Things from my setting

i do want to ask though, why is there such a large level gap between a akalich and a Phasmalich so large? A 2360 level difference seems far too large since at level 2400 by just feats alone they could acquire a 3 trans abilities + some left over one of which could be used to acquire the template.
Damn edit from the Cell, It lagged and I wrote 2400 instead of 240

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Today I will bring something of my setting. As I wrote previously, I am the Supreme Being of my setting, consequently my Aspects are with a power level that I honestly consider quite useless to post considering they are on the same level as Apepsnake's Sankarshana (Just Things I've Made). Their fragments are a separate matter. More powerful than Beefermatic's Aspects but still in a lower power level compared to a Supernal, I think it's interesting to post one of them.
Shade of Lisk
"You did it, you found it. You can't believe that old Ganky the dragon was telling the truth. The daughter of the Supreme Being. She is hidden in this fake universe lost in the most remote and forgotten margins of the Pleroma. This universe is not even true, its Time Lord is sleeping and generating it like a dream. You sense another Eternals, a Sundered, but he's trapped by the dream so he's irrelevant too. As soon as you enter you realize that the circus is not over: all the Sidereals with a few exceptions are trapped in the fabric of the reality, leaving out only simple gods and mortals. Ridiculous. You, a great Time Lord, who must hide from creatures less than ants in your eyes. But better not risk it, you perceive powerful creatures in the Time Lord's court and you know that if they attacked you en masse the energy generated would attract attention and you do not want to contend your prey with other Eternals. You secretly approach a gigantic tree in the middle of whose roots you feel the energy of the daughter. Your mind briefly touches that of a divinity in this universe, driving it mad instantly. "Yggdrasil" is the name of the tree, a sleeping First One, useless too. You land at the foot of the tree, in front of you is a simple hidden wooden door with a skull engraved on it with crystals embedded in it and a top hat on its head. Ridiculous. You reach out and touch the door while channeling your Expression of Power. Instantly a blinding light is released but it is not as you thought it would go: the door is not made of wood but of Kuvatchim, impossible to break by someone like you. Everything goes wrong: the tree lights up entirely with a golden fire, with the light rising to the sky. An angelic choir begins to sing, vibrating the same universe:
"Arise, my fragment
Protect the one I love
Even if I have now fallen
I know who I'm fighting for.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Protect my beloved child!
I'm so sorry my baby
I am no longer worthy to be by your side
But even so, I can't resist
I will leave my will here, at the Tree.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Hurry up, my daughter needs you
Hurry up, protect her because I can't do it anymore. "
As the whole universe trembles, the light coagulates before you to shape a creature. It looks like a Nekomimi, a hybrid child between a human and a Nekomata, but made entirely of light and with two skeletal wings on his back. He wears a full armor engraved with symbols of skulls and death, on his left arm, tied with a cord, he holds a spiral of silver metal. His right arm is skeletal with gems embedded in the exposed bones and with it he holds a completely black scythe, the only hint of color in the light apart from the metal spiral. His cold, empty gaze lowers on you and you sense a foreboding of death as he swings his scythe.

Male Nekomimi [Nekomimi (Cat) – d20PFSRD] Amidah Hyperborean X 500 (see Polymath, usually Death Mage [Death Mage – d20PFSRD])

Beyond Alignment (TN effectively) medium Poly-Existential humanoid (akasha, augmented, chaotic, elemental, good, kemonomimi)

Init +∞/2.641 (Always First); Senses all possible sense, cosmic consciousness (universe); Perception +∞/3.148

Aura divine (DC ∞/2.923, universe), emperor presence (universe ft., DC ∞/3.173, less than 500 HD, 5.000 damage)


cannot be hit AC ∞, touch ∞, flat-footed ∞ or 9.181, touch 6.992, flat-footed 8.894 (+100 anarchic, +100 axiomatic, +400 circumstance, +100 competence, +5.395 deflection, +143 Dex, +144 dodge, +200 insight, +100 luck, +2.189 natural, +100 perfection, +100 profane, +100 sacred)

hp ∞/52.800.000.000 (500d10.000+72.500 plus 207.500) x10.000 fast healing 100; regeneration (damage from the Omega)

Fort +∞/2.895 (cannot fail), Ref +∞/2.894, Will +∞/2.895

Defensive Abilities adaptation, antimagic resistance, boon of the universe, chaotic messiah, cold reflection, cosmic string, eternal freedom, fortune’s favored, good messiah, immortality, indissoluble, omnilock, supreme being fragment, true death messiah, universal acclimation; DR 1.000.000/–; Immune cold, disease, electricity, fire, petrification, poison, unwilling polymorph, elemental traits, undead immunities; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Multiversal Hazards; PR/SR 3.008, any spell which fails to penetrate Lisk spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness omega vulnerability


Speed Superluminarx240; Starflight (1d3 minutes)

Melee Melean 102 attacks +∞/3.378 touch (∞/256.000d1.000+511 x16 x16; without crit, 65.536.130.816 with crit) x2 every rounds (double already the first round for 204) x3 actions with Transtemporal; Everdread and Supreme Dark Nexus are not calculated in this

Special Attacks alter reality, evil eye (universe), mythic power (100/day, surge +108d6), omnific might, smite immortal 100/day (bonus to attack: 500 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 10.000*divine rank; if 49+ 500.000*divine rank; insight bonus equal to double DR)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2.998th, concentration +∞/5.911) +1 caster level for necromancy; DC (if any) +∞/1.725 + spell level

At will—animate dead, cause fear, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, greater create undead, slay living, wail of the banshee


Str ∞ (295), Dex ∞ (297), Con ∞ (301), Int ∞ (297), Wis ∞ (301), Cha ∞ (840)

Base Atk +500; CMB +∞ (3.140); CMD ∞ (7.634)

Feats Any feat x286

Skills All skills ∞/3.001 + ability modifier; Racial Bonus +2 Climb, +4 Handle Animal made to interact with cats and cat-like beast, +2 Perception

Languages All possible languages; Truespeech, telepathy (universe)

SQ aspect of death, boon of the universe, call weaponry, cat affinity, fortuity, inner eye, maven, omnicompetent, terminus, virtual size category +19

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 1.000 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 350)

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Dimensional Ancestry (Azata) (Ex): You gain Azata traits

• Distant Gaze (Su): Gaze attack, Will (DC ∞/3.173) or plane shift in any place of the multiverse

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. You are also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent

• Nescient (Ex): You ignore feat prerequisites

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Perfect Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks

• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced

• Quickness (Su): A constant effect of haste

• SaviourB (Su): You share the pain of allies to ease their suffering

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Critical threat quadruple

• Superior Critical Multiplier (scythe) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased

• Superior Smiting (Su): Smite damage x4

• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex as dodge bonus to AC

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Cogency (Su): All attacks are smite

• Cosmic Serpent (Su): Change alignment with a touch

• Divine Nescience (Ex): You ignore prerequisites of any divine ability

• Dominance (Su): Foes with less than 1/3 your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Hyperostosis (Ex): Natural armor bonus equal to double your hit die

• Legendary Charisma (Ex): Charisma score doubled

• Miraculous SaviourB (Su): Your would die for your allies

• Perfect Smiting (Su): Smite damage x10

• Perfect Critical (scythe): Critical threat quintupled

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (scythe): Critical multiplier increased

• SlipstreamB (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

• Time Dilatation (Ex): You can take twice as many actions during the round than usual

• Unearthly Effect (Su): Your effect power ranges are equal to your Divine Aura. Line, Gaze and Ray attacks have a range equal to your line of sight

• Unearthly Reach (Su): Your reach equals your divine Aura

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Only touch attack for scythe attack

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the critical multiplier

Transcendental Abilities

• Amaranthine (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to 4x your hit die and DR is /–

• Dead Zone (Ex): Divine aura is a dead magic zone

• Edifying Presence (Su): Change alignment of all creatures inside your divine aura

• Equilibrium (Ex): All abilities scores equal to the higher

• Greater Dominance (Su): Foes with less than ½ your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit

• Polymath (Ex): Your class levels can be changed at will

• Sophism (Su): Make a Will to negate an effect

• Transattack Period (Ex): Your attacks double each round

• Transiliente Fortitude (Ex): You can never fail a Fortitude saving throw

• Transtemporal (Su): Travel in time

• Ultimate Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): You never miss

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus

Omnific Abilities

• Infinite Charisma (Ex)B: Charisma score raised to infinite

• Omnific Divine Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

• Omnific Prana Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

Double True Death Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You cast necromancy spells at +1 caster level.

Yin and Yang (Ex): You cure with both positive and negative energy.

Sterility (Ex): You cannot produce offspring, even magically.

Undeadlike (Ex): You gain all the undead immunities and add Charisma to hit points (plus any other modifier, like constitution for living and size for construct).

• Necromantic Immunity (Ex): You are immune to necromantic attacks and spells.

• True Cold Resistance (Ex): You reflect cold attack.

• True Greater Scion of Death (Ex): +200 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class against living and unliving.

• True Perfect Summoning (living and unliving): Living and Undead created/summoned within your divine aura have 400% more HD.

• True Perfect Embodiment of Death (Su): Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects and all enemies take a -200 penalty against your necromantic effects and must make two save and take the worst result.

• True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks (As Negative Energy [Effect] but 1d6 negative level x 6 HD).

• True Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): You are healed (20 hp/1 negative energy damage or negative level) by negative energy attacks and the excessive cure become temporary hit points.

• True Death Messiah (Su): Living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank cannot harm you.

• True Lord of Death (Su): Dominate any living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank within your divine aura/realm.

• Great Breath (Ex): You can create life.

• Redivivus (Su): Revive your opponen’ts greatest enemy to fight for you.

• Word of Creation: Ath'Vae'Uio (Su): Control all life and death within your Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the area. A Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha) negate this (DC ∞/3.173).

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You may use Smite Immortal*.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+2020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Uncanny Divine Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe

Blast 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 166d6 (3.984); universe

Blast 83d6 (1.992); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 41d6 (984); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 166d6 (3.984); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 250d6 (6.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 250d6 (6.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 41d6 (984); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 41d6 (984); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 83d6 (1.992); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Uncanny Prana Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe

Blast 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe ft./1.275 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 750d1.000 (3.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 750d1.000 (3.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 125d1.000 (500.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 250d1.000 (1.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Lisk can duplicate any spell of xth-level or less (9+any automatic metamagic capacity of that round). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC ∞ (3.164) or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Aspect of Death
The True Lisk, Aspect of Chaos, Death, Freedom, Good, Redemption, and Sorrow of the Supreme Being who stays in his rooms in Akasha without ever leaving, playing melancholy music in front of the monolith on which all the names of his companions are written to whom he has not even been able to say goodbye. This fragment has a fraction of the necromantic power of the True Aspect over Death. This give him the Double True Death Portfolio.

Boon of the Universe (Ex)
Automatically all 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities (Agile (Dex, circumstance), Amaranthine (Cos, circumstance), Beautiful (Cha, circumstance), Chaotic (Cha, anarchic), Cunning (Int, circumstance), Heavenly (Cha, luck), Intellectual (Int, competence), Lawful (Wis, axiomatic), Profane (Wis, profane), Sacred (Wis, sacred), Strong (Str, insight), Unknowing (Wis, insight)), and also has his respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection bonus to armor class. All 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities bonus stack even if normally not (like Unknowing and Strong, both give an insight bonus). Their characteristics bonus also apply to checks, caster level, SR and initiative. Lisk gain x6 the usual amount of divine slot, like if he give up 5 artifacts slots.

Call Weaponry (Su)
Lisk can call his weapon Melean to his hands at will as a free action from any distance (even across universe boundaries). If the weapons is destroyed, he can remake it and cause the rebuilt weapon to appear in his hand as a standard action; Remaking a weapon in this way provokes attacks of opportunity, but calling a weapon does not.

Emperor Presence (Ex)
The amidah radiate an aura of pure presence (Radius: 400 ft. + 40 ft./Hit Dice). All creatures with less than half the amidah HD must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the amidah for 8 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature make his save is instead staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier. Once a creature make with success his save, he is immune to the Emperor Presence of that amidah for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignore the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less HD of the amidah. Against unattended abject in the area (like the squares of the floor) Emperor Presence deal 10 damage x HD of the amidah every round which apply only half of the hardness. The amidah can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffer the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Immortality (Ex)
As a simple shard created to protect his daughter, if this shard is killed, the True Lisk can create a new avatar immediately. The new Lisk typically reappear where he was killed, and he usually does not seek revenge against those who slew his previous form. Unless they do not proceed in trying to harm his daughter.

Indissoluble (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is immune to Abrogate, Nullification, Divine Nullification, Cosmic Nullification, Transcendental Nullification, Omnific Nullification, Dominance, Greater Dominance, and Superior Dominance and he and his object cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity. Evil Eye cannot control the result of the roll of Lisk, but can stop him from take the best result.

Mythic (Ex)
Lisk has Mythic Power (100/day, surge +108d6) and counts as a 100-rank Mythic creature. Lisk can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities, and alter reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Omnific Might (Ex)
Lisk deals d1.000's for base damage dice of all melee, ranged weapon, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Omnilock (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can he be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of his HP effect him. Things written on the sheet of Lisk cannot be copied or stolen (like from the Cozen, Cosmic Superimposition or Mime Ability).

Poly-Existential (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. He entirely controls his dimensions, and his opponent’s perceptions of him at all times, allowing him to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of combat maneuvers, etc. He is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in AC, CMB, CMD and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omega Vulnerability (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is vulnerable to the Omega. The Omega automatically ignore Poly-Existential, Indissoluble, DR, and PR/SR of Lisk. The Omega is immune to the Evil Eye of Lisk.

Supreme Being Fragment (Ex)
Lisk uses d10.000s for base hit dice, and gains a x1.000 health multiplier. He does not gain normal feats but instead an equivalent amount of Any feat Divine Ability. All Auras have reach equal to the range of cosmic consciousness.

Universal Acclimation (Ex)
Lisk is always considered to be on his home plane, regardless of what Universe or Multiverse he finds himself upon. He never gains the extraplanar subtype. Lisk is immune to all form of natural Hazards (Dead Magic Zone included), with the exception of Multiversal Hazards against which is has only Resistance.

+238 everdancing, everdread, ghost touch, phase locking, supreme dark nexus, transformative, black hole matter greatsword (transfromed in a scythe with transformative)

Lisk can chose, when killing a creature with Melean to deal the killing blow to the essence in the Akashic Library of the creature as well. A creature killed by Melean has two possible result decided by Lisk:

  • A creature killed by Melean is totally annihilated in body, mind and soul and is cancelled by the pages of the Akashic Library. The creature cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way with the exception of the use of Master of Magic of a Great Wyrm Gankyil Dragon, the Breath of Cleansing Light of a Great Wyrm Wuji Dragon, or the Death Knell.
  • The soul of a creature killed by Melean is entrapped inside the blade and cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way until the soul is released (a free action for Lisk), the Death Knell is used, or the blade is destroyed (an almost impossible task except for the most powerful Supernals due to the nature of artifact made of black hole matter).
(originally found here: Death, CR 373)

Everdread: A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types.

Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus.

Supreme Dark Nexus: This weapon is a gateway to the Plane of Entropy, Byss. It deal an additional 1.000d1.000 permanent damage to any creature struck by one of their blows. Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.

Overwhelming conjuration, necromancy and universal; CL 1.100th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price +200 bonus

Death Knell
This simple object of steel with the form of a spiraling comet has power over life and death. Lisk can activate the power of the Death Knell as a standard action with two possible use.
  • The first use channel deletery energy within an area of 1 light year centered of Lisk. This destroy all corporeal living and undead creatures in the range which fail a Will save DC 2000. A creature destroyed by this return with the Hunefer template (Master of the Flesh, Cosmic Ability version) under the control of Lisk.​
  • The second version call a spirit of a deceased creature from the grave. A creature can call any number of spirit, up to his HD. Lisk can instead call any number of spirits. This can recall the spirit from any place, even if the soul is entrapped or annihilated. This automatically restored the soul (if destroyed) or free it (if sealed). The spirits work as the base creature with the ghost template​


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Today I will bring something of my setting. As I wrote previously, I am the Supreme Being of my setting, consequently my Aspects are with a power level that I honestly consider quite useless to post considering they are on the same level as Apepsnake's Sankarshana (Just Things I've Made). Their fragments are a separate matter. More powerful than Beefermatic's Aspects but still in a lower power level compared to a Supernal, I think it's interesting to post one of them.
Shade of Lisk
"You did it, you found it. You can't believe that old Ganky the dragon was telling the truth. The daughter of the Supreme Being. She is hidden in this fake universe lost in the most remote and forgotten margins of the Pleroma. This universe is not even true, its Time Lord is sleeping and generating it like a dream. You sense another Eternals, a Sundered, but he's trapped by the dream so he's irrelevant too. As soon as you enter you realize that the circus is not over: all the Sidereals with a few exceptions are trapped in the fabric of the reality, leaving out only simple gods and mortals. Ridiculous. You, a great Time Lord, who must hide from creatures less than ants in your eyes. But better not risk it, you perceive powerful creatures in the Time Lord's court and you know that if they attacked you en masse the energy generated would attract attention and you do not want to contend your prey with other Eternals. You secretly approach a gigantic tree in the middle of whose roots you feel the energy of the daughter. Your mind briefly touches that of a divinity in this universe, driving it mad instantly. "Yggdrasil" is the name of the tree, a sleeping First One, useless too. You land at the foot of the tree, in front of you is a simple hidden wooden door with a skull engraved on it with crystals embedded in it and a top hat on its head. Ridiculous. You reach out and touch the door while channeling your Expression of Power. Instantly a blinding light is released but it is not as you thought it would go: the door is not made of wood but of Kuvatchim, impossible to break by someone like you. Everything goes wrong: the tree lights up entirely with a golden fire, with the light rising to the sky. An angelic choir begins to sing, vibrating the same universe:
"Arise, my fragment
Protect the one I love
Even if I have now fallen
I know who I'm fighting for.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Protect my beloved child!
I'm so sorry my baby
I am no longer worthy to be by your side
But even so, I can't resist
I will leave my will here, at the Tree.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Hurry up, my daughter needs you
Hurry up, protect her because I can't do it anymore. "
As the whole universe trembles, the light coagulates before you to shape a creature. It looks like a Nekomimi, a hybrid child between a human and a Nekomata, but made entirely of light and with two skeletal wings on his back. He wears a full armor engraved with symbols of skulls and death, on his left arm, tied with a cord, he holds a spiral of silver metal. His right arm is skeletal with gems embedded in the exposed bones and with it he holds a completely black scythe, the only hint of color in the light apart from the metal spiral. His cold, empty gaze lowers on you and you sense a foreboding of death as he swings his scythe.

Male Nekomimi [Nekomimi (Cat) – d20PFSRD] Amidah Hyperborean X 500 (see Polymath, usually Death Mage [Death Mage – d20PFSRD])

Beyond Alignment (TN effectively) medium Poly-Existential humanoid (akasha, augmented, chaotic, elemental, good, kemonomimi)

Init +∞/2.641 (Always First); Senses all possible sense, cosmic consciousness (universe); Perception +∞/3.148

Aura divine (DC ∞/2.923, universe), emperor presence (universe ft., DC ∞/3.173, less than 500 HD, 5.000 damage)


cannot be hit AC ∞, touch ∞, flat-footed ∞ or 9.181, touch 6.992, flat-footed 8.894 (+100 anarchic, +100 axiomatic, +400 circumstance, +100 competence, +5.395 deflection, +143 Dex, +144 dodge, +200 insight, +100 luck, +2.189 natural, +100 perfection, +100 profane, +100 sacred)

hp ∞/52.800.000.000 (500d10.000+72.500 plus 207.500) x10.000 fast healing 100; regeneration (damage from the Omega)

Fort +∞/2.895 (cannot fail), Ref +∞/2.894, Will +∞/2.895

Defensive Abilities adaptation, antimagic resistance, boon of the universe, chaotic messiah, cold reflection, cosmic string, eternal freedom, fortune’s favored, good messiah, immortality, indissoluble, omnilock, supreme being fragment, true death messiah, universal acclimation; DR 1.000.000/–; Immune cold, disease, electricity, fire, petrification, poison, unwilling polymorph, elemental traits, undead immunities; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Multiversal Hazards; PR/SR 3.008, any spell which fails to penetrate Lisk spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness omega vulnerability


Speed Superluminarx240; Starflight (1d3 minutes)

Melee Melean 102 attacks +∞/3.378 touch (∞/256.000d1.000+511 x16 x16; without crit, 65.536.130.816 with crit) x2 every rounds (double already the first round for 204) x3 actions with Transtemporal; Everdread and Supreme Dark Nexus are not calculated in this

Special Attacks alter reality, evil eye (universe), mythic power (100/day, surge +108d6), omnific might, smite immortal 100/day (bonus to attack: 500 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 10.000*divine rank; if 49+ 500.000*divine rank; insight bonus equal to double DR)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2.998th, concentration +∞/5.911) +1 caster level for necromancy; DC (if any) +∞/1.725 + spell level

At will—animate dead, cause fear, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, greater create undead, slay living, wail of the banshee


Str ∞ (295), Dex ∞ (297), Con ∞ (301), Int ∞ (297), Wis ∞ (301), Cha ∞ (840)

Base Atk +500; CMB +∞ (3.140); CMD ∞ (7.634)

Feats Any feat x286

Skills All skills ∞/3.001 + ability modifier; Racial Bonus +2 Climb, +4 Handle Animal made to interact with cats and cat-like beast, +2 Perception

Languages All possible languages; Truespeech, telepathy (universe)

SQ aspect of death, boon of the universe, call weaponry, cat affinity, fortuity, inner eye, maven, omnicompetent, terminus, virtual size category +19

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 1.000 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 350)

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Dimensional Ancestry (Azata) (Ex): You gain Azata traits

• Distant Gaze (Su): Gaze attack, Will (DC ∞/3.173) or plane shift in any place of the multiverse

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. You are also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent

• Nescient (Ex): You ignore feat prerequisites

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Perfect Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks

• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced

• Quickness (Su): A constant effect of haste

• SaviourB (Su): You share the pain of allies to ease their suffering

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Critical threat quadruple

• Superior Critical Multiplier (scythe) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased

• Superior Smiting (Su): Smite damage x4

• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex as dodge bonus to AC

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Cogency (Su): All attacks are smite

• Cosmic Serpent (Su): Change alignment with a touch

• Divine Nescience (Ex): You ignore prerequisites of any divine ability

• Dominance (Su): Foes with less than 1/3 your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Hyperostosis (Ex): Natural armor bonus equal to double your hit die

• Legendary Charisma (Ex): Charisma score doubled

• Miraculous SaviourB (Su): Your would die for your allies

• Perfect Smiting (Su): Smite damage x10

• Perfect Critical (scythe): Critical threat quintupled

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (scythe): Critical multiplier increased

• SlipstreamB (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

• Time Dilatation (Ex): You can take twice as many actions during the round than usual

• Unearthly Effect (Su): Your effect power ranges are equal to your Divine Aura. Line, Gaze and Ray attacks have a range equal to your line of sight

• Unearthly Reach (Su): Your reach equals your divine Aura

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Only touch attack for scythe attack

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the critical multiplier

Transcendental Abilities

• Amaranthine (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to 4x your hit die and DR is /–

• Dead Zone (Ex): Divine aura is a dead magic zone

• Edifying Presence (Su): Change alignment of all creatures inside your divine aura

• Equilibrium (Ex): All abilities scores equal to the higher

• Greater Dominance (Su): Foes with less than ½ your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit

• Polymath (Ex): Your class levels can be changed at will

• Sophism (Su): Make a Will to negate an effect

• Transattack Period (Ex): Your attacks double each round

• Transiliente Fortitude (Ex): You can never fail a Fortitude saving throw

• Transtemporal (Su): Travel in time

• Ultimate Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): You never miss

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus

Omnific Abilities

• Infinite Charisma (Ex)B: Charisma score raised to infinite

• Omnific Divine Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

• Omnific Prana Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

Double True Death Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You cast necromancy spells at +1 caster level.

Yin and Yang (Ex): You cure with both positive and negative energy.

Sterility (Ex): You cannot produce offspring, even magically.

Undeadlike (Ex): You gain all the undead immunities and add Charisma to hit points (plus any other modifier, like constitution for living and size for construct).

• Necromantic Immunity (Ex): You are immune to necromantic attacks and spells.

• True Cold Resistance (Ex): You reflect cold attack.

• True Greater Scion of Death (Ex): +200 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class against living and unliving.

• True Perfect Summoning (living and unliving): Living and Undead created/summoned within your divine aura have 400% more HD.

• True Perfect Embodiment of Death (Su): Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects and all enemies take a -200 penalty against your necromantic effects and must make two save and take the worst result.

• True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks (As Negative Energy [Effect] but 1d6 negative level x 6 HD).

• True Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): You are healed (20 hp/1 negative energy damage or negative level) by negative energy attacks and the excessive cure become temporary hit points.

• True Death Messiah (Su): Living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank cannot harm you.

• True Lord of Death (Su): Dominate any living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank within your divine aura/realm.

• Great Breath (Ex): You can create life.

• Redivivus (Su): Revive your opponen’ts greatest enemy to fight for you.

• Word of Creation: Ath'Vae'Uio (Su): Control all life and death within your Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the area. A Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha) negate this (DC ∞/3.173).

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You may use Smite Immortal*.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+2020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Uncanny Divine Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe

Blast 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 166d6 (3.984); universe

Blast 83d6 (1.992); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 41d6 (984); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 166d6 (3.984); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 250d6 (6.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 250d6 (6.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 41d6 (984); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 41d6 (984); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 83d6 (1.992); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Uncanny Prana Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe

Blast 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe ft./1.275 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 750d1.000 (3.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 750d1.000 (3.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 125d1.000 (500.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 250d1.000 (1.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Lisk can duplicate any spell of xth-level or less (9+any automatic metamagic capacity of that round). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC ∞ (3.164) or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Aspect of Death
The True Lisk, Aspect of Chaos, Death, Freedom, Good, Redemption, and Sorrow of the Supreme Being who stays in his rooms in Akasha without ever leaving, playing melancholy music in front of the monolith on which all the names of his companions are written to whom he has not even been able to say goodbye. This fragment has a fraction of the necromantic power of the True Aspect over Death. This give him the Double True Death Portfolio.

Boon of the Universe (Ex)
Automatically all 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities (Agile (Dex, circumstance), Amaranthine (Cos, circumstance), Beautiful (Cha, circumstance), Chaotic (Cha, anarchic), Cunning (Int, circumstance), Heavenly (Cha, luck), Intellectual (Int, competence), Lawful (Wis, axiomatic), Profane (Wis, profane), Sacred (Wis, sacred), Strong (Str, insight), Unknowing (Wis, insight)), and also has his respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection bonus to armor class. All 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities bonus stack even if normally not (like Unknowing and Strong, both give an insight bonus). Their characteristics bonus also apply to checks, caster level, SR and initiative. Lisk gain x6 the usual amount of divine slot, like if he give up 5 artifacts slots.

Call Weaponry (Su)
Lisk can call his weapon Melean to his hands at will as a free action from any distance (even across universe boundaries). If the weapons is destroyed, he can remake it and cause the rebuilt weapon to appear in his hand as a standard action; Remaking a weapon in this way provokes attacks of opportunity, but calling a weapon does not.

Emperor Presence (Ex)
The amidah radiate an aura of pure presence (Radius: 400 ft. + 40 ft./Hit Dice). All creatures with less than half the amidah HD must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the amidah for 8 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature make his save is instead staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier. Once a creature make with success his save, he is immune to the Emperor Presence of that amidah for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignore the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less HD of the amidah. Against unattended abject in the area (like the squares of the floor) Emperor Presence deal 10 damage x HD of the amidah every round which apply only half of the hardness. The amidah can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffer the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Immortality (Ex)
As a simple shard created to protect his daughter, if this shard is killed, the True Lisk can create a new avatar immediately. The new Lisk typically reappear where he was killed, and he usually does not seek revenge against those who slew his previous form. Unless they do not proceed in trying to harm his daughter.

Indissoluble (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is immune to Abrogate, Nullification, Divine Nullification, Cosmic Nullification, Transcendental Nullification, Omnific Nullification, Dominance, Greater Dominance, and Superior Dominance and he and his object cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity. Evil Eye cannot control the result of the roll of Lisk, but can stop him from take the best result.

Mythic (Ex)
Lisk has Mythic Power (100/day, surge +108d6) and counts as a 100-rank Mythic creature. Lisk can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities, and alter reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Omnific Might (Ex)
Lisk deals d1.000's for base damage dice of all melee, ranged weapon, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Omnilock (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can he be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of his HP effect him. Things written on the sheet of Lisk cannot be copied or stolen (like from the Cozen, Cosmic Superimposition or Mime Ability).

Poly-Existential (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. He entirely controls his dimensions, and his opponent’s perceptions of him at all times, allowing him to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of combat maneuvers, etc. He is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in AC, CMB, CMD and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omega Vulnerability (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is vulnerable to the Omega. The Omega automatically ignore Poly-Existential, Indissoluble, DR, and PR/SR of Lisk. The Omega is immune to the Evil Eye of Lisk.

Supreme Being Fragment (Ex)
Lisk uses d10.000s for base hit dice, and gains a x1.000 health multiplier. He does not gain normal feats but instead an equivalent amount of Any feat Divine Ability. All Auras have reach equal to the range of cosmic consciousness.

Universal Acclimation (Ex)
Lisk is always considered to be on his home plane, regardless of what Universe or Multiverse he finds himself upon. He never gains the extraplanar subtype. Lisk is immune to all form of natural Hazards (Dead Magic Zone included), with the exception of Multiversal Hazards against which is has only Resistance.

+238 everdancing, everdread, ghost touch, phase locking, supreme dark nexus, transformative, black hole matter greatsword (transfromed in a scythe with transformative)

Lisk can chose, when killing a creature with Melean to deal the killing blow to the essence in the Akashic Library of the creature as well. A creature killed by Melean has two possible result decided by Lisk:

  • A creature killed by Melean is totally annihilated in body, mind and soul and is cancelled by the pages of the Akashic Library. The creature cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way with the exception of the use of Master of Magic of a Great Wyrm Gankyil Dragon, the Breath of Cleansing Light of a Great Wyrm Wuji Dragon, or the Death Knell.
  • The soul of a creature killed by Melean is entrapped inside the blade and cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way until the soul is released (a free action for Lisk), the Death Knell is used, or the blade is destroyed (an almost impossible task except for the most powerful Supernals due to the nature of artifact made of black hole matter).
(originally found here: Death, CR 373)

Everdread: A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types.

Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus.

Supreme Dark Nexus: This weapon is a gateway to the Plane of Entropy, Byss. It deal an additional 1.000d1.000 permanent damage to any creature struck by one of their blows. Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.

Overwhelming conjuration, necromancy and universal; CL 1.100th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price +200 bonus

Death Knell
This simple object of steel with the form of a spiraling comet has power over life and death. Lisk can activate the power of the Death Knell as a standard action with two possible use.
  • The first use channel deletery energy within an area of 1 light year centered of Lisk. This destroy all corporeal living and undead creatures in the range which fail a Will save DC 2000. A creature destroyed by this return with the Hunefer template (Master of the Flesh, Cosmic Ability version) under the control of Lisk.​
  • The second version call a spirit of a deceased creature from the grave. A creature can call any number of spirit, up to his HD. Lisk can instead call any number of spirits. This can recall the spirit from any place, even if the soul is entrapped or annihilated. This automatically restored the soul (if destroyed) or free it (if sealed). The spirits work as the base creature with the ghost template​
Very nice! I really like this one. Well made.

Today I will bring something of my setting. As I wrote previously, I am the Supreme Being of my setting, consequently my Aspects are with a power level that I honestly consider quite useless to post considering they are on the same level as Apepsnake's Sankarshana (Just Things I've Made). Their fragments are a separate matter. More powerful than Beefermatic's Aspects but still in a lower power level compared to a Supernal, I think it's interesting to post one of them.
Shade of Lisk
"You did it, you found it. You can't believe that old Ganky the dragon was telling the truth. The daughter of the Supreme Being. She is hidden in this fake universe lost in the most remote and forgotten margins of the Pleroma. This universe is not even true, its Time Lord is sleeping and generating it like a dream. You sense another Eternals, a Sundered, but he's trapped by the dream so he's irrelevant too. As soon as you enter you realize that the circus is not over: all the Sidereals with a few exceptions are trapped in the fabric of the reality, leaving out only simple gods and mortals. Ridiculous. You, a great Time Lord, who must hide from creatures less than ants in your eyes. But better not risk it, you perceive powerful creatures in the Time Lord's court and you know that if they attacked you en masse the energy generated would attract attention and you do not want to contend your prey with other Eternals. You secretly approach a gigantic tree in the middle of whose roots you feel the energy of the daughter. Your mind briefly touches that of a divinity in this universe, driving it mad instantly. "Yggdrasil" is the name of the tree, a sleeping First One, useless too. You land at the foot of the tree, in front of you is a simple hidden wooden door with a skull engraved on it with crystals embedded in it and a top hat on its head. Ridiculous. You reach out and touch the door while channeling your Expression of Power. Instantly a blinding light is released but it is not as you thought it would go: the door is not made of wood but of Kuvatchim, impossible to break by someone like you. Everything goes wrong: the tree lights up entirely with a golden fire, with the light rising to the sky. An angelic choir begins to sing, vibrating the same universe:
"Arise, my fragment
Protect the one I love
Even if I have now fallen
I know who I'm fighting for.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Protect my beloved child!
I'm so sorry my baby
I am no longer worthy to be by your side
But even so, I can't resist
I will leave my will here, at the Tree.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Hurry up, my daughter needs you
Hurry up, protect her because I can't do it anymore. "
As the whole universe trembles, the light coagulates before you to shape a creature. It looks like a Nekomimi, a hybrid child between a human and a Nekomata, but made entirely of light and with two skeletal wings on his back. He wears a full armor engraved with symbols of skulls and death, on his left arm, tied with a cord, he holds a spiral of silver metal. His right arm is skeletal with gems embedded in the exposed bones and with it he holds a completely black scythe, the only hint of color in the light apart from the metal spiral. His cold, empty gaze lowers on you and you sense a foreboding of death as he swings his scythe.

Male Nekomimi [Nekomimi (Cat) – d20PFSRD] Amidah Hyperborean X 500 (see Polymath, usually Death Mage [Death Mage – d20PFSRD])

Beyond Alignment (TN effectively) medium Poly-Existential humanoid (akasha, augmented, chaotic, elemental, good, kemonomimi)

Init +∞/2.641 (Always First); Senses all possible sense, cosmic consciousness (universe); Perception +∞/3.148

Aura divine (DC ∞/2.923, universe), emperor presence (universe ft., DC ∞/3.173, less than 500 HD, 5.000 damage)


cannot be hit AC ∞, touch ∞, flat-footed ∞ or 9.181, touch 6.992, flat-footed 8.894 (+100 anarchic, +100 axiomatic, +400 circumstance, +100 competence, +5.395 deflection, +143 Dex, +144 dodge, +200 insight, +100 luck, +2.189 natural, +100 perfection, +100 profane, +100 sacred)

hp ∞/52.800.000.000 (500d10.000+72.500 plus 207.500) x10.000 fast healing 100; regeneration (damage from the Omega)

Fort +∞/2.895 (cannot fail), Ref +∞/2.894, Will +∞/2.895

Defensive Abilities adaptation, antimagic resistance, boon of the universe, chaotic messiah, cold reflection, cosmic string, eternal freedom, fortune’s favored, good messiah, immortality, indissoluble, omnilock, supreme being fragment, true death messiah, universal acclimation; DR 1.000.000/–; Immune cold, disease, electricity, fire, petrification, poison, unwilling polymorph, elemental traits, undead immunities; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Multiversal Hazards; PR/SR 3.008, any spell which fails to penetrate Lisk spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness omega vulnerability


Speed Superluminarx240; Starflight (1d3 minutes)

Melee Melean 102 attacks +∞/3.378 touch (∞/256.000d1.000+511 x16 x16; without crit, 65.536.130.816 with crit) x2 every rounds (double already the first round for 204) x3 actions with Transtemporal; Everdread and Supreme Dark Nexus are not calculated in this

Special Attacks alter reality, evil eye (universe), mythic power (100/day, surge +108d6), omnific might, smite immortal 100/day (bonus to attack: 500 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 10.000*divine rank; if 49+ 500.000*divine rank; insight bonus equal to double DR)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2.998th, concentration +∞/5.911) +1 caster level for necromancy; DC (if any) +∞/1.725 + spell level

At will—animate dead, cause fear, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, greater create undead, slay living, wail of the banshee


Str ∞ (295), Dex ∞ (297), Con ∞ (301), Int ∞ (297), Wis ∞ (301), Cha ∞ (840)

Base Atk +500; CMB +∞ (3.140); CMD ∞ (7.634)

Feats Any feat x286

Skills All skills ∞/3.001 + ability modifier; Racial Bonus +2 Climb, +4 Handle Animal made to interact with cats and cat-like beast, +2 Perception

Languages All possible languages; Truespeech, telepathy (universe)

SQ aspect of death, boon of the universe, call weaponry, cat affinity, fortuity, inner eye, maven, omnicompetent, terminus, virtual size category +19

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 1.000 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 350)

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Dimensional Ancestry (Azata) (Ex): You gain Azata traits

• Distant Gaze (Su): Gaze attack, Will (DC ∞/3.173) or plane shift in any place of the multiverse

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. You are also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent

• Nescient (Ex): You ignore feat prerequisites

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Perfect Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks

• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced

• Quickness (Su): A constant effect of haste

• SaviourB (Su): You share the pain of allies to ease their suffering

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Critical threat quadruple

• Superior Critical Multiplier (scythe) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased

• Superior Smiting (Su): Smite damage x4

• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex as dodge bonus to AC

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Cogency (Su): All attacks are smite

• Cosmic Serpent (Su): Change alignment with a touch

• Divine Nescience (Ex): You ignore prerequisites of any divine ability

• Dominance (Su): Foes with less than 1/3 your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Hyperostosis (Ex): Natural armor bonus equal to double your hit die

• Legendary Charisma (Ex): Charisma score doubled

• Miraculous SaviourB (Su): Your would die for your allies

• Perfect Smiting (Su): Smite damage x10

• Perfect Critical (scythe): Critical threat quintupled

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (scythe): Critical multiplier increased

• SlipstreamB (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

• Time Dilatation (Ex): You can take twice as many actions during the round than usual

• Unearthly Effect (Su): Your effect power ranges are equal to your Divine Aura. Line, Gaze and Ray attacks have a range equal to your line of sight

• Unearthly Reach (Su): Your reach equals your divine Aura

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Only touch attack for scythe attack

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the critical multiplier

Transcendental Abilities

• Amaranthine (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to 4x your hit die and DR is /–

• Dead Zone (Ex): Divine aura is a dead magic zone

• Edifying Presence (Su): Change alignment of all creatures inside your divine aura

• Equilibrium (Ex): All abilities scores equal to the higher

• Greater Dominance (Su): Foes with less than ½ your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit

• Polymath (Ex): Your class levels can be changed at will

• Sophism (Su): Make a Will to negate an effect

• Transattack Period (Ex): Your attacks double each round

• Transiliente Fortitude (Ex): You can never fail a Fortitude saving throw

• Transtemporal (Su): Travel in time

• Ultimate Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): You never miss

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus

Omnific Abilities

• Infinite Charisma (Ex)B: Charisma score raised to infinite

• Omnific Divine Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

• Omnific Prana Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

Double True Death Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You cast necromancy spells at +1 caster level.

Yin and Yang (Ex): You cure with both positive and negative energy.

Sterility (Ex): You cannot produce offspring, even magically.

Undeadlike (Ex): You gain all the undead immunities and add Charisma to hit points (plus any other modifier, like constitution for living and size for construct).

• Necromantic Immunity (Ex): You are immune to necromantic attacks and spells.

• True Cold Resistance (Ex): You reflect cold attack.

• True Greater Scion of Death (Ex): +200 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class against living and unliving.

• True Perfect Summoning (living and unliving): Living and Undead created/summoned within your divine aura have 400% more HD.

• True Perfect Embodiment of Death (Su): Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects and all enemies take a -200 penalty against your necromantic effects and must make two save and take the worst result.

• True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks (As Negative Energy [Effect] but 1d6 negative level x 6 HD).

• True Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): You are healed (20 hp/1 negative energy damage or negative level) by negative energy attacks and the excessive cure become temporary hit points.

• True Death Messiah (Su): Living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank cannot harm you.

• True Lord of Death (Su): Dominate any living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank within your divine aura/realm.

• Great Breath (Ex): You can create life.

• Redivivus (Su): Revive your opponen’ts greatest enemy to fight for you.

• Word of Creation: Ath'Vae'Uio (Su): Control all life and death within your Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the area. A Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha) negate this (DC ∞/3.173).

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You may use Smite Immortal*.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+2020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Uncanny Divine Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe

Blast 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 166d6 (3.984); universe

Blast 83d6 (1.992); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 41d6 (984); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 166d6 (3.984); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 250d6 (6.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 250d6 (6.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 41d6 (984); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 41d6 (984); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 83d6 (1.992); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Uncanny Prana Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe

Blast 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe ft./1.275 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 750d1.000 (3.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 750d1.000 (3.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 125d1.000 (500.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 250d1.000 (1.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Lisk can duplicate any spell of xth-level or less (9+any automatic metamagic capacity of that round). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC ∞ (3.164) or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Aspect of Death
The True Lisk, Aspect of Chaos, Death, Freedom, Good, Redemption, and Sorrow of the Supreme Being who stays in his rooms in Akasha without ever leaving, playing melancholy music in front of the monolith on which all the names of his companions are written to whom he has not even been able to say goodbye. This fragment has a fraction of the necromantic power of the True Aspect over Death. This give him the Double True Death Portfolio.

Boon of the Universe (Ex)
Automatically all 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities (Agile (Dex, circumstance), Amaranthine (Cos, circumstance), Beautiful (Cha, circumstance), Chaotic (Cha, anarchic), Cunning (Int, circumstance), Heavenly (Cha, luck), Intellectual (Int, competence), Lawful (Wis, axiomatic), Profane (Wis, profane), Sacred (Wis, sacred), Strong (Str, insight), Unknowing (Wis, insight)), and also has his respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection bonus to armor class. All 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities bonus stack even if normally not (like Unknowing and Strong, both give an insight bonus). Their characteristics bonus also apply to checks, caster level, SR and initiative. Lisk gain x6 the usual amount of divine slot, like if he give up 5 artifacts slots.

Call Weaponry (Su)
Lisk can call his weapon Melean to his hands at will as a free action from any distance (even across universe boundaries). If the weapons is destroyed, he can remake it and cause the rebuilt weapon to appear in his hand as a standard action; Remaking a weapon in this way provokes attacks of opportunity, but calling a weapon does not.

Emperor Presence (Ex)
The amidah radiate an aura of pure presence (Radius: 400 ft. + 40 ft./Hit Dice). All creatures with less than half the amidah HD must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the amidah for 8 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature make his save is instead staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier. Once a creature make with success his save, he is immune to the Emperor Presence of that amidah for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignore the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less HD of the amidah. Against unattended abject in the area (like the squares of the floor) Emperor Presence deal 10 damage x HD of the amidah every round which apply only half of the hardness. The amidah can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffer the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Immortality (Ex)
As a simple shard created to protect his daughter, if this shard is killed, the True Lisk can create a new avatar immediately. The new Lisk typically reappear where he was killed, and he usually does not seek revenge against those who slew his previous form. Unless they do not proceed in trying to harm his daughter.

Indissoluble (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is immune to Abrogate, Nullification, Divine Nullification, Cosmic Nullification, Transcendental Nullification, Omnific Nullification, Dominance, Greater Dominance, and Superior Dominance and he and his object cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity. Evil Eye cannot control the result of the roll of Lisk, but can stop him from take the best result.

Mythic (Ex)
Lisk has Mythic Power (100/day, surge +108d6) and counts as a 100-rank Mythic creature. Lisk can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities, and alter reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Omnific Might (Ex)
Lisk deals d1.000's for base damage dice of all melee, ranged weapon, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Omnilock (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can he be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of his HP effect him. Things written on the sheet of Lisk cannot be copied or stolen (like from the Cozen, Cosmic Superimposition or Mime Ability).

Poly-Existential (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. He entirely controls his dimensions, and his opponent’s perceptions of him at all times, allowing him to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of combat maneuvers, etc. He is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in AC, CMB, CMD and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omega Vulnerability (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is vulnerable to the Omega. The Omega automatically ignore Poly-Existential, Indissoluble, DR, and PR/SR of Lisk. The Omega is immune to the Evil Eye of Lisk.

Supreme Being Fragment (Ex)
Lisk uses d10.000s for base hit dice, and gains a x1.000 health multiplier. He does not gain normal feats but instead an equivalent amount of Any feat Divine Ability. All Auras have reach equal to the range of cosmic consciousness.

Universal Acclimation (Ex)
Lisk is always considered to be on his home plane, regardless of what Universe or Multiverse he finds himself upon. He never gains the extraplanar subtype. Lisk is immune to all form of natural Hazards (Dead Magic Zone included), with the exception of Multiversal Hazards against which is has only Resistance.

+238 everdancing, everdread, ghost touch, phase locking, supreme dark nexus, transformative, black hole matter greatsword (transfromed in a scythe with transformative)

Lisk can chose, when killing a creature with Melean to deal the killing blow to the essence in the Akashic Library of the creature as well. A creature killed by Melean has two possible result decided by Lisk:

  • A creature killed by Melean is totally annihilated in body, mind and soul and is cancelled by the pages of the Akashic Library. The creature cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way with the exception of the use of Master of Magic of a Great Wyrm Gankyil Dragon, the Breath of Cleansing Light of a Great Wyrm Wuji Dragon, or the Death Knell.
  • The soul of a creature killed by Melean is entrapped inside the blade and cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way until the soul is released (a free action for Lisk), the Death Knell is used, or the blade is destroyed (an almost impossible task except for the most powerful Supernals due to the nature of artifact made of black hole matter).
(originally found here: Death, CR 373)

Everdread: A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types.

Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus.

Supreme Dark Nexus: This weapon is a gateway to the Plane of Entropy, Byss. It deal an additional 1.000d1.000 permanent damage to any creature struck by one of their blows. Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.

Overwhelming conjuration, necromancy and universal; CL 1.100th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price +200 bonus

Death Knell
This simple object of steel with the form of a spiraling comet has power over life and death. Lisk can activate the power of the Death Knell as a standard action with two possible use.
  • The first use channel deletery energy within an area of 1 light year centered of Lisk. This destroy all corporeal living and undead creatures in the range which fail a Will save DC 2000. A creature destroyed by this return with the Hunefer template (Master of the Flesh, Cosmic Ability version) under the control of Lisk.​
  • The second version call a spirit of a deceased creature from the grave. A creature can call any number of spirit, up to his HD. Lisk can instead call any number of spirits. This can recall the spirit from any place, even if the soul is entrapped or annihilated. This automatically restored the soul (if destroyed) or free it (if sealed). The spirits work as the base creature with the ghost template​
I like it a lot. 2 things I'm confused about:
1. Why is she a Hyperborean instead of a real god if she's a fragment of the Supreme Being?
2. Is she really supposed to only have 500 hd? It seems odd that a Supernal would have less hd than a standard time lord.

I like it a lot. 2 things I'm confused about:
1. Why is she a Hyperborean instead of a real god if she's a fragment of the Supreme Being?
2. Is she really supposed to only have 500 hd? It seems odd that a Supernal would have less hd than a standard time lord.
1) In my setting I favore mortale/Hyperborean above the deity (Things from my setting)
2) Because this is not a Supernal. This is a shade (500 HD) of a fragnent (20.000 HD, he is the Supernal) of one Aspect (too much HD). This is a little spark/illusioni/summon of the Will of the Aspect, even of he has Int, actually is mindless like a golem. It doesn't even really exist, it is generated by the magic of the seal when it has to protect the daughter and then it dissolves after she is no longer in danger.

1) In my setting I favore mortale/Hyperborean above the deity (Things from my setting)
2) Because this is not a Supernal. This is a shade (500 HD) of a fragnent (20.000 HD, he is the Supernal) of one Aspect (too much HD). This is a little spark/illusioni/summon of the Will of the Aspect, even of he has Int, actually is mindless like a golem. It doesn't even really exist, it is generated by the magic of the seal when it has to protect the daughter and then it dissolves after she is no longer in danger.
Oh cool. 2 more things: do you plan to make the fragment as well? Also, if even the Aspects have like a billion hd, am I correct in thinking the Supreme Being himself is beyond stats and basically omnipotent?

Oh cool. 2 more things: do you plan to make the fragment as well? Also, if even the Aspects have like a billion hd, am I correct in thinking the Supreme Being himself is beyond stats and basically omnipotent?
1) Eventually in future, now i'm working on the Christmas work.
2) I'm the Game Master, the Supreme Being

Today I will bring something of my setting. As I wrote previously, I am the Supreme Being of my setting, consequently my Aspects are with a power level that I honestly consider quite useless to post considering they are on the same level as Apepsnake's Sankarshana (Just Things I've Made). Their fragments are a separate matter. More powerful than Beefermatic's Aspects but still in a lower power level compared to a Supernal, I think it's interesting to post one of them.
Shade of Lisk
"You did it, you found it. You can't believe that old Ganky the dragon was telling the truth. The daughter of the Supreme Being. She is hidden in this fake universe lost in the most remote and forgotten margins of the Pleroma. This universe is not even true, its Time Lord is sleeping and generating it like a dream. You sense another Eternals, a Sundered, but he's trapped by the dream so he's irrelevant too. As soon as you enter you realize that the circus is not over: all the Sidereals with a few exceptions are trapped in the fabric of the reality, leaving out only simple gods and mortals. Ridiculous. You, a great Time Lord, who must hide from creatures less than ants in your eyes. But better not risk it, you perceive powerful creatures in the Time Lord's court and you know that if they attacked you en masse the energy generated would attract attention and you do not want to contend your prey with other Eternals. You secretly approach a gigantic tree in the middle of whose roots you feel the energy of the daughter. Your mind briefly touches that of a divinity in this universe, driving it mad instantly. "Yggdrasil" is the name of the tree, a sleeping First One, useless too. You land at the foot of the tree, in front of you is a simple hidden wooden door with a skull engraved on it with crystals embedded in it and a top hat on its head. Ridiculous. You reach out and touch the door while channeling your Expression of Power. Instantly a blinding light is released but it is not as you thought it would go: the door is not made of wood but of Kuvatchim, impossible to break by someone like you. Everything goes wrong: the tree lights up entirely with a golden fire, with the light rising to the sky. An angelic choir begins to sing, vibrating the same universe:
"Arise, my fragment
Protect the one I love
Even if I have now fallen
I know who I'm fighting for.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Protect my beloved child!
I'm so sorry my baby
I am no longer worthy to be by your side
But even so, I can't resist
I will leave my will here, at the Tree.
Arise, Holy Protector
Arise, Holy Warrior
Hurry up, my daughter needs you
Hurry up, protect her because I can't do it anymore. "
As the whole universe trembles, the light coagulates before you to shape a creature. It looks like a Nekomimi, a hybrid child between a human and a Nekomata, but made entirely of light and with two skeletal wings on his back. He wears a full armor engraved with symbols of skulls and death, on his left arm, tied with a cord, he holds a spiral of silver metal. His right arm is skeletal with gems embedded in the exposed bones and with it he holds a completely black scythe, the only hint of color in the light apart from the metal spiral. His cold, empty gaze lowers on you and you sense a foreboding of death as he swings his scythe.

Male Nekomimi [Nekomimi (Cat) – d20PFSRD] Amidah Hyperborean X 500 (see Polymath, usually Death Mage [Death Mage – d20PFSRD])

Beyond Alignment (TN effectively) medium Poly-Existential humanoid (akasha, augmented, chaotic, elemental, good, kemonomimi)

Init +∞/2.641 (Always First); Senses all possible sense, cosmic consciousness (universe); Perception +∞/3.148

Aura divine (DC ∞/2.923, universe), emperor presence (universe ft., DC ∞/3.173, less than 500 HD, 5.000 damage)


cannot be hit AC ∞, touch ∞, flat-footed ∞ or 9.181, touch 6.992, flat-footed 8.894 (+100 anarchic, +100 axiomatic, +400 circumstance, +100 competence, +5.395 deflection, +143 Dex, +144 dodge, +200 insight, +100 luck, +2.189 natural, +100 perfection, +100 profane, +100 sacred)

hp ∞/52.800.000.000 (500d10.000+72.500 plus 207.500) x10.000 fast healing 100; regeneration (damage from the Omega)

Fort +∞/2.895 (cannot fail), Ref +∞/2.894, Will +∞/2.895

Defensive Abilities adaptation, antimagic resistance, boon of the universe, chaotic messiah, cold reflection, cosmic string, eternal freedom, fortune’s favored, good messiah, immortality, indissoluble, omnilock, supreme being fragment, true death messiah, universal acclimation; DR 1.000.000/–; Immune cold, disease, electricity, fire, petrification, poison, unwilling polymorph, elemental traits, undead immunities; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Multiversal Hazards; PR/SR 3.008, any spell which fails to penetrate Lisk spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness omega vulnerability


Speed Superluminarx240; Starflight (1d3 minutes)

Melee Melean 102 attacks +∞/3.378 touch (∞/256.000d1.000+511 x16 x16; without crit, 65.536.130.816 with crit) x2 every rounds (double already the first round for 204) x3 actions with Transtemporal; Everdread and Supreme Dark Nexus are not calculated in this

Special Attacks alter reality, evil eye (universe), mythic power (100/day, surge +108d6), omnific might, smite immortal 100/day (bonus to attack: 500 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 10.000*divine rank; if 49+ 500.000*divine rank; insight bonus equal to double DR)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2.998th, concentration +∞/5.911) +1 caster level for necromancy; DC (if any) +∞/1.725 + spell level

At will—animate dead, cause fear, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, greater create undead, slay living, wail of the banshee


Str ∞ (295), Dex ∞ (297), Con ∞ (301), Int ∞ (297), Wis ∞ (301), Cha ∞ (840)

Base Atk +500; CMB +∞ (3.140); CMD ∞ (7.634)

Feats Any feat x286

Skills All skills ∞/3.001 + ability modifier; Racial Bonus +2 Climb, +4 Handle Animal made to interact with cats and cat-like beast, +2 Perception

Languages All possible languages; Truespeech, telepathy (universe)

SQ aspect of death, boon of the universe, call weaponry, cat affinity, fortuity, inner eye, maven, omnicompetent, terminus, virtual size category +19

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 1.000 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 350)

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Dimensional Ancestry (Azata) (Ex): You gain Azata traits

• Distant Gaze (Su): Gaze attack, Will (DC ∞/3.173) or plane shift in any place of the multiverse

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. You are also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent

• Nescient (Ex): You ignore feat prerequisites

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Perfect Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks

• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced

• Quickness (Su): A constant effect of haste

• SaviourB (Su): You share the pain of allies to ease their suffering

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Critical threat quadruple

• Superior Critical Multiplier (scythe) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased

• Superior Smiting (Su): Smite damage x4

• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex as dodge bonus to AC

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Cogency (Su): All attacks are smite

• Cosmic Serpent (Su): Change alignment with a touch

• Divine Nescience (Ex): You ignore prerequisites of any divine ability

• Dominance (Su): Foes with less than 1/3 your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Hyperostosis (Ex): Natural armor bonus equal to double your hit die

• Legendary Charisma (Ex): Charisma score doubled

• Miraculous SaviourB (Su): Your would die for your allies

• Perfect Smiting (Su): Smite damage x10

• Perfect Critical (scythe): Critical threat quintupled

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (scythe): Critical multiplier increased

• SlipstreamB (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

• Time Dilatation (Ex): You can take twice as many actions during the round than usual

• Unearthly Effect (Su): Your effect power ranges are equal to your Divine Aura. Line, Gaze and Ray attacks have a range equal to your line of sight

• Unearthly Reach (Su): Your reach equals your divine Aura

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): Only touch attack for scythe attack

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the critical multiplier

Transcendental Abilities

• Amaranthine (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to 4x your hit die and DR is /–

• Dead Zone (Ex): Divine aura is a dead magic zone

• Edifying Presence (Su): Change alignment of all creatures inside your divine aura

• Equilibrium (Ex): All abilities scores equal to the higher

• Greater Dominance (Su): Foes with less than ½ your HD automatically fail all saves against you

• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit

• Polymath (Ex): Your class levels can be changed at will

• Sophism (Su): Make a Will to negate an effect

• Transattack Period (Ex): Your attacks double each round

• Transiliente Fortitude (Ex): You can never fail a Fortitude saving throw

• Transtemporal (Su): Travel in time

• Ultimate Weapon Focus (scythe) (Ex): You never miss

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus

Omnific Abilities

• Infinite Charisma (Ex)B: Charisma score raised to infinite

• Omnific Divine Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

• Omnific Prana Effect (Su)B: d1.000 for damage

Double True Death Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You cast necromancy spells at +1 caster level.

Yin and Yang (Ex): You cure with both positive and negative energy.

Sterility (Ex): You cannot produce offspring, even magically.

Undeadlike (Ex): You gain all the undead immunities and add Charisma to hit points (plus any other modifier, like constitution for living and size for construct).

• Necromantic Immunity (Ex): You are immune to necromantic attacks and spells.

• True Cold Resistance (Ex): You reflect cold attack.

• True Greater Scion of Death (Ex): +200 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class against living and unliving.

• True Perfect Summoning (living and unliving): Living and Undead created/summoned within your divine aura have 400% more HD.

• True Perfect Embodiment of Death (Su): Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects and all enemies take a -200 penalty against your necromantic effects and must make two save and take the worst result.

• True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks (As Negative Energy [Effect] but 1d6 negative level x 6 HD).

• True Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): You are healed (20 hp/1 negative energy damage or negative level) by negative energy attacks and the excessive cure become temporary hit points.

• True Death Messiah (Su): Living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank cannot harm you.

• True Lord of Death (Su): Dominate any living and undead of 200 or lesser divine rank within your divine aura/realm.

• Great Breath (Ex): You can create life.

• Redivivus (Su): Revive your opponen’ts greatest enemy to fight for you.

• Word of Creation: Ath'Vae'Uio (Su): Control all life and death within your Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the area. A Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha) negate this (DC ∞/3.173).

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You may use Smite Immortal*.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+2020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Uncanny Divine Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe

Blast 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 1.000d1.000 (4.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 1.500d1.000 (6.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 250d1.000 (1.000.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

True Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated) (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 166d6 (3.984); universe

Blast 83d6 (1.992); universe ft./2.525 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 41d6 (984); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 166d6 (3.984); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 250d6 (6.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 250d6 (6.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 41d6 (984); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 41d6 (984); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 83d6 (1.992); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Uncanny Prana Mastery (Evil Eye and Quantum already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe

Blast 250d1.000 (1.000.000); universe ft./1.275 ft. Standard action Ref ∞/1.735/half

Blood 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee automatic ability Ref DC ∞/1.465/negate

Breath* 500d1.000 (2.000.000); universe ft. cone/line Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Hand 750d1.000 (3.000.000); Melee Touch

Immolation 750d1.000 (3.000.000); universe radius Free/Standard Ref ∞/1.465/half

Storm 125d1.000 (500.000); universe radius Standard/Free – Special Ref ∞/1.735/half

Strike 125d1.000 (500.000); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 250d1.000 (1.000.000); all creature within universe Will ∞/1.735/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Lisk can duplicate any spell of xth-level or less (9+any automatic metamagic capacity of that round). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC ∞ (3.164) or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Aspect of Death
The True Lisk, Aspect of Chaos, Death, Freedom, Good, Redemption, and Sorrow of the Supreme Being who stays in his rooms in Akasha without ever leaving, playing melancholy music in front of the monolith on which all the names of his companions are written to whom he has not even been able to say goodbye. This fragment has a fraction of the necromantic power of the True Aspect over Death. This give him the Double True Death Portfolio.

Boon of the Universe (Ex)
Automatically all 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities (Agile (Dex, circumstance), Amaranthine (Cos, circumstance), Beautiful (Cha, circumstance), Chaotic (Cha, anarchic), Cunning (Int, circumstance), Heavenly (Cha, luck), Intellectual (Int, competence), Lawful (Wis, axiomatic), Profane (Wis, profane), Sacred (Wis, sacred), Strong (Str, insight), Unknowing (Wis, insight)), and also has his respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection bonus to armor class. All 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities bonus stack even if normally not (like Unknowing and Strong, both give an insight bonus). Their characteristics bonus also apply to checks, caster level, SR and initiative. Lisk gain x6 the usual amount of divine slot, like if he give up 5 artifacts slots.

Call Weaponry (Su)
Lisk can call his weapon Melean to his hands at will as a free action from any distance (even across universe boundaries). If the weapons is destroyed, he can remake it and cause the rebuilt weapon to appear in his hand as a standard action; Remaking a weapon in this way provokes attacks of opportunity, but calling a weapon does not.

Emperor Presence (Ex)
The amidah radiate an aura of pure presence (Radius: 400 ft. + 40 ft./Hit Dice). All creatures with less than half the amidah HD must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the amidah for 8 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature make his save is instead staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amidah HD + amidah Charisma modifier. Once a creature make with success his save, he is immune to the Emperor Presence of that amidah for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignore the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less HD of the amidah. Against unattended abject in the area (like the squares of the floor) Emperor Presence deal 10 damage x HD of the amidah every round which apply only half of the hardness. The amidah can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffer the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Immortality (Ex)
As a simple shard created to protect his daughter, if this shard is killed, the True Lisk can create a new avatar immediately. The new Lisk typically reappear where he was killed, and he usually does not seek revenge against those who slew his previous form. Unless they do not proceed in trying to harm his daughter.

Indissoluble (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is immune to Abrogate, Nullification, Divine Nullification, Cosmic Nullification, Transcendental Nullification, Omnific Nullification, Dominance, Greater Dominance, and Superior Dominance and he and his object cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity. Evil Eye cannot control the result of the roll of Lisk, but can stop him from take the best result.

Mythic (Ex)
Lisk has Mythic Power (100/day, surge +108d6) and counts as a 100-rank Mythic creature. Lisk can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities, and alter reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Omnific Might (Ex)
Lisk deals d1.000's for base damage dice of all melee, ranged weapon, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Omnilock (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can he be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of his HP effect him. Things written on the sheet of Lisk cannot be copied or stolen (like from the Cozen, Cosmic Superimposition or Mime Ability).

Poly-Existential (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. He entirely controls his dimensions, and his opponent’s perceptions of him at all times, allowing him to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of combat maneuvers, etc. He is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in AC, CMB, CMD and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omega Vulnerability (Ex)
As a fragment of the Supreme Being, Lisk is vulnerable to the Omega. The Omega automatically ignore Poly-Existential, Indissoluble, DR, and PR/SR of Lisk. The Omega is immune to the Evil Eye of Lisk.

Supreme Being Fragment (Ex)
Lisk uses d10.000s for base hit dice, and gains a x1.000 health multiplier. He does not gain normal feats but instead an equivalent amount of Any feat Divine Ability. All Auras have reach equal to the range of cosmic consciousness.

Universal Acclimation (Ex)
Lisk is always considered to be on his home plane, regardless of what Universe or Multiverse he finds himself upon. He never gains the extraplanar subtype. Lisk is immune to all form of natural Hazards (Dead Magic Zone included), with the exception of Multiversal Hazards against which is has only Resistance.

+238 everdancing, everdread, ghost touch, phase locking, supreme dark nexus, transformative, black hole matter greatsword (transfromed in a scythe with transformative)

Lisk can chose, when killing a creature with Melean to deal the killing blow to the essence in the Akashic Library of the creature as well. A creature killed by Melean has two possible result decided by Lisk:

  • A creature killed by Melean is totally annihilated in body, mind and soul and is cancelled by the pages of the Akashic Library. The creature cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way with the exception of the use of Master of Magic of a Great Wyrm Gankyil Dragon, the Breath of Cleansing Light of a Great Wyrm Wuji Dragon, or the Death Knell.
  • The soul of a creature killed by Melean is entrapped inside the blade and cannot rejuvenate in any way (like the automatic resurrection of deities killed outside the Godly Realm, Cosmic String, or Transmortality) or resurrected in any way until the soul is released (a free action for Lisk), the Death Knell is used, or the blade is destroyed (an almost impossible task except for the most powerful Supernals due to the nature of artifact made of black hole matter).
(originally found here: Death, CR 373)

Everdread: A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types.

Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus.

Supreme Dark Nexus: This weapon is a gateway to the Plane of Entropy, Byss. It deal an additional 1.000d1.000 permanent damage to any creature struck by one of their blows. Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.

Overwhelming conjuration, necromancy and universal; CL 1.100th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price +200 bonus

Death Knell
This simple object of steel with the form of a spiraling comet has power over life and death. Lisk can activate the power of the Death Knell as a standard action with two possible use.
  • The first use channel deletery energy within an area of 1 light year centered of Lisk. This destroy all corporeal living and undead creatures in the range which fail a Will save DC 2000. A creature destroyed by this return with the Hunefer template (Master of the Flesh, Cosmic Ability version) under the control of Lisk.​
  • The second version call a spirit of a deceased creature from the grave. A creature can call any number of spirit, up to his HD. Lisk can instead call any number of spirits. This can recall the spirit from any place, even if the soul is entrapped or annihilated. This automatically restored the soul (if destroyed) or free it (if sealed). The spirits work as the base creature with the ghost template​
Quick question, you say their figments are "more powerful" than my aspects, but tbh, I can't see how this thing would even beat Rei much less Maximus, so how do you figure? Am I not seeing something? Seems, to me, that Rei would one-shot this thing, not saying it's not powerful, just, I feel like I'm missing something here.

Quick question, you say their figments are "more powerful" than my aspects, but tbh, I can't see how this thing would even beat Rei much less Maximus, so how do you figure? Am I not seeing something? Seems, to me, that Rei would one-shot this thing, not saying it's not powerful, just, I feel like I'm missing something here.
Because I didn't write well at the time because I was in a hurry. As I wrote in the Bootlebat reply
This is a shade (500 HD) of a fragnent (20.000 HD, he is the Supernal) of one Aspect (too much HD). This is a little spark/illusioni/summon of the Will of the Aspect, even of he has Int, actually is mindless like a golem. It doesn't even really exist, it is generated by the magic of the seal when it has to protect the daughter and then it dissolves after she is no longer in danger.
this is a shade of the fragment, the real fragment has 20,000 HD.

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