Things from my setting


So I used the godskin last night in a session, I upped it to a Intermediate Deity level and man, the strongest of my PCs fought the thing by herself and both she and the godskin killed each other.

It had 4 skin puppets, 1 a reskinned Radahn, 1 a Intermediate Deity version of the post Malania Radahn, 1 was Desna, and 1 was Urgathoa. Ariel, the PC who went in and Doji a random npc Hero Deity who helps sometimes both went into this timespace corridor to try to recover a powerful item Ariel had lost earlier in campaign. When they found that this item was being used by this Godskinned called The Vassal who was killing and skinning gods with the intention of creating a godskin army.

The four deities went down readily, the two didn't have any trouble taking down all four of the puppet deities, though Urgathoa put up a decent fight for a moment. Once the godskin entered the battle however, it was a totally different story.

The two had a brutal fight, Ariel's player was pisssssed off that all her abilities were locked and negated, and she relies on a massive mantra cannon that fires pure divine damage which was useless against the Godskin, and the godskin fought a nasty fight with each other, the godskin lobbing black fireballs and waves of blackfire and Ariel using a far weaker plasma based autocannon she used to use before her mantra cannon, and finally the two were down to a thousand health when she landed the killing blow, and the blackfire just burnt her down, she couldn't break its SR and just burned to death. Needless to say, she was pissed lol. It was a hell of a fight.
This is why I am here, why I share my creations. When I feel that someone uses something that I have created, to create a story, to enrich a story, to make his players feel emotions, it warms my heart. Because it means that all the hours I spent creating in a hot closet, frustrated because an ability doesn't work, an interaction is broken and I have to do it all over again, they did something. They made someone feel emotions, someone years later will remember that fight, that meeting or that interaction and will experience that emotions again. This is what I love most of all. Beefermatic? Thank you. For you it will not have been much, you took a creation from the forum and you have upgraded it according to your needs. For me it's much more. For me it's knowing that someone appreciated my work and put it into practice, your players have seen and experienced it. Even if one was burned (in the true sense of the word), when the anger will pass, the memory of a unique and epic battle will remain, my work and effort have given emotions. Thank you.

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Who level was Ariel? How did she manage not to be butchered with the Smite Immortal? Did you upgrade the 10d6 damage of burn (basically I had calculated 1d6 damage for every 3 HD for my version)?
She was level 60 but is minmaxxed to all hell and back. She has roughly 10,000 health and extremely high stats. I upped the damage of the blackfire 10x over and increased his base stats and scores by between about 4x over to 10x over as seemed appropriate to make a quick approximation of an intermediate deity

This is why I am here, why I share my creations. When I feel that someone uses something that I have created, to create a story, to enrich a story, to make his players feel emotions, it warms my heart. Because it means that all the hours I spent creating in a hot closet, frustrated because an ability doesn't work, an interaction is broken and I have to do it all over again, they did something. They made someone feel emotions, someone years later will remember that fight, that meeting or that interaction and will experience that emotions again. This is what I love most of all. Beefermatic? Thank you. For you it will not have been much, you took a creation from the forum and you have upgraded it according to your needs. For me it's much more. For me it's knowing that someone appreciated my work and put it into practice, your players have seen and experienced it. Even if one was burned (in the true sense of the word), when the anger will pass, the memory of a unique and epic battle will remain, my work and effort have given emotions. Thank you.
I'm right there with you brother. That is, in a nutshell, why I write as well. Cheers 🍻


She was level 60 but is minmaxxed to all hell and back. She has roughly 10,000 health and extremely high stats. I upped the damage of the blackfire 10x over and increased his base stats and scores by between about 4x over to 10x over as seemed appropriate to make a quick approximation of an intermediate deity
How did she take it when she found her divine abilities suddenly disappeared for Atheist Paroxysm? If she bleached and then started cursing, I did my job well.

THAT was an epic fight! Did she fail to make the Reflex saving throws to put out the flames early? It reminds me of a saying: NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. If all the PCs had been present, she probably would have been saved. The good points are that the Godskin (at least this one) is dead and that nothing is stopping the party from resurrecting her.
So the saves from the blackflames and most his abilities were upped by x10 so she generally could not make the saves, she has, extremely high, saving throws, around 500+ but it simply isn't high enough to contend with that, so she literally could not put it out I also upped the SR of his blackfire to put it out by 3 fold I think so it was like a CL 300+ check, she needed to natural 20 it to break it and just simply couldn't.

So I figured she wasn't going to win before I put her against it, so it was all happening in a tangent reality. Basically a First One called The Silence, stole a mote of borrowed time and gave it to her as she was destined to die, not to the Godskin, something else, her dying there was just irony. So she died and woke up back in her primary reality holding both the Skinner and the item she had stolen.

I'll actually put down my list of First Ones on here at some point, they're just descriptions not stats but I'll let you all take a look.



Undeath is simply the next step in survival. It is as basic as eating in order to survive one more day ... "

Gendo, Kobold Wizard and Lich

Lichdom, the path to life as the living dead. Superior to any zombie or skeleton, liches transcend death, defying it even after open defeat.

Becoming to Lichbound

People seek undeath for many purposes, but rarely just to be undead. Instead undeath is a means to an end. The nights without feeling warmth and the joy of others company, the years passing with your friends turning to dust about you ... people do not become undead for this. Only a strong desire to extend your life beyond the time of the stars could drive men to such acts.

Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Lichbound, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

Alignment: Any non-good.

Race: Any corporeal living creature.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks.

Feats: Craft Wondrous Item.

Spellcasting: Caster Level 10th.

Special: The character must complete a ritual to prepare his soul for the path that will lead her to be transfered into a phylactery. Though the ritual to become a Lichbound is easy to perform, it is difficult to learn, and a successful DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) and DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check is required to learn it. Manuscripts describing this ritual can sometimes be found selling for around 5,000 gp

Class Skills
The Lichbound’s class skills are Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcane) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Stealth (Dex).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4+ Int modifier.

Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per Day
Phylactery 1, Int +2, Natural Armor +1, Lich Skills +2, Damaging Touch 1d6 + 2, Resistances (Cold / Electricity 5)​
+1 level of existing class​
Phylactery 2, Natural Armor +2, Lich Skills +4, DR 5 / Bludgeoning and Magic, Damaging Touch (1d8 + 5), Fear Aura (10-ft), Fortification (Light), Paralyzing Touch (1d4 rounds), Resistances (Cold / Electricity 10)​
+1 level of existing class​
Phylactery 3, Wis +2, Natural Armor +3, Lich Skills +6, DR 10 / Bludgeoning and Magic, Fear Aura (30-ft), Fortification (Moderate), Paralyzing Touch (1d4 minutes), Resistances (Cold / Electricity 15 )​
+1 level of existing class​
Phylactery 4, Natural Armor +4, Lich Skills +8, DR 15/Bludgeoning and Magic, Fear Aura (60-ft), Paralyzing Touch (1d4 hours), Resistances (Cold/Electricity 20)​
+1 level of existing class​
Phylactery 5, Lichdom, Lich Lord Abilities, Natural Armor +5, Cha +2, Paralyzing Touch (Permanent)​
+1 level of existing class​
Control Over Undead, Lich Familiar, Lich Lord Abilities, Lich Spell Preparation​
+1 level of existing class​
Lich Lord Abilities​
+1 level of existing class​
Lich Lord Abilities​
+1 level of existing class​
Lich Lord Abilities​
+1 level of existing class​
Demilich Transformation, Lich Lord Abilities, Sail Unfettered​
+1 level of existing class​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Lichbound.

At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known for class like sorcerer, wizard, witch etc.) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Lichbound, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

The key part to lichdom is the creation of a phylactery. This powerful magic item is crafted with the Craft Wondrous Item feat, over the course of 5 levels. In order to continue leveling in lichbound, you must complete your phylactery by certain points.

At level 1st you must first get the basic framework of your phylactery prepared, spending at least 4.000 gp on its construction. Every level after, you spend that amount again, improving the phylactery until you have completed the entire 20.000 gp value at 5th level. Until you construct the required amount, you cannot benefit from the abilities of the lichbound class at that level or beyond. You may, however, complete the phylactery ahead of time if you so see fit, so long as when it is completed it has a caster level minimum of 11th. Due to the unique nature of your phylactery, you don't spend 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of cost but instead complete all construction (also of multiple levels, if you have not completed the creation of the previous levels or have obtained multiple levels at once via the retraining rule or other methods) in just 8 hours as long as you have the materials available. At 5th level, you have the additional requirement to make the cerimony to gain the benefits of lichdom, the final process (see Lichdom below). For the purpose of determining item saving throws, the phylactery has a caster level equal to your at the time you completed the most recent stage of work (For example, if a human wizard 10/lichbound 3 crafts the third stage of her phylactery, it is caster level 13th). When the lichbound finally becomes a lich, their phylactery will store their soul and allow them to rejuvenate in 1d10 days. The most common physical form for a phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. The box is a Tiny object with 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40. Other kinds of phylacteries can also exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar items. If the completed phylactery is destroyed while you are still active in a body, your soul automatically joins that body. You takes no penalties of any kind for that joining (with the exception you lose the immunity to effects which specifically affects a creature’s soul), but without a phylactery, you cannot rejuvenate if your body is subsequently destroyed. You may create a new phylactery to replace a lost one with 8 hours of work and 10.000 gp of materials.

Damaging Touch (Su)
Your body begins to link with the negative energy plane, and you channel destructive energy through your touch. At 1st level you deal 1d6+5 negative energy damage on a touch attack. At level 2 the damage rises to 1d8+5 negative energy damage. At 3rd level the damage rises to 1d10+5. At the 4th level the damage rises to 1d12+5. At 5th level the damage rises to 1d20+5. When you become a true Lich you can use the touch attack for heal yourself as a full-round action.

Resistances (Ex)
The cold chill of death has begun to seep into your body. At level 1 you gain energy resistance to cold and electricity 5. Every level after it rises to by +5 to resistance 10 at 2nd, resistance 15 at 3rd, and resistance 20 at 4th. The process of lichdom eventually overwrites these resistances with immunities at 5th level.

Natural Armor (Ex)
A mild rigor mortis, combined with the hardening of the flesh, causes the natural armor of the lichbound to rise. Every level afterward, your natural armor rises by 1, for a total of a +5 natural armor bonus at 5th level. This stack with any inherent natural armor. Once per day, when you may take damage that would kill you, as a immediate action, you can instead absorb it and lose the next turn.

Paralyzing Touch (Su)
Your negative energy touch attack comes with a paralyzing effect at level 2 and beyond. Any living creature a lichbound hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Remove Paralysis or any spell which removes a curse can free the victim. The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by the lichbound seems dead, thought a DC 20 Perception check or DC 15 Heal check reveals the victim is still alive.

At 3rd level the duration of the paralysis rises to 1d4 minutes. At 4th level it rises again, becoming 1d4 hours, and finally 5th level where the lichdom process makes the duration permanent. The save DC are equal to 10 + 1/2 lichbound’s character level + lichbound’s Cha modifier.

Lich Skills
Lichbound gain a racial bonus to their abilities as they grow, starting at level 1. Lichbound receive a +2 bonus to Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks and the bonus increases by 2 for every level up to a maximum of +8 at 4th level.

Ability Score Bonuses
Lichbound gain ability score increases as they level. At 1st level the studies into the lichdom process has granted them insight into the dark works of magic and greater knowledge. They gain a +2 Int bonus. At 3rd level, their body becomes aware of the sinking void that is being born within them, granting them a +2 Wis bonus. Finally as the lichdom ceremony is completed at 5th level, the lichbound surges with confidence and power gaining +2 Cha.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
At 2nd level a lichbound becomes more and more supernaturally tough. They gain damage reduction 5/bludgeoning and magic. At 3rd level this damage reduction rises to 10/bludgeoning and magic, and at 4th level it becomes damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic.

Fortification (Ex)
At 2nd level, the vital organs of the lichbound begin to shut down and die. You gain light fortification, providing a 25% chance to avoid a critical hit or precision base damage. At 3rd level, more organs fail, providing 75% protection. At 5th level you become absolutely immune to critical hits and precision base damage.

Fear Aura (Su)
Lichbound are surrounded by a dreadful aura of death after their 2nd level. Creatures of less than 5 HD in 10 ft. of the lichbound must succeed on a Will save or become frightened. Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the lich’s Hit Dice. A creature which successfully saves against the aura cannot be affected by the same aura again for 24 hours. At 3rd level, the aura expands to 30 ft. Finally at 4th level the aura expands again to its full 60 ft.. This is a mind-effecting fear effect and the save DC are equal to 10+ 1/2 lich’s HD + lich’s Cha modifier.

After 5 levels the lichbound is finally ready to perform the lichdom process. In a ceremony, the lich binds himself to death and dies, only to rise moments later as an undead. The lichbound become a true Lich, an undead with +4 channel resistance, immune to unwilling polymorphing and with all undead immunities and weaknesses plus the rejuvenation of the Lich template and the immunity to any effect which specifically affects a creature’s soul (such as trap the soul, or the abilities of certain monsters). You do not gain the template's CR increase, as you have paid for it taking the Lichbound class.

Lich Lord Abilities (Su)
At 5th level and every level thereafter, the lichbound may gain a supernatural ability from the following list. These abilities are at will unless stated otherwise. All saving throws are equal to 10 + the highest level of spells the lichbound can cast.

Animate dead by touch
As a standard action, the lichbound can touch a dead creature and animate it as a skeleton or zombie, as if using animate dead. He can expend a spell slot of at least 4th level when using this ability to animate the body as a different type of undead, as if using greater create undead. The lichbound treats his total character level as his caster level for these effects. Undead created in this way are automatically under his control. The lichbound does not need to expend any material components when using this ability.

The lichbound is able to produce a negative energy fire so cold that it inflicts 3d10 points of negative energy damage upon anything it touches. The lich may produce the Blackfire as glowing, blue-green flame that can be thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 ft. and no range increment, or it can place the fire inside any skull making it work like a flashlight. Flames placed within a skull last for 30 days. The skull can be touched without suffer damage.

Bone command
The lichbound is able animate bone and shape it at will. With this ability, the lichbound can call up splinters of bones from anywhere bones are present and animate them into a protective barrier similar to the spell blade barrier with a caster level equal to the lichbound caster level. The lichbound may also form bones into any structure it desires the only limit being the amount of bones available. Structures created in this manner are only as strong as the bones used, though some creatures may have very strong bones. The Dungeon Master should determine the structure integrity based on the campaign and scenario, the type and amount of bones available, and the resistance the bones offer. Inflicting 25 points of damage is enough to create a human-sized hole. Any structure - huts, arches, bridges, and so forth - can be created. The structure stands until it is destroyed or the lich commands it to disintegrate into its component parts. Structures created in this way cannot be dispelled magically, as the bones are actually melded into one another to make a solid mass.

Chilling wind
The lichbound is able to blow a freezing blast of wind in a line 100 feet long and 30 feet wide. The wind is short, lasting for only one round, but during that round a howling, screeching wail accompanies it that requires a Will save for anyone within of area to avoid being stunned for 1 round per caster level of the lich. At the end of his turn, a creature can repeat the saving throw, removing the stun with a succees. Creatures within the area of effect of silence or similar spells do not need to save. This is a sonic effect. The wind also freezes standing liquids and chills bottled liquids. Anyone caught within the line of chilling wind suffers 1d10 points of cold damage. Any magical item designed to warm or otherwise protect a creature from cold (magical or otherwise) negates this damage. This ability can be used once every 1d6 rounds.

Creeping Paralysis
A creature that strikes a lichbound with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach manufactured weapon, or otherwise touches the lichbound must save or be affected by the lich’s paralyzing touch ability. This triggers only once per round per creature.

Dream manipulation
The lichbound, if it knows the exact location of a living person, can infiltrate that person's mind and manipulate his dreams, turning them into nightmares of the her design if the person fails a Will save. Pervading the dream is the face and gaze of the lichbound. The receiver of the dream manipulation is aware that his dreams were tampered with. This is a mind-affecting effect and creatures who don’t sleep or dream are immune to this effect. Sleepers affected by dream manipulation awaken having suffered any damage incurred during the nightmare (Dungeon Masters may roleplay a nightmare or simply assess 3d10 points of damage). Furthermore, the affected creature must make a Will save upon awakening to avoid being confused for a number of rounds equal to the lichbound’s level. Furthermore, the creature is unable to sleep peacefully for 1d4 nights afterward. During this period of insomnia, no hit points are restored and can not memorize any 3rd-level or higher spell. Dream manipulation is not possible if the intended target is sleeping in holy ground such as a church or consecrated graveyard. The range of this ability equals to the lichbound’s prime requisite score in miles. This ability can be used once per day.

Fool's feast
By merely passing within 3 feet of openly displayed food, the lichbound can taint the edibles with a deadly, mystical poison. A creature that eats the food must roll a Fortitude save or be staggered until she succeed the save and will die within a number of rounds equal to her Constitution score, the save can be rerolled every round until the victim succeed the save or die. This is a death, necromancy and poison effect. The food gives off a magical aura if a detect magic spell is cast, and the effects of the mystical taint can be negated with a dispel magic or purify food and water spell. The food to be tainted must be out in the open, such as a vegetable stand or a buffet. A poisoned victim can be cured if she is healed by a cleric, if a neutralize poison or heal spell is cast, or an appropriate curative potion is used.

Grasp of death
If the lichbound makes a successful touch attack, the victim takes 10 damage per lichbound caster level. A successful Fortitude save reduce the damage to 1d6 per 3 caster level of the lichbound. When the grasp of death is active, a nimbus of coruscating black flame surrounds the Lich Lord hands. This ability can be used once per day per 3 lichbound level.

Grasp of enfeeblement
When the lichbound makes a successful touch attack, the victim must make a Will save or suffer the equivalent effects of the spells feeblemind and insanity. This ability can be used once per day per 3 lichbound level.

The lichbound is able to harness the spell energies expended by other casters and recreate the effect under its control. Any spell within 100 ft. of the lichbound may be recast by the lichbound in the round immediately following, he still has to spend a spell slot of an appropriate level (plus any material or focus component). For example, a 7th level wizard casts fireball against a lichbound of 15th. The lichbound makes its normal saving throw and suffers damage accordingly, but also captures the magical energy, reshapes it into another fireball (at a caster level 15th), and sends it back at the attacking party consuming a slot of 3rd level. The lichbound can imitate spell of any list and if the spell is in his opposition schools he can cast it without needing to expend an additional spell slot. The lichbound must perform the imitation in the round immediately following the spell effect, or the magical energies dissipate and are lost. This ability can be used once per day per lichbound level.

Improved spellcasting
The lichbound is able to cast double the amount of 1st- through 3rd-level spells normally available to it. She has access to quadruple the usual amount of cantrips.

Perfect necromancer
The lichbound can prepare spells from his opposition schools without needing to expend an additional spell slot. He can have any number of undead under his control, and he is not limited by the total Hit Dice of those undead.

The lichbound regenerates 5 hit points per round, regardless of circumstances or surroundings. Only the utter destruction of the lichbound’s body (such as via disintegrate, or by reducing the lichbound to a negative hit point total equal to 10 × his Charisma score) causes the regeneration to end. After his destruction, the phylactery start to recreate a corpse for the lichbound as normal.

Skull Scry
The lichbound can see and hear activity through any skull. The skull must not be part of a living being or attached to a skeletal spine, nor can the skull be animated. The lichbound is able to see through skulls that are up to the lichbound’s spell casting ability modifier in miles away.

Sustained by Magic
Each time a lichbound casts a necromancy spell it regains hit points equal to two times the level of the spell slot used to cast the spell.

Vortex of Evil
The lichbound is able, once a week, to summon any and all evil creatures to its side. This summons isn't overriding, but rather instills a sense of greed and curiosity that is difficult to ignore. The range of the vortex of evil is equal to the lichbound’s spell casting ability modifier in miles. Those within this radius are drawn to the same location of the lichbound, though they are not sure why. They cannot state the reason for the attraction, but if asked, they will respond with a statement similar to: "I feel a great opportunity waiting for me". The summons can be ignored if they make a successful Will saving throw. Evil undead are vulnerable to this call and must make the save even if they normally are immune to mind-affecting and compulsion effects. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect.

Controll Over Undead (Su)
Starting at 5th level, a lichbound can attempt to control any undead whose total hit dice are equal or lower of his caster level. Those with hit dice equal to or less than his caster level –8 are instantly controlled, but those with more are allowed a Will save to resist. The lichbound can control a number of HD of undead up to three times its spell casting ability score at any one time. This power has a range of 10 feet per caster level. Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to escape your command. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 lichbound’s character level + it’s spell casting ability modifier.

Lich Spell Preparation (Ex)
Beginning at 6th level, a lichbound who prepares his spells or slot no longer requires 1 hour of uninterrupted time. Instead, lichbound prepare all of his spells in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.

Lich Familiar
If he wishes, a lichbound can take his familiar into undeath as well. The familiar gains one undead template of the lichbound’s choice, (like lich, vampire, skeletal champion, etc.) with a maximum of CR+2. It still grants the same benefits as it did before, but the empathetic link with the Lich is now equal to the lichbound’s caster level in miles, and intelligent Familiars can communicate telepathically with their masters within the empathetic link range. If killed, the familiar is revived in 1d10 days in the same manner as the lichbound.

Demilich Transformation
At 10th level the lichbound gains the Demilich template at no cost for the Soul Gems (see at the end of the class). If the phylactery and the soul gems are destroyed while you are still active in a body, your soul automatically joins that body. You takes no penalties of any kind for that joining (with the exception you lose the immunity to effects which specifically affects a creature’s soul), but without a phylactery or gems, you cannot use trap the soul, phylactery transference and rejuvenate if your body is subsequently destroyed. You may create a new phylactery and soul gems to replace destroyed ones with only 8 hours of work (8 hours of total work, regardless of whether you are repairing only 1 or all 11) and 10.000 mo of materials for every phylactery and soul gems to be recrafted.

Sail Unfettered (Su)
At 10th level a lichbound gains the ability to remove his spirit from his body and travel the plains. While his spirit is outside of his body, he may use plane shift at will as a supernatural ability, and is both undetectable and invulnerable in any manner, but unable to cast spells or inflict damage. He can’t enter holy ground such as a church or consecrated graveyard in this form. This ends when he returns to his body. A lichbound can chose to return to his body as a standard action. A lichbound even if not present with the spirit, automaticaly note the presence of non hidden entities within 60 ft. of his body and his body makes automatic perception checks every round for hidden entities within 60 ft. of his body, also taking advantage of his passive senses (true seeing and spiritsense).

Haunted Mist
At 40th level the lichbound gains the Phasmalich template. Sail Unfettered can be used to travel in an undetectable manner, and suddenly reappear to possess an undead. Given the new state of the lichbound, there is no body left behind.

Lord of Bones and Shadows: Devourer of Gods
At 230th level, the lichbound lost the Phasmalich template and replace it with the Akalich template.


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My version of the Demilich template


“Demilich” is a template that can be added to any lich. It uses all the lich’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A demilich’s form is concentrated into a single portion of its original body, usually its skull. Part of the process of becoming a demilich includes the incorporation of costly gems into the retained body part; see Creating Soul Gems, below.

Small and smaller liches become Diminutive demiliches, Medium-size and Large liches become Tiny demiliches, Huge liches become Small demiliches, Gargantuan liches become Medium-size demiliches, and Colossal liches become Large demiliches.

Hit Dice
As lich.

A demich gain spiritsense 60 ft.

Spiritsense (Su)
A demilich notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability.

Change to fly 180 ft. (perfect). The lich’s supernatural fly speed, if any, is also retained.

The demilich retains the lich’s +5 natural armor bonus and gains a profane bonus to AC equal to its spell casting ability modifier (see unholy grace), as well as a probable size adjustment to AC.

The demilich gains an insight bonus equal to its spell casting ability modifier as a bonus on its touch attacks.

The demilich gains an enhanced touch attack which replaces that of its previous lich form (it now uses its entire flying skull to make the touch attack). The demilich’s touch attack deal 10d6+20 (1d6+2 for every 2 Hit Dice of the demilich) points of damage and it carry the cursed touch. Liches with other natural attacks lose them.

Special Attacks
The demilich retains all the lich’s special attacks and also gains those described below.

Terror Aura (Su)
Demiliches are shrouded in a dreadful aura of death and evil. Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that looks upon a demilich must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for a number of rounds equal to the demilich’s total Hit Dice. Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be frightened for a number of rounds equal to the demilich’s total Hit Dice. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same demilich’s aura for 24 hours. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 demilich’s HD + demilich’s spell casting ability modifier. This ability replace the lich fear aura.

Empowered Necromancy (Su)
All of a demilich’s spells and spell-like abilities from the necromancy school are automatically affected as if by the Empower Spell feat. Such spells do not require higher-level spell slots or increased casting times. The Empower Spell feat cannot be used to further augment these spells.

Cursed Touch (Su)
Any living creature a demilich hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 demilich’s HD + demilich’s spell casting ability modifier or be paralyzed and cursed by a Death Curse that slowly wastes them away.

The curse must be removed before any attempt to remove the paralysis can occur. Further, the curse slowly drains away the target’s Constitution at the rate of one point of Constitution drain a day. A creature’s Con cannot be restored until the curse is removed. If the creature’s Con is reduced to 0, it immediately disintegrates into a pile of ash and bones. Only powerful magic, such as true resurrection, miracle or wish, can bring them back to life. After the curse is removed, remove paralysis can free the victim. If the attempt to remove the curse fails, the creature’s Constitution immediately goes to 0 and it dies as above. The paralysis cannot otherwise be dispelled. Anyone under the effect of the cursed touch seems dead, though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive. Creatures immune to paralysis, except for other liches or demiliches, can still be inflicted by the demilich’s touch while the Constitution drain is a curse effect. This curse counts as having a caster level equal to the demilich HD and a spell level equal to ½ demilich HD. This ability replace the lich paralyzing touch.

Perfect Still Spell (Su)
The demilich cast all of his spells as if they were modified by the Still Spell feat. This does not increase their level or casting time.

Supreme Necromancer (Su)
The demilich spell and spell like ability ignore immunity to death effects, effect that requires a Fortitude save, energy drain effects or necromancy effects.

The demilich can cast any spells it could cast as a lich.

Spell-Like Abilities
Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing;

At will—alter self, astral projection, create greater undead, death knell, enervation, greater bestow curse, greater dispel magic, harm, telekinesis;

3/day—finger of death, greater planar ally, wail of the banshee, weird.

Demiliches use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to their spellcaster level.

Telekinetic Storm (Su)
As a special use of its telekinesis spell-like ability, a demilich can churn up its treasure, dust, bones, and other loose debris in the area into a whirling storm about its skull. The storm obscures vision as a fog cloud within a 20-foot spread centered on the demilich’s skull. Creatures within the storm take 12d6 points of damage per round on the demilich’s turn (Reflex DC same as the normal telekinesis spell for half damage). The demilich can maintain the storm indefinitely by concentrating.

Trap the Soul (Su)
As a standard action with a range of 300 feet, a demilich can imprison the soul of a living creature within one of 10 special gems embedded in its skull. The target is allowed a Fort saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 demilich’s HD + demilich’s spell casting ability modifier). If the target makes its saving throw, it gains two permanent negative levels. If the target fails its save, its soul is immediately drawn into one of the gems in the demilich’s skull. The soul remains trapped within the gem, visible as but a gleam except under true seeing. The soulless body corrupts and decays rapidly, reducing to dust in a single round. As long as the dead creature’s soul remains trapped in the gemstone, it cannot be restored to life via any means save direct divine intervention. Gems with souls trapped in them can be retrieved from a destroyed demilich, at which point they can either be crushed to release any souls within to their afterlife or used in the place of the usual material components to restore the soul and body with resurrection or true resurrection. After 24 hours, the demilich can choose to consume any soul trapped in a gem, healing it 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the soul, at which point only miracle or wish can restore the dead creature to life. This is a death effect.

Special Qualities
The demilich retains all the lich’s special qualities and also has those described below.

Immunity to Magic (Su)
A demilich is immune to any spell and spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. Demilich is also immune to the effect of antimagic field and dead magic zone. In addition, certain spells function differently against the demilich, as noted below.

A dispel evil spell deals 2d6 points of damage, with no saving throw.

Holy smite affects a demilich normally.

A power word kill spoken by an ethereal caster deals 50 points of damage to the demilich if it fails a Fortitude save (with a DC determined as though the spell allowed a saving throw).

A shatter spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6), with no saving throw.

Phylactery Transference (Su)
Headbands, armor, belts, rings, cloaks, shield, and other wearable items kept in close association with the demilich’s phylactery (within 1 foot per Hit Dice) transfer all their benefits to the demilich no matter how far apart the demilich and the phylactery are located. The standard limits on types of items utilized simultaneously still apply. Armor and shield transfer all their benefits without giving any armor check penalty or spell failure chance.

Unholy Grace (Su)
A demilich gains a profane bonus on saves and AC equal to its spell casting ability modifier (a Wizard use Int, a Sorcerer Cha, a Cleric Wis, etc.).

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A demilich has channel resistance +20 (this replace channel resistance +4).

Damage Reduction (Su)
A demilich loses any previous damage reduction and instead has damage reduction 20/—. Vorpal weapons, no matter their enhancement bonus, ignore this damage reduction (demiliches cannot be beheaded).

Resistances (Ex)
Demiliches have acid resistance 20, fire resistance 20, and sonic resistance 20.

Demiliches gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat.

Same as the lich and gains a profane bonus to save equal to its spell casting ability modifier (see unholy grace).

A demilich gains +8 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Demiliches receive a +20 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Otherwise same as the lich (this overlaps with the previous racial bonus gained by the lich; it does not stack).

Creating Soul Gems
Liches have phylacteries that allow them to reappear 1d10 days after their apparent death, as do demiliches. Demiliches also have ten soul gems, each of which acts like a phylactery in its own right. If all the soul gems, as well as the demilich’s phylactery, are not destroyed after a demilich is downed, the demilich reappears 1d10 days after its apparent death. The soul gems also allow the demilich to use its most devastating ability, trap the soul (see above). Each demilich must make its own soul gems, which requires the Craft Wondrous Item feat. Each soul gem costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation. Soul gems appear as egg-shaped gems of wondrous quality. They are always incorporated directly into the concentrated form of the demilich. The soul gems and the phylactery of a demilich have 100 hit points, hardness 50, and a break DC of 60.


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The versione of the Phasmalich template of @Alzrius that i use form my campain (COMPETITION: Design an Epic Monster)


Creating a Phasmalich

“Phasmalich” is an acquired template that allows a demilich spirit to possess a corporeal undead creature. The template can be added to any demilich (hereafter referred to as the base demilich) and any corporeal undead creature (hereafter referred to as the base undead). A Phasmalich has all of the base undead’s characteristics except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base demilich +15.

AL: As the base demilich.

Size and Type: A phasmalich is the size of the base undead. It retains all of the base undead’s subtypes, but loses any subtypes the base demilich had.

Speed: As the base undead.

Armor Class: A phasmalich has the natural armor bonus of the base undead, an insight bonus equal to the base demilich’s Wisdom modifier, and a deflection bonus equal to the base demilich’s Charisma modifier.

Defensive Abilities: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s defensive abilities (in case of the same ability, like resistance to fire or fast healing, they do not stack, and only the higher apply). A phasmalich gains fast healing 30 or the fast healing of the base undead’s, whichever of the two is higher.

Hit Dice: A phasmalich is treated as having the base demilich’s Hit Dice or the base undead HD, whichever of the two is higher, for interaction with effects. It has the hit points of the base demilich or the base undead, whichever of the two is higher.

Saving Throws: A phasmalich uses the base demilich’s saving throws (using the base undead Dexterity score for the Reflex save).

Weakness: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s weakness.

Sense: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s senses.

Attack: A phasmalich uses the base attack bonus of the base demilich, and the natural attacks of the base undead.

Damage: The natural attacks of the phasmalich deals damage equal to the base undead’s natural attacks, but also deal 1d8+2 points of negative energy damage per 2 HD of the phasmalich, as well as the base demilich’s cursed touch.

Special Attacks: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s special attacks.

Spellcasting: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. The caster level for any of the phasmalich’s spell-like abilities are equal to the base demilich’s HD. The supreme necromancer ability of the base demilich’s applies to spell and spell-like abilities of the base undead.

Special Qualities
A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s and base undead’s special qualities, except for the channel resistance, damage reduction, and immunity to magic of the base demilich. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A phasmalich has channel resistance +50. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base demilich’s or base undead channel resistance.

Damage Reduction (Su)
A phasmalich has the base undead’s damage reduction as well as damage reduction 30/—.

Ephemeral Existence (Ex)
A phasmalich that is not currently possessing an undead creature has no statistics, cannot be targeted by anything (except holy word spell, see below), cannot take damage and cannot take any actions except as follows. It has a space of 5 ft. and a fly speed of 180 ft. with perfect maneuverability. It is completely incorporeal and can move any distance through solid objects, even made of force (like wall of force). It may try, as a standard action, to possess any adjacent corporeal undead creature. A holy word spell used against it in this state inflicts no damage, but the phasmalich must make a Will save (DC equal of the spell), with failure sending it back to its phylactery (or a soul gem) as though it had been destroyed (see below).

Immunities (Ex)
As the base undead and base demilich.

Immunity to Magic (Ex)
A phasmalich is immune to all spells and spell-like abilities (unless the phasmalich want to suffer the effect) except as follows:

A dispel evil used on a phasmalich allows the base undead to make a new Will save (with its own base save, Wisdom modifier and any permanent bonus like Iron Will) to drive the phasmalich out.

A phasmalich is also immune to the effect of antimagic field and dead magic zone.

Maven (Ex)
A phasmalich has maximum ranks in all skills it knows.

Mythic (Ex)
The phasmalich has Mythic Power (X/day, Surge +Y) and counts as a X-rank Mythic creature. The phasmalich can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. X his equal to 1/5 his HD and Y is the Surge suitable for the rank. If the phasmalich is already mythic (like wizard 60/archmage 8), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the phasmalich is considered this rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier.

Possess Undead (Su)
A phasmalich in a state of ephemeral existence (see above) may try to possess an adjacent corporeal undead creature as a standard action. The undead creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the base demilich’s Hit Dice + the base demilich’s Charisma modifier), with failure meaning that it has been possessed by the phasmalich.

A phasmalich may abandon the base undead it is possessing as a free or immediate action. When separating from the base undead, any damage a phasmalich has taken is dumped on the base undead. When a phasmalich is reduced to 0 hit points while possessing an undead, the base undead is destroyed as normal (if it can rejuvenate like a lich or vampire, it rejuvenate freed from the phasmalich). The phasmalich itself returns after 1d10 days, however, so long as any of its soul gems or its phylactery are intact. A phasmalich’s soul gems are not incorporated directly into its body, and may be stored anywhere (this has no impact on its ability to use its trap the soul power).

Resistances (Ex)
A phasmalich also has acid, fire, and sonic resistance 50. These overlap (do not stack with) the base demilich’s and base undead’s resistances.

Ruler (Su)
A phasmalich gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist.

Ability Scores: A phasmalich increase the base demilich’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores by +20.

Actual Ability Scores: A phasmalich uses the base undead’s Strength and Dexterity scores, and the increased base demilich’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.

Skills: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s skill ranks, and none of the base undead’s. A phasmalich receives a +50 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base demilich’s racial bonus to these skills. A phasmalich retains any racial skill bonuses the base undead may have.

Epic Feats: A phasmalich gains Automatic Metamagic Capacity (once for every 20 HD of the phasmalich), Epic Spellcasting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Metamagic Freedom, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.

Feats: A phasmalich has all of the base demilich’s feats, and has all of the base undead’s feats as bonus feats.


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My version of the Akalich template


Creating an Akalich

“Akalich” is a template that can be added to any demilich. All that remains of an akaliches’ form are its soul gems bound by the creature’s will, and the shadowy manifestation of its determination. An Akalich has all of the base undead’s characteristics except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base demilich +55.

AL: As the base demilich.

Size and Type: An akalich is the same size it was in life. It gains the incorporeal subtype.

Speed: An akalich fly speed is decupled or change to supersonic (6,756 ft. = 1,351.2 squares), whichever is greater (This stack with the Supersonic cosmic ability).

Armor Class: An akalich loses any natural armor bonuses, but gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier and an insight bonus equal to its Wisdom modifier.

Defensive Abilities: An akalich has all of the base demilich’s defensive abilities. It also has the defensive abilities listed below.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
An akalich has channel resistance +100. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base demilich’s channel resistance.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

An akalich gains damage reduction /— equal to its Hit Dice (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5) despite being incorporeal. This replace the base demilich damage reduction.

Dread Rejuvenation (Ex)
When an akalich is destroyed, it rejuvenate in 1d4 hours instead of 1d10 days, even if his phylactery or soul gems are in another plane. Alternatively, it may immediately rejuvenates to full hit points (in the same place where it was destroyed or next to its phylactery or one of his soul gems), by sacrificing one of the immortal spirits trapped within its soul gems. Only the spirits of true immortals (demi-deities and above) can allow this use. This alter the base demilich rejuvenation.

Fast Healing (Ex)
An akalich gains fast healing 100 or equal to equal to its Hit Dice, whichever of the two is higher.

Greater Phylactery and Soul Gems
Each of the soul gems and the phylactery of an akalich become a major artifacts. They share the akalich immunity to magic (see below). Consequentially, being immune to mage's disjunction, antimagic field, and dead magic zone they can only be destroyed individually with their specific and unique method. Despite being artifacts, the akalich can rebuild them with the usual rule of phylactery and soul gems also by applying class ability that facilitate their reconstruction (like the lichbound prestige class). An akalich’s soul gems are not incorporated directly into its body, and may be stored anywhere (this has no impact on its ability to use its trap the soul power).

Immunities (Ex)
Akaliches are immune to acid, cold, electricity and fire damage. Also immune to channel energy (an akalich takes no damage from the channel energy ability, and is not affected by effects that mimic channel energy or are based on the channel energy ability [such as turn undead and command undead]) and control: an akalich is immune to all forms of control, including command undead, control undead and similar effect. Other methods, particularly those tied to strange and powerful artifacts related to the death, may work (GM’s discretion).

Immunity to Magic (Ex)
An akalich is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects (unless the akalich want to suffer the effect) except as follows:

A dispel evil spell inflicts 1 point of damage per spell level.

A Holy smite spell affects an akalich normally.

A shatter spell affects an akalich as if it were a crystalline creature, but deals only half normal damage (then apply sonic resistance).

An akalich is also immune to the effect of antimagic field and dead magic zone.

Resistances (Ex)
An akalich has sonic resistance 100. This overlap (do not stack with) the base demilich’s resistance.

Ruler (Su)
An akalich gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist.

Hit Dice: An akalich uses d20s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per die (like it has rolled 20 on all the die). If the akalich has 120 HD this increase to d100.

Sense: An akalich increase all of the base demilich’s senses by tenfold (spiritsense included).

Damage: The akaliches’ touch attack deal 2d20 points of untyped damage for every Hit Dice of the akalich. The akalich adds its Charisma bonus to the damage. The akalich can choose to deal negative energy damage instead of untyped damage (like for heal itself). The touch deliver the cursed touch of the demilich and the stasis touch (see below). The akalich can choose to deliver the damage and both effects (with separate saving throw for each), only the damage and one, the damage and none, no damage and both effects or no damage and one. This replace the base demilich touch attack.

Special Attacks: An akalich has all of the base demilich’s special attacks. It also has the special attacks listed below.

Dread Aura (Su)
Akaliches are shrouded in an aura of death and weakness. All creatures within a radius equal to 100 feet + 10 feet per Hit Dice, is affected as if by a symbol of death and a symbol of weakness, however there is no hit points limit or a number of maximum HD affected for these effects. All targets must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Hit Dice of the akalich + his Charisma modifier) every round they are within the area to avoid the effect. The akalich can exclude a number of creature from this aura equal to his Hit Dice + his Charisma modifier. All creatures that die within the akalich aura, become in one round an undead under the akalich control. The undead is selected by the list of the create greater undead and the akalich count as having casting all the necessary spell (like teleport for a Crypt Thing), but other prerequisite must be meet. The akalich choose which undead they become. This ability replace the demilich terror aura.

Overshadow (Su)
As a standard action, the akalich can sacrifice one of its captured spirits to wrap a shroud of death around a single opponent. This attack deals untyped damage equal to the akaliches’ own full hit point total (no save) and has a range of 100 feet + 10 feet per Hit Dice.

Reanimator Touch (Su)
As a standard action, an akalich can touch a dead creature and animate it as an undead creature under his control. An akalich may choose the type of undead, but it cannot have more than double the Hit Dice of the dead creature, nor can it have a Challenge Rating of more than the base creature Challenge Rating +20.

Stasis Touch (Su)
As temporal stasis except a supernatural ability. Any creature touched by the akalich must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Hit Dice of the akalich + his Charisma modifier) or be placed in suspended animation.

Spellcasting: An akalich has all of the base demilich’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. The akalich cast all of its spells, spell-like abilities and effects that replicate spell (like Alter Reality) as if they were modified by the Devastating Spell and Greater Intensified Spell [E] (removes the maximum cap) feats. This does not increase their level or casting time. The akalich cast spells, spell-like abilities and effects thet replicate spell of the necromancy school at double his normal caster level (an akalich wizard 80th, would cast necromancy spell at 160th caster level instead of 80th), this stack with Spell Specialization and similar ability that augment the caster level, but the doubling is applied before them (an akalich wizard 80th with spell specialization (necromancy) would cast necromancy spell at 162th caster level instead of 164th). An akalich gains the following spell-like ability:
Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing
At will—alter self, animate dead, astral projection, create greater undead, death knell, destruction, enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, orbital laser, plane shift, raise dead, slay living, soul bind, storm of vengeance, telekinesis, time stop
3/day—fimbulvetr, greater planar ally, greater ruin [E], implosion, imprisonment, meteor [E], overwhelming presence, schism [E;IH], singularity, resurrection, wail of the banshee, weird, wish
1/day—damnation [E], freedom, greater call the undead army, greater spell immunity, karmic annihilation [E], massacre, momento mori [E], the goal of all life is death [E], true resurrection; Akaliches use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to their spellcaster level. This replace the base demilich spell-like ability.

Trap the Soul (Su)
An akalich can trap even immortal spirits. To use this power it selects any target within 1.500 feet. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Hit Dice of the akalich + his Charisma modifier). If the target makes its save, he gains a number of permanent negative levels equal to 1/3 his Hit Dice (rounded up). If the target fails its save, its spirit is trapped within one of the akalich’s 8 soul gems. The akalich can only capture eight spirits or souls at any given time, one per soul gem. Mortal souls or spirits weaker than demi-deity are devoured within a single day (healing the akalich of 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the soul, at which point only miracle or wish can restore the dead creature to life). The souls of Hyperboreans with 30th or more HD are powerful enough for not be consumed in a single day, and count as demi-deity for this ability and dread rejuvenation (see above) ability. This is a death effect. This replace the base demilich trap the soul ability.

Special Qualities
An akalich has all of the base demilich’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Incorporeal Entity (Ex)
An akalich is a spirit and gains the incorporeal special quality. The akalich can manipulate his phylactery and soul gems even if it is incorporeal (this apply even for rebuild them).

Maven (Ex)
An akalich has maximum ranks in all skills it knows.

Mythic (Ex)
The akalich has Mythic Power (X/day, Surge +Y) and counts as a X-rank Mythic creature. The akalich can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. X his equal to 1/5 his HD and Y is the Surge suitable for the rank. If the akalich is already mythic (like wizard 60/archmage 8), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the akalich is considered this rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
An akalich knows all skills.

Supreme Caster (Su)
An akalich doesn’t need material or focus components for spells it casts.

Ability Scores: An akalich increase the base demilich’s Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores by +60.

Skills: An akalich receives a +100 racial bonus on Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, and Use Magic Device checks. This overlaps (does not stack) with the base demilich’s racial bonus to these skills.

Epic Feats: An akalich gains Automatic Metamagic Capacity (once for every 10 HD of the akalich), Epic Spellcasting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Metamagic Freedom, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.


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