on complexity. So 5e for me is a love-hate relationship.


I included the art direction as one of my choices because I absolutely love how inclusive it is. Women wear practical armor, and people of color stand alongside traditional (for D&D) Euro/Caucasian-looking characters as brothers and sisters in heroism! (Speaking of inclusivity, I also love the short section on sex and gender, which is still giving some overly uptight gamers the vapors.)

But none of that would mean as much were the system not any good. Thankfully, 5e has a nice, easy-to-learn set of rules that steps back on the crunch a bit and offers some elements of small-book indie story games. I'm not sure where they borrowed the inspiration mechanic from, but I'm surprised it wasn't introduced into the game a long time ago. Yep, this is the right version of D&D for the 2010s!
Last edited:


Difficult to limit to just 3. It was nearly "all of the above" except "I like nothing about D&D 5th edition" and the release schedule. I wish there were more published adventures and a campaign setting.

I know that my position isn't everyone's position, but I'm absolutely fine with their release schedule. As it is, my group is only two sessions into Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and since we can only meet up once a month—sometimes less—I imagine the next storyline after Rage of Demons will have been out for a while by the time we finish Rise of Tiamat.


This was a hard choices. I decide to separate what I liked from what make or break me playing 5e. Rules light, Bounded Accuracy and Concentration are features that correct long standing issues I had with D&D.

I voted for Advantage/disadvantage, Backgrounds, Magic items not required. Design constraints are all well and good, but I like how WotC created interesting features that support those constraints.

Cody C. Lewis

First Post
What is a skill tree?

Sorry, it's been a long day. My mind went "Feat tree" and my fingers went "skill tree".

It's like in PF (which is still a great system btw, not knocking as I play both) I have to think, "Ok so if I want to end up with whatever, Greater TWF, at X level I need to take TWF at level 1 and that would let me take Combat Expertise at 3 and then I can take blah at 5 etc etc etc"

In 5e, I just roll up a character and play. I don't need to plan anything. Hell I don't even NEED feats later on.

It's just great.

Voidrunner's Codex

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