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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 41: Sensing Danger

Sannit and Saemund wait an appropriate time for Sheldon, Indigo, Bolo, and Turtle to get into position before moving forward. Tor and Merin hold back to keep a watchful eye on those advancing.
[sblock=Stealth]Bolo = 75 + 71 = 146
Turtle = 45 + 20(4 legged) + 95 = 160[/sblock]
The area in which Sannit and Saemund have entered seem more veiled in shadow than the surrounding. The foliage of the pines seems thicker. The calling birds can be seen overhead flitting back and forth, highly agitated.
[sblock=Perception, NPC]58 + 99 + 23(luck) = 180[/sblock]
GM: The cause of the hidden danger notices all of those sneaking forward, mostly due to luck.

[sblock=Stealth, NPC]63 + 21 = 84[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception]Sheldon = 64 + 87 = 151
Tor = 56 + 32 = 88
Merin = 63 + 51 = 114
Indigo = 58 + 60 = 118
Sannit = 50 + 82 = 132
Bolo = 61 + 20 = 81
Turtle = 35 + 20(smell) + 20(hearing) + 81 = 156
Saemund = 55 + 85 = 140[/sblock]
GM: Sannit and Saemund notice that one of the calling birds as it is flitting between the trees is suddenly hit by a flash of green and calls no more.
Turtle nudges Bolo and noses in the fallen straw uncovering the bones of some small animal.
Tor and Merin from a slightly better visual angle also see the bird taken from the air. Tor looks at Merin for a second and says, "Was that a... nah they don't get that big."

As everyone is either aware or been made aware, silently easing down from the canopy on fine silken cords in hopes of larger prey are...

The pine green spiders have a body about the size of a man's head with the radius of their legs making them about a stride across.
[sblock=Combat Sequencing]Spiders = 57 - 44 = 13
Sheldon = 25 + 47 - 50 = 22
Tor = 89 + 68 - 39 = 118
Merin = 19 + 51 - 51 = 19
Indigo = 06 + 48 - 47 = 07
Sannit = 18 + 56 - 38 = 36
Bolo = 35 + 41 - 44 = 32
Saemund = 29 + 32 - 37 = 24[/sblock]
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 41: Combat, Verdant Spiders

The spiders cut their own cords hoping to drop upon their victims. Indigo, with both swords at ready, proves faster. She steps to her left swinging her right sword at the falling spider.
[sblock=Attack]87 + 83 - 66 = 104
Damage = 104% * 20 = 21
Soak = 21 - 8 = 13
Body = 6 - 13 = -7: incapacitated
Mind = 2 - 7 = -5: unconscious
Essence = 10 - 5 = 5: not dead[/sblock]
GM: Indigo's sword connects with the main body breaking through its chitinous covering to spill its vital fluids while knocking it far to the side.

The others are unable to react as quickly as the spiders drop from the sky.
[sblock=Attack]on Sheldon = 66 + 84 - 89 = 59
Damage = 59% * 5 = 3
Cover = 100: 42: Tunic
Soak = 3 - 12 = -9: ineffective
on Tor = 66 + 88 - 86 = 68
Damage = 68% * 5 = 3
Cover = 80: 87: bare flesh
Body = 10 - 3 = 7: hurt
on Merin = 66 + 30 - 88 = 8
Damage = 8% * 5 = 1
Cover = 100: 64: Tunic
Soak = 1 - 4 = -3: ineffective
on Sannit = 66 + 76 - 89 = 53
Damage = 53% * 5 = 3
Cover = 80: 82: bare flesh
Body = 10 - 3 = 7: hurt
on Bolo = 66 + 31 - 79 = 18
Damage = 18% * 5 = 1
Cover = 90: 16: Tunic
Soak = 1 - 12 = -11: ineffective
on Turtle = 66 + 60 - 53 = 73
Damage = 73% * 5 = 4
Soak = 4 - 14 = -10: ineffective
on Saemund = 66 + 97 - 81 = 82
Damage = 82% * 5 = 4
Cover = 90: 93: bare flesh
Body = 10 - 4 = 6: hurt[/sblock]
GM: The spiders landing on Sheldon, Merin, Bolo, and Turtle are unable to make effective attacks. The spiders attacking Tor, Sannit, and Saemund, however, manage to find exposed bare flesh into which to sink their fangs. While the bite hurts, it is the toxin that is the danger.

[sblock=Lethargy]on Tor = 39 + 98 = 137
on Sannit = 39 + 84 = 123
on Saemund = 39 + 54 = 93[/sblock]
[sblock=Resist]Tor = 31 + 96 = 127
Damage = 137 - 127 = 10% * 11 = 1
Motility = 4 - 1 = 3: slowed
Sannit = 32 + 42 = 74
Damage = 123 - 74 = 49% * 11 = 5
Motility = 8 - 5 = 3: slowed
Saemund = 36 + 80 = 116
Damage = 93 - 116 = -23: resisted[/sblock]
It is Merin's action.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin will attempt to use Way to paralyze the spider on him, and if successful, he will then paralyze the one on Tor; if paralyze fails, Merin will use fire on his next turn, augmented by lighter pine.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin Attacks

Merin will attempt to use Way to paralyze the spider on him.
[sblock=Paralyze]Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Persona + Collegiate + Aberrative
Merin = 53 + 99 + 20(luck) = 172
Spider = 46 + 97 = 143
Effect = 172 - 143 = 29% * 10 = 3
Mind = 2 - 3 = -1: paralyzed
Time = 2/(16 + 5 + 7) = 2 seconds[/sblock]
GM: The spider falls from Merin's body, limply, to the ground.

Sheldon grabs the spider on him and attempts to throw it to the ground while electrocuting it.
[sblock=Grab]Sheldon = 89 + 100(touching) + 83 = 272
Spider = 66 + 33 = 99[/sblock]
[sblock=Throw]Body + Strength + Motility
Sheldon = 22 + 20 = 42
Spider = 34 + 52 = 86[/sblock]
[sblock=Shock]Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic
Sheldon = 58 + 61 = 119
Spider = 45 + 20 = 65
Damage = 119 - 65 = 54% * 13 = 7
Body = 6 - 7 = -1: incapacitated
Mind = 2 - 1 = 1: still conscious[/sblock]
GM: Sheldon easily grabs the spider since it is still on his body, but is unable to dislodge it until he shocks the goo out of it, incapacitating it.

Saemund, Bolo, Turtle, and Sannit can all act, in that order. State your intentions.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund uses his throwing axes as hatchets and attempts to hack up as many spiders as possible by separating the cephalothorax from their abdomen. Not fully understanding how to use way he tries to "feel" his arms and will them into more speed without sacrificing accuracy.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will attempt to use way to boil the spiders insides.

Turtle will pounce on the spider, taking a subconscious cue from Bolo not to bite the spiders, but to claw them.

Sannit will drop his spear and pull his axes to knock the spider off him.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Saemund Attacks

Saemund uses his throwing axes as hatchets and attempts to hack up as many spiders as possible... Not fully understanding how to use way he tries to "feel" his arms and will them into more speed without sacrificing accuracy.
GM: Maybe it is Saemunds own subconsciousness. Maybe it is something else, but he feels the words rather than hears them:
The ability to manipulate way is ingrained into the very fiber of your being. You sense it in all things and all action, though this sensitivity is still very limited in its range. It is as natural as controlling one's breathing and feels like the invigoration of a surge of adrenaline. Leaving the life of a caravaner and joining the Southroad Seekers has simply provided you with a term to call this sensation, and with that name, varied means of better using the skill.

[sblock=Attack]Core + Motility + Strength + Confluence + Knowledge + Base...
Saemund = 81 + 100(touching) + 75 = 256
Spider = 66 + 84 = 150
Damage = 256 - 150 = 106% * 15 = 15 - 8(Soak) = 7
Body = 6 - 7 = -1: incapacitated
Mind = 2 - 1 = 1: still conscious[/sblock]
GM: Using the throwable carving axe in his left hand, Saemund smashes it into the spider holding onto his left shoulder, splitting open the body and knocking it from its grasp.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Bolo, Turtle, and Sannit Attack

Bolo will attempt to use way to boil the spiders insides.
[sblock=Generate Heat]Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Academic...
Bolo = 54 + 94 + 54(luck) = 202
Spider = 50 + 62 = 112
Damage = 202 - 112 = 90% * 12 = 11
Body = 6 - 11 = -5: incapacitated
Mind = 2 - 5 = -3: unconscious
Essence = 10 - 3: still alive[/sblock]
GM: Bolo severely cooks the spider's insides. It falls to the ground. If there is any life left in it, it cannot be seen.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle will pounce on the spider, taking a subconscious cue from Bolo not to bite the spiders, but to claw them.
[sblock=Attack]Turtle = 53 + 43 = 96
Spider = 66 + 76 = 142: miss[/sblock]
GM: Turtle rolls to dislodge the spider from him, swatting at it as he regains to footing but is unable to make contact as the agile spider hops away.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit will drop his spear and pull his axes to knock the spider off him.
GM: As Sannit drops his spear and retrieves his axes, the spider bobs for a second bite.

[sblock=attack]Spider = 66 + 86 = 152
Sannot = 89 + 51 = 140
Damage = 152 - 140 = 12% * 5 = 1
Armor = 40: Hauberk
Soak = 12[/sblock]
GM: The spider tries to replant its fangs but contact the impenetrable Pigskin Hauberk.

[sblock=Attack]Sannit = 89 + 96 = 185
Spider = 66 + 81 = 147
Damage =185 - 146 = 39% * 20 = 8 - Soak(8) = 0[/sblock]
GM: During the fraction of a second necessary to switch weapons, defend, and attack, Sannit is unable to make an effective strike, though hitting the spider squarely with his axe.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
One Second of Time Has Passed

GM: Tor has been unable to yet react. The remaining spiders launch their second offensive. There are spiders remaining on Tor, Sannit, and Turtle. All other have been incapacitated.

[sblock=Attack]on Tor = 66 + 80 - 86 = 60
Armor = 47: Tunic
Damage = 60% * 5 = 3 - 8(soak) = -5: ineffective
on Sannit = 66 + 72 = 138 - 65 - 89 = -16: blocked
on Turtle = 66 + 97 + 78(luck) - 53 - 94 - 82 = 12
Damage = 12% * 5 = 1 - 14(soak) = -13: ineffective[/sblock]
GM: The spider on Tor bobs up and down for a second bite, but is unable to penetrate his Ansylin Silk Hauberk.
Sannit, who has already reacted, manages to successfully use his wielded axe to prevent the spider from effectively attacking.
Turtle almost dodges the launch of his spider, but as it is, the spider bite cannot penetrate the bear's fur.

It is Tor's action.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor's intent is simple; he is going to use his shield to brush the spider off him (if there is one on him); if there isn't, he will attack the nearest spider with a shield bash, and if he can knock it to the ground, he'll follow up with a stab to its vulnerable underbelly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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