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I understood that but it does not resolve my doubt. Let's go with the Hex of the Witch then. Do you abrogate one or the whole class or just a variant (basic, major, greater)? They don't depend on an ability score (like spellcasting) or another ability (like rage power).
Hex is different as it is a multitude of different supernatural abilities. You don't have to go into a "hex state" to use hexes but rage powers require you to be in a rage first. Think of the Calm Emotions spell, that spell would negate a barbarian using their rage and by proxy their rage powers, but not all the various class features are equivalent.

So, for example, Rogue talents, those are all individual abilities that don't require a specific ability to use first. They're like feats only available to rogues.

Bardic Music and it's various abilities, Spellcasting and all spells, Rage and rage powers, a Paladin's Lay on Hands and their mercies, and a druid and their wildshapes are all a little different though as all those require a key ability that once negated negates all subsequent abilities.

Negate bardic music, they can't use any of their bardic performances, negate spellcasting and all their spells are negated, negate rage and all rage powers are negated, negate Lay on Hands and all mercies are negated, negate the ability to wildshape and all wildshape forms are unusable until you escape the range of the abrogate.

Feats, bloodline powers, various special abilities that don't require a key power, hexes, and monk abilities all don't have a keystone power though, thusly you could only negate them one at a time.

You could negate evasion, a specific hex, a feat, a monk ability, or a single bloodline ability just fine but not like a whole bloodline or all monk abilities, or all hexes or all feats. They all don't have a specific keystone power associated with it to target.


Ainz Ooal Gown

Human Paragon Dread Lich mythic lich wizard (pact wizard [HH]) 5 / master specialist 10 / incantatrix 10 / cleric 10 / archmage 10

LE medium undead (augmented humanoid, evil, mythic)

Init +73M; Senses darkvision 120 ft., aura sight, enchantment sight, greater arcane sight, read magic, see invisibility, speechreader’s sight, spell perception 60 ft.; Perception +111

Aura absolute terror (60 ft., DC 91), evil, law, paragon presence (135 ft., DC 91, less than 22 HD, 45 damage)

AC 129, touch 105, flat-footed 105 (+12 armor of bones, +29 deflection, +24 Dex, +30 luck, +24 natural)

hp 2.205 hp (45d20+1.305) fast healing 50

Fort +77, Ref +69, Will +90

Defensive Abilities channel resistance +14, formidable animation, death’s embrace, mirror dodge, mythic phylactery, rejuvenation, stable form, sustained by magic; DR 75/cursed and epic, 15/bludgeoning and good, 5/bludgeoning; Immune channel energy from non-mythic source, cold, electricity, undead traits; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 85

Weakness vulnerability to fire and good

Speed 90 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect) (Su)

Melee cursed touch +79 (1d10+22 negative energy plus paralysis)

Special Attacks channel negative energy 32/day (DC 74, 5d6), creepying paralysis, channel power, command undead 20/day (DC 92), cursed touch (DC 101), dispelling touch, grave touch 38/day (2 rounds), hand of the acolyte 32/day, immediate counterspell, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), necrotic tending 32/day (cure 1d8 + 5 to an undead), seize concentration, snatch spell

+3 caster level for necromancy spells, +4 DC for necromancy spells, Ainz can expend one use of mythic power as part of casting a necromancy spell to force any of the spell’s targets to roll their saving throws twice, taking the lower result.

+14 to caster level checks to overcome SR

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 50th; concentration +109) save DC (if any): 69 + spell level

Epic Spells per day: (4)

Epic Spells Know: Animus Blizzard, Crown of Vermin, Eidolon, Momento Mori, Rain of Fire, Safe Time, Soul Scry, Summon Behemoth, The Goal of All Life is Death

9th—20 slots

8th—20 slots

7th—20 slots

6th—22 slots

5th—22 slots + 1 domain slot

4th—22 slots + 1 domain slot

3rd—24 slots + 1 domain slot

2nd—24 slots + 1 domain slot

1st—24 slots + 1 domain slot

0 (at will)—8 orisons

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 65th; concentration +115) save DC (if any): 75 + spell level;

Epic Spells per day: (4)

Epic Spells Know: Animus Blizzard, Crown of Vermin, Eidolon, Momento Mori, Rain of Fire, Rise Island, Safe Time, Soul Scry, Summon Behemoth, The Goal of All Life is Death

17th—4 slots

16th—4 slots

15th—4 slots

14th—4 slots

13th—4 slots

12th—4 slots

11th—4 slots

10th—4 slots

9th—22 slots

8th—22 slots

7th—22 slots

6th—22 slots

5th—22 slots

4th—24 slots

3rd—24 slots

2nd—24 slots

1st—24 slots

0 (at will)—8 cantrips

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 75th, concentration +134)

Constant—greater arcane sight

At will—limited wish

Str 60, Dex 58, Con –, Int 80, Wis 68, Cha 68

Base Atk +24; CMB +79; CMD 142

Feats Combat CastingB, Command UndeadB M, Command Undead Groundwork, Frugal Crafting, (Great Power, Greater Expense) Groundwork, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy)B, Greater Spell PenetrationB, Iron Will, Improved InitiativeM, Mythic Spell LoreB, Presence of Mind, Skill Focus (spellcraft)B, Spell Focus (necromancy)M, Spell PenetrationBM, Spell School Specialization (necromancy)

Metamagic Feats Corrupt Spell, Empower SpellB, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized SpellB, Quicken SpellM, Reach SpellB, Tanatopic Spell, Widen SpellB

Epic Metamagic Feats Cataclysmic Spell, Greater Intensified Spell (+4, removes the maximum cap), Metamagic Freedom, Unbound Spell

Epic Feats Epic Spellcasting

Skills All skills 78 + ability modifier; Racial Modifiers +8 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth, and a +4 insight bonus on Linguistics, Knowledge (all), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks

Languages Common, Necril; comprehend languages and tongues

SQ arcane bond (staff of Ainz Ooal Gown), arcane metamastery, arcane school (necromancy), augmented spellcasting (wild arcana), caster level increase (necromancy, +2), craft artifacts, crafting mastery, cloak of mysteries, cooperative metamagic, eldritch reciprocation, empowered spells, focused study, domains (death, magic), effortless magic, fortuity, (great power, greater expense) 20/day (+35), improved metamagic, instant metamagic 2/day, mantle of spells (emergency force sphere, greater spell immunity, greater teleport, harm, wish), maven, metamagic effect 17/day, metamagic spell trigger, mythic potency, mythic spellpower, mythic spells, patron (death), perfect preparation, omnicompetent, opposite school (enchantment, evocation, transmutation), oracle curse (foretold), oracle revelation (armor of bones), sanctum, school esoterica minor/moderate/major (necromancy), spontaneous casting (inflict), strong spellweaving, supernatural spell 4/day, true archmage, ultimate versatility, virtual size category +3

Gears amulet of natural armor +5, epic spellcaster rod, ring of freedom of movement, ring of weaponbreaking, Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown

Animate Touch (Su)
As a standard action, Ainz Ooal Gown can touch a dead creature and animate it as a skeleton or zombie, as if using animate dead. He can expend one use of mythic power when using this ability to animate the body as a different type of undead, as if using greater create undead. Ainz Ooal Gown treats his total Hit Dice as his caster level for these effects. Undead created in this way are automatically under his control. Ainz Ooal Gown does not need to expend any material components when using this ability.

Arcane Metamastery (Su)
As a swift action, Ainz Ooal Gown can expend one use of mythic power and pick any one metamagic feat he know that increases the slot level of the spell by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 levels. For the next 10 rounds, he can apply this metamagic feat to any spell he cast without increasing the spell slot used or casting time. Ainz Ooal Gown can also use this ability on a spell he cast from a scroll, staff, or wand. Ainz Ooal Gown can’t have more than one use of this ability active at a time. If Ainz Ooal Gown use this ability again, any previous use immediately ends (though this doesn’t affect spells already cast).

Aura of Absolute Terror (Su)
Living creatures within 60 feet of Ainz Ooal Gown are paralyzed by absolute terror for 1d4 rounds, after which they are panicked as long as they remain within his aura and for 1d8 rounds thereafter. Creatures with 5 HD or more are frightened instead of panicked. Once a creature has been paralyzed by this aura, it is immune for 24 hours. Mythic creatures receive a DC 91 Will save to negate the aura, but are shaken as long as they remain within his aura and for 1d6 rounds thereafter if they succeed the save. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. This ability replaces the dread fear aura ability of the dread lich.

Channel Power (Su)
Ainz Ooal Gown can channel raw arcane power into a spell. Ainz Ooal Gown can expend one use of mythic power when casting a spell to increase its damage by 50%. If the spell has a duration greater than 1 round, the duration doubles. Any saves required by the spell take a –4 penalty, although for mythic creatures, this penalty is reduced to –2. This spell ignores any spell resistance the targets have, although targets immune to the spell or to magic still retain that protection.

Creeping Paralysis (Su)
A creature that strikes a mythic lich with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach manufactured weapon, or otherwise touches the lich must save or be affected by the lich’s paralyzing touch ability (or in this case the Cursed Touch). This triggers only once per round per creature.

Craft Artifacts
Ainz Ooal Gown can craft magic arms and armor, staffs, wands, wondrous items, rings, and scrolls that exceed the normal limits for such items and with unique powers, and has done so to great extent, the greatest of which is the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. For instance, Ainz Ooal Gown could create a magic sword with an enhancement bonus higher than +5, a staff that allows the use of spells of higher than 9th level, a cloak of Charisma with an enhancement bonus higher than +6, and so on.

Crafting Mastery (Ex)
Ainz Ooal Gown can craft any magic item as if he had the necessary item creation feats (and its mythic version, if existent). Ainz Ooal Gown make twice as much progress on the item for any time spent. This ability does not reduce the item’s cost or any other requirements.

Eldritch Reciprocation (Su)
Ainz Ooal Gown can choose to take extra damage from a spell to replenish mythic power. When Ainz Ooal Gown is hit by or fail a saving throw against a spell that deals hit point damage, as an immediate action he can choose to take damage as if that spell were affected by the Maximize Spell feat. If the spell’s damage can’t be increased by the Maximize Spell feat or is already under the effect of the Maximize Spell feat, Ainz Ooal Gown instead take double damage from it. The spell’s damage ignores his spell resistance, energy resistance, energy immunities, and other protections against damage. If Ainz Ooal Gown take at least 25 points of damage from the spell, he regain one use of mythic power.

Empowered Spells (Ex)
All of a dread lich’s spells from the necromancy school, spells with the evil descriptor, and spell-like abilities are automatically affected as if by the Empower Spell feat. Such spells do not require higher-level spell slots or increased casting times. The Empower Spell feat cannot be used to further augment these spells.

Enhanced Spellcasting (Su)
At 9th rank, a mythic lich gains the ability to treat its 1st-level spells like cantrips or orisons. If the mythic lich is a spontaneous caster, its 1st-level spells known don’t consume spell slots and can be used again. If the mythic lich prepares spells, its 1st-level spell slots aren’t expended when cast and can be used again. Using metamagic feats or other abilities that alter the spell slot of a spell aren’t affected by this ability (for example, a quickened magic missile uses a 5th-level spell slot and is expended when cast).

Formidable Animation (Su)
At 10th rank, a mythic lich gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws. Any opponent attempting a dispel check against an effect on the lich rolls twice and uses the lower result. Anytime the lich attempts a dispel check, it rolls twice and uses the higher result.

Immediate Counterspell (Su)
At 8th rank, a mythic lich can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to attempt to counter a spell. The lich must use a spell, spell slot, or dispel magic to counterspell as normal. This ability allows the lich to counterspell without first readying an action.

Improved Initiative (Su)
When Ainz Ooal Gown expent one use of mythic power using his Mythic Improved Initiative feat, he count as having the Perfect Initiative Divine Ability.

Mirror Dodge (Su)
When hit by a melee or ranged attack, Ainz Ooal Gown can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to replace himself with an illusory duplicate and teleport to any open square within 30 feet of his current position. Ainz Ooal Gown take no damage from this attack, which instead destroys his illusory duplicate (similar to mirror image). Using this ability requires a line of effect to the square into which he teleport.

Mythic Phylactery (Su)
A mythic lich’s phylactery can’t be harmed by non-mythic sources. At 8th rank, the phylactery becomes a minor artifact, and can be destroyed by only one specific method.

Mythic Spells (Su)
Unlike a normal mythic lich, Ainz Ooal Gown does not gain Mythic Spell Lore as a bonus feat. Ainz Ooal Gown can instead use any of his spell-like abilities and spells as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that effect exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Ainz Ooal Gown can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these effects. Up to three times per day, Ainz Ooal Gown can cast a mythic spell or spell-like ability (and any of its appropriated augmented version) without expending any uses of mythic power. This alter the base mythic spells ability of the mythic lich.

Perfect Necromancer (Ex)
Ainz Ooal Gown can prepare spells from his opposition schools without needing to expend an additional spell slot. He always succeeds at concentration checks to cast spells. He can have any number of undead under his control, and he is not limited by the total Hit Dice of those undead.

Perfect Preparation (Ex)
Ainz Ooal Gown has discovered the secret to preparing spells without having to refer to outside sources. Ainz Ooal Gown no longer need to prepare spells from a spellbook. He still must spend 1 or 15 minutes of time preparing spells.

Permanent Spells
Through the use of permanency, Ainz Ooal Gown is constantly under the effect of the following spells: aura sight, comprehend languages, enchantment sight, read magic, see invisibility, speechreader’s sight, and tongues.

Sanctum (Su)
Ainz Ooal Gown has access to his own personal extradimensional sanctum. By concentrating for 1 minute without interruption, Ainz Ooal Gown can conjure the door to his own personal sanctum, similar to mage’s magnificent mansion, but with the following differences. The sanctum takes up a space equal to six 20-foot cubes per mythic rank, shapeable when he first create it as if it were a spell whose area or effect is shapeable. The sanctum is permanent and persistent, so Ainz Ooal Gown can store objects within the sanctum and retrieve them on future visits. The sanctum includes one unseen servant per mythic rank. When Ainz Ooal Gown conjure the sanctum’s door, he decide which creatures can see and use it (to all other creatures it’s invisible and impermeable). The door remains until Ainz Ooal Gown dismiss it—a standard action with unlimited range as long as he is on the same plane as the door. If Ainz Ooal Gown dismiss the door while he is outside the sanctum, all creatures are immediately shunted outside. Conjuring the door automatically dismisses any other active door.

Spell Perception (Su)
A mythic lich automatically notices spellcasting within 60 feet. The lich automatically pinpoints the location of the caster, identifies the spell being cast, and knows the intended target or area of the spell.

Sustained by Magic (Su)
At 9th rank, each time a mythic lich casts a spell it regains hit points equal to three times the level of the spell slot used to cast the spell.

True Archmage (Ex)
Whenever Ainz Ooal Gown cast a spell that targets one or more non-mythic creatures, each of those creatures must roll any saving throws against the spell twice and take the lower result. Once per round, when Ainz Ooal Gown's spell resistance protects him from a spell cast by an enemy mythic creature, he regain one use of mythic power.

Ultimate Versatility (Ex)
Once per day, Ainz Ooal Gown can temporarily change one decision made for one of his class features. This change lasts for a number of minutes equal to his rank. During this time, he’s treated as if he had always had the new class feature. This doesn’t affect any prepared spells or spells he has already cast. If the new ability is limited in its uses per day, he receive half the normal number of uses (minimum 1). When this ability ends, his previous choice returns with the same number of uses as before he used this ability. If he use this ability to change a class feature that grants access to spells (such as a patron, domain, or school), he lose access to any spells from the old choice but don’t gain the ability to cast new spells. When the effect ends, the previous spells return and can be cast again. He can use this ability to change a feat or skill if he receive it from a class feature, but any other abilities that rely on the missing feat or skill as a prerequisite don’t function while this ability is in effect.

Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown
The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown takes on traits similar to that of the Greek God Hermes' caduceus. It is entwined by seven serpents and in each of the squirming serpents’ mouths hold a jewel of a different color. Its grip has a transparent quality like crystal and emits a bluish white light. When touched, it spews a dark red aura. Sometimes, the faces of humans in agony would appear and crumble away dance on its surface. Such of an effect from the staff is so vivid that it felt as though one could hear their voices of pain. If needed, Ainz could deactivate the special effects like the malevolent aura wreathing from the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown to disappear. The seven gemstones in the Staff’s snake mouths are all purely made up of divine-class artifacts stolen by deities he defeat, with the elemental alignments of Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Time. A gem can be activated for casting one of its spell-like ability 1/day with CL 50th, the save DC (if any) is 64:

Earth: Mythic Earthquake (mythic tier 10th, augmented 8th) or Summon Primal Earth Elemental (as Summon Monster XIX)

Fire: Rain of Fire or Summon Primal Fire Elemental (as Summon Monster XIX)

Water: Mythic Tsunami (mythic tier 10th, augmented 5th) or Summon Primal Water Elemental (as Summon Monster XIX)

Wind: Mythic Whirlwind (mythic tier 10th, augmented 8th) or Summon Primal Air Elemental (as Summon Monster XIX)

Sun: Maximized Mythic Sunburst (mythic tier 10th) or Summon Greatx9 Solar Outer Dragon (as Summon Monster XIX)

Moon: Protection Barrier (see below) or Summon Umbral Blot (as Summon Monster XVIII)

Time: Mythic Time Stop (mythic tier 10th, augmented 8th) or Summon Emperor Time Elemental (Paragon Royal Time Elemental) (as Summon Monster XIX)

Protection Barrier: The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown create a magic barrier that absorb up to 750 points of damage before broken. Any excessive damage when it broken is transferred to the owner. Duration 2 round/per CL.

When the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown is held, it give the owner the divine sorcery, divine wizardry, maven, and omnicompetent Divine Ability (all of them already calculate in the statistics of Ainz Ooal Gown). When the owner prepare his spells, the Staff reduce by 3 the total cost of any metamagic feat is applied (to a minimum of +0) which stack with any ability of the same type (Ainz Ooal Gown with this reduce the cost of -5, combining it with Improved Metamagic of the Incantatrix and Cloak of Mysteries of the Archmage). If the user is a spontaneous spellcaster that only prepare the spell slots, the Staff reduce by 3 the total cost of any metamagic feat is applied during the day (to a minimum of +0) which stack with any ability of the same type.


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I think the Mythic werewolf definitely sucks a lot less than the base werewolf, that's for sure. But if you wanted to make an updated werewolf that would rock.
I use the Monstrous Lycanthrope as the base (Monstrous Lycanthrope (CR special)[3pp] – d20PFSRD), plus the Silverblood Lycanthrope (Silverblood Lycanthrope (CR +2) – d20PFSRD), the Bestial Werewolf (Bestial Werewolf (CR +1) – d20PFSRD), the Enhanced-Werewolf ([3.5] Enhanced Werewolf P.E.A.C.H.) and the Mythic Lycanthrope (Lycanthrope, Mythic (Template) - Spheres of Power Wiki) for create this template

A lycanthrope is a creature of humanoid form that can assume the form of another creature, or even take on a form that is a hybrid of the two. Natural lycanthropes can control their forms and communicate the disease of lycanthropy to other creatures with their natural attacks. Afflicted lycanthropes are slaves to the phases of the moon, becoming monstrous beings at certain times regardless of their will.

A lycanthrope can take any of three forms: the base creature’s form (called normal form), a hybrid form, or the werecreature’s form (called monster form). The hybrid form has the normal form’s body shape and number of limbs and heads, but it shares certain characteristics of the monster form, including scales, fur, and skin tone. The hybrid form might also include smaller versions of the monster form’s wings, horns, or facial features, or even vestigial limbs (or heads) of the monster form that the normal form does not possess.

Creating a Lycanthrope
“Lycanthrope” is a template that can be added to any living creature with a generally humanoid form—namely, two arms, two legs, and a head (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The lycanthrope template can be inherited (for natural lycanthropes) or acquired (for afflicted lycanthropes).

A lycanthrope uses either the original creature’s (referred to hereafter as the base creature) statistics and special abilities or those of some other kind of creature (referred to hereafter as the base monster) as described here.

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 1/3 the CR of the base monster (minimum +3). Compare the CR of the lycanthrope’s monster form to creatures of the same CR and adjust as necessary using the Monster Creation rules as a guide.

Size: The base monster can be any creature whose size is within one step of the base creature’s size. A lycanthrope can also adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of the base creature with those of the base monster. A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is the same size as the base monster or the base creature, whichever is larger.

Type: The base creature’s type does not change, but does gain the shapechanger subtype and the subtypes of the base monster even if they conflict with the base creature. The lycanthrope gains all the abilities of the gained subtypes in all of its forms.

Senses: In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope has the senses of the base monster. In base and hybrid forms the lycanthrope has the senses of the base creature. If the base monster has low-light vision or scent abilities, the lycanthrope has them in all forms. In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope gains bloodscent.

Bloodscent (Ex)
If a lycanthrope doesn’t have the scent ability, he gains it but can only use it for track creatures taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points. If a lycanthrope has the scent ability, he multiplies the distance at which it can detect a creature taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points by ½ his HD (minimum 2). He also gains a bonus equal to ½ his HD on Survival checks to track a creature taking bleed damage or under his maximum hit points by scent.

Aura: In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope has the auras of the base monster. In base and hybrid forms it has the auras of the base creature.

AC: In hybrid or monster form the lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base monster +2.

Defensive Abilities: A natural lycanthrope gains DR 10/silver in monster or hybrid form. An afflicted lycanthrope gains DR 5/silver in monster or hybrid form. A lycanthrope gains all the defensive abilities of the base monster (even those based on type or subtype, such as those of the undead or constructs) in monster or hybrid form. A natural lycanthrope gains all the immunities of the base monster (even those based on type or subtype, such as those of the undead or constructs) in monster or hybrid form. A lycanthrope also gains the following abilities.

Beast of Legends (Ex)
A lycanthrope’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver, regardless of their enhancement bonus. Abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil, or that allow the weapon to count as made of special material, such as a lycanthrope hunter’s anathema or the mithral material, still work as normal. A natural lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains fortification (25%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. This increases to fortification (50%) at 9 HD and fortification (75%) at 16 HD. At 20 HD a natural lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains immunity to critical hits or precision damages not dealts with silver weapons.

Feral Counter (Ex)
The first time each round that a creature damages the lycanthrope, the lycanthrope can take an attack of opportunity against the creature. The lycanthrope must threaten the triggering creature to use this ability.

Rapid Recovery (Ex)
A lycanthrope regains hp every hour as though he rested for 8 hours. He also regrow any lost limbs in 1d4 days, but he must remain in monster or hybrid form for the entire duration.

Regeneration (Ex)
A lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains regeneration (silver) equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1).

Weaknesses: A lycanthrope has all the weaknesses of the base monster in hybrid or monster form, except those given by its new subtypes which it has in all forms.

Speed: Same as the base creature or base monster, depending on which form the lycanthrope is using. Hybrids use the base creature’s land speed and the additional movement modes of the base monster. In monster form use only the base monster’s speed.

Attacks: A lycanthrope gains all applicable natural attacks of the base monster in monster and hybrid forms.

Special Attacks: A lycanthrope retains all special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base creature. In hybrid or monster form he gains the applicable special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base monster.

Bloodthirsty (Ex)
One of a lycanthrope’s natural attacks (usually bite) deals bleed damage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1) on a hit. This bleed damage does not stacks. On a critical hit with this attack, the target also takes 1 point of Constitution damage as the lycanthrope rips off the flesh of the victim.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)
One of a lycanthrope’s natural attacks (usually bite or claw) in monster or hybrid form infects a target that has a generally humanoid form with lycanthropy (Fortitude save DC 15 negates). If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.

Pheromones (Ex)
All creatures of the same species (base species, not necessarily a lycanthrope) within a 15 ft. radius of a lycanthrope in his base form must succeed a Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Con modifier) or be charmed as if by a charm monster spell. This status lasts as long as the charmed creature remains within 15 ft. of the lycanthrope and for 2 hours. Any hostile action taken by the lycanthrope against the creature break the effect and for 24 hours the creature is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope. This is a charm, mind-affecting effect based on smell and creatures without the ability to smell are immune to this ability. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours.

Roar (Ex)
As a standard action, the lycanthrope’s with a roar (or any type of typical sonic communication of the base monster, like howl for a werewolf) strikes fear into all enemies who hear it. This is a sonic effect and doesn’t work in an area of silence or against deafness opponent. All foes within 30 feet who can hear the lycanthrope must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Cha modifier) or become shaken for 5d6 rounds. If a creature fail the save by more of 5, he’s instead frightened for the same duration. This is a fear, mind-affecting, sonic effect. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the roar ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours. This ability may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the lycanthrope.

Spell-like Abilities: A lycanthrope gains the spell-like abilities of the base monster in hybrid and monster form.

Spell Resistance: A lycanthrope is naturally resistant to magic. A lycanthrope in hybrid or monster form gains spell resistance equal to 11 + HD. This spell resistance does not stack with spell resistance from other sources.

Spellcasting: If the base monster is a natural spellcaster, the lycanthrope gains natural spellcasting only in monstrous form.

Abilities: +2 Wis, –2 Cha (minimum 1) in all forms; +2 Str, +2 Con in hybrid and monster forms.

Lycanthropes have enhanced senses but are not fully in control of their emotions and animalistic urges. In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a lycanthrope’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) change when he assumes hybrid or monster form. In base form, the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In monster and hybrid forms the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base monster’s, whichever ability score is higher (plus the +2 to Str and Con). If the base monster has no score in an ability, the lycanthrope uses the base creature’s score in all forms. If the base creature has no score in an ability, it gains the base monster’s score in hybrid and monster form.

Feats: A lycanthrope gains the bonus feats of both the base creature and base monster in all forms. A lycanthrope gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Run, Toughness and Skill Focus (survival) as bonus feats in hybrid and monster forms.

Skills: A lycanthrope keeps the bonus racial modifiers of the base monster in hybrid and monster forms. In base and hybrid forms it has the racial modifiers of the base creature. The lycanthrope’s class skills are those of both the base creature and base monster.

Languages: In all forms, the lycanthrope can speak the languages of the base creature and base monster. If the base creature or base monster has a supernatural or spell-like mode of communication, such as telepathy, it gains that mode of communication in monster and hybrid forms. If the base monster cannot speak, the lycanthrope cannot speak in monster form.

Special Qualities: A lycanthrope gains the following.

Change Shape (Su)
All lycanthropes have three forms—a base form, a monster form, and a hybrid form. Equipment does not meld with the new form between base and hybrid form, but does between those forms and monster form. A natural lycanthrope can shift to any of its three alternate forms as a move-equivalent action. An afflicted lycanthrope can assume monster or hybrid form as a full-round action by making a DC 15 Constitution check, or base form as a full-round action by making a DC 20 Constitution check. On nights when the full moon is visible, an afflicted lycanthrope gains a +5 morale bonus to Constitution checks made to assume monster or hybrid form, but a –5 penalty to Constitution checks made to assume base form. An afflicted lycanthrope reverts to its base form automatically with the next sunrise, or after 8 hours of rest, whichever comes first. A slain lycanthrope reverts to its base form, although it remains dead. This is a polymorph effect.

Child of The Moon (Su)
The lycanthrope is filled with enthusiastic vigor when the light of the moon is strongest. When the moon is at least half full, the lycanthrope gains the benefit of bless whenever he is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope gains the effect of heroism rather than bless, and retains the benefit indoors. When the moon is less than half full, the lycanthrope becomes fatigued during the night. On nights of the new moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope becomes exhausted.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex)
In any form, natural lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with monsters related to their monster form. They can use Diplomacy to alter such a monster’s attitude, and when so doing gain a +4 racial bonus on the check. Afflicted lycanthropes only gain this ability in monster or hybrid form.

Monstrous Blood (Ex)
In all forms, a lycanthrope is considered both the base creature’s and base monster’s type (if different) for purposes and spell and effects that affect a specific monster type.

Survival Instinct (Ex)
If at anytime a lycanthrope in base form is reduced to 10% Hit Points (or if he ever takes damage which exceeds his massive damage threshold), the creature must make a Will save DC (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Con modifier) or automatically change into hybrid form or monster form. When triggered in this way, the lycanthrope brain reverts to the most basic form of fight or flight: he cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration and must chose (player’s choice) or to fight until the end (in this case, he cannot flee the fight in any willing way and this state ends when all foe are kill or incapacitated; regardless, the lycanthrope can distinguishes enemies and allies in this state) or to flee at the best of his abilities (in this case, the lycanthrope cannot make attack or use offensive action but gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when he move out of or within a threatened area, this state work as frightened [this is not mind-affecting or fear and overcome any immunity of the lycanthrope] but without the -2 penalty to attack, saving throws, skill and ability checks and ends when the lycanthrope is no longer in peril).


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I use the Monstrous Lycanthrope as the base (Monstrous Lycanthrope (CR special)[3pp] – d20PFSRD), plus the Silverblood Lycanthrope (Silverblood Lycanthrope (CR +2) – d20PFSRD), the Bestial Werewolf (Bestial Werewolf (CR +1) – d20PFSRD), the Enhanced-Werewolf ([3.5] Enhanced Werewolf P.E.A.C.H.) and the Mythic Lycanthrope (Lycanthrope, Mythic (Template) - Spheres of Power Wiki) for create this template

A lycanthrope is a creature of humanoid form that can assume the form of another creature, or even take on a form that is a hybrid of the two. Natural lycanthropes can control their forms and communicate the disease of lycanthropy to other creatures with their natural attacks. Afflicted lycanthropes are slaves to the phases of the moon, becoming monstrous beings at certain times regardless of their will.

A lycanthrope can take any of three forms: the base creature’s form (called normal form), a hybrid form, or the werecreature’s form (called monster form). The hybrid form has the normal form’s body shape and number of limbs and heads, but it shares certain characteristics of the monster form, including scales, fur, and skin tone. The hybrid form might also include smaller versions of the monster form’s wings, horns, or facial features, or even vestigial limbs (or heads) of the monster form that the normal form does not possess.

Creating a Lycanthrope
“Lycanthrope” is a template that can be added to any living creature with a generally humanoid form—namely, two arms, two legs, and a head (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The lycanthrope template can be inherited (for natural lycanthropes) or acquired (for afflicted lycanthropes).

A lycanthrope uses either the original creature’s (referred to hereafter as the base creature) statistics and special abilities or those of some other kind of living creature (referred to hereafter as the base monster) as described here.

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 1/3 the CR of the base monster (minimum +3). Compare the CR of the lycanthrope’s monster form to creatures of the same CR and adjust as necessary using the Monster Creation rules as a guide.

Size: The base monster can be any creature whose size is within one step of the base creature’s size. A lycanthrope can also adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of the base creature with those of the base monster. A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is the same size as the base monster or the base creature, whichever is larger.

Type: The base creature’s type does not change, but does gain the shapechanger subtype and the subtypes of the base monster even if they conflict with the base creature. The lycanthrope gains all the abilities of the gained subtypes in all of its forms.

Senses: In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope has the senses of the base monster. In base and hybrid forms the lycanthrope has the senses of the base creature. If the base monster has low-light vision or scent abilities, the lycanthrope has them in all forms. In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope gains bloodscent.

Bloodscent (Ex)
If a lycanthrope doesn’t have the scent ability, he gains it but can only use it for track creatures taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points. If a lycanthrope has the scent ability, he multiplies the distance at which it can detect a creature taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points by ½ his HD (minimum 2). He also gains a bonus equal to ½ his HD on Survival checks to track a creature taking bleed damage or under his maximum hit points by scent.

Aura: In hybrid and monstrous forms the lycanthrope has the auras of the base monster. In base and hybrid forms it has the auras of the base creature.

AC: In hybrid or monster form the monstrous lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base monster +2.

Defensive Abilities: A natural lycanthrope gains DR 10/silver in monster or hybrid form. An afflicted lycanthrope gains DR 5/silver in monster or hybrid form. A lycanthrope gains all the defensive abilities of the base monster (even those based on type or subtype, such as those of the undead or constructs) in monster or hybrid form. A natural lycanthrope gains all the immunities of the base monster (even those based on type or subtype, such as those of the undead or constructs) in monster or hybrid form. A lycanthrope also gains the following abilities.

Beast of Legends (Ex)
A lycanthrope’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver, regardless of their enhancement bonus. Abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil, or that allow the weapon to count as made of special material, such as a lycanthrope hunter’s anathema or the mithral material, still work as normal. A natural lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains fortification (25%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. This increases to fortification (50%) at 9 HD and fortification (75%) at 16 HD. At 20 HD a natural lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains immunity to critical hits or precision damages not dealts with silver weapons.

Feral Counter (Ex)
The first time each round that a creature damages the lycanthrope, the lycanthrope can take an attack of opportunity against the creature. The lycanthrope must threaten the triggering creature to use this ability.

Rapid Recovery (Ex)
A lycanthrope regains hp every hour as though he rested for 8 hours. He also regrow any lost limbs in 1d4 days, but he must remain in monster or hybrid form for the entire duration.

Regeneration (Ex)
A lycanthrope in monster or hybrid form gains regeneration (silver) equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1).

Weaknesses: A lycanthrope has all the weaknesses of the base monster in hybrid or monster form, except those given by its new subtypes which it has in all forms.

Speed: Same as the base creature or base monster, depending on which form the lycanthrope is using. Hybrids use the base creature’s land speed and the additional movement modes of the base monster. In monster form use only the base monster’s speed.

Attacks: A lycanthrope gains all applicable natural attacks of the base monster in monster and hybrid forms.

Special Attacks: A lycanthrope retains all special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base creature. In hybrid or monster form he gains the applicable special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base monster.

Bloodthirsty (Ex)
One of a lycanthrope’s natural attacks (usually bite) deals bleed damage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1) on a hit. This bleed damage does not stacks. On a critical hit with this attack, the target also takes 1 point of Constitution damage as the lycanthrope rips off the flesh of the victim.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)
One of a lycanthrope’s natural attacks (usually bite or claw) in monster or hybrid form infects a target that has a generally humanoid form with lycanthropy (Fortitude save DC 15 negates). If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.

Pheromones (Ex)
All creatures of the same species (base species, not necessarily a lycanthrope) within a 15 ft. radius of a lycanthrope in his base form must succeed a Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Con modifier) or be charmed as if by a charm monster spell. This status lasts as long as the charmed creature remains within 15 ft. of the lycanthrope and for 2 hours. Any hostile action taken by the lycanthrope against the creature break the effect and for 24 hours the creature is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope. This is a charm, mind-affecting effect based on smell and creatures without the ability to smell are immune to this ability. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours.

Roar (Ex)
As a standard action, the lycanthrope’s with a roar (or any type of typical sonic communication of the base monster, like howl for a werewolf) strikes fear into all enemies who hear it. This is a sonic effect and doesn’t work in an area of silence or against deafness opponent. All foes within 30 feet who can hear the lycanthrope must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Cha modifier) or become shaken for 5d6 rounds. If a creature fail the save by more of 5, he’s instead frightened for the same duration. This is a fear, mind-affecting, sonic effect. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the howl ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours. This ability may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the werewolf.

Spell-like Abilities: A lycanthrope gains the spell-like abilities of the base monster in hybrid and monster form.

Spell Resistance: A lycanthrope is naturally resistant to magic. A lycanthrope in hybrid or monster form gains spell resistance equal to 11 + HD. This spell resistance does not stack with spell resistance from other sources.

Spellcasting: If the base monster is a natural spellcaster, the lycanthrope gains natural spellcasting only in monstrous form.

Abilities: +2 Wis, –2 Cha (minimum 1) in all forms; +2 Str, +2 Con in hybrid and monster forms.

Lycanthropes have enhanced senses but are not fully in control of their emotions and animalistic urges. In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a monstrous lycanthrope’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) change when he assumes hybrid or monster form. In base form, the monstrous lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In monster and hybrid forms the monstrous lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base monster’s, whichever ability score is higher (plus the +2 to Str and Con). If the base monster has no score in an ability, the lycanthrope uses the base creature’s score in all forms. If the base creature has no score in an ability, it gains the base monster’s score in hybrid and monster form.

Feats: A lycanthrope gains the bonus feats of both the base creature and base monster in all forms. A lycanthrope gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Run, Toughness and Skill Focus (survival) as bonus feats in hybrid and monster forms.

Skills: A lycanthrope keeps the bonus racial modifiers of the base monster in hybrid and monster forms. In base and hybrid forms it has the racial modifiers of the base creature. The lycanthrope’s class skills are those of both the base creature and base monster.

Languages: In all forms, the lycanthrope can speak the languages of the base creature and base monster. If the base creature or base monster has a supernatural or spell-like mode of communication, such as telepathy, it gains that mode of communication in monster and hybrid forms. If the base monster cannot speak, the lycanthrope cannot speak in monster form.

Special Qualities: A lycanthrope gains the following.

Change Shape (Su)
All lycanthropes have three forms—a base form, a monster form, and a hybrid form. Equipment does not meld with the new form between base and hybrid form, but does between those forms and monster form. A natural lycanthrope can shift to any of its three alternate forms as a move-equivalent action. An afflicted lycanthrope can assume monster or hybrid form as a full-round action by making a DC 15 Constitution check, or base form as a full-round action by making a DC 20 Constitution check. On nights when the full moon is visible, an afflicted lycanthrope gains a +5 morale bonus to Constitution checks made to assume monster or hybrid form, but a –5 penalty to Constitution checks made to assume base form. An afflicted lycanthrope reverts to its base form automatically with the next sunrise, or after 8 hours of rest, whichever comes first. A slain lycanthrope reverts to its base form, although it remains dead. This is a polymorph effect.

Child of The Moon (Su)
The lycanthrope is filled with enthusiastic vigor when the light of the moon is strongest. When the moon is at least half full, the lycanthrope gains the benefit of bless whenever he is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope gains the effect of heroism rather than bless, and retains the benefit indoors. When the moon is less than half full, the lycanthrope becomes fatigued during the night. On nights of the new moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope becomes exhausted.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex)
In any form, natural lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with monsters related to their monster form. They can use Diplomacy to alter such a monster’s attitude, and when so doing gain a +4 racial bonus on the check. Afflicted lycanthropes only gain this ability in monster or hybrid form.

Monstrous Blood (Ex)
In all forms, a lycanthrope is considered both the base creature’s and base monster’s type (if different) for purposes and spell and effects that affect a specific monster type.

Survival Instinct (Ex)
If at anytime a lycanthrope in base form is reduced to 10% Hit Points (or if he ever takes damage which exceeds his massive damage threshold), the creature must make a Will save DC (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Con modifier) or automatically change into hybrid form or monster form. When triggered in this way, the lycanthrope brain reverts to the most basic form of fight or flight: he cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration and must chose (player’s choice) or to fight until the end (in this case, he cannot flee the fight in any willing way and this state ends when all foe are kill or incapacitated; regardless, the lycanthrope can distinguishes enemies and allies in this state) or to flee at the best of his abilities (in this case, the lycanthrope cannot make attack or use offensive action but gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when he move out of or within a threatened area, this state work as frightened [this is not mind-affecting or fear and overcome any immunity of the lycanthrope] but without the -2 penalty to attack, saving throws, skill and ability checks and ends when the lycanthrope is no longer in peril).
Wow that's pretty bad ass, question, when it says increase CR by 1/3rd of base monster, is that based on hit dice or just the base? So for example, a minotaur lycanthrope would be CR 7 but if he gained let's say 10 levels of barbarian would it then be CR 17 or would it be CR 21? Would that 1/3rd go up based on current hit dice or just racial base hit dice?


Wow that's pretty bad ass, question, when it says increase CR by 1/3rd of base monster, is that based on hit dice or just the base? So for example, a minotaur lycanthrope would be CR 7 but if he gained let's say 10 levels of barbarian would it then be CR 17 or would it be CR 21? Would that 1/3rd go up based on current hit dice or just racial base hit dice?
Okay, there has been a misunderstanding. The lycanthrope template you can now use it to create various types of lycanthrope, not just based on animals (such as werewolves or werebears). The base monster refers to the creature into which the base creature transmutes. A minotaur (CR 4) with the lycanthrope template (adult red dragon, CR 14), is a CR 8 (4 + 1/3 of 14).

Okay, there has been a misunderstanding. The lycanthrope template you can now use it to create various types of lycanthrope, not just based on animals (such as werewolves or werebears). The base monster refers to the creature into which the base creature transmutes. A minotaur (CR 4) with the lycanthrope template (adult red dragon, CR 14), is a CR 8 (4 + 1/3 of 14).
Ah roger, thanks for clearing that up


At the request of @Bootlebat I created the Clash of Titans Kraken. I had to give it a little more abilities than the ones shown in the film because otherwise he would have been just a big fish.

LE Macro-Diminutive aberration (abomination, aquatic)

Init +49; Senses darkvision 60 ft., eyes of the deep; Perception +80


AC 80, touch 15, flat-footed 68 (+13 deflection, +6 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +65 natural, -24 size)

hp 1.560 (60d8+1.080) fast healing 30, regeneration 30 (chaotic and epic)

Fort +54, Ref +30, Will +45

Defensive Abilities sixth sense; DR 30/chaotic and epic; Immune ability damage or drain, cold, energy drain, enchantment, illusionist and transmutation magic, death from massive damage, water pressure; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; SR/PR 74

Weakness vulnerable to petrification


Speed 20 ft., swim 600 ft.

Melee bite +57 (8d10+35), 2 claws +57 (8d10+35), 8 tentacles +55 (4d10+17 plus grab)

Special Attacks constrict (4d10+17), devastation, lord of lightless depths, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), rend ship, swallow whole (10d10 acid and 10d10 bludgeoning, AC 42, hp 156), vortex (DC 79, 10-160 ft. high, 4d10+17 initial and 30d8 damage every round)

Space 1.020 ft.; Reach 680 ft. (1.000 ft. with tentacles)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 64th, concentration +81)

At will—control water, control winds, heavy water (DC 31), hydraulic torren, tail current, tidal surge (DC 32)

3/day—control weather, tsunami (DC 36)


Str 80, Dex 22, Con 46, Int 6, Wis 28, Cha 36

Base Atk +45; CMB +108; CMD 143 (can’t be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Bloody Assault, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dazing Assault, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Mobility, Multiattack, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite, claws, tentacles), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Improved Combat Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (intimidate, swim), Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills Intimidate +125, Perception +80, Sense Motive +15, Swim +57

Languages Ancient Greek; telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ amphibious, might, siege monster, tenacious grapple

Devastation (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Kraken can assault a structure, dealing 40d20+400 points of damage to the structure in that round (this damage is already increased by siege monster).

Eyes of the Deep (Ex)
The Kraken gains blindsight to a range of 120 feet underwater; this blindsight does not otherwise extend out of the water.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, the Kraken gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The Kraken’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Am abomiantion does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Lord of the Lightless Depths (Su)
The Kraken may expend one use of its mythic power to make the waters filling its space and adjacent squares as dark, chilly, and pressurized as those a thousand fathoms below for 1 minute. The waters offer total concealment (or concealment against creatures with darkvision), and creatures beginning their turn in the area take 20d6 points of pressure damage and 10d6 points of cold damage and becomes fatigued from hypothermia; a DC 60 Fortitude save halves damage and negates fatigue. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Might (Ex)
The Kraken deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Kraken HD.

Mythic (Ex)
The Kraken has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. The Kraken can use any of its spell-like abilities and spells as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that effect exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. The Kraken can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these effects.

Rend Ship (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Kraken can attempt to use four of its tentacles to grapple a ship of its size or smaller. It makes a CMB check opposed by the ship’s captain’s Profession (sailor) check, but the Kraken gets a cumulative +4 bonus on the check for each size category smaller than Macro-Diminutive the ship is. If the Kraken grapples the ship, it holds the ship motionless; it can attack targets anywhere on or within the ship with its tentacles, but with its claws can only attack foes on deck and can’t attack foes at all with its bite. Each round it maintains its hold on the ship, it automatically inflicts bite damage on the ship’s hull.

Siege Monster (Ex)
The Kraken against an object or structure deals double damage.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
If the Kraken manage to grapple a creature, it can put the grappled creature in its mouth as a free action and attempt another grapple combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeed, it swallow the opponent as for the swallow whole special ability. If a creature that is swallowed whole by the Kraken manages to escape by cutting itself free, the Kraken’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tenacious Grapple (Ex)
The Kraken does not gain the grappled condition if it grapples a foe with its tentacles.

Vortex (Su)
The Kraken can create a whirlpool as a standard action, at will. This ability functions identically to the whirlwind special attack, but can only form underwater and cannot leave the water.

Vulnerable to Petrification (Ex)
The Kraken is vulnerable to all effects of petrification and can never apply its resistance or immunity against them (a flesh to stone spell can affect the Kraken even if its normally immune to transmutation magic). A spell or power that has the petrification as a consequence gains a +30 to pass the Kraken PR/SR. The Kraken suffer a -30 penalty to all saves against an effect, spell or power that has the petrification as a consequence.


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