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The Undiscovered Frontier (Finished!)

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Once we are finished wrapping this discussion up, everybody go ahead and level up your characters. This is a chapter end and transition. Your characters will get a chance to rest and fully heal here.

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Queen of Everything
OOC: W00t!!

"Yes, fantastic, and also quite sad. I don't know what to think about it. If we were to go looking for the yuan-ti's ziggurat, where would we find it? I am not certain that will be out path but at this point, it is not as if we have many other paths to take."


OOC: I second that WOOT!

Nerin listens carefully. Another piece of the puzzle was here. But while they accumulated pieces, like their memories, there was not a whole picture yet.

"Thank you for the tale Myconid. I don't know if we know if we are gods reborn, or born in their image, or something else. Part of our quest is to find that out, what we can do, for ourselves, for Myconid, for Gaia and for Warden. I think it may be clear we will try to find Gunter. Aside from directions to the ziggurat, any help Myconid can provide to us will be greatly appreciated. Though we do not know our full purpose here yet, I can assure you we fight to restore the Land."

Deuce Traveler

"We have always been loyal, and though we could not reach you in the last battle of the war, you are here now. You will have our full help, but the form of this help depends upon your choice of action. Will you circumvent the ziggurat's perimeter and climb the Life Tree to Gaia? This choice could leave you exposed to observant yuan-ti patrols below and gliders from above.

Or will you sneak into the ziggurat in order to free Gunter von Fuhrmann? If you do so, we may be able to provide a distraction, but if you are caught you will have to deal with the brunt of the yuan-ti reaction. Be warned that the Enemy corrupts all men and even golems. Gunter von Fuhrmann may not fully be in control of his own actions. Finally, we can march to war one last time. If we do so, you and Myconid will not be enough to fight the yuan-ti soldiers, remaining gnolls, the Betrayer, the Enemy, and wolfmen. We will need help. In a nearby building, a relic of a structure, is stored a number of golems that the Enemy was unable to fully convert, and that the gods were unable to fully trust due to their corruption. If you can find a way to cleanse these golems, we could use them to march against the ziggurat. It was believed that they could be cleansed, but the god of golems, Trevor Sander, had died in battle before he could do so. He was the consort of Melissa Athens, fey goddess of music, whom one of your number bears a striking resemblance."
He gives a nod to Mellisande.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sarpot was silent, nodding to himself at parts of the tale. As the situation was lied down for them by the giantic Myconid, he states. "We need the number's advantage, the golems are our main objective now. Finding a way to cleanse them and activating them. If Mellisande had a link with the master of golems, perhaps she can find a way to cleanse them once we find them. Perhaps another flashback of memories will unlock once you see the creations of your past lover." The hobgoblin speaks calculatingly, with measured words. Perhaps he understands this is not a game anymore.


Queen of Everything
Lealani nods. "You seem to know a lot of us, or at least what you think is us. Can you tell us more of our history? That might help us remember something that is important."

Deuce Traveler

IC: "There were dozens of gods. I remember the first to visit the Land and its people, as he was known as the Lord of Light. His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god, but then he never claimed not to be a god...." Myconid begins to ramble off names, one of which you remember as the golden man, Andvari the Betrayer. Other names are also bandied about.

Mellisande takes particular interest in Melissa Athens, known as Athena, Goddess of Music. Her consort was Trevor Sander, who went by Svarog, God of Fire, Metal and Golems.

Sarpot recognizes the name Marshall Potter, who went by Mars, God of Battle. His consort was Sarah Granmerest, who was known as Gramet, Goddess of Dreams and Voodoo.

Jacques d'Arc was a name familar to Arkos Stoneborn. Jacques d'Arc was also known as Jack of the Ark, God of Life. His consort was Yuki Shotenbo, who went by Shoteni, Goddess of Plants.

Lealani hears the name of Anya Loki for the first time, but the name resonates. She was known as Loka, Goddess of Magic, and her consort was Marcus Leazan, who was known as Leza, God of Storms and Planar Travel.

Nerin perks at the mention of Kodar Kisharm, known as Kishar, God of the Horizon and Navigation. His consort was Nara Singhe, who was known as Narasingh, winged Goddess of Protection.

OOC: I'm going to do the next update on Tuesday since I'll be on the road again. This should give everyone plenty of time to update their characters. If you do not update your character in the rogue's gallery to show the level up, then we will push anyway and you'll just be underpowered.
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First Post
Mellisande seems okay with her description as a 'goddess of music.' She preens a bit, but that evaporates as she reacts to the news of a husband. "I was married? To...fire, metal and golems? Married? You're sure about that. Not just really good friends, or...or maybe golems were just a hobby..."

Finally she lets that go and asks the really important questions.

"Was I always so short? Oh! And did we leave any of our things around anywhere?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Vodoo.... hmm" Sarpot suffers a short flashback, he sees a air of humanoid figures surrounded by a ritual circle. What coould have been a pile of bones rises as the ritual proceeded, negative red energy fuelling the creature. Then its over, and Sarpot is looking at the gnome dumbfolded. "I think - I think I can do it... "

OOC: Sarpot updated. Learnt Animate dead. I'm interested in going back for those wolfmen corpses.... *Evil grin.*

Deuce Traveler

"All the gods were human in appearance and stature. You have their faces and powers, it seems, though there are definite physical changes that make you more than human. I don't understand all of what is happening, but to me it is wondrous. They left behind materials and caches for human use. Some Myconid has had raided to bring you food, though there was little else of value in that small cache. Another giant cache, The Gallery of Sleeping Golems, you will see tomorrow."

The Old Obstinate One gestures as other mushroom people come and drop a series of rusting cylindrical cans, each little larger than a hand. Breaking one open, you find vegetables inside preserved in fluids. Although not the tastiest of meals, the vegetables fill you up. You rest guarded by your new allies. After some prior spellcasting and sleep, you find yourselves fully healed and ready. Something about the previous discussion combined with visions and flickers of memory during your dreams activates dormant knowledge. When you wake up you feel more capable.

OOC: Everyone should now be level 6, those that haven't updated your characters, please do so over the weekend.

Upon waking, the party and two Myconids walk back to the site of their last battle. The wolfmen and women were carried off, it seems, although in the cave the heroes do find the fallen corpse of the gnoll the wolfmen had killed. With a smile from Sarpot and gasp from the mushroom men, the gnoll rises at the end of his invocation. It would seem that Sarpot is now able to make even the dead rise once again.

Where can I find the animate dead invocation? Are you using the Dead Walk invocation from Complete Arcane?

Voidrunner's Codex

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