Things from my setting

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You know, I think I'm going to use your Hyperborean concept in my campaigns as a splinter group called the God Killers or God Slayers, I'm probably going to give them the Antidivine domain and make them enemies of both gods and Empirical Hyperboreans.

I'm really interested in seeing the Man of Neutronium and Orichalcum too.
What are Empirical Hyperboreans?


I thought the man of iron and the like were Hyperboreans. I guess they are just constructs made by them?
They are Hyperborean only in the sense that they are crafted and used by the Hyperborean. Even if they are intelligent, they are used as fodder without any right and at the first hint of one of them to show autonomous thinking or a "will" its whole platoon is scrapped to avoid the idea that they may be anything other than killing machines totally subject to the real Hyperboreans can spread.


They are Hyperborean only in the sense that they are crafted and used by the Hyperborean. Even if they are intelligent, they are used as fodder without any right and at the first hint of one of them to show autonomous thinking or a "will" its whole platoon is scrapped to avoid the idea that they may be anything other than killing machines totally subject to the real Hyperboreans can spread.
Ok, well I think you should make a Man of Strange Matter then, and give it like 4-5000 HD

Ok, well I think you should make a Man of Strange Matter then, and give it like 4-5000 HD
I don't know how Obly does his but Strange Matter is pretty much impossible to craft for anything less than like Supernals.

Obly what about Man of Quark Matter? Tbh however, I'm just curious to see the other creations you have thus far in the "Man of" series.

Voidrunner's Codex

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