Things from my setting

Soon there will be a series of constructs used by my Hyperboreans in their wars. The first series, the Man of Iron and the Man of Adamantine are ready.
Nice. I love that you have made so many interesting and innovative ideas from my Hyperborean concept. That's kind of always my hope you know, that the things I make will inspire other ideas for other people's campaigns. I can't wait to read them. 🙂

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Here is the first of a series of constructs. As I have already anticipated, the Hyperboreans in my setting are extremely few but to compensate for this they have become masters in the creation of constructs as the backbone of their army and in the creation of biological and bacteriological weapons including even viruses and poisons that destroy the divine ranks of the infected creature. The first in the series is the Man of Iron. Even though it is only considered the low-grade cannon fodder in the Hyperborean army, it can go against a Demi-Deity, and when tens of thousands are released simultaneously, with perhaps a Man of Adamantine or a Man of Orichalcum as well, the Pantheons also tremble.

Man of Iron

LE medium construct (robot)

Init +14; Senses see in darkness, superior optics; Perception +49

AC 49, touch 29, flat-footed 45 (+15 antidivinity, +9 deflection, +4 Dex, +20 natural, +6 perfection)

hp 900 hp (30d20+300) 100 shield; regeneration 30 (divine damage or might [or higher form of those])

Fort +32, Ref +20, Will +29

Defensive Abilities adaptive defensive programming, shield, war is eternal; DR 30/–; Immune construct traits, Terrestial Hazards; Resistance acid 30, cold 30, fire 30, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 46

Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed 40 ft., booster jets, cling

Melee plasma sword +48/+43/+38/+33 touch (4d6+12/19-20)

Ranged machine gun +42/+37/+32/+27 touch (4d6+20/18-20x10), 2 integrated chain guns +40 (6d6/19-20×4), integrated laser cannon +40 touch (10d6/x6)

Special Attacks atomizer +40 (30d6, DC 29), auto-destruct core (30 ft., DC 29, 30d10), electromagnetic pulse (60 ft., DC 29, 20d6 electricity), suppression fire

Str 34, Dex 18, Con –, Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 28

Base Atk +30; CMB +48; CMD 71

Feats Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (machine gun), Greater Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Improved Critical (machine gun), Improved Critical (plasma sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (machine gun), Weapon Specialization (machine gun)

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (perception), Epic Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Greater Critical (machine gun), Greater Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Improved Critical Multiplier (machine gun)

Skills Intimidate +39, Knowledge (planes) +37, Knowledge (religion) +37, Perception +49, Sense Motive +39, Spellcraft +34

Languages Pleromian; remote communication

SQ ego, flexible programming, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, integrated weaponry, prana generator, sustenance, virtual size category +1


Environment Any

Organization solitary, pair, squadron (3–12), platoon (6–18 plus 1 Man of Adamantine) or invasion (60d6, plus 30d6 Man of Adamantine, 10d6 Man of Orichalcum, 2d6 Man of Neutronium)

Treasure none

Adaptive Defensive Programming (Ex)
Three times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Iron can change one of its resistances to any other energy type for 10 minutes.

Atomizer (Ex)
As a full-round action once every 3 rounds, a Man of Iron can fire a ray as a ranged touch attack with a range of 150 feet. On a hit, the ray deals 1d6 points of damage for Man of Iron’s HD. When used against an object, the atomizer disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. A creature or object that succeeds at a Fortitude save DC 29 instead takes only one-quarter normal damage. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Auto-Destruct Core (Ex)
As a full-round action, and automatically without any action when destroyer (it's a 0 or less hit points while its regeneration is deactivated), a Man of Iron can cause its central power core to overheat and self-destruct in an explosion that destroys the robot and deals 1d10 points of damage per HD of the Man of Iron to all targets in a 30-foot radius. Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is slashing damage. Creatures in this area that succeed at a Reflex saving throw DC 29 take half damage. This explosion subjects those affected to severe radiation. When adjacent to the robot, a creature with the Craft Construct feat can make a particular Disable Device check with a DC of 46 (10 + robot HD + perfection bonus) as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity. If the check succeed, the robot auto-destruction core ability is deactivated for 1d6+4 rounds. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Booster Jets (Ex)
As a swift action up to 10 times per hour, a Man of Iron can gain a fly speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability) for a duration of 1 minute.

Chain Guns (Ex)
These advanced weapons which throw rotary saw blades have a range increment of 200 feet.

Cling (Ex)
A combination of magnetic pads and electrostatic emitters in its feet allow a Man of Iron to climb and travel on vertical or horizontal surfaces without having to attempt Climb checks, even allowing it to traverse these surfaces while upside down.

Combined Arms (Ex)
When taking a full-attack action, a Man of Iron can attack with melee and ranged natural attacks and integrated weapons simultaneously.

Electromagnetic Pulse (Ex)
Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a Man of Iron can unleash an electromagnetic pulse in a 60-foot radius that bypasses any active force fields (or similar effects) and deals 20d6 points of electricity damage to any robots, creatures with electronic circuits, creatures that use electricity signal in their body (like humans) or creatures with cybernetic implants. Creatures affected by this attack that succeed at a Reflex save DC 29 take only half the normal amount of damage. This effect doesn’t harm the robot itself. Any technological item within this radius is drained of 1d12 charges unless the item succeeds at a Reflex save. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Ego (Ex)
Unlike other weak construct, a Man of Iron has good Fortitude and Will save, and add its Charisma modifier to hit point and Fortitude save in place of Constitution.

Flexible Programming (Ex)
Ten times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Iron can gain the benefit of any feat for which it qualifies but does not have. Each feat remains in effect for 1 minute. In addition, it counts its racial Hit Dice as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. If it has levels in fighter, these Hit Dice stack with these levels.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Man of Iron count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. When a Man of Iron kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 10 minutes, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d20’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die. It gains an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to ½ its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Integrated Weaponry (Ex)
A Man of Iron’s has integrated weaponry. These weapons cannot be disarmed, removed, or sundered. A Man of Iron’s programming allows it to wield these weapons as if it were proficient in their use. These advanced weapons automatically reload as a free action, and never misfire. All the integrated weaponry are recharged as a free action that does not provoke attack of opportunity. Integrated weaponry can still be targeted by positive effects that target manufactured weapons (such as magic weapon spells) and can be harvested for use outside of the robot’s body once the robot is destroyed (if it's not auto-destroyed). Integrated ranged weapons don’t provoke attacks of opportunity when fired in melee combat. Unlike normal integrated weaponry, a Man of Iron can make iterative attacks with the machine gun and plasma sword.

Laser Cannon (Ex)
Mounted on his back, a Man of Iron has mounted a laser cannon. These weapons emit beams of intensely focused light waves that resolve as touch attacks and deal fire damage with a range of 150 feet. A laser can pass through force fields and force effects like a wall of force without damaging that field to strike a foe beyond. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers (but unlike force barriers, glass still takes damage from a laser strike passing through it). Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attack

Machine Gun (Ex)
One of the Man of Iron’s arms ends in a powerful machine gun. This weapon has a range of 150 feet and deals 4d6 points of damage. Because the ammunition is ejected from the Man of Iron’s body, the machine gun add the construct’s Strength modifier on damage rolls. This weapon has the automatic property and because is integrated, never suffer misfire, and does not impart the -2 (from the automatic property) and -4 (from the use without being mounted) penalty to attack rolls.

Plasma Sword (Ex)
One of the Man of Iron’s arms has mounted, a sword that as a blade has plasma and deal damage with the mere touch. Its damage is half electricity and the other half is fire. The Man of Iron can retract inside the arm or extract the blade as a swift action to free the hand and allow precise manipulation of objects.

Prana Generator (Ex)
The Man of Iron gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, initiative, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, and CMD.

Remote Communication (Ex)
Using radio signals, invisible lasers, or other means, a Man of Iron is capable of communicating with other robot with the Hyperborean constructed trait that also have this ability instantaneously and without making any sound over long distances. This ability has a range of 100 miles. This signal is blocked by 1 foot of metal, 5 feet of stone, or 20 feet of organic matter.

Shield (Ex)
The Man of Iron use technological shield. This provide a 100 hp barrier that surrounds this construct. Damage done to the Man of Iron is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 5 health per round. This replace the force fields of the robot sub type.

Superior Optics (Ex)
Man of Irons see invisible creatures or objects as if they were visible.

Suppression Fire (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Man of Iron can give up its regular attacks and instead make one machine gun attack at its highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach of its weapon. It must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. When it use the Suppression Fire, the machine gun lose the automatic weapon property, and also the Man of Iron forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. Suppression Fire can be used at will but must wait 1d6 rounds between uses.

Sustenance (Ex)
A Man of Iron’s core can process scrap metal into new ammunition, effectively giving the construct infinite ammunition with its integrated weapons.

War is Eternal (Ex)
When a Man of Iron is reduced to 0 or less hit points, but its regeneration it’s not deactivated, it continue fight but gain the staggered condition. This staggered cannot be removed in any way, but its automatically removed as soon as the robot return to 1 or higher hit points.
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Here is the first of a series of constructs. As I have already anticipated, the Hyperboreans in my setting are extremely few but to compensate for this they have become masters in the creation of constructs as the backbone of their army and in the creation of biological and bacteriological weapons including even viruses and poisons that destroy the divine ranks of the infected creature. The first in the series is the Man of Iron. Even though it is only considered the low-grade cannon fodder in the Hyperborean army, it can go against a Demi-Deity, and when tens of thousands are released simultaneously, with perhaps a Man of Adamantine or a Man of Orichalcum as well, the Pantheons also tremble.

Man of Iron

LE medium construct (robot)

Init +14; Senses see in darkness, superior optics; Perception +49

AC 49, touch 29, flat-footed 45 (+15 antidivinity, +9 deflection, +4 Dex, +20 natural, +6 perfection)

hp 900 hp (30d20+300) 100 shield; regeneration 30 (divine damage or [Effect])

Fort +32, Ref +20, Will +29

Defensive Abilities adaptive defensive programming, shield; DR 30/–; Immune construct traits, Terrestial Hazards; Resistance acid 30, cold 30, fire 30, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 46

Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed 40 ft., booster jets, cling

Melee plasma sword +48/+43/+38/+33 touch (4d6+12/19-20)

Ranged machine gun +42/+37/+32/+27 touch (4d6+20/18-20x10), 2 integrated chain guns +40 (6d6/19-20×4), integrated laser cannon +40 touch (10d6/x6)

Special Attacks atomizer +40 (30d6, DC 29), auto-destruct core (30 ft., DC 29, 30d10), electromagnetic pulse (60 ft., DC 29, 20d6 electricity), suppression fire

Str 34, Dex 18, Con –, Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 28

Base Atk +30; CMB +48; CMD 71

Feats Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (machine gun), Greater Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Improved Critical (machine gun), Improved Critical (plasma sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (machine gun), Weapon Specialization (machine gun)

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (perception), Epic Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Greater Critical (machine gun), Greater Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Improved Critical Multiplier (machine gun)

Skills Intimidate +39, Knowledge (planes) +37, Knowledge (religion) +37, Perception +49, Sense Motive +39, Spellcraft +34

Languages Pleromian; remote communication

SQ ego, flexible programming, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, integrated weaponry, prana generator, sustenance, virtual size category +1


Environment Any

Organization solitary, pair, squadron (3–12), platoon (6–18 plus 1 Man of Adamantine) or invasion (60d6, plus 30d6 Man of Adamantine, 10d6 Man of Orichalcum, 2d6 Man of Neutronium)

Treasure none

Adaptive Defensive Programming (Ex)
Three times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Iron can change one of its resistances to any other energy type for 10 minutes.

Atomizer (Ex)
As a full-round action once every 3 rounds, a Man of Iron can fire a ray as a ranged touch attack. On a hit, the ray deals 1d6 points of damage for Man of Iron’s HD. When used against an object, the atomizer disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. A creature or object that succeeds at a Fortitude save DC 29 instead takes only one-quarter normal damage. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Auto-Destruct Core (Ex)
As a full-round action, and automatically without any action when reduced to 0 hit points, a Man of Iron can cause its central power core to overheat and self-destruct in an explosion that destroys the robot and deals 1d10 points of damage per HD of the Man of Iron to all targets in a 30-foot radius. Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is slashing damage. Creatures in this area that succeed at a Reflex saving throw DC 29 take half damage. This explosion subjects those affected to severe radiation. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Booster Jets (Ex)
As a swift action up to 10 times per hour, a Man of Iron can gain a fly speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability) for a duration of 1 minute.

Cling (Ex)
A combination of magnetic pads and electrostatic emitters in its feet allow a Man of Iron to climb and travel on vertical or horizontal surfaces without having to attempt Climb checks, even allowing it to traverse these surfaces while upside down.

Electromagnetic Pulse (Ex)
Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a Man of Iron can unleash an electromagnetic pulse in a 60-foot radius that bypasses any active force fields (or similar effects) and deals 20d6 points of electricity damage to any robots, creatures with electronic circuits, creatures that use electricity signal in their body (like humans) or creatures with cybernetic implants. Creatures affected by this attack that succeed at a Reflex save DC 29 take only half the normal amount of damage. This effect doesn’t harm the robot itself. Any technological item within this radius is drained of 1d12 charges unless the item succeeds at a Reflex save. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Ego (Ex)
Unlike other weak construct, a Man of Iron has good Fortitude and Will save, and add its Charisma modifier to hit point and Fortitude save in place of Constitution.

Flexible Programming (Ex)
Ten times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Iron can gain the benefit of any feat for which it qualifies but does not have. Each feat remains in effect for 1 minute. In addition, it counts its racial Hit Dice as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. If it has levels in fighter, these Hit Dice stack with these levels.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Man of Iron count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. When a Man of Iron kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 10 minutes, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d20’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die. It gains an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to ½ its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Integrated Weaponry (Ex)
A Man of Iron’s has integrated weaponry. These weapons cannot be disarmed, removed, or sundered. A Man of Iron’s programming allows it to wield these weapons as if it were proficient in their use. All the integrated weaponry are recharged as a free action that does not provoke attack of opportunity. Unlike normal integrated weaponry, a Man of Iron can make iterative attacks with the machine gun and plasma sword.

Laser Cannon (Ex)
Mounted on his back, a Man of Iron has mounted a laser cannon. These weapons emit beams of intensely focused light waves that resolve as touch attacks and deal fire damage. A laser can pass through force fields and force effects like a wall of force without damaging that field to strike a foe beyond. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers (but unlike force barriers, glass still takes damage from a laser strike passing through it). Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attack

Machine Gun (Ex)
One of the Man of Iron’s arms ends in a powerful machine gun. This weapon has a range of 150 feet and deals 4d6 points of damage. Because the ammunition is ejected from the Man of Iron’s body, the machine gun add the construct’s Strength modifier on damage rolls. This weapon has the automatic property and because is integrated, never suffer misfire, and does not impart the -2 (from the automatic property) and -4 (from the use without being mounted) penalty to attack rolls.

Plasma Sword (Ex)
One of the Man of Iron’s arms has mounted, a sword that as a blade has plasma and deal damage with the mere touch. Its damage is half electricity and the other half is fire. The Man of Iron can retract inside the arm or extract the blade as a swift action to free the hand and allow precise manipulation of objects.

Prana Generator (Ex)
The Man of Iron gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, initiative, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, and CMD.

Remote Communication (Ex)
Using radio signals, invisible lasers, or other means, a Man of Iron is capable of communicating with other robot with the Hyperborean constructed trait that also have this ability instantaneously and without making any sound over long distances. This ability has a range of 100 miles. This signal is blocked by 1 foot of metal, 5 feet of stone, or 20 feet of organic matter.

Shield (Ex)
The Man of Iron use technological shield. This provide a 100 hp barrier that surrounds this construct. Damage done to the Man of Iron is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 5 health per round. This replace the force fields of the robot subtype.

Superior Optics (Ex)
Man of Irons see invisible creatures or objects as if they were visible.

Suppression Fire (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Man of Iron can give up its regular attacks and instead make one machine gun attack at its highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach of its weapon. It must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. When it use the Suppression Fire, the machine gun lose the automatic weapon property, and also the Man of Iron forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. Suppression Fire can be used at will but must wait 1d6 rounds between uses.

Sustenance (Ex)
A Man of Iron’s core can process scrap metal into new ammunition, effectively giving the construct infinite ammunition with its integrated weapons.
This is pretty freaking cool, I really like the Ego ability and the use of Vital Strike in their feats. That's a fantastic feat for use with IH, great idea. I also like that these are like Prophet level threats not like greater deity or higher threats I think that adds a very interesting new Hyperborean threat, one I'll definitely be adding into my campaign from now on. 😀


Who is the leader of the Hyperboreans in your campaign?
This is an interesting and not a simple question. Using the current timeline, there is no central leader at this time. Each group has its own leader who does not obey the others but at most collaborates with them. Since the fall of the Empire there has not been a central leader who gathered all the Hyperboreans under a single flag.

This is an interesting and not a simple question. Using the current timeline, there is no central leader at this time. Each group has its own leader who does not obey the others but at most collaborates with them. Since the fall of the Empire there has not been a central leader who gathered all the Hyperboreans under a single flag.
You know, I think I'm going to use your Hyperborean concept in my campaigns as a splinter group called the God Killers or God Slayers, I'm probably going to give them the Antidivine domain and make them enemies of both gods and Empirical Hyperboreans.

I'm really interested in seeing the Man of Neutronium and Orichalcum too.


I'm really interested in seeing the Man of Neutronium and Orichalcum too.
For now I have finished the Man of Adamantine and will post it in the next few days. For the other two it will take a little more work and revision of their abilities. I also updated the Man of Iron with some abilities that I forgot to write down in the first version.


This is an interesting and not a simple question. Using the current timeline, there is no central leader at this time. Each group has its own leader who does not obey the others but at most collaborates with them. Since the fall of the Empire there has not been a central leader who gathered all the Hyperboreans under a single flag.
If you ever do make a leader, I think he should have the Strange Matter Body ability Beefer made.

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