Things from my setting


Celestial Tribulation (Mortal)

Beyond Alignment Macro-Medium outsider (air, elemental, extradimensional)

Init +32 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (plane/planet); Perception +63

Aura frightful presence (10.000 ft., DC 43), thunderstorm (10.000 ft., DC 43)

AC 34, touch 24, flat-footed 10 (+12 deflection, +18 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 natural, -28 size)

hp 2.960 hp (40d20+680) x2 regeneration 30 (epic)

Fort +47, Ref +46, Will +40;

Defensive Abilities cosmic string, evasion, freedom of movement, stormcloak; DR 30/epic; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, electricity, enchantment effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, elemental traits, and death from massive damage; Resistance all elements 30; SR 56

Speed fly 1.000 ft. (perfect)

Melees 2 slam touch +37 (8d10 electricity)

Space 5.335 ft.; Reach 8.000 ft.

Special Attacks mythic surge 10/day (+1d12), lesser alter reality, tribulation

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 46th, concentration +59)

Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing

Str –, Dex 46, Con 44, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 24

Base Atk +40; CMB +92; CMD 120

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack, Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All ability 49 + ability modifier

Languages all possible languages (cannot speak)

SQ consult the archive, gaseous, instrument of akasha, maven, might, omnicompetent, perfect divine electricity

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent.

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): You always go first.

• Saviour (Su): Suffer damage instead of your allies.

• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.

• Seventh Sense (Ex): Reply a round.

Uncanny Electricity Mastery

Beam (Ray) 40d6; 10.000 ft.

Blast 20d6; 10.000 ft./125 ft. Standard action Ref 33/half

Blood 10d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 43/negate

Breath* 40d6; 10.000 ft. (cone) 10.000 ft. (line) Standard Ref 43/half

Hand 60d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 60d6; 10.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 43/half

Storm 10d6; 10.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 33/half

Strike 10d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 20d6; all creature within 10.000 ft. – Will 33/negate

Consult the Archive (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation can consult the archive of Akasha. It always know if an external person intervening in a test is going to really help the one who is trying to ascend or is pretending to help to make the test fail.

Gaseous (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has a body composed of storm clouds. It can pass through sand, water, small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks. It has no Strength score and cannot manipulate objects as a result.

Instrument of Akasha (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation ignore immunity or resistance of the target of the tribulation.

Lesser Alter Reality (Su)
Once per minute, as a full-round action, a Celestial Tribulation can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less.

Might (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Tribulation HD.

Mythic (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A Tribulation can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. A Celestial Tribulation can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Perfect Divine Electricity (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation electricity damage is treated as 100% divine damage.

Stormcloak (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation is constantly shrouded in a cloak of winds. Its stormcloak allows it to ignore the effects of wind on movement, and gives it immunity to winds caused by spells or supernatural effects unless it chooses to be affected by them.

Stormsight (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation can see through fog, mist, snowfall, and obscuring storm effects as if they were perfectly clear, ignoring the miss chance for these obstructions, up to its normal range of vision.

Thunder Storm (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation generates a lightning storm in a radius of 10.000 ft. centered on itself. Itself and the object of the tribulation are immune to this lightning storm. This also extend the range of its Effects to 10.000 ft.

Tribulation (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation test the strength of the mortal who want to ascend to immortal. The Tribulation lasts 10 minutes. During this 10 minutes the mortal suffer the Storm and Wrath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery every round but can make the save for negate the Wrath version as normal.

After 1 minute from the start the mortal must make an ability check with DC 25 using his higher ability score and survive the Breath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery. After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (even the Storm and Wrath stopped).

At 5 minutes from the start the mortal must make a saving throw with DC 40 using his higher saving throw and survive the Beam version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit). After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (in which however each round suffers Storm and Wrath).

At 10 minutes from the start the mortal must make a skill check with DC 50 using his higher skill and survive the Hand version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit).

If the mortal is still alive and has passed all tests without failing any, he ascends to Hero-Deity successfully.

If the mortal fail any of the test, the test fail, the mortal take 4d6 negative levels and his quintessence is reseted to the minimum of the rank.

If an external person intervenes in the test the Celestial Tribulation always knows if he is an ally or an enemy of the ascendant (see consult the archive).

If he is indeed an ally then the test fails and the Celestial Tribulation will attempt to kill the offender and the one who attempted the ascension. The Celestial Tribulation will automatically retreat after one minute, regardless of whether they are still alive. If they manage to defeat him before it retires the Tribulation counts as overcome and the mortal still ascends to Hero-Deity. If, on the other hand, it was an enemy who pretended (or didn’t even tried to pretend and tried directly to eliminate his enemy by exploiting his moment of vulnerability), Akasha's anger is terrifying for having dared to interfere in the sacred test. The tribulation does not automatically fail and the Celestial Tribulation will try to eliminate the offense by taking power directly from Akasha. Its Uncanny Electricity Mastery increase the damage from d6 to d100, its HD for the Effect count as they are 1.000 instead of 40, gains Abrogate and Evil Eye (not removable or counterable with Abrogate and Evil Eye unless the enemy is a Supernal) and Quantum Effect. All this it’s hurled against the offender and not against the one who seeks to ascend. The attacks will not stop until the offender is dead. After eliminating the offender the tribulation will use its Alter Reality to try to undo any damage done to the ascendant and then resume the test. This abilities boost does not happen in the case of failure because a person tries to help the ascendant and the tribulation fights them with its basic sheet.


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Celestial Tribulation (Mortal)

Beyond Alignment Macro-Medium outsider (air, elemental, extradimensional)

Init +32 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (plane/planet); Perception +63

Aura frightful presence (10.000 ft., DC 43), thunderstorm (10.000 ft., DC 43)

AC 34, touch 24, flat-footed 10 (+12 deflection, +18 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 natural, -28 size)

hp 2.960 hp (40d20+680) x2 regeneration 30 (epic)

Fort +47, Ref +46, Will +40;

Defensive Abilities cosmic string, evasion, freedom of movement, stormcloak; DR 30/epic; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, electricity, enchantment effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, elemental traits, and death from massive damage; Resistance all elements 30; SR 56

Speed fly 1.000 ft. (perfect)

Melees 2 slam touch +37 (8d10 electricity)

Space 5.335 ft.; Reach 8.000 ft.

Special Attacks mythic surge 10/day (+1d12), lesser alter reality, tribulation

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 46th, concentration +59)

Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing

Str –, Dex 46, Con 44, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 24

Base Atk +40; CMB +92; CMD 120

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack, Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All ability 49 + ability modifier

Languages all possible languages (cannot speak)

SQ consult the archive, gaseous, instrument of akasha, maven, might, omnicompetent, perfect divine electricity

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent.

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): You always go first.

• Saviour (Su): Suffer damage instead of your allies.

• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.

• Seventh Sense (Ex): Reply a round.

Uncanny Electricity Mastery

Beam (Ray) 40d6; 10.000 ft.

Blast 20d6; 10.000 ft./125 ft. Standard action Ref 33/half

Blood 10d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 43/negate

Breath* 40d6; 10.000 ft. (cone) 10.000 ft. (line) Standard Ref 43/half

Hand 60d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 60d6; 10.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 43/half

Storm 10d6; 10.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 33/half

Strike 10d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 20d6; all creature within 10.000 ft. – Will 33/negate

Consult the Archive (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation can consult the archive of Akasha. It always know if an external person intervening in a test is going to really help the one who is trying to ascend or is pretending to help to make the test fail.

Gaseous (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has a body composed of storm clouds. It can pass through sand, water, small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks. It has no Strength score and cannot manipulate objects as a result.

Instrument of Akasha (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation ignore immunity or resistance of the target of the tribulation.

Lesser Alter Reality (Su)
Once per minute, as a full-round action, a Celestial Tribulation can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less.

Might (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Tribulation HD.

Mythic (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A Tribulation can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. A Celestial Tribulation can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Perfect Divine Electricity (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation electricity damage is treated as 100% divine damage.

Stormcloak (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation is constantly shrouded in a cloak of winds. Its stormcloak allows it to ignore the effects of wind on movement, and gives it immunity to winds caused by spells or supernatural effects unless it chooses to be affected by them.

Stormsight (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation can see through fog, mist, snowfall, and obscuring storm effects as if they were perfectly clear, ignoring the miss chance for these obstructions, up to its normal range of vision.

Thunder Storm (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation generates a lightning storm in a radius of 10.000 ft. centered on itself. Itself and the object of the tribulation are immune to this lightning storm. This also extend the range of its Effects to 10.000 ft.

Tribulation (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation test the strength of the mortal who want to ascend to immortal. The Tribulation lasts 10 minutes. During this 10 minutes the mortal suffer the Storm and Wrath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery every round but can make the save for negate the Wrath version as normal.

After 1 minute from the start the mortal must make an ability check with DC 25 using his higher ability score and survive the Breath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery. After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (even the Storm and Wrath stopped).

At 5 minutes from the start the mortal must make a saving throw with DC 40 using his higher saving throw and survive the Beam version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit). After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (in which however each round suffers Storm and Wrath).

At 10 minutes from the start the mortal must make a skill check with DC 50 using his higher skill and survive the Hand version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit).

If the mortal is still alive and has passed all tests without failing any, he ascends to Hero-Deity successfully.

If the mortal fail any of the test, the test fail, the mortal take 4d6 negative levels and his quintessence is reseted to the minimum of the rank.

If an external person intervenes in the test the Celestial Tribulation always knows if he is an ally or an enemy of the ascendant (see consult the archive).

If he is indeed an ally then the test fails and the Celestial Tribulation will attempt to kill the offender and the one who attempted the ascension. The Celestial Tribulation will automatically retreat after one minute, regardless of whether they are still alive. If they manage to defeat him before it retires the Tribulation counts as overcome and the mortal still ascends to Hero-Deity. If, on the other hand, it was an enemy who pretended (or didn’t even tried to pretend and tried directly to eliminate his enemy by exploiting his moment of vulnerability), Akasha's anger is terrifying for having dared to interfere in the sacred test. The tribulation does not automatically fail and the Celestial Tribulation will try to eliminate the offense by taking power directly from Akasha. Its Uncanny Electricity Mastery increase the damage from d6 to d100, its HD for the Effect count as they are 1.000 instead of 40, gains Abrogate and Evil Eye (not removable or counterable with Abrogate and Evil Eye unless the enemy is a Supernal) and Quantum Effect. All this it’s hurled against the offender and not against the one who seeks to ascend. The attacks will not stop until the offender is dead. After eliminating the offender the tribulation will use its Alter Reality to try to undo any damage done to the ascendant and then resume the test. This abilities boost does not happen in the case of failure because a person tries to help the ascendant and the tribulation fights them with its basic sheet.
@Obly99 I really like the idea behind this creature. Did you have in mind similar tribulations for higher status beings. Like a tribulation for demi deities or quasi-deities or perhaps even just a mortal seeking demi status?


@Obly99 I really like the idea behind this creature. Did you have in mind similar tribulations for higher status beings. Like a tribulation for demi deities or quasi-deities or perhaps even just a mortal seeking demi status?
Yes. Things from my setting
From mortal to immortal (Hero Deity)
From immortal to Deity (Lesser Deity)
From Deity to Sidereal (Elder One)
From Sidereal to Eternal (Demiurge Stage I)
From Eternal to True Eternal (Time Lord)

Celestial Tribulation (Mortal)

Beyond Alignment Macro-Medium outsider (air, elemental, extradimensional)

Init +32 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (plane/planet); Perception +63

Aura frightful presence (10.000 ft., DC 43), thunderstorm (10.000 ft., DC 43)

AC 34, touch 24, flat-footed 10 (+12 deflection, +18 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 natural, -28 size)

hp 2.960 hp (40d20+680) x2 regeneration 30 (epic)

Fort +47, Ref +46, Will +40;

Defensive Abilities cosmic string, evasion, freedom of movement, stormcloak; DR 30/epic; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, electricity, enchantment effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, elemental traits, and death from massive damage; Resistance all elements 30; SR 56

Speed fly 1.000 ft. (perfect)

Melees 2 slam touch +37 (8d10 electricity)

Space 5.335 ft.; Reach 8.000 ft.

Special Attacks mythic surge 10/day (+1d12), lesser alter reality, tribulation

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 46th, concentration +59)

Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing

Str –, Dex 46, Con 44, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 24

Base Atk +40; CMB +92; CMD 120

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack, Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All ability 49 + ability modifier

Languages all possible languages (cannot speak)

SQ consult the archive, gaseous, instrument of akasha, maven, might, omnicompetent, perfect divine electricity

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent.

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): You always go first.

• Saviour (Su): Suffer damage instead of your allies.

• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.

• Seventh Sense (Ex): Reply a round.

Uncanny Electricity Mastery

Beam (Ray) 40d6; 10.000 ft.

Blast 20d6; 10.000 ft./125 ft. Standard action Ref 33/half

Blood 10d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 43/negate

Breath* 40d6; 10.000 ft. (cone) 10.000 ft. (line) Standard Ref 43/half

Hand 60d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 60d6; 10.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 43/half

Storm 10d6; 10.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 33/half

Strike 10d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 20d6; all creature within 10.000 ft. – Will 33/negate

Consult the Archive (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation can consult the archive of Akasha. It always know if an external person intervening in a test is going to really help the one who is trying to ascend or is pretending to help to make the test fail.

Gaseous (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has a body composed of storm clouds. It can pass through sand, water, small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks. It has no Strength score and cannot manipulate objects as a result.

Instrument of Akasha (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation ignore immunity or resistance of the target of the tribulation.

Lesser Alter Reality (Su)
Once per minute, as a full-round action, a Celestial Tribulation can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less.

Might (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Tribulation HD.

Mythic (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A Tribulation can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. A Celestial Tribulation can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Perfect Divine Electricity (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation electricity damage is treated as 100% divine damage.

Stormcloak (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation is constantly shrouded in a cloak of winds. Its stormcloak allows it to ignore the effects of wind on movement, and gives it immunity to winds caused by spells or supernatural effects unless it chooses to be affected by them.

Stormsight (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation can see through fog, mist, snowfall, and obscuring storm effects as if they were perfectly clear, ignoring the miss chance for these obstructions, up to its normal range of vision.

Thunder Storm (Su)
A Celestial Tribulation generates a lightning storm in a radius of 10.000 ft. centered on itself. Itself and the object of the tribulation are immune to this lightning storm. This also extend the range of its Effects to 10.000 ft.

Tribulation (Ex)
A Celestial Tribulation test the strength of the mortal who want to ascend to immortal. The Tribulation lasts 10 minutes. During this 10 minutes the mortal suffer the Storm and Wrath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery every round but can make the save for negate the Wrath version as normal.

After 1 minute from the start the mortal must make an ability check with DC 25 using his higher ability score and survive the Breath version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery. After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (even the Storm and Wrath stopped).

At 5 minutes from the start the mortal must make a saving throw with DC 40 using his higher saving throw and survive the Beam version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit). After that there is a pause in which the Celestial Tribulation does nothing to allow the ascendant to recover and prepare (in which however each round suffers Storm and Wrath).

At 10 minutes from the start the mortal must make a skill check with DC 50 using his higher skill and survive the Hand version of the Uncanny Electricity Mastery (this attack automatically hit, ignore any miss chance, etc.; the Celestial Tribulation only roll for see if its a critical hit).

If the mortal is still alive and has passed all tests without failing any, he ascends to Hero-Deity successfully.

If the mortal fail any of the test, the test fail, the mortal take 4d6 negative levels and his quintessence is reseted to the minimum of the rank.

If an external person intervenes in the test the Celestial Tribulation always knows if he is an ally or an enemy of the ascendant (see consult the archive).

If he is indeed an ally then the test fails and the Celestial Tribulation will attempt to kill the offender and the one who attempted the ascension. The Celestial Tribulation will automatically retreat after one minute, regardless of whether they are still alive. If they manage to defeat him before it retires the Tribulation counts as overcome and the mortal still ascends to Hero-Deity. If, on the other hand, it was an enemy who pretended (or didn’t even tried to pretend and tried directly to eliminate his enemy by exploiting his moment of vulnerability), Akasha's anger is terrifying for having dared to interfere in the sacred test. The tribulation does not automatically fail and the Celestial Tribulation will try to eliminate the offense by taking power directly from Akasha. Its Uncanny Electricity Mastery increase the damage from d6 to d100, its HD for the Effect count as they are 1.000 instead of 40, gains Abrogate and Evil Eye (not removable or counterable with Abrogate and Evil Eye unless the enemy is a Supernal) and Quantum Effect. All this it’s hurled against the offender and not against the one who seeks to ascend. The attacks will not stop until the offender is dead. After eliminating the offender the tribulation will use its Alter Reality to try to undo any damage done to the ascendant and then resume the test. This abilities boost does not happen in the case of failure because a person tries to help the ascendant and the tribulation fights them with its basic sheet.
This is a cool idea and great plot mechanism. I really like it.


The Morrigan (CR +6)

The Morrigan are the Celtic Choosers of the Slain known for their black hair and red eyes. They are darker demi-goddesses who always know where battle is taking place. They can tweak the fates of those on the battle field, and when all is done the Morrigan eat the bodies of the fallen, usually in the form of a deep black crow.

They take the dead to Celtic realms of the dead, such as Tir na nOg or Mag Mell.

Creating a Morrigan:

Morrigan is an acquired template that can be fulfilled by any female living creature that meets requirements the DM sets, usually some quest that results in the character gaining great favor with existing Morrigan to gain a seat among them.

Alternatively, you may be allowed to be one from the start of play.

CR: Same as the base creature +6.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Type: Same as the base creature.

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus Battlesense, darkvision 60 feet, Deathsense, and Spiritsense.

Battlesense (Su): Morrigan always know where a battle involving 100 or more people is occurring anywhere within 100 miles per HD. She always know when someone falls in these battles, and the estimate skill of all participants.

Deathsense (Su): Morrigan always knows if the potential death of a creature, that she can see and is within 30 ft. of her, is close at hand (within 1 day per HD of the Morrigan) and an estimate at how long until it occurs. If she wish, she can choose to warn them that the danger is on the horizon.

Spiritsense (Su): A Morrigan notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if she had the blindsight ability.

AC: Morrigan have a deflection bonus to AC equal to her charisma modifier (see battle dance), and can selectively gain a +10 insight bonus to AC against one attack per round that stacks with other insight bonuses.

Speed: Morrigan increase all possessed speeds by 50 ft., and they can sprout black ravenlike wings and fly at a speed of 100 ft. unless they'd have more already. If they already have a fly speed, it is replaced by this one and its fly speed is halved then added to this one. This fly speed is always perfect.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Morrigan hit point are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: A Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Battle Dance (Su): A Morrigan adds her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and as a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist. A Morrigan can, as an immediate action, gain a +10 insight bonus to AC against one attack that stacks with other insight bonus.

Damage Reduction (Su): A Morrigan gains damage reduction /— equal to her HD (minimum 1). This damage reduction is due to a Morrigan's control over battle, lessening the damage intake.

Enduring Stamina (Ex): A Morrigan take four times as long to suffer from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and can run indefinitely with no ill effects.

Fast Healing (Ex): A Morrigan is a semi immortal beings. Her flesh knits and muscles mend rapidly. She has fast healing equal to her HD + Con mod (minimum 1). She can regenerate severed limbs and mutilated organs like nothing and can survive without a head. Severed limbs or similar damage regenerates normally- when the damage from the attack that caused the mutilation is healed, the limb is also restored.

Immunities: A Morrigan is immune to effects requiring a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless), ability damage and drain, critical hits, death effects, energy drain, massive damage, and precision damage. A Morrigan is also immune to mind-affecting, fear, compulsion, and any effect that would make them serve another being.

Resistance: A Morrigan has resistance 5 to all elements.

Scorn Death (Ex): Morrigan are immune to any effect that would kill them instantly from full HP to 0 in one blow, or that outright kills them such as Vorpal does. Morrigan do not age any further and age backwards until they look to be 20 years of age by human terms. A Morrigan is never considered dying and remains conscious and unhindered until they are slain at -Constitution modifier.

Special Attacks: The Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. She also gains the following additional special attacks.

Marked for Death (Ex/Su): Using this ability is a supernatural action while its effect is considered Extraordinary. Thus it effects someone or something who is immune to magic, but at the same time a Morrigan cannot use it within an Antimagic field. The Morrigan can mark a target for death a creature within 100 ft. as a swift action. He take a -10 luck penalty to saves and AC. He take a bleeding effect (1d6 damage, does not stack with itself or other bleed, any heal) whenever they take damage and are considered vulnerable (x1.5) to all forms of weapon damage. Marked for death last for a number of rounds equal to the Morrigan Charisma modifier. A Will save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier negate the effect. Once a creature fail its save, he cannot be targeted with Marked for death by the same Morrigan for 1 year. This is a curse effect.

Marked for Vengeance (Ex/Su): Using this ability is a supernatural action while its effect is considered Extraordinary. Thus it effects someone or something who is immune to magic, but at the same time a Morrigan cannot use it within an Antimagic field. The Morrigan can mark a creature within 100 ft. as a move action for having having earned her vengeance. The Morrigan deal 150% damage with her weapon against the target (if an attack with a longsword deal 16 damage, instead it deal 24). If the target of Marked for Vengeance is also Marked for Death, the effect stack (multiply the damage roll x2.25 for the damage total). Marked for vengeance last for a number of rounds equal to the Morrigan Charisma modifier. The Morrigan always knows where the marked target is, and can teleport to it as a free action.

Slay (Su): Once per day, the Morrigan can mark a living creature within 30 ft. to die as a standard action. If the creature fail a Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier, it take 10 damage per HD of the Morrigan. If the creature succeed its save, it take instead 3d6 + Morrigan HD as damage. If the damage (even if the creature succeed the save) slay the creature, it suffer the effect of Afterlife Passage even if it is unwilling. This is a death effect.

Vengeful Strike (Su): When the Morrigan attack a target that damage her within this or the last round, her attack gains a bonus to hit and damage equal to her charisma modifier. If the target takes 75 or more damage from this attack, it must save against Massive Damage with a save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier. Against a creature marked for death or vengeance, this changes to 50 or more damage. If vengeful strike kill a creature (even if the creature succeed the save), it suffer the effect of Afterlife Passage even if it is unwilling.

Special Qualities: A Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. She also gains the following additional special qualities.

Afterlife Passage (Su): The Morrigan can grant passage to a slain creatures soul to the afterlife by touching its deceased body or the spirit itself. The spirit must be willing. The creature can only be returned to life within 1 day per its HD after which the soul is judged and delivered to is final destination. A soul judged can only be restored with divine intervent or the spell Judgment Undone.

Dark Messenger (Ex): A Morrigan is served by a raven bird, known as his dark messenger. The dark messenger functions as a bird animal companion (using the Morrigan HD as her effective druid level) with the following exceptions: The dark messenger’s Intelligence score is equal to the Morrigan. The Morrigan does not need to use the Handle Animal skill to handle or direct it; it can act normally for a creature of its intelligence. The dark messenger has the same alignment of its Morrigan. The dark messenger always acts on the same initiative count as the Morrigan.

The Morrigan may communicate telepathically with her dark messenger provided the two are within one mile of each other. The dark messenger always obeys the Morrigan’s orders to the best of its ability, and will exercise its own initiative to promote the Morrigan’s interests and safety.

When slain, the dark messenger deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage to the Morrigan, then re-forms 24 hours later, reappearing on its master’s shoulder with full hit points.

The dark messenger does not gain bonus tricks or the share spells ability.

Planeswalker (Su): The Morrigan have the ability to travel to any plane even to and from those without magic as a move action. This functions like Plane Shift and the Morrigan arrive exactly where she wants, without the 5d%.

Abilities: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +10 Cha.

Skills: A Morrigan gain a +8 to Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), and Sense motive checks.

Organization: Solitary or Group (6 Morrigan) unless you barge in where they call home where there could be many more.


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The Morrigan (CR +6)

The Morrigan are the Celtic Choosers of the Slain known for their black hair and red eyes. They are darker demi-goddesses who always know where battle is taking place. They can tweak the fates of those on the battle field, and when all is done the Morrigan eat the bodies of the fallen, usually in the form of a deep black crow.

They take the dead to Celtic realms of the dead, such as Tir na nOg or Mag Mell.

Creating a Morrigan:

Morrigan is an acquired template that can be fulfilled by any female living creature that meets requirements the DM sets, usually some quest that results in the character gaining great favor with existing Morrigan to gain a seat among them.

Alternatively, you may be allowed to be one from the start of play.

CR: Same as the base creature +6.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Type: Same as the base creature.

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus Battlesense, darkvision 60 feet, Deathsense, and Spiritsense.

Battlesense (Su): Morrigan always know where a battle involving 100 or more people is occurring anywhere within 100 miles per HD. She always know when someone falls in these battles, and the estimate skill of all participants.

Deathsense (Su): Morrigan always knows if the potential death of a creature, that she can see and is within 30 ft. of her, is close at hand (within 1 day per HD of the Morrigan) and an estimate at how long until it occurs. If she wish, she can choose to warn them that the danger is on the horizon.

Spiritsense (Su): A Morrigan notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if she had the blindsight ability.

AC: Morrigan have a deflection bonus to AC equal to her charisma modifier (see battle dance), and can selectively gain a +10 insight bonus to AC against one attack per round that stacks with other insight bonuses.

Speed: Morrigan increase all possessed speeds by 50 ft., and they can sprout black ravenlike wings and fly at a speed of 100 ft. unless they'd have more already. If they already have a fly speed, it is replaced by this one and its fly speed is halved then added to this one. This fly speed is always perfect.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Morrigan hit point are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: A Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Battle Dance (Su): A Morrigan adds her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and as a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist. A Morrigan can, as an immediate action, gain a +10 insight bonus to AC against one attack that stacks with other insight bonus.

Damage Reduction (Su): A Morrigan gains damage reduction /— equal to her HD (minimum 1). This damage reduction is due to a Morrigan's control over battle, lessening the damage intake.

Enduring Stamina (Ex): A Morrigan take four times as long to suffer from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and can run indefinitely with no ill effects.

Fast Healing (Ex): A Morrigan is a semi immortal beings. Her flesh knits and muscles mend rapidly. She has fast healing equal to her HD + Con mod (minimum 1). She can regenerate severed limbs and mutilated organs like nothing and can survive without a head. Severed limbs or similar damage regenerates normally- when the damage from the attack that caused the mutilation is healed, the limb is also restored.

Immunities: A Morrigan is immune to effects requiring a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless), ability damage and drain, critical hits, death effects, energy drain, massive damage, and precision damage. A Morrigan is also immune to mind-affecting, fear, compulsion, and any effect that would make them serve another being.

Resistance: A Morrigan has resistance 5 to all elements.

Scorn Death (Ex): Morrigan are immune to any effect that would kill them instantly from full HP to 0 in one blow, or that outright kills them such as Vorpal does. Morrigan do not age any further and age backwards until they look to be 20 years of age by human terms. A Morrigan is never considered dying and remains conscious and unhindered until they are slain at -Constitution modifier.

Special Attacks: The Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. She also gains the following additional special attacks.

Marked for Death (Ex/Su): Using this ability is a supernatural action while its effect is considered Extraordinary. Thus it effects someone or something who is immune to magic, but at the same time a Morrigan cannot use it within an Antimagic field. The Morrigan can mark a target for death a creature within 100 ft. as a standard action. He take a -10 luck penalty to saves and AC. He take a bleeding effect (1d6 damage, does not stack with itself or other bleed, any heal) whenever they take damage and are considered vulnerable (x1.5) to all forms of weapon damage. Marked for death last for a number of rounds equal to the Morrigan Charisma modifier. A Will save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier negate the effect. Once a creature fail its save, he cannot be targeted with Marked for death by the same Morrigan for 1 year. This is a curse effect.

Marked for Vengeance (Ex/Su): Using this ability is a supernatural action while its effect is considered Extraordinary. Thus it effects someone or something who is immune to magic, but at the same time a Morrigan cannot use it within an Antimagic field. The Morrigan can mark a creature within 100 ft. as a standard action for having having earned her vengeance. The Morrigan deal 150% damage with her weapon against the target (if an attack with a longsword deal 16 damage, instead it deal 24). If the target of Marked for Vengeance is also Marked for Death, the effect stack (multiply the damage roll x2.25 for the damage total). The Morrigan always knows where the marked target is, and can teleport to it as a free action at-will even if it or she is in an area of a Dimensional Anchor or similar effect.

Slay (Su): Once per day, the Morrigan can mark a living creature within 30 ft. to die as a standard action. If the creature fail a Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier, it take 10 damage per HD of the Morrigan. If the creature succeed its save, it take instead 3d6 + Morrigan HD as damage. If the damage (even if the creature succeed the save) slay the creature, it suffer the effect of Afterlife Passage even if it is unwilling. This is a death effect. This is a death effect.

Vengeful Strike (Su): When the Morrigan attack a target that damage her within this or the last round, her attack gains a bonus to hit and damage equal to her charisma modifier. If the target takes 75 or more damage from this attack, it must save against Massive Damage with a save DC 10 + ½ Morrigan HD + Morrigan Charisma modifier. Against a creature marked for death or vengeance, this changes to 50 or more damage. If vengeful strike kill a creature (even if the creature succeed the save), it suffer the effect of Afterlife Passage even if it is unwilling.

Special Qualities: A Morrigan retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. She also gains the following additional special qualities.

Afterlife Passage (Su): The Morrigan can grant passage to a slain creatures soul to the afterlife by touching its deceased body or the spirit itself. The spirit must be willing. The creature can only be returned to life within 1 day per its HD after which the soul is judged and delivered to is final destination. A soul judged can only be restored with divine intervent or the spell Judgment Undone.

Dark Messenger (Ex): A Morrigan is served by a raven bird, known as his dark messenger. The dark messenger functions as a bird animal companion (using the Morrigan HD as her effective druid level) with the following exceptions: The dark messenger’s Intelligence score is equal to the Morrigan. The Morrigan does not need to use the Handle Animal skill to handle or direct it; it can act normally for a creature of its intelligence. The dark messenger has the same alignment of its Morrigan. The dark messenger always acts on the same initiative count as the Morrigan.

The Morrigan may communicate telepathically with her dark messenger provided the two are within one mile of each other. The dark messenger always obeys the Morrigan’s orders to the best of its ability, and will exercise its own initiative to promote the Morrigan’s interests and safety.

When slain, the dark messenger deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage to the Morrigan, then re-forms 24 hours later, reappearing on its master’s shoulder with full hit points.

The dark messenger does not gain bonus tricks or the share spells ability.

Planeswalker (Su): The Morrigan have the ability to travel to any plane even to and from those without magic as a move action. This functions like Plane Shift and the Morrigan arrive exactly where she wants, without the 5d%.

Abilities: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +10 Cha.

Skills: A Morrigan gain a +8 to Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), and Sense motive checks.

Organization: Solitary or Group (6 Morrigan) unless you barge in where they call home where there could be many more.
Badass man.


Freddy Krueger

Human Slasher 20 (Slasher)

CE Medium outsider (augmented humanoid, evil, extraplanar)

Init +9; Senses darkvision 30 ft., dreamsight, lifesense 30 ft.; Perception +32

Aura dread (30 ft., DC 33, panicked 3 rounds), soundstorm (120 ft.), terrifyng presence (60 ft., DC 33), unnatural aura (300 ft.), worst nightmare (30 ft., DC 33)

AC 39, touch 39, flat-footed 33 (+10 deflection, +6 Dex, +3 divine, +10 profane)

hp 720 hp (20d12+140) x2 fast healing 5 (implacable), fast healing 10 (planar)

Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +31

Defensive Abilities king of gore, planar fast healing; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fear, fatigued, nonlethal damage, poison, sleep, and death from massive damage; SR 33

Weakness fear of fire, remorseless killer

Speed 30 ft.

Melees clawed hand +36/+36/+31/+26/+21 (1d4+11/15-20)

Special Attacks dream slave, dream trap, night terrors (DC 33), slasher (full round, 5 ability damage or 5 bleed; for 1/cursed point can use on the first attack of the round), slasher talents (bloody knife, feed on fear, forked tongue, go unnoticed, hamstring, headless horror, impeding doom, right behind you, savage slasher, scream queen, shade, victimiser, worst nightmare), weapon of grief (clawed hand, 1/cursed point, +10 to damage against chaotic or good creatures for 1 round)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 23th, concentration +36)

At will—blasphemy (DC 30), create undead, disguise self, desecrate, dispel good, dream, dream travel, dream voyage, eyebite (DC 30), etherealness, invisibility, magic circle against good, major image (DC 26), nightmare (DC 28), phantasmal killer (DC 27), protection from good, scare (25), sleep (DC 24), summon monster IX (evil only), unholy aura (DC 31), unholy blight (DC 27), weird (DC 32)

3/day—wish (within a dreamscape only)

Str 24, Dex 22, Con 24, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 30

Base Atk +20; CMB +30; CMD 66

Feats Bleeding CriticalB, Extra Slasher Talent x8, Improved Critical (clawed hand), Weapon Focus (clawed hand)

Skills All skills 26 + ability modifier; +4 to Bluff and Intimidate

Languages Common

SQ accursed (50 cursed points), calling card (soundstorm), dread, dream terror, implacable, killer instinct, planeswalker, portfolio (evil, nightmare), silent killer, spark of divinity, tragedy (remorseless killer: gory death, total slaughter)

Gears +4 human bane speed clawed hand (reskin kukri)

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Dream (Su): Ignore immunity to sleep of creatures with lesser divine rank.

• Maven (Ex): All know skills are maximized.

• Omnicompetent (Ex): Know all skills.

Evil Portfolio Traits (Hero-Deity)

Domain Power: You cast evil spells at +1 caster level.

Hostile Environment (Holy): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while within a good aligned environment.

Holy Vulnerability: Suffer 50% extra damage from good aligned attacks and spells.

• Poison Immunity (Ex): You are immune to poison.

• Unholy Scion (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class within an evil aligned locale.

Nightmare Portfolio Traits (Hero-Deity)

Domain Power: You gain the Worst Nightmare ability.

Dream-bound (Ex): You suffer a penalty equal to your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours.

Fear the Fearless (Ex): You suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that are immune to fear.

• Shield of Fear (Su): You are immune to fear effects and opponent morale bonuses.

• Scion of Nightmares (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that is under a fear effect.

Divine Traits (Krueger) (Ex)
Freddy Krueger gains a +3 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. It also gains 3 divine ability slot and multiply its hit points x2. He gains his Charisma modifier as deflection bonus to AC and as a profane bonus to AC and all saves. He does not gains, however, any other benefits a deity normally gain.

Dreamsight (Su)
Freddy Krueger can see the dreams of sleeping creatures.

Dream Slave (Su)
Instead of killing a target with its dream terror ability, Freddy Krueger may instead enslave it with a permanent dominate monster effect.

Dream Terror (Su)
Freddy Krueger can utterly control any dreamscape it enters, shaping it to its will. When a creature’s lucid body dies in a dreamscape under the control of Krueger, that creature’s material body also dies.

Dream Trap (Su)
While in the same space as a dreaming creature, or when touching the boundary of a dreamscape, Freddy Krueger can force the dreaming creature into a lucid body and enter its dreamscape—this is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Fear of Fire (Ex)
Freddy Krueger was originally killed by burning him alive in the same furnace where he burned children from their enraged parents. If he take any fire damage, he’s automatically shaken for 1 round and if at that moment he was holding one trapped in a dreamscape, the dreamscape is shattered and the victim immediately awaken.

Night Terrors (Su)
Once Freddy Krueger enters a target’s mind with its dream or nightmare spell-like ability, it can attempt to control the target’s dream. If the target fails a Will saving throw DC 33, it remains asleep and trapped in a dreamscape with Freddy Krueger. A creature asleep and trapped within a dreamscape under the control of Krueger cannot be awakened except by inflicting damage on him or using wish or miracle. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Planar Fast Healing (Su)
Freddy Krueger maintains a connection to the Dimension of Dream at all times, and when away from it, he has fast healing 10 (this fast healing does not stack with any other fast healing). He loses this ability in the Dimension of Dream or in areas where planar connections do not function. If killed, Krueger’s body dissolves into nothingness in 1d4 rounds, leaving behind his equipment. If slain, Krueger reforms in the Dimension of Dream, similar to a slain summoned creature; he can only be permanently killed if his fast healing is negated.

Planeswalker (Su)
Freddy Krueger has the ability to travel from the Material Plane to the Dimension of Dream and viceversa as a move action. This functions like Plane Shift and Krueger arrive exactly where he wants, without the 5d%.

Terrifying Presence (Su)
A creature that fails its Will save against the frightful presence of Freddy Krueger is panicked if it has fewer Hit Dice than the monster.

Worst Nightmare (Su)
Each time a creature first view Freddy Krueger from a distance of 30 feet or less (or from a scrying effect), the subject sees the image of the most fearsome creature imaginable. This is not an illusion or phantasm; he truly becomes, for just that instant, the subject’s worst nightmare. Even if simultaneously viewed by dozens of different creatures, Krueger appear differently to each one of them. All creatures must make a Will save DC 33 or die from the supernatural horror revealed. Survivors (and those resurrected) are immune to this effect from him for 1 day. This is a fear, death, mind-affecting effect, and can be avoided as if it were a gaze attack. This effect ignore immunity against this descriptors of creatures with less divine grade of Krueger (prophet and lesser). Freddy Krueger can suppress this ability as a swift action and reactivate it as a move action. The save DC is Charisma based.


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Today I bring you one of the most powerful Hyperborean spaceships in my setting.

Universe Destroyer

Mega-Fine construct

Init +1.000; Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (50 billion light years/universe); Passive Perception +1.595

Aura divine death (10 light years)

AC 2.645, touch 645, flat-footed 2.550 (+1.600 antidivinity, +200 deflection, +95 Dex, +200 insight, +2.000 natural, +200 perfection, -60 size)

hp 86.886.080 hp (1.000d1.000+83.886.080+1.000.000 black armor+1.000.000 shield) regeneration 1.000.000 (Expression of Power [Effect] or Omnific Might)

Fort +610, Ref +840, Will +610

Defensive Abilities black armor, damage deflection, divine deflection, hardness 1.000.000, slipstream, shield, tyrannical domain, warp reality; DR 1.000.000/– (internal layer) 5.062.500/– (black armor); Immune construct traits, Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal hazards, Pleroma space; Resistance all elements 100.000, Multiversal hazards; PR/SR 1.210

Speed Superluminar x24, Warp Jump (3d20 minutes)

  • 120 gravity ray, 30 light years, +1.705 touch (40d100+2.000/x4)​
  • 160 black hole grenade, 10 light years plus 100 miles splash, +1.705 touch (160d100 plus splash) (Ref DC 705 half the damage and negate to be brought to the center of the area, in case of a direct hit no save)​
  • 4 hypercannon, 100 light years line (360d1.000+100.000) (Ref DC 705 half the damage)​
  • rain of the death, 50 billion light years/universe, +1.705 touch (200d1.000+80.000/x6)​
  • 1 god exterminator, 60 light years plus 10 light years splash (800d1000+400.000 antidivine* damage [damage not already doubled], 1d6 rounds recharge) (Ref DC 2.305 half the damage)​
*antidivine damage work as divine damage but deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

Space 96 miles

Special Attacks trample (1.600d1000), universe implosion

Str 600, Dex 200, Con –, Int –, Wis 200, Cha 1

Base Atk +1.000; CMB +1.555; CMD 1.660

SQ aggregate, capital ship, chain guns, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, prana generator, virtual size category +28

Gunner ranged attack bonus: +400

Target AI bonus: +1.200

Aggregate (Ex)
Even if it's not a robot, the Universe Destroyer can be controlled by an AI and get the Aggregate template. In that case, to calculate her initiative, saving throws, attacks and skills, she uses the basic AI and Spaceship modifiers instead of using those of the crew.

Black Armor (Ex)
The armor of a Universe Destroyer is compost of pure 100% Black Hole Matter. This external layer has DR 5.062.500 and 1.000.000 hp. Damage done to the ship is applied to the this layer first after destroying the shield.

Capital ships
Universe Destroyer deal catastrophic damage to unarmored or foot targets dealing x100 the listed damage.

Chain Guns (Ex)
A Universe Destroyer’s core can process pure substance of the Pleroma into new ammunition, effectively giving the ship infinite ammunition.

Damage Deflection (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer use deflective barriers to reduce secondary damage, it gains the evasion and mettle ability.

Divine Deflection (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer automatically deflect and returns to the user all Divine and higher abilities used against it unless the user is at least a High Lord Rank 5. This can only deflect abilities that need to be activated by declaring it (like [Effect] and Abrogate), not always active passive abilities like Ultimate Weapon Focus.

Divine Death (Su)
The Universe Destroyer exudes an aura of death and doom for the immortals. This aura extend to the entire universe the Universe Destroyer currently occupies or 50 billion light years while outside a universe. This aura combine the effect of the Nullification Cosmic Ability, the Dead Zone and Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability and the Cosmic Nullification Omnific Ability but only work against creatures with divine rank.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Universe Destroyer count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. A Universe Destroyer ignore Transmortality and Transmigration unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than 200. When a Universe Destroyer kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died. A Universe Destroyer cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity by creatures with a Divine Rank. A Universe Destroyer ignore the Perfect Defense and Sophism abilities.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 1d2 rounds, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d1000’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die. It gains a deflection and insight bonus equal to ¼ its HD to AC and CMD, and an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to double its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Prana Generator (Ex)
Little wonder that the generators of a Hyperborean spaceship run on Prana. It gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD.

Rain of Death (Ex)
A barrage of missile, deals 200d1.000+80.000 damage to all enemies targeted, ignore any form of concealment (even Nebulous, Interdimensional and similar abilities don’t work), range is extend to the entire universe the Universe Destroyer currently occupies or 50 billion light years while outside a universe.

Shield (Ex)
The Hyperborean use ancient relics of the Time War for shielding for such massive ships and provide a 1.000.000 hp barrier that surrounds this craft. Damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 100.000 health per round.

Tyrannical Domain (Ex)
By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Universe Destroyer can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation whilst simultaneously allowing for the least favorable outcome for all enemies. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and the “Evil Eye” Transcendent Ability [extend to the same of divine death aura instead of divine aura].

Universe Implosion (Ex)
While inside a universe, the Universe Destroyer can start a dangerous chain reaction that ends up collapsing the universe in question. This requires the Universe Destroyer to spend 10 minutes (100 rounds) using its full-round action to channel deleterious entropic energy into the university. After 3 minutes the planar layers collapse (killing all Elder Ones who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265), after 6 minutes the planes collapse (killing all Old Ones who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265), after 9 minutes the dimensions collapse (killing all the First One who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265) and finally, after 10 minutes destroying the universe, throwing all its occupants into the Pleroma (in the overwhelming most cases, a death sentence) and killing the Demiurge or Time Lord of the Universe (unless he succeeds in making a Will saving throw DC 2265). In all cases in which the Immortals succeed on the saving throw, they manage to sever their bond with the universe and lose their divine template, returning mortal instead of dying. In the case of a High Lord instead of a Time Lord, if the destruction of the universe is not stopped, it loses a universe and drops one rank. If the Universe Destroyer is stopped before 10 minutes have passed, what has already been destroyed remains destroyed but it has to start the process and the 10 minutes all over again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Warp Jump (Ex)
This work like the starflight ability but allow to reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 minutes (3 minutes with Inner Eye).

Warp Reality (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer presence disrupt the fabric of space-time. This prevents the use of the Transattack Period, Transpersonal, Transtemporal, Transversal, and Ultimate Weapon Focus Transcendetal Abilities within the area of Divine Death for all Immortals unless the creature is a High Lord Rank 5 or higher.


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Today I bring you one of the most powerful Hyperborean spaceships in my setting.

Universe Destroyer

Mega-Fine construct

Init +1.000; Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (50 billion light years/universe); Passive Perception +1.555

Aura divine death (10 light years)

AC 2.605, touch 605, flat-footed 2.510 (+1.600 antidivinity, +200 deflection, +95 Dex, +200 insight, +2.000 natural, +160 perfection, -60 size)

hp 86.886.080 hp (1.000d1.000+83.886.080+1.000.000 black armor+1.000.000 shield) regeneration 1.000.000 (Expression of Power [Effect] or Omnific Might)

Fort +610, Ref +840, Will +610

Defensive Abilities black armor, damage deflection, divine deflection, hardness 1.000.000, slipstream, shield, tyrannical domain, warp reality; DR 1.000.000/– (internal layer) 5.062.500/– (black armor); Immune construct traits, Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal hazards, Pleroma space; Resistance all elements 100.000, Multiversal hazards; PR/SR 1.170

Speed Superluminar x24, Warp Jump (3d20 minutes)

  • 120 gravity ray, 30 light years, +1.665 touch (40d100+2.000/x4)​
  • 160 black hole grenade, 10 light years plus 100 miles splash, +1.665 touch (160d100 plus splash) (Ref DC 665 half the damage and negate to be brought to the center of the area, in case of a direct hit no save)​
  • 4 hypercannon, 100 light years line (360d1.000+100.000) (Ref DC 665 half the damage)​
  • rain of the death, 50 billion light years/universe, +1.665 touch (200d1.000+80.000/x6)​
  • 1 god exterminator, 60 light years plus 10 light years splash (800d1000+400.000 antidivine* damage [damage not already doubled], 1d6 rounds recharge) (Ref DC 2265 half the damage)​
*antidivine damage work as divine damage but deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

Space 96 miles

Special Attacks trample (1.600d1000), universe implosion

Str 600, Dex 200, Con –, Int –, Wis 200, Cha 1

Base Atk +1.000; CMB +1.515; CMD 1.620

SQ aggregate, capital ship, chain guns, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, prana generator, virtual size category +28

Gunner ranged attack bonus: +400

Target AI bonus: +1.200

Aggregate (Ex)
Even if it's not a robot, the Universe Destroyer can be controlled by an AI and get the Aggregate template. In that case, to calculate her initiative, saving throws, attacks and skills, she uses the basic AI and Spaceship modifiers instead of using those of the crew.

Black Armor (Ex)
The armor of a Universe Destroyer is compost of pure 100% Black Hole Matter. This external layer has DR 5.062.500 and 1.000.000 hp. Damage done to the ship is applied to the this layer first after destroying the shield.

Capital ships
Universe Destroyer deal catastrophic damage to unarmored or foot targets dealing x100 the listed damage.

Chain Guns (Ex)
A Universe Destroyer’s core can process pure substance of the Pleroma into new ammunition, effectively giving the ship infinite ammunition.

Damage Deflection (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer use deflective barriers to reduce secondary damage, it gains the evasion and mettle ability.

Divine Deflection (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer automatically deflect and returns to the user all Divine and higher abilities used against it unless the user is at least a High Lord Rank 5. This can only deflect abilities that need to be activated by declaring it (like [Effect] and Abrogate), not always active passive abilities like Ultimate Weapon Focus.

Divine Death (Su)
The Universe Destroyer exudes an aura of death and doom for the immortals. This aura extend to the entire universe the Universe Destroyer currently occupies or 50 billion light years while outside a universe. This aura combine the effect of the Nullification Cosmic Ability, the Dead Zone and Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability and the Cosmic Nullification Omnific Ability but only work against creatures with divine rank.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Universe Destroyer count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. A Universe Destroyer ignore Transmortality and Transmigration unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than 200. When a Universe Destroyer kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died. A Universe Destroyer cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity by creatures with a Divine Rank. A Universe Destroyer ignore the Perfect Defense and Sophism abilities.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 1d2 rounds, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d1000’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die. It gains a deflection and insight bonus equal to ¼ its HD to AC and CMD, and an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to double its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Prana Generator (Ex)
Little wonder that the generators of a Hyperborean spaceship run on Prana. It gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD.

Rain of Death (Ex)
A barrage of missile, deals 200d1.000+80.000 damage to all enemies targeted, ignore any form of concealment (even Nebulous, Interdimensional and similar abilities don’t work), range is extend to the entire universe the Universe Destroyer currently occupies or 50 billion light years while outside a universe.

Shield (Ex)
The Hyperborean use ancient relics of the Time War for shielding for such massive ships and provide a 1.000.000 hp barrier that surrounds this craft. Damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 100.000 health per round.

Tyrannical Domain (Ex)
By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Universe Destroyer can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation whilst simultaneously allowing for the least favorable outcome for all enemies. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and the “Evil Eye” Transcendent Ability [extend to the same of divine death aura instead of divine aura].

Universe Implosion (Ex)
While inside a universe, the Universe Destroyer can start a dangerous chain reaction that ends up collapsing the universe in question. This requires the Universe Destroyer to spend 10 minutes (100 rounds) using its full-round action to channel deleterious entropic energy into the university. After 3 minutes the planar layers collapse (killing all Elder Ones who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265), after 6 minutes the planes collapse (killing all Old Ones who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265), after 9 minutes the dimensions collapse (killing all the First One who fail to make a Will saving throw DC 2265) and finally, after 10 minutes destroying the universe, throwing all its occupants into the Pleroma (in the overwhelming most cases, a death sentence) and killing the Demiurge or Time Lord of the Universe (unless he succeeds in making a Will saving throw DC 2265). In all cases in which the Immortals succeed on the saving throw, they manage to sever their bond with the universe and lose their divine template, returning mortal instead of dying. In the case of a High Lord instead of a Time Lord, if the destruction of the universe is not stopped, it loses a universe and drops one rank. If the Universe Destroyer is stopped before 10 minutes have passed, what has already been destroyed remains destroyed but it has to start the process and the 10 minutes all over again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Warp Jump (Ex)
This work like the starflight ability but allow to reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 minutes (3 minutes with Inner Eye).

Warp Reality (Ex)
The Universe Destroyer presence disrupt the fabric of space-time. This prevents the use of the Transattack Period, Transpersonal, Transtemporal and Transversal Transcendetal Abilities within the area of Divine Death for all Immortals unless the creature is a High Lord Rank 5 or higher.
Dude this is naughty word awesome! I love this one!

I legitimately have a Hyperborean storyline with a massive Hyperborean ship in it. I think I'll use a modified version of this made of Quark Matter and without the universe destroying capabilities. But otherwise the same thing. My party is fighting Narahsa right now.


Dude this is naughty word awesome! I love this one!

I legitimately have a Hyperborean storyline with a massive Hyperborean ship in it. I think I'll use a modified version of this made of Quark Matter and without the universe destroying capabilities. But otherwise the same thing. My party is fighting Narahsa right now.
Soon there will be a series of constructs used by my Hyperboreans in their wars. The first series, the Man of Iron and the Man of Adamantine are ready.

Voidrunner's Codex

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