Things from my setting


Today i will post General Radahn. This is the first version. The second is him weakened after blocking the stars but before the battle with Malenia. The third and last is him after battle and succumbing to the Scarlet Rot. As normal, thank Yrolc95 who posted its version for 5e on Reddit https://www.reddit.()com/r/Eldenring/comments/vcid1b/oc_dd_stat_blocks_of_all_demigods_from_elden_ring/

Starscourge Radahn

Male LG Huge outsider (native)

Init +68; Senses darkvision 600 ft., divine senses (x10), see in darkness; Perception +73

Aura divine (DC 26, 625 ft.)


AC 203, touch 31, flat-footed 196 (+124 armor, +10 deflection, +1 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +48 natural, -2 size)

hp 2.350 (50d20+1.350)

Fort +119, Ref +100, Will +106

Defensive Abilities armor mastery, automatic grasp, combat composure, determination, hard to kill, legendary resistance, secure weaponry, sharp reflex, shield of stoicism, sixth sense, tenacious grip, weapon guard, weapon unity; DR 25/– and 15/epic; Immune constitution damage and drain, dazed, exhaustion, fatigued, fear, stunning, outer space environment; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 68


Speed 90 ft. (gift from the gravity), Starflight

Melee 2 Lion’s Sword +196/+191/+186/+181 (480d10+83/15-20x7 plus 3d6 electricity)

Ranged Lion’s Bow +131(2 arrows)/+131/+131/+126/+121/+116 (30d10+79/18-20x4 plus 3d6 electricity and gravity shot) (already calculated Manyshot and Rapid Shot)

Special Attacks assured strike, collapsing star (DC 51), gravity meteor summon (DC 51), gravity shot (DC 51), gravity step (DC 51), meteor crash (DC 74), mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), radahn’s rain, terrifying presence (DC 51)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 56th, concentration +72)

At will—animate objects, bear’s endurance, blade barrier (DC 32), blink, bull’s strength, commune, divine power, dream, etherealness, flame strike (DC 31), form of the alien dragon I/II/III, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater planar ally, greater teleport, interplanetary teleport, lesser geas (DC 30), levitate, magic jar (DC 31), magic missile, magic vestment, magic weapon, meteor swarm (DC 34), move earth, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, sending, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (creatures with the highest stats is Con), telekinesis, tongues, unseen servant, wandering star motes



Str 128, Dex 16, Con 64, Int 27, Wis 30, Cha 30

Base Atk +50; CMB +174; CMD 146

Feats Alertness, Blinding Critical, Clustered Shot, Crippling Critical, Critical Focus, Critical MasteryB, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Exhausting Critical, Extend the BulwarkB, Greater Weapon Specialization (longbow), Improved Critical (longbow), Improved Precise Shot, Iron Will, Lunge, Manyshot, Monstrous Strength, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Master (longbow), Precise Shot, Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Run, Shot on the Run, Spellbreaker, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Teleport Tactician, Tiring Critical, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (greatsword)B, Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow)

Latent Feats Disruptive, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot

Fighter Bonus Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Critical (greatsword), Muscle Reaction, Spring Attack, Weapon Specialization (greatsword)

Epic Fighter Bonus Feats Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Critical (greatsword), Greater Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Dodge

Epic Feats Good Will, Greater Critical (longbow), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Sixth Sense

Skills Acrobatics +56, Bluff +69, Climb +115, Craft [bridle] +67, Diplomacy +66, Fly +60, Handle Animal +66, Heal +69, Intimidate +69, Knowledge (arcane, local, nobility, planes) +67, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, nature, psionic, religion) +64, Perception +73, Profession (soldier) +69, Ride +56, Sense Motive +69, Spellcraft +64, Stealth +48, Survival +69, Swim +115, Use Magic Device +66

Languages Celestial, Common, Giant

SQ advanced armor training (armor specialization [full plate], armored master, armored sacrifice 3/day, armored strike, cushion armament, greater armor specialization [full plate], greater armored strike, unhindered movement – heavy, unhindered movement – medium), advanced weapon training (focused weapon [greatsword, longbow], knockout training, spell smash, training initiative, weapon sacrifice), archer mastery, armor training, bonus feats, bonus skills, feat aptitude, feat expertise, feat retraining, flawless technique, holding the cosmos, integrated class feature (legendary fighter, 25 levels [Fighter (Legendary)]), latent feats, maven, might, no breath, portfolio (Labor, Outer Space, War), perseverance (battle clarity, bravery [+6], fearless zeal, hard to kill, indefatigable), prowess (critical master, inspire confidence, master armorer, master bowyer, master weaponsmith, tactical training 5/day), rapid attack, sky mastery, starscourge, virtual size category +6, weapon adaption, weapon mastery, weapon training (+6), weapon unity

Gears Lion’s Mane Armor (+12 heavy fortification full plate of orichalcum), 2 Lion’s Sword (+10 axiomatic power, ghost touch, impact, lightning blast, phase locking greatsword of orichalcum), Lion’s Bow (+10 axiomatic power, distant shot, ghost touch, lightning blast, phase locking, speed, unerring accuracy composite longbow +59)

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 100 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 31)

• Apport (Su): Summon your equipment from any distance

• Multifaced (Ex) x2: Gain 6 extra feats

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Labor Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a +10 bonus to Endurance skill checks

Workaholic (Ex): Competence penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank if you have not completed a full days work the previous day

• Shield of Stoicism (Su): You are immune to constitution damage/drain and never fail endurance checks

• Scion of Labor (Ex): Competence bonus to constitution equal to your divine rank

• Stoic Brethren (Ex): Those summoned gain Con. bonus equal to your divine rank

• Instrument of Labor (Su): 50% chance to ignore critical hits

Outer Space Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain the No Breath and Starflight abilities (3d20 months/years) and immunity to the environment of the outer space

Hostile Environment (subterranean) (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls when underground

Negative Energy Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spell

Darkest Vision (Ex): You gain the See in Darkness special ability

• Light Immunity (Su): You become immune to light based damage and attacks

• Scion of Stars (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when in starlight

• Improved Summoning (aliens) (Ex): Natural space creatures (like anunnaki, elder thing, shantak) summoned have 50% more HD

• Starflight (Su): Gains the Starflight ability of a Shantak (3d20 hours/day)

War Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: Free martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with the deity’s favored weapon

Lemming’s Wisdom (Ex): Competence penalty to wisdom equal to your divine rank

Soldier’s Death (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one week if you ever retreat

• Battle Ready (Su): You can use armor or shields without penalty

• Scion of War (Ex): Competence bonus on attack rolls equal to your divine rank

• Sons of Battle (Ex): Those summoned gain an attack bonus equal to your divine rank

• Chink in the Armor (Su): Ignore armor bonuses from armor/shields, not enhancement bonus

Archer Mastery (Ex)
Radahn apply his might ability even to ranged attacks.

Collapsing Stars (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn will send out of powerful gravity magic around himself in a dome. Multiple black orbs will then appear and star flying toward his target. Each creature in a 60 ft. cone originated from Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 20d6 divine force damage and is pulled 20 ft. in a straight line toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature doesn’t take damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gift From the Gravity (Su)
Radahn horse, Leonard, can't carry him because he’s is too heavy. Radahn, to avoid separating from his companion and to avoid burdening him, he learned advanced gravitational magic. Radahn replace his base land speed with an equal fly speed (perfect) but he can only levitate 10 ft. above the ground, he cannot fly higher with this ability. Also, he ignore difficult terrain and is under a constant effect of feather fall.

Gravity Meteor Summon (Su)
As a free action, Radahn can create four tiny meteors in his space. They float in the air and orbit around him. As a swift action, Radahn can send one or more of them streaking toward a point or point of his choice within 1.000 ft. of him. Once a meteor reaches its destination or impact against a solid surface, it explode. All creatures within 10 ft. of the point where the meteor explode must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 5d6 divine force damage and 5d6 divine fire damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and negate the prone. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Shot (Su)
Radahn imbue his arrows with gravitational force. A creature hit by an arrow of Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51 or be knocked prone. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Step (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn can create a 20 ft.-radius sphere made of pure gravity centered on himself. Each creature in the sphere must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 10d6 divine force damage and is pulled toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Holding the Cosmos (Ex)
Radahn, alone, is blocking the cosmos and the stellar motions for protecting his World from the invasion from things from the black between the stars. Because of the immense constant effort it undergoes, he gains Labor as a bonus Portfolio.

Legendary Resistance (Ex)
Once per round, when Radahn take damage, he can make a Fortitude save with DC equal to the damage suffered. If he succeed, he doesn't take the damage.

Meteor Crash (Ex)
Once per day when outdoor and under the open sky, as a full-round action that provoke opportunity, Radahn fly instantly in the stratosphere. At the end of his next turn, Radahn will fly back into the planet, at any point within 10 miles from when he originally launch himself in the sky, crashing back to the ground, forming a line of 120 ft. long and 30 ft. wide that explode as he return. Each creature in the area must make a Reflex save DC 74. All creature, unattended objects or structures in the area take 6d100 divine force damage and 6d100 divine fire damage. Radahn is immune to this damage. A successful save half the damage. Each creature in the area that take damage must make also a Strength check against a DC of 92 (Strength modifier of Radahn + Constitution modifier of Radahn + divine rank of Radahn) or be knocked prone. The save DC is Constitution-based and included a +6 racial bonus.

Mythic (Ex)
Radahn has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. Radahn can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. In his godly realm, he count as a 10th-rank Mythic creature and his Mythic Power increase to (10/day, surge +1d12)

Might (Ex)
Radahn deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Radahn’s Rain (Su)
As a full-round action, Radahn will drawn is bow and fire into the air, causing arrows to rain down from the sky to a maximum of 1.000 ft. from him. Radahn make a single attack roll with his bow normally and hit every creature to which he passed the AC in a line 20 ft. wide that originate from him in a direction of his choice with a range maximum of 1.000 ft. If such attack roll results in a possible critical hit, the critical is applied to one creature of Radahn’s choosing in the line. A creature hit is subject to gravity shot as normal. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again.

Starscourge (Ex)
Radahn managed to block the stars by himself. The universe noticed it, rewarding him with the benefit of the Legendary Strength Cosmic Ability.

Terrifying Presence (Ex)
As a swift action, Radahn can intimorate all enemies. Each foe within 300 ft. of Radahn who can see or hear him, must make a Will save DC 51 or become frightened for 6 minutes (1 minute x DR of Radahn). A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effects end for it, the creature is immune to Radahn’s commanding presence for 1 day. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.


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Starscourge Radahn (After blocking the cosmos but before the battle with Malenia)

Male LG Huge outsider (native)

Init +68; Senses darkvision 600 ft., divine senses (x10), see in darkness; Perception +73

Aura divine (DC 26, 625 ft.)


AC 74, touch 1, flat-footed 67 (+25 armor, +10 deflection, +1 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +48 natural, -2 size, -30 bound the stars)

hp 2.350 (50d20+1.350)

Fort +39, Ref +20, Will +26

Defensive Abilities armor mastery, automatic grasp, combat composure, determination, hard to kill, legendary resistance, secure weaponry, sharp reflex, shield of stoicism, sixth sense, tenacious grip, weapon guard, weapon unity; DR 25/– and 15/epic; Immune constitution damage and drain, dazed, exhaustion, fatigued, fear, stunning, outer space environment; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 68

Weakness bound the stars


Speed 90 ft. (gift from the gravity), Starflight

Melee 2 Lion’s Sword +70/+65/+60/+55 (40d10+83/15-20x7 plus 3d6 electricity)

Ranged Lion’s Bow +61(2 arrows)/+61/+61/+56/+51/+46 (30d10+79/18-20x4 plus 3d6 electricity and gravity shot) (already calculated Manyshot and Rapid Shot)

Special Attacks assured strike, collapsing star (DC 51), gravity meteor summon (DC 51), gravity shot (DC 51), gravity step (DC 51), meteor crash (DC 74), mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), radahn’s rain, terrifying presence (DC 51)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 56th, concentration +72)

At will—animate objects, bear’s endurance, blade barrier (DC 32), blink, bull’s strength, commune, divine power, dream, etherealness, flame strike (DC 31), form of the alien dragon I/II/III, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater planar ally, greater teleport, interplanetary teleport, lesser geas (DC 30), levitate, magic jar (DC 31), magic missile, magic vestment, magic weapon, meteor swarm (DC 34), move earth, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, sending, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (creatures with the highest stats is Con), telekinesis, tongues, unseen servant, wandering star motes



Str 128, Dex 16, Con 64, Int 27, Wis 30, Cha 30

Base Atk +50; CMB +74; CMD 76

Feats Alertness, Blinding Critical, Clustered Shot, Crippling Critical, Critical Focus, Critical MasteryB, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Exhausting Critical, Extend the BulwarkB, Greater Weapon Specialization (longbow), Improved Critical (longbow), Improved Precise Shot, Iron Will, Lunge, Manyshot, Monstrous Strength, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Master (longbow), Precise Shot, Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Run, Shot on the Run, Spellbreaker, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Teleport Tactician, Tiring Critical, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (greatsword)B, Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow)

Latent Feats Disruptive, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot

Fighter Bonus Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Critical (greatsword), Muscle Reaction, Spring Attack, Weapon Specialization (greatsword)

Epic Fighter Bonus Feats Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Critical (greatsword), Greater Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Dodge

Epic Feats Good Will, Greater Critical (longbow), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Sixth Sense

Skills Acrobatics +56, Bluff +69, Climb +115, Craft [bridle] +67, Diplomacy +66, Fly +60, Handle Animal +66, Heal +69, Intimidate +69, Knowledge (arcane, local, nobility, planes) +67, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, nature, psionic, religion) +64, Perception +73, Profession (soldier) +69, Ride +56, Sense Motive +69, Spellcraft +64, Stealth +48, Survival +69, Swim +115, Use Magic Device +66

Languages Celestial, Common, Giant

SQ advanced armor training (armor specialization [full plate], armored master, armored sacrifice 3/day, armored strike, cushion armament, greater armor specialization [full plate], greater armored strike, unhindered movement – heavy, unhindered movement – medium), advanced weapon training (focused weapon [greatsword, longbow], knockout training, spell smash, training initiative, weapon sacrifice), archer mastery, armor training, bonus feats, bonus skills, feat aptitude, feat expertise, feat retraining, flawless technique, holding the cosmos, integrated class feature (legendary fighter, 25 levels), latent feats, maven, might, no breath, portfolio (Labor, Outer Space, War), perseverance (battle clarity, bravery [+6], fearless zeal, hard to kill, indefatigable), prowess (critical master, inspire confidence, master armorer, master bowyer, master weaponsmith, tactical training 5/day), rapid attack, sky mastery, starscourge, virtual size category +6, weapon adaption, weapon mastery, weapon training (+6), weapon unity

Gears Lion’s Mane Armor (+12 heavy fortification full plate of orichalcum), 2 Lion’s Sword (+10 axiomatic power, ghost touch, impact, lightning blast, phase locking greatsword of orichalcum), Lion’s Bow (+10 axiomatic power, distant shot, ghost touch, lightning blast, phase locking, speed, unerring accuracy composite longbow +59)

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 100 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 31)

• Apport (Su): Summon your equipment from any distance

• Multifaced (Ex) x2: Gain 6 extra feats

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Labor Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a +10 bonus to Endurance skill checks

Workaholic (Ex): Competence penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank if you have not completed a full days work the previous day

• Shield of Stoicism (Su): You are immune to constitution damage/drain and never fail endurance checks

• Scion of Labor (Ex): Competence bonus to constitution equal to your divine rank

• Stoic Brethren (Ex): Those summoned gain Con. bonus equal to your divine rank

• Instrument of Labor (Su): 50% chance to ignore critical hits

Outer Space Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain the No Breath and Starflight abilities (3d20 months/years) and immunity to the environment of the outer space

Hostile Environment (subterranean) (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls when underground

Negative Energy Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spell

Darkest Vision (Ex): You gain the See in Darkness special ability

• Light Immunity (Su): You become immune to light based damage and attacks

• Scion of Stars (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when in starlight

• Improved Summoning (aliens) (Ex): Natural space creatures (like anunnaki, elder thing, shantak) summoned have 50% more HD

• Starflight (Su): Gains the Starflight ability of a Shantak (3d20 hours/day)

War Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: Free martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with the deity’s favored weapon

Lemming’s Wisdom (Ex): Competence penalty to wisdom equal to your divine rank

Soldier’s Death (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one week if you ever retreat

• Battle Ready (Su): You can use armor or shields without penalty

• Scion of War (Ex): Competence bonus on attack rolls equal to your divine rank

• Sons of Battle (Ex): Those summoned gain an attack bonus equal to your divine rank

• Chink in the Armor (Su): Ignore armor bonuses from armor/shields, not enhancement bonus

Archer Mastery (Ex)
Radahn apply his might ability even to ranged attacks.

Bound the Stars (Ex)
Radahn is by himself stopping the cosmos and that terrifically consumes his strength and use of power. Radahn suffer a -80 penalty to all saving throws, -126 to melee attack rolls (this doesn’t apply to CMB), -70 to ranged attack rolls, his Lion’s Mane Armor and his 2 Lion’s Sword even if they are made of orichalcum, no longer multiplied x12 the damage and armor bonus to AC (they maintain all other benefits of being made of orichalcum), -30 to AC (this doesn’t apply to CMD), -100 to CMB, and -70 to CMD. This ability cannot be removed but Radahn can free the stars at any time as a free action (even if he never will because of his sense of duty).

Collapsing Stars (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn will send out of powerful gravity magic around himself in a dome. Multiple black orbs will then appear and star flying toward his target. Each creature in a 60 ft. cone originated from Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 20d6 divine force damage and is pulled 20 ft. in a straight line toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature doesn’t take damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gift From the Gravity (Su)
Radahn horse, Leonard, can't carry him because he’s is too heavy. Radahn, to avoid separating from his companion and to avoid burdening him, he learned advanced gravitational magic. Radahn replace his base land speed with an equal fly speed (perfect) but he can only levitate 10 ft. above the ground, he cannot fly higher with this ability. Also, he ignore difficult terrain and is under a constant effect of feather fall.

Gravity Meteor Summon (Su)
As a free action, Radahn can create four tiny meteors in his space. They float in the air and orbit around him. As a swift action, Radahn can send one or more of them streaking toward a point or point of his choice within 1.000 ft. of him. Once a meteor reaches its destination or impact against a solid surface, it explode. All creatures within 10 ft. of the point where the meteor explode must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 5d6 divine force damage and 5d6 divine fire damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and negate the prone. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Shot (Su)
Radahn imbue his arrows with gravitational force. A creature hit by an arrow of Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51 or be knocked prone. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Step (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn can create a 20 ft.-radius sphere made of pure gravity centered on himself. Each creature in the sphere must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 10d6 divine force damage and is pulled toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Holding the Cosmos (Ex)
Radahn, alone, is blocking the cosmos and the stellar motions for protecting his World from the invasion from things from the black between the stars. Because of the immense constant effort it undergoes, he gains Labor as a bonus Portfolio.

Legendary Resistance (Ex)
Once per round, when Radahn take damage, he can make a Fortitude save with DC equal to the damage suffered. If he succeed, he doesn't take the damage.

Meteor Crash (Ex)
Once per day when outdoor and under the open sky, as a full-round action that provoke opportunity, Radahn fly instantly in the stratosphere. At the end of his next turn, Radahn will fly back into the planet, at any point within 10 miles from when he originally launch himself in the sky, crashing back to the ground, forming a line of 120 ft. long and 30 ft. wide that explode as he return. Each creature in the area must make a Reflex save DC 74. All creature, unattended objects or structures in the area take 6d100 divine force damage and 6d100 divine fire damage. Radahn is immune to this damage. A successful save half the damage. Each creature in the area that take damage must make also a Strength check against a DC of 92 (Strength modifier of Radahn + Constitution modifier of Radahn + divine rank of Radahn) or be knocked prone. The save DC is Constitution-based and included a +6 racial bonus.

Mythic (Ex)
Radahn has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. Radahn can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. In his godly realm, he count as a 10th-rank Mythic creature and his Mythic Power increase to (10/day, surge +1d12)

Might (Ex)
Radahn deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Radahn’s Rain (Su)
As a full-round action, Radahn will drawn is bow and fire into the air, causing arrows to rain down from the sky to a maximum of 1.000 ft. from him. Radahn make a single attack roll with his bow normally and hit every creature to which he passed the AC in a line 20 ft. wide that originate from him in a direction of his choice with a range maximum of 1.000 ft. If such attack roll results in a possible critical hit, the critical is applied to one creature of Radahn’s choosing in the line. A creature hit is subject to gravity shot as normal. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again.

Starscourge (Ex)
Radahn managed to block the stars by himself. The universe noticed it, rewarding him with the benefit of the Legendary Strength Cosmic Ability.

Terrifying Presence (Ex)
As a swift action, Radahn can intimorate all enemies. Each foe within 300 ft. of Radahn who can see or hear him, must make a Will save DC 51 or become frightened for 6 minutes (1 minute x DR of Radahn). A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effects end for it, the creature is immune to Radahn’s commanding presence for 1 day. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.
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Starscourge Radahn (After the battle with Malenia)

Male Chaotic Insane Huge outsider (native)

Init +68; Senses darkvision 600 ft., divine senses (x10), see in darkness; Perception +73

Aura degeneration (DC 68, caster level 66, 500 ft.), divine (DC 26, 625 ft.), poison cloud (DC 68, lesser scarlet tor, 10 ft.), putrefying (DC 68, 500 ft.), shattering aura (50 pounds, 500 ft.)


AC 74, touch 1, flat-footed 67 (+25 armor, +10 deflection, +1 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +48 natural, -2 size, -30 bound the stars)

hp 2.350 (50d20+1.350)

Fort +39, Ref +20, Will +26

Defensive Abilities armor mastery, automatic grasp, combat composure, determination, ferocity, hard to kill, legendary resistance, poisonous blood (lesser scarlet rot), secure weaponry, sharp reflex, shield of stoicism, sixth sense, tenacious grip, weapon guard, weapon unity; DR 25/– and 15/epic; Immune ability damage and drain, bleed, constitution damage and drain, death effects, disease, dazed, exhaustion, fatigued, fear, mind-affecting, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, outer space environment; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 68

Weakness bound the stars


Speed 90 ft. (gift from the gravity), Starflight

Melee 2 Lion’s Sword +70/+65/+60/+55 (40d10+83/15-20x7 plus 3d6 electricity)

Ranged Lion’s Bow +61(2 arrows)/+61/+61/+56/+51/+46 (30d10+79/18-20x4 plus 3d6 electricity and gravity shot) (already calculated Manyshot and Rapid Shot)

Special Attacks assured strike, collapsing star (DC 51), gravity meteor summon (DC 51), gravity shot (DC 51), gravity step (DC 51), meteor crash (DC 74), mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), radahn’s rain, terrifying presence (DC 51)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 56th, concentration +72)

At will—animate objects, bear’s endurance, blade barrier (DC 32), blink, bull’s strength, commune, divine power, dream, etherealness, flame strike (DC 31), form of the alien dragon I/II/III, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater planar ally, greater teleport, interplanetary teleport, lesser geas (DC 30), levitate, magic jar (DC 31), magic missile, magic vestment, magic weapon, meteor swarm (DC 34), move earth, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, sending, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (creatures with the highest stats is Con), telekinesis, tongues, unseen servant, wandering star motes



Str 128, Dex 16, Con 64, Int 27, Wis 30, Cha 30

Base Atk +50; CMB +74; CMD 76

Feats Alertness, Blinding Critical, Clustered Shot, Crippling Critical, Critical Focus, Critical MasteryB, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Exhausting Critical, Extend the BulwarkB, Greater Weapon Specialization (longbow), Improved Critical (longbow), Improved Precise Shot, Iron Will, Lunge, Manyshot, Monstrous Strength, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Master (longbow), Precise Shot, Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Run, Shot on the Run, Spellbreaker, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Teleport Tactician, Tiring Critical, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (greatsword)B, Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow)

Latent Feats Disruptive, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot

Fighter Bonus Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Critical (greatsword), Muscle Reaction, Spring Attack, Weapon Specialization (greatsword)

Epic Fighter Bonus Feats Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Greater Critical (greatsword), Greater Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Improved Dodge

Epic Feats Good Will, Greater Critical (longbow), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Sixth Sense

Skills Acrobatics +56, Bluff +69, Climb +115, Craft [bridle] +67, Diplomacy +66, Fly +60, Handle Animal +66, Heal +69, Intimidate +69, Knowledge (arcane, local, nobility, planes) +67, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, nature, psionic, religion) +64, Perception +73, Profession (soldier) +69, Ride +56, Sense Motive +69, Spellcraft +64, Stealth +48, Survival +69, Swim +115, Use Magic Device +66

Languages Celestial, Common, Giant

SQ advanced armor training (armor specialization [full plate], armored master, armored sacrifice 3/day, armored strike, cushion armament, greater armor specialization [full plate], greater armored strike, unhindered movement – heavy, unhindered movement – medium), advanced weapon training (focused weapon [greatsword, longbow], knockout training, spell smash, training initiative, weapon sacrifice), archer mastery, armor training, bonus feats, bonus skills, faithful companion, feat aptitude, feat expertise, feat retraining, flawless technique, holding the cosmos, integrated class feature (legendary fighter, 25 levels), latent feats, maven, might, no breath, portfolio (Labor, Outer Space, War), perseverance (battle clarity, bravery [+6], fearless zeal, hard to kill, indefatigable), prowess (critical master, inspire confidence, master armorer, master bowyer, master weaponsmith, tactical training 5/day), rapid attack, sky mastery, starscourge, virtual size category +6, weapon adaption, weapon mastery, weapon training (+6), weapon unity

Gears Lion’s Mane Armor (+12 heavy fortification full plate of orichalcum), 2 Lion’s Sword (+10 axiomatic power, ghost touch, impact, lightning blast, phase locking greatsword of orichalcum), Lion’s Bow (+10 axiomatic power, distant shot, ghost touch, lightning blast, phase locking, speed, unerring accuracy composite longbow +59)

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 100 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 31)

• Apport (Su): Summon your equipment from any distance

• Multifaced (Ex) x2: Gain 6 extra feats

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Labor Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a +10 bonus to Endurance skill checks

Workaholic (Ex): Competence penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank if you have not completed a full days work the previous day

• Shield of Stoicism (Su): You are immune to constitution damage/drain and never fail endurance checks

• Scion of Labor (Ex): Competence bonus to constitution equal to your divine rank

• Stoic Brethren (Ex): Those summoned gain Con. bonus equal to your divine rank

• Instrument of Labor (Su): 50% chance to ignore critical hits

Outer Space Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain the No Breath and Starflight abilities (3d20 months/years) and immunity to the environment of the outer space

Hostile Environment (subterranean) (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls when underground

Negative Energy Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spell

Darkest Vision (Ex): You gain the See in Darkness special ability

• Light Immunity (Su): You become immune to light based damage and attacks

• Scion of Stars (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when in starlight

• Improved Summoning (aliens) (Ex): Natural space creatures (like anunnaki, elder thing, shantak) summoned have 50% more HD

• Starflight (Su): Gains the Starflight ability of a Shantak (3d20 hours/day)

War Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: Free martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with the deity’s favored weapon

Lemming’s Wisdom (Ex): Competence penalty to wisdom equal to your divine rank

Soldier’s Death (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one week if you ever retreat

• Battle Ready (Su): You can use armor or shields without penalty

• Scion of War (Ex): Competence bonus on attack rolls equal to your divine rank

• Sons of Battle (Ex): Those summoned gain an attack bonus equal to your divine rank

• Chink in the Armor (Su): Ignore armor bonuses from armor/shields, not enhancement bonus

Archer Mastery (Ex)
Radahn apply his might ability even to ranged attacks.

Bound the Stars (Ex)
Radahn is by himself stopping the cosmos and that terrifically consumes his strength and use of power. Radahn suffer a -80 penalty to all saving throws, -126 to melee attack rolls (this doesn’t apply to CMB), -70 to ranged attack rolls, his Lion’s Mane Armor and his 2 Lion’s Sword even if they are made of orichalcum, no longer multiplied x12 the damage and armor bonus to AC (they maintain all other benefits of being made of orichalcum), -30 to AC (this doesn’t apply to CMD), -100 to CMB, and -70 to CMD. This ability cannot be removed but Radahn can free the stars at any time as a free action (even if he never will because, even if totally mad, he still keeps in his mind the sense of duty towards his world).

Collapsing Stars (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn will send out of powerful gravity magic around himself in a dome. Multiple black orbs will then appear and star flying toward his target. Each creature in a 60 ft. cone originated from Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 20d6 divine force damage and is pulled 20 ft. in a straight line toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature doesn’t take damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Faithful Companion (Ex)
Radahn horse, Leonard, never abandon him, even after the fall. Due to the corruption, he merged with Radahn: Leonard, although he seems to be moving independently, is now part of Radahnt and has no separate stats. Leonard will be even between the legs of Radahn. However, Radahn, when using Meteor Crash, pounds Leonard underground, effectively obliterating his form from the reality until he crashes to the ground, when he has him rematerialized.

Gift From the Gravity (Su)
Radahn horse, Leonard, can't carry him because he’s is too heavy. Radahn, to avoid separating from his companion and to avoid burdening him, he learned advanced gravitational magic. Radahn replace his base land speed with an equal fly speed (perfect) but he can only levitate 10 ft. above the ground, he cannot fly higher with this ability. Also, he ignore difficult terrain and is under a constant effect of feather fall.

Gravity Meteor Summon (Su)
As a free action, Radahn can create four tiny meteors in his space. They float in the air and orbit around him. As a swift action, Radahn can send one or more of them streaking toward a point or point of his choice within 1.000 ft. of him. Once a meteor reaches its destination or impact against a solid surface, it explode. All creatures within 10 ft. of the point where the meteor explode must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 5d6 divine force damage and 5d6 divine fire damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and negate the prone. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Shot (Su)
Radahn imbue his arrows with gravitational force. A creature hit by an arrow of Radahn must make a Reflex save DC 51 or be knocked prone. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gravity Step (Su)
As a swift action, Radahn can create a 20 ft.-radius sphere made of pure gravity centered on himself. Each creature in the sphere must make a Reflex save DC 51. On a failure, a creature take 10d6 divine force damage and is pulled toward Radahn, this movement provoke opportunity. On a successful save, a creature take half damage and is not pulled. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Holding the Cosmos (Ex)
Radahn, alone, is blocking the cosmos and the stellar motions for protecting his World from the invasion from things from the black between the stars. Because of the immense constant effort it undergoes, he gains Labor as a bonus Portfolio.

Legendary Resistance (Ex)
Once per round, when Radahn take damage, he can make a Fortitude save with DC equal to the damage suffered. If he succeed, he doesn't take the damage.

Meteor Crash (Ex)
Once per day when outdoor and under the open sky, as a full-round action that provoke opportunity, Radahn fly instantly in the stratosphere. At the end of his next turn, Radahn will fly back into the planet, at any point within 10 miles from when he originally launch himself in the sky, crashing back to the ground, forming a line of 120 ft. long and 30 ft. wide that explode as he return. Each creature in the area must make a Reflex save DC 74. All creature, unattended objects or structures in the area take 6d100 divine force damage and 6d100 divine fire damage. Radahn is immune to this damage. A successful save half the damage. Each creature in the area that take damage must make also a Strength check against a DC of 92 (Strength modifier of Radahn + Constitution modifier of Radahn + divine rank of Radahn) or be knocked prone. The save DC is Constitution-based and included a +6 racial bonus.

Mythic (Ex)
Radahn has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. Radahn can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. In his godly realm, he count as a 10th-rank Mythic creature and his Mythic Power increase to (10/day, surge +1d12)

Might (Ex)
Radahn deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Radahn’s Rain (Su)
As a full-round action, Radahn will drawn is bow and fire into the air, causing arrows to rain down from the sky to a maximum of 1.000 ft. from him. Radahn make a single attack roll with his bow normally and hit every creature to which he passed the AC in a line 20 ft. wide that originate from him in a direction of his choice with a range maximum of 1.000 ft. If such attack roll results in a possible critical hit, the critical is applied to one creature of Radahn’s choosing in the line. A creature hit is subject to gravity shot as normal. After using this ability Radahn must wait 1 minute before he can use it again.

Starscourge (Ex)
Radahn managed to block the stars by himself. The universe noticed it, rewarding him with the benefit of the Legendary Strength Cosmic Ability.

Terrifying Presence (Ex)
As a swift action, Radahn can intimorate all enemies. Each foe within 300 ft. of Radahn who can see or hear him, must make a Will save DC 51 or become frightened for 6 minutes (1 minute x DR of Radahn). A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effects end for it, the creature is immune to Radahn’s commanding presence for 1 day. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Lesser Scarlet Rot

Type disease, contact; Save Fortitude DC 68

Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/day

Effect 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage (roll separately) and target is sickened; Cure 2 consecutive saves

If any of the damage rolls is 4 or more, 1 damage is instead drain.

  • If a creature infected with scarlet rot Con score is reduced to 0 while his Cha score is still 1 or more, the creature liquefies in a repulsive scarlet liquid. If a creature comes into contact with this liquid, it must make a saving throw or contract lesser scarlet rot (see below).​
  • If a creature infected with scarlet rot Cha score is reduced to 0 while his Con score is still 1 or more, the creature undergoes a horrible mutation. All the ability damage and drain inflicted with the scarlet rot are removed, become a healthy carrier of the scarlet rot, the Alignment change to Chaotic Insane, and gains the Walking Wasteland template (Pathway Bestiary) (its special attack poisonous blood and poisonous cloud inflict the lesser scarlet rot disease instead of the normal poison [DC based on the creature instead of 22] and without the +8 to Con of the template) and the Antagonized condition (Psychological Combat) (without the possibility to make the Sense Motive check to stop) against all creatures with the exception with creature infected by the scarled rot and Malenia. A wish spell can restore the creature in his previous state.​
  • If a creature infected with scarlet rot Con score is reduced to 0 at the same time of his Cha score, the creature explodes horribly in a cloud of scarlet rot. All creatures within 30 ft. of the creature must make a Fort save or contract the lesser scarlet rot. A cloud of lesser scarlet rot persist in the area for a number of rounds equal to the HD of the killed creature. All creature that enter the area for this duration must make the save or contract the disease. The save must be repeated at the start of every round the creature pass inside the area.​
  • If a creature die while infected with scarlet rot, the creature liquefies in a repulsive scarlet liquid. If a creature comes into contact with this liquid, it must make a saving throw or contract lesser scarlet rot (see below).​


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Today I will bring one of my boutonniere. The last (at least for now) of the things related to Elden Ring.
Part of one of the most extreme groups even for Hyperboreans, the Godskins skin the gods to steal their powers by dressing in their skins.
EDIT (11/26/2022): Rework of some abilities and adding new ones, thanks the user cyberzane for already create the mechanic version of most abilities (https://www.reddit. com/r/monsteraday/comments/u0p9j6/elden_ring_to_5e_day_45_godskin_apostle/).

"Our mother (x2)

Overshadowed by the tree

Excluded by your grace

I hate your grace, I envy your grace

Give me your skin!

Heretical lord, give me your power

Heretical flame burn

Golden offspring, golden offspring

Gods defeated before me (x3)

A pale phantom

Gods defeated before me (x3)

A pale phantom

Golden bloodline, Bloodline of the gods

I am coming for you

Lord created from dead gods

Flame burns the skin of the gods, skin of the gods

With black flame!

I will collect the skin of the gods (x2)


Golden sacred skin

Skin of the gods, Godskin

Gods witness, perturbed, frozen with horror

I hunt them relentlessly

With sacred skin I will be a god

Sacred skin has uplifted me

The death of gods has uplifted me

Skin of the gods has uplifted me

Sacred skin belongs to me and nobody else

To me and nobody else

I am the rightful heir of the sacred skin"-Litany of the Godskin

Godskin Apostle

LE medium humanoid (augmented)

Init +28 (+92 against immortals/servitors); Senses detect divine, detect immortal, divine senses (x3), stillsense (90 ft.), true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +57 (+121 against immortals/servitors)

Aura divine (DC 26, 400 ft.)


AC 84, touch 77, flat-footed 66 (+10 deflection, +12 Dex, +6 dodge, +3 houndsman, +15 insight, +7 natural, +6 perfection, +15 Wis) or

against immortals and divine servitors AC 148, touch 141, flat-footed 130 (+10 deflection, +12 Dex, +6 dodge, +64 favored enemy, +3 houndsman, +15 insight, +7 natural, +6 perfection, +15 Wis)

hp 1.820 (930) (30d20+330) x2 regeneration 30 (divine damage or might)

Fort +49, Ref +48, Will +51 or

against immortals and divine servitors Fort +115, Ref +114, Will +117

Defensive Abilities adaption, ageless, anathema cloak, antimagic resistance, evasion, forgotten, godslayer, improved evasion (against immortals only), improved uncanny dodge (15th level), mettle (against immortals only), uncanny dodge; DR 30/—; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 46 (110 vs. Immortals and divine servitors)


Speed 90 ft., relentless stride

Melee skinner +53/+53/+48/+43/+38 (2d10+25/17-20x3) or

against immortals and divine servitors skinner +121/+121/+116/+111/+106 (2d10+93/17-20x3 plus 4d6) or

against immortals with smite immortals active skinner +151/+151/+146/+141/+136 (+ DR) (2d10+93/17-20x3 plus 4d6 and 240/3.000*DR extra damage [eventually permanent])

Special Attacks atheist paroxysm, black fire, death attack (DC 34, 98 vs. immortals/servitors), favored enemy (immortals and divine servitors +64, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival), mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), quarry (+2), smite immortals 11/day (bonus to attack: 30 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 240*divine rank; if 49+ 3.000*divine rank; insight bonus to AC and save equal to double DR), sneak attack +8d6

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 36th, concentration +59)

At will—antimagic field, destruction (DC 33, 97 vs. immortals/servitors), dimensional anchor, dismissal (DC 31, 95 vs. immortals/servitors), doom (DC 27, 91 vs. immortals/servitors), gate, nondetection, trap the soul (DC 34, 98 vs. immortals/servitors), undetectable alignment



Str 30, Dex 34, Con 32, Int 28, Wis 40, Cha 30

Base Atk +30; CMB +46; CMD 117 or

against immortals and divine servitors CMB +110; CMD 181

Feats Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Improved Critical (sickle), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (sickle), Weapon Specialization (sickle)

Houndsman Bonus Feats Dazzling Display, Dreadful Carnage, Intimidating Prowess, Shatter Defense

Epic Feats Death of EnemiesB, Improved Critical Multiplier (sickle), Improved Dodge, Good Fortitude, Good Will, Greater Critical (sickle), Killer InstinctB, Legendary TrackerB

Skills Bluff +46, Climb +49, Craft (leather) +48, Disguise +46, Handle Animal +49, Heal +54, Intimidate +56, Knowledge (arcane, planes, religion) +45, Perception +57, Profession (tanner) +54, Sense Motive +51, Ride +51, Spellcraft +45, Stealth +54, Survival +60 (+67 to follow tracks), Use Magic Device +46; Modifiers +6 to Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival, +7 to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks, +64 against immortals and divine servitors

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan

SQ AC bonus, adaptive learning, camouflage, combat style feat (menacing), harvest skin, hunting ground (+6, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival), integrated class feature (houndsman), maven, might, portfolio (deicide), swift tracker, terminus, track, virtual size category +1, wildspeak (animal, elementals, fey, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, vermin)

Gears skinner (+6 immortal dread, immortal servants dread, impact, phase locking, speed sickle)

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 60 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 21)

• Multifaced (Ex)B: Gain 6 extra feats

• Polymorph (Su): You can polymorph at will

• Shapechange (Su): You can shapechange at will

• Superior Critical (sickle) (Ex): Critical thread quadrupled

• Vampiric Effect (Su): The effect draws life from the target into the deity

• Unknowing Soul (Ex): Wis as insight to saving throw

Divine Abilities (stolen with Godskin)

• Divine Sneak Attack (Ex): Half your sneak attack damage is treated as divine damage

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of any unshielded thing

• True Seeing (Su): You have True Seeing

• X-Ray Vision (Su): See through solid objects

Deicide Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: Once per day per divine rank you may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Obsessed (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura

Notoriety (Ex): You become infamous across the pantheon, becoming a target for assassinations attempts by powerful divine servants or adventuring parties

• Pernicious Armor (Su): You are immune to Divine Damage

• Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

Uncanny Black Flame Mastery

Beam (Ray) 30d6; 1.600 ft.

Blast 15d6; 1.600 ft./100 ft. Standard action Ref 101/half

Blood 7d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 102/negate

Breath* 30d6; 100 ft. (cone) 400 ft. (line) Standard Ref 102/half

Hand 45d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 45d6; 400 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 102/half

Storm 7d6; 400 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 101/half

Strike 7d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 15d6; all creature in 100 ft. Will 101/negate

Anathema Cloak (Ex)
The blasphemous act that the Godskin Apostle performed by dressing in the skin of the gods make it a void upon the divine matrix that underlies the Multiverse. As long the Godskin Apostle has at least 1 Godskin (see below), if an Immortal or divine servitor attempts to scry on it, the attempt fails. If the Godskin Apostle would appear in a scrying attempt on something else (example: he is in the vicinity of another character being scryed upon) then he is not included in the scrying attempt. The Godskin Apostle cannot be detected by special sense of Immortals: unusual forms of sensory perception of Immortals such as blindsight, greensight, tremorsense, etc. cannot automatically foil the Godskin Apostle use of Stealth; Immortals must make a Perception check as normal to detect the Godskin Apostle when he make use of the Stealth skill. This ability even foils indirect detection (such as an Immortal using detect magic to search for magical items while the Godskin Apostle is using Stealth or detect [alignment]) in the manner described above. The Godskin Apostle can hide himself from view without anything to actually hide behind but this works only against the Immortals (ex: the Godskin Apostle can use Stealth for hide in a bare corridor, without places to hide, and an Intermediate Deity that passes from there must roll a Perception check against his Stealth check while a mortal notices he automatically). The Godskin Apostle is unpredictable and fate cannot bind it: Precognition, Telelocation, Seventh Sense, Eighth Sense, Ninth Sense and Tenth Sense cannot see into the Godslayer future and they stop working in whatever situation it is involved.

Atheist Paroxysm (Su)
A Godskin Apostle can emit an inhibitive sphere of apostasic energy as a move action, which it can maintain for a number of minutes per day equal to his perfection bonus level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This zone extends to the same range of its divine aura. This ability nullifies divine traits for Immortals with divine rank equal or minor of the perfection bonus of the Godskin Apostle. Basically this ability nullifies the divine template in its entirety (the creature continues to be considered an Immortal for the various class abilities such as Smite Immortal or taking the antidivine damage). Regardless of whether the immortal has his template denied, this ability negate Divine Abilities as the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability against Immortals.

Black Fire (Su)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training and hatred against the Immortals, instead of gaining the Prana [Effect] like a normal Hyperborean, gains the Black Flame. This work with the same progression of the Prane Blast ability of a normal Hyperborean but instead work like a Fire [Effect] with the following difference: instead of fire damage it inflict an equivalent antidivine damage (this count as fire damage only in the instance that the immortal has vulnerability to fire for multiply the damage). If an immortal fail the saving throw against the relative version of the [Effect] (or automatically for effects or version of effects without saving thorow), he catch fire and suffer 10d6 antidivine damage (1d6 every 3 HD of the Godskin Apostle) every round at the start of its round for a number of rounds equal to the DR of the immortal. Multiple failed saves against the [Effect] only reset the duration of the burn, doesn’t stack the damage. A burning immortal can attempt a Reflex save DC 105 (already calculated the +64 to DC) as a full-round action for stopping the burning in advances. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. A wish or miracle spells can stop the burning in advance but they must make a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Apostle (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal). The fast healing and regeneration (if any) of the immortal, while on fire by this ability, automatically stop function. Its difficult heal damage while the black fire consume him: any attempt to heal a creature while on fire by this ability must succeed on a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Apostle (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal) or the effect (like channel energy) or spell does not function. Success indicates the healing works normally. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Forgotten (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its training in the Dead Magic zones, its immune to their effects.

Detect Divine (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures that obtain powers from a deity and divine artifacts or objects (like clerics or paladins [equivalent aura power of a detect evil used on an evil cleric]). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Apostle add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Detect Immortal (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures with divine rank (aura power: disciple-prophet: feint, hero-deity-demi-deity: moderate, lesser-greater deity: strong, sidereals+: overwhelming). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Apostle add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Godslayer (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training against the Immortals gains improved evasion and mettle against effects of Immortals, gains always a saving throw against [Effects] (as if trying to get out of the Storm [aura] area). If the [Effect] has no saving throw, like Ray or Hand, if the Godskin Apostle can make a Fortitude save DC 20 + Cha modifier of the Immortal + DR of the Immortal for negate it.

Godskin (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, as the name intended, wear garments made of the skins of skinned Immortals. When the Godskin Apostle wear this garments

  • its favored enemy increase x4 and apply it even to its saving throws and PR/SR against spells and abilities from immortals and divine servitors, to the DC of spell and ability against them, to check (skill, ability, caster level etc.) against them and initiative when there is an immortals or divine servitors among the enemies​
  • multiply x4 the damage of its Smite Immortal (as for the Superior Smite divine ability)​
  • gains a x2 hp multiplier​
  • gains anathema cloak​
  • gains one of the divine ability of the skinned immortal as a bonus ability (it does not need to respect it prerequisites) [this Godskin Apostle has Divine Sneak Attack, Eternal Freedom, Seventh Sense, Telelocation, True Seeing, and X-Ray Vision]​
  • gains immunity to ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage​
While a Godskin Apostle wear this garments, its immune to sunder attempts made against them (but see below) and is immune to the Asport Divine Ability but only its garments. All this bonus are already calculated in the above sheet. The skins that compose the Godskin can be individually sundered but only by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged (eg. if the Godskin has 4 skins (S1, S2, S3, S4), a true worshiper of the Immortal that originated the S1 can sunder the S1 but not the S2, S3 or S4). A skin has hardness equal to the DR and hp equal to the HD of the Immortal to which the skin belonged. When a skin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper (see below), the Godskin Apostle lose the Divine Ability granted by that specific skin. If the last skin that compose the Godskin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper, the Godskin Apostle lose all the benefits of the Godskin ability until the skin return (for the Skin Puppet) or create a new skin with Harvest Skin (if destroyed). This ability cannot be directly abrogated and each ability (single immunity, hp multiplier, specific skin power, atc.) must be removed individually.

Harvest Skin (Su)
A Godskin Apostle is able to ritually harvest the skins of immortals of Hero-Deity or above status, which it can use in a variety of ways. Taking a creature’s skin in this way requires 10 minutes and access to a dagger, sickle or similar light weapon capable of dealing slashing damage. The Godskin Apostle must succeed on a DC 15 + HD of the Immortal, Craft (leather) check, or the skin is ruined. The skinned creature must not have been dead for more than 1 hour per HD the Godskin Apostle possesses, or the attempt automatically fails. If the creature is alive, it must be either helpless or willing, and skinning it in this way automatically kill the creature, but grants the Godskin Apostle a +20 bonus on the Craft (leather) check. A skin harvested in this way can be added by the Godskin Apostle to its garments as a full-round action that provoke AoO (see Godskin). An Immortal skinned has automatically its soul trapped inside the skin (as for the Soul Stealer Divine Ability) and will suffer forever or until the skin is destroyed.

Integrated Class Feature (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training against the Immortals, modifies some abilities of the Houndsman for better work against them. Its favored enemy only work against immortals and divine servitors (class that obtain powers from a divine, outsider at direct service of Immortals, etc.). It replace the normal smite of the Houndsman with Smite Immortal if the Deicide Portfolio, using its full HD for calculate the damage. A Godskin Apostle does not gain the Hunter Bond and spellcasting class feature of the Houndsman, instead gains Death of Enemies (Immortals) (the DC for Death of Enemy is 10 + ½ the HD of the Godskin Apostle + its Wisdom modifier + 64 of favored enemy [DC 104]), Killer Instinct and Legendary Tracker Epic Feats as a bonus feats.

Mythic (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. A Godskin Apostle can use any of its spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Might (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Skin Puppet (Su)
A Godskin Apostle can detect one of its skin to create a horrible parody of the original immortal to which the skin belonged. As a standard action, the Godskin Apostle can detect one of the skin of Godskin for create a construct made of the skin and filled with hay. The construct use all the statistics of the base Immortal with the following difference:
  • the creature type change to construct and gains the construct traits​
  • It appears where the Godskin Apostle designate (within 10 ft. of him) and acts immediately, on its turn​
  • the Skin Puppet acts on the same initiative as the Godskin Apostle and obeys its orders to the best of its ability (including suicide orders), trying to protect it to the best of its abilities​
  • alignment change to match the Godskin Apostle​
  • the creature lose one of the Portfolio (if use the rules under the Choosing Portfolios of the IH, the creature maintain the Portfolio given by the universe because it's how others perceive you [your skin])​
  • the creature gains vulnerability to fire and lose any immunity or resistance to fire it my possess, even if originated by a Portfolio​
  • the Skin Puppet must remain within 10 ft. x perfection bonus of the Godskin Apostle or automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin​
A Godskin Apostle can only have one Skin Puppet active at a time, if it create a second, the first is automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. If the Skin Puppet is destroyed, two things can happen:
  • if destroyed by a generic creature, the Skin Puppet revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. The Godskin Apostle cannot create a new Skin Puppet from this skin for 1 day x DR of the of the original immortal to which the skin belonged.​
  • if destroyed by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged, the skin is permanently destroyed, the soul of the Immortal is released and can finally rest in peace.​


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Today I will bring one of my boutonniere. The last (at least for now) of the things related to Elden Ring.
Part of one of the most extreme groups even for Hyperboreans, the Godskins skin the gods to steal their powers by dressing in their skins.

"Our mother (x2)

Overshadowed by the tree

Excluded by your grace

I hate your grace, I envy your grace

Give me your skin!

Heretical lord, give me your power

Heretical flame burn

Golden offspring, golden offspring

Gods defeated before me (x3)

A pale phantom

Gods defeated before me (x3)

A pale phantom

Golden bloodline, Bloodline of the gods

I am coming for you

Lord created from dead gods

Flame burns the skin of the gods, skin of the gods

With black flame I will collect the skin of the gods (x2)


Golden sacred skin

Skin of the gods, Godskin

Gods witness, perturbed, frozen with horror

I hunt them relentlessly

With sacred skin I will be a god

Sacred skin has uplifted me

The death of gods has uplifted me

Skin of the gods has uplifted me

Sacred skin belongs to me and nobody else

To me and nobody else

I am the rightful heir of the sacred skin"-Litany of the Godskin

Godskin Apostle

LE medium humanoid (augmented)

Init +24 (+88 against immortals/servitors); Senses detect divine, detect immortal, divine senses (x3), stillsense (90 ft.), true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +57 (+121 against immortals/servitors)

Aura divine (DC 26, 400 ft.)


AC 84, touch 77, flat-footed 66 (+10 deflection, +12 Dex, +6 dodge, +3 houndsman, +15 insight, +7 natural, +6 perfection, +15 Wis) or

against immortals and divine servitors AC 148, touch 141, flat-footed 130 (+10 deflection, +12 Dex, +6 dodge, +64 favored enemy, +3 houndsman, +15 insight, +7 natural, +6 perfection, +15 Wis)

hp 1.820 (930) (30d20+330) x2 regeneration 30 (divine damage or might)

Fort +49, Ref +48, Will +51 or

against immortals and divine servitors Fort +115, Ref +114, Will +117

Defensive Abilities adaption, ageless, anathema cloak, antimagic resistance, forgotten, godslayer, improved evasion (against immortals only), improved uncanny dodge (15th level), mettle (against immortals only), uncanny dodge; DR 30/—; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 46 (110 vs. Immortals)


Speed 90 ft., relentless stride

Melee skinner +53/+53/+48/+43/+38 (2d10+25/17-20x3) or

against immortals and divine servitors skinner +121/+121/+116/+111/+106 (2d10+93/17-20x3 plus 4d6) or

against immortals with smite immortals active skinner +151/+151/+146/+141/+136 (+ DR) (2d10+93/17-20x3 plus 4d6 and 240/3.000*DR extra damage [eventually permanent])

Special Attacks atheist paroxysm, black fire, death attack (DC 34, 98 vs. immortals/servitors), favored enemy (immortals and divine servitors +64, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival), mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), quarry (+2), smite immortals 11/day (bonus to attack: 30 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 240*divine rank; if 49+ 3.000*divine rank; insight bonus to AC and save equal to double DR), sneak attack +8d6

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 36th, concentration +59)

At will—antimagic field, destruction (DC 33, 97 vs. immortals/servitors), dimensional anchor, dismissal (DC 31, 95 vs. immortals/servitors), doom (DC 27, 91 vs. immortals/servitors), gate, nondetection, trap the soul (DC 34, 98 vs. immortals/servitors), undetectable alignment



Str 30, Dex 34, Con 32, Int 28, Wis 40, Cha 30

Base Atk +30; CMB +46; CMD 117 or

against immortals and divine servitors CMB +110; CMD 181

Feats Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Weapon Specialization (sickle), Improved Critical (sickle), Iron Will, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (sickle), Weapon Specialization (sickle)

Houndsman Bonus Feats Dazzling Display, Dreadful Carnage, Intimidating Prowess, Shatter Defense

Epic Feats Death of EnemiesB, Improved Critical Multiplier (sickle), Improved Dodge, Good Fortitude, Good Will, Greater Critical (sickle), Killer InstinctB, Legendary TrackerB

Skills Bluff +46, Climb +49, Craft (leather) +48, Disguise +46, Handle Animal +49, Heal +54, Intimidate +56, Knowledge (arcane, planes, religion) +45, Perception +57, Profession (tanner) +54, Sense Motive +51, Ride +51, Spellcraft +45, Stealth +54, Survival +60 (+67 to follow tracks), Use Magic Device +46; Modifiers +6 to Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival, +7 to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks, +64 against immortals and divine servitors

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan

SQ AC bonus, adaptive learning, camouflage, combat style feat (menacing), harvest skin, hunting ground (+6, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival), integrated class feature (houndsman), maven, might, portfolio (deicide), swift tracker, terminus, track, virtual size category +1, wildspeak (animal, elementals, fey, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, vermin)

Gears skinner (+6 immortal dread, immortal servants dread, impact, phase locking, speed sickle)

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 60 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 21)

• Multifaced (Ex)B: Gain 6 extra feats

• Polymorph (Su): You can polymorph at will

• Shapechange (Su): You can shapechange at will

• Superior Critical (sickle) (Ex): Critical thread quadrupled

• Vampiric Effect (Su): The effect draws life from the target into the deity

• Unknowing Soul (Ex): Wis as insight to saving throw

Divine Abilities (stolen with Godskin)

• Divine Sneak Attack (Ex): Half your sneak attack damage is treated as divine damage

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of any unshielded thing

• True Seeing (Su): You have True Seeing

• X-Ray Vision (Su): See through solid objects

Deicide Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: Once per day per divine rank you may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Obsessed (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura

Notoriety (Ex): You become infamous across the pantheon, becoming a target for assassinations attempts by powerful divine servants or adventuring parties

• Pernicious Armor (Su): You are immune to Divine Damage

• Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

Uncanny Black Flame Mastery

Beam (Ray) 30d6; 1.600 ft.

Blast 15d6; 1.600 ft./100 ft. Standard action Ref 101/half

Blood 7d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 102/negate

Breath* 30d6; 100 ft. (cone) 400 ft. (line) Standard Ref 102/half

Hand 45d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 45d6; 400 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 102/half

Storm 7d6; 400 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 101/half

Strike 7d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 15d6; all creature in 100 ft. Will 101/negate

Anathema Cloak (Ex)
The blasphemous act that the Godskin Apostle performed by dressing in the skin of the gods make it a void upon the divine matrix that underlies the Multiverse. As long the Godskin Apostle has at least 1 Godskin (see below), if an Immortal or divine servitor attempts to scry on it, the attempt fails. If the Godskin Apostle would appear in a scrying attempt on something else (example: he is in the vicinity of another character being scryed upon) then he is not included in the scrying attempt. The Godskin Apostle cannot be detected by special sense of Immortals: unusual forms of sensory perception of Immortals such as blindsight, greensight, tremorsense, etc. cannot automatically foil the Godskin Apostle use of Stealth; Immortals must make a Perception check as normal to detect the Godskin Apostle when he make use of the Stealth skill. This ability even foils indirect detection (such as an Immortal using detect magic to search for magical items while the Godskin Apostle is using Stealth or detect [alignment]) in the manner described above. The Godskin Apostle can hide himself from view without anything to actually hide behind but this works only against the Immortals (ex: the Godskin Apostle can use Stealth for hide in a bare corridor, without places to hide, and an Intermediate Deity that passes from there must roll a Perception check against his Stealth check while a mortal notices he automatically). The Godskin Apostle is unpredictable and fate cannot bind it: Precognition, Telelocation, Seventh Sense, Eighth Sense, Ninth Sense and Tenth Sense cannot see into the Godslayer future and they stop working in whatever situation it is involved.

Atheist Paroxysm (Su)
A Godskin Apostle can emit an inhibitive sphere of apostasic energy as a move action, which it can maintain for a number of minutes per day equal to his perfection bonus level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This zone extends to the same range of its divine aura. This ability nullifies divine traits for Immortals with divine rank equal or minor of the perfection bonus of the Godskin Apostle. Basically this ability nullifies the divine template in its entirety (the creature continues to be considered an Immortal for the various class abilities such as Smite Immortal or taking the antidivine damage). Regardless of whether the immortal has his template denied, this ability negate Divine Abilities as the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability against Immortals.

Black Fire (Su)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training and hatred against the Immortals, instead of gaining the Prana [Effect] like a normal Hyperborean, gains the Black Flame. This work with the same progression of the Prane Blast ability of a normal Hyperborean but instead work like a Fire [Effect] with the following difference: instead of fire damage it inflict an equivalent antidivine damage (this count as fire damage only in the instance that the immortal has vulnerability to fire to multiplicate the damage). If an immortal fail the saving throw against the relative version of the [Effect], he catch fire and suffer 10d6 antidivine damage every round at the start of its round for a number of rounds equal to the DR of the immortal. Multiple failed saves against the [Effect] only reset the duration of the burn, doesn’t stack the damage. A burning immortal can attempt a Reflex save DC 105 (already calculated the +64 to DC) as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. A wish or miracle spells can stop the burning in advance but they must make a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Apostle (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal). The fast healing and regeneration (if any) of the immortal, while on fire by this ability, automatically stop function. Its difficult heal damage while the black fire consume him: any attempt to heal a creature while on fire by this ability must succeed on a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Apostle (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal) or the effect (like channel energy) or spell does not function. Success indicates the healing works normally. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Forgotten (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its training in the Dead Magic zones, its immune to their effects.

Detect Divine (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures that obtain powers from a deity and divine artifacts or objects (like clerics or paladins [equivalent aura power of a detect evil used on an evil cleric]). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Apostle add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Detect Immortal (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures with divine rank (aura power: disciple-propher: feint, hero-deity-demi-deity: moderate, lesser-greater deity: strong, sidereals+: overwhelming). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Apostle add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Godslayer (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training against the Immortals gains improved evasion and mettle against effects of Immortals, gains always a saving throw against [Effects] (as if trying to get out of the Storm [aura] area). If the [Effect] has no saving throw, like Ray or Hand, if the Godskin Apostle can make a Fortitude save DC 20 + Cha modifier of the Immortal + DR of the Immortal for negate it.

Godskin (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, as the name intended, wear garments made of the skins of skinned Immortals. When the Godskin Apostle wear this garments

  • its favored enemy increase x4 and apply it even to its saving throws and PR/SR against spells and abilities from immortals and divine servitors, to the DC of spell and ability against them, to check (skill, ability, caster level etc.) against them and initiative when there is an immortals or divine servitors among the enemies​
  • multiply x4 the damage of its Smite Immortal (as for the Superior Smite divine ability)​
  • gains a x2 hp multiplier​
  • gains anathema cloak​
  • gains one of the divine ability of the skinned immortal as a bonus ability (it does not need to respect it prerequisites) [this Godskin Apostle has Divine Sneak Attack, Eternal Freedom, Seventh Sense, Telelocation, True Seeing, and X-Ray Vision]​
  • gains immunity to ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage​
While a Godskin Apostle wear this garments, its immune to sunder attempts made against them (but see below) and is immune to the Asport Divine Ability but only its garments. All this bonus are already calculated in the above sheet. The skins that compose the Godskin can be individually sundered but only by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged (eg. if the Godskin has 4 skins (S1, S2, S3, S4), a true worshiper of the Immortal that originated the S1 can sunder the S1 but not the S2, S3 or S4). A skin has hardness equal to the DR and hp equal to the HD of the Immortal to which the skin belonged. When a skin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper (see below), the Godskin Apostle lose the Divine Ability granted by that specific skin. If the last skin that compose the Godskin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper, the Godskin Apostle lose all the benefits of the Godskin ability until the skin return (for the Skin Puppet) or create a new skin with Harvest Skin (if destroyed).

Harvest Skin (Su)
A Godskin Apostle is able to ritually harvest the skins of immortals of Hero-Deity or above status, which it can use in a variety of ways. Taking a creature’s skin in this way requires 10 minutes and access to a dagger, sickle or similar light weapon capable of dealing slashing damage. The Godskin Apostle must succeed on a DC 15 + HD of the Immortal, Craft (leather) check, or the skin is ruined. The skinned creature must not have been dead for more than 1 hour per HD the Godskin Apostle possesses, or the attempt automatically fails. If the creature is alive, it must be either helpless or willing, and skinning it in this way automatically kill the creature, but grants the Godskin Apostle a +20 bonus on the Craft (leather) check. A skin harvested in this way can be added by the Godskin Apostle to its garments (see Godskin). An Immortal skinned has automatically its soul trapped inside the skin (as for the Soul Stealer Divine Ability) and will suffer forever or until the skin is destroyed.

Integrated Class Feature (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle, because of its focused training against the Immortals, modifies some abilities of the Houndsman for better work against them. Its favored enemy only work against immortals and divine servitors (class that obtain powers from a divine, outsider at direct service of Immortals, etc.). It replace the normal smite of the Houndsman with Smite Immortal if the Deicide Portfolio, using its full HD for calculate the damage. A Godskin Apostle does not gain the Hunter Bond and spellcasting class feature of the Houndsman, instead gains Death of Enemies (Immortals) (the DC for Death of Enemy is 10 + ½ the HD of the Godskin Apostle + its Wisdom modifier + 64 of favored enemy [DC 104]), Killer Instinct and Legendary Tracker Epic Feats as a bonus feats.

Mythic (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. A Godskin Apostle can use any of its spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Might (Ex)
A Godskin Apostle deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Skin Puppet (Su)
A Godskin Apostle can detect one of its skin to create a horrible parody of the original immortal to which the skin belonged. As a standard action, the Godskin Apostle can detect one of the skin of Godskin for create a construct made of the skin and filled with hay. The construct use all the statistics of the base Immortal with the following difference:

  • the creature type change to construct and gains the construct traits​
  • It appears where the Godskin Apostle designate (within 10 ft. of him) and acts immediately, on its turn​
  • the Skin Puppet acts on the same initiative as the Godskin Apostle and obeys its orders to the best of its ability (including suicide orders), trying to protect it to the best of its abilities​
  • alignment change to match the Godskin Apostle​
  • the creature lose one of the Portfolio (if use the rules under the Choosing Portfolios of the IH, the creature maintain the Portfolio given by the universe because it's how others perceive you [your skin])​
  • the creature gains vulnerability to fire and lose any immunity or resistance to fire it my possess, even if originated by a Portfolio​
  • the Skin Puppet must remain within 10 ft. x perfection bonus of the Godskin Apostle or automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin​
A Godskin Apostle can only have one Skin Puppet active at a time, if it create a second, the first is automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. If the Skin Puppet is destroyed, two things can happen:

  • if destroyed by a generic creature, the Skin Puppet revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. The Godskin Apostle cannot create a new Skin Puppet from this skin for 1 day x DR of the of the original immortal to which the skin belonged.​
  • if destroyed by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged, the skin is permanently destroyed, the soul of the Immortal is released and can finally rest in peace.​
Oh I love this, the godskin are so fuxking scary in game, jfc. I was working on my own godskin type thing based on Hyperboreans. I like yours.


Does anti-divine damage do anything to people who aren't gods at all?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: no, but if the creature has divine bonus (mainly disciples and prophets, plus other equivalente creatures like Cicatrix or Malakim), It suffer the antidivine damage like a deity
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So I used the godskin last night in a session, I upped it to a Intermediate Deity level and man, the strongest of my PCs fought the thing by herself and both she and the godskin killed each other.

It had 4 skin puppets, 1 a reskinned Radahn, 1 a Intermediate Deity version of the post Malania Radahn, 1 was Desna, and 1 was Urgathoa. Ariel, the PC who went in and Doji a random npc Hero Deity who helps sometimes both went into this timespace corridor to try to recover a powerful item Ariel had lost earlier in campaign. When they found that this item was being used by this Godskinned called The Vassal who was killing and skinning gods with the intention of creating a godskin army.

The four deities went down readily, the two didn't have any trouble taking down all four of the puppet deities, though Urgathoa put up a decent fight for a moment. Once the godskin entered the battle however, it was a totally different story.

The two had a brutal fight, Ariel's player was pisssssed off that all her abilities were locked and negated, and she relies on a massive mantra cannon that fires pure divine damage which was useless against the Godskin, and the godskin fought a nasty fight with each other, the godskin lobbing black fireballs and waves of blackfire and Ariel using a far weaker plasma based autocannon she used to use before her mantra cannon, and finally the two were down to a thousand health when she landed the killing blow, and the blackfire just burnt her down, she couldn't break its SR and just burned to death. Needless to say, she was pissed lol. It was a hell of a fight.
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So I used the godskin last night in a session, I upped it to a Intermediate Deity level and man, the strongest of my PCs fought the thing by herself and both she and the godskin killed each other.

It had 4 skin puppets, 1 a reskinned Radahn, 1 a Intermediate Deity version of the post Malania Radahn, 1 was Desna, and 1 was Urgathoa. Ariel, the PC who went in and Doji a random npc Hero Deity who helps sometimes both went into this timespace corridor to try to recover a powerful item Ariel had lost earlier in campaign. When they found that this item was being used by this Godskinned called The Vassal who was killing and skinning gods with the intention of creating a godskin army.

The four deities went down readily, the two didn't have any trouble taking down all four of the puppet deities, though Urgathoa put up a decent fight for a moment. Once the godskin entered the battle however, it was a totally different story.

The two had a brutal fight, Ariel's player was pisssssed off that all her abilities were locked and negated, and she relies on a massive mantra cannon that fires pure divine damage which was useless against the Godskin, and the godskin fought a nasty fight with each other, the godskin lobbing black fireballs and waves of blackfire and Ariel using a far weaker plasma based autocannon she used to use before her mantra cannon, and finally the two were down to a thousand health when she landed the killing blow, and the blackfire just burnt her down, she couldn't break its SR and just burned to death. Needless to say, she was pissed lol. It was a hell of a fight.
Who level was Ariel? How did she manage not to be butchered with the Smite Immortal? Did you upgrade the 10d6 damage of burn (basically I had calculated 1d6 damage for every 3 HD for my version)?
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So I used the godskin last night in a session, I upped it to a Intermediate Deity level and man, the strongest of my PCs fought the thing by herself and both she and the godskin killed each other.

It had 4 skin puppets, 1 a reskinned Radahn, 1 a Intermediate Deity version of the post Malania Radahn, 1 was Desna, and 1 was Urgathoa. Ariel, the PC who went in and Doji a random npc Hero Deity who helps sometimes both went into this timespace corridor to try to recover a powerful item Ariel had lost earlier in campaign. When they found that this item was being used by this Godskinned called The Vassal who was killing and skinning gods with the intention of creating a godskin army.

The four deities went down readily, the two didn't have any trouble taking down all four of the puppet deities, though Urgathoa put up a decent fight for a moment. Once the godskin entered the battle however, it was a totally different story.

The two had a brutal fight, Ariel's player was pisssssed off that all her abilities were locked and negated, and she relies on a massive mantra cannon that fires pure divine damage which was useless against the Godskin, and the godskin fought a nasty fight with each other, the godskin lobbing black fireballs and waves of blackfire and Ariel using a far weaker plasma based autocannon she used to use before her mantra cannon, and finally the two were down to a thousand health when she landed the killing blow, and the blackfire just burnt her down, she couldn't break its SR and just burned to death. Needless to say, she was pissed lol. It was a hell of a fight.
THAT was an epic fight! Did she fail to make the Reflex saving throws to put out the flames early? It reminds me of a saying: NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. If all the PCs had been present, she probably would have been saved. The good points are that the Godskin (at least this one) is dead and that nothing is stopping the party from resurrecting her.
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