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Originally found her (Fimbulvetr (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Evocation [Cold]

Level: Druid 9, Sorcerer/Wizard 9, Witch 9

Components: V, S, M (offering linked to winter worth 300.000 gp)

Casting time: 1 week

Range: 1 mile/level

Area: 1 mile/2 level.-radius spread

Duration: 1 day/level (D)

Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text).

Spell Resistance: Yes

With a blast of the coldest air imaginable, you force all creatures and objects within the area of effect to make a Reflex save every minute they pass within the area or becomes encased in a block of solid ice covering the space that creature or object occupies. They are helpless, and cannot breathe. This block has 3 hit points per caster level, and an AC of 5 + the target's size modifier. Melee attacks against it automatically succeed, and fire deals full damage to it. Once the block has been reduced to 0 hit points, the target's is freed from the ice, but based on how long he has spent in the ice there is a possibility that he may have suffocated or starved to death. Corpses in the area for longer than 1 round are transmuted into solid ice; reviving the icy corpse requires true resurrection, miracle, or wish.

Creatures inside the area take 3 points of cold damage per caster level every round and are slowed for 1 round per caster level.

Creatures with immunity to [Cold] do not take damage and are not slowed by this spell, but may still be trapped on a failed Reflex save.

Under temperate conditions, this ice lasts 1 month per caster level. In tropical environments it only last half as long. In cold environments where ice and snow persist without melting, it might last indefinitely.


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Orbital Laser
Originally found her (Orbital Laser (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Evocation [Light]

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9

Components: V, S, F (a spyglass worth 100 gp)

Casting time: 1 full-round action

Range: long (400 ft. + 100 ft./level)

Area: One creature or object and up to 60 ft. radius around the target

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex Partial (see text).

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell fires a beam of light down from the sky, vaporizing a target and its surroundings on impact with a fantastic amount of light. The target takes 2d6 points of damage/level (maximum 40d6) and is permanently blinded, with a Reflex save for half damage and no blinding, instead being dazzled for 1 round/level. An area as small as a 10 ft. radius or as large as a 60 ft. radius (caster's choice) is also struck, creatures taking half the damage of the target and blinded for 1 round/level. A successful save halves that damage (again) and negates the blindness completely. Creatures killed and objects destroyed by this spell turn to ash. This spell counts as disintegrate for the purpose of interacting with spells and effects. Against unattended non-magical objects the light bores though and turns everything to ash, destroying a 5 ft deep layer per caster level. For example, a 20th level casting can bore a 100 ft deep hole up to 60 ft in radius. Objects do not apply hardness against the damage of this spell. The shape is effectively a cylinder of infinite height, emanating somewhere in space. As such, the spell is best used in clear open skies. If there are obstructions, such as a roof, it burns through provided it can pierce deep enough; otherwise, it is stopped early. The beam does not disperses after it reaches its target and continue burrowing downward. The flash from this attack can be seen for miles. An undead creature caught within the area takes 4d6 points of damage (maximum 80d6), per caster level, or half damage if the save is successful. In addition, the burst results in the destruction of any undead creature specifically harmed by bright light if it fails its save. The ultraviolet light generated by the spell deals damage to fungi, mold, oozes, and slimes just as if they were undead creatures. Orbital Laser dispels any darkness spells of lower than 9th level within its area.


Originally found her (Singularity (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Evocation [Force]

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9

Components: V, S

Casting time: 1 round

Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Area: 20-ft.-radius event horizon, plus intense attraction up to 10 feet/caster level from the center

Duration: 1 round/2 level (D)

Saving Throw: Fortitude and Reflex partial; (see text)

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell collapses gravity inward to create a point singularity in the location you designate. Within the spell's event horizon, intense gravity and force tears everything apart, drawing inward upon a core of absolute blackness in the center of the field from which no matter or energy can escape. Radiating out from that ball of black void is an intense attraction radius that pulls in everything in the area.

Event Horizon
Any creature within the 20-ft.-radius event horizon of the singularity is subjected to the effects of a disintegrate spell (with no attack roll and at caster level equal to that of singularity) every round, taking 5d6 points of damage on a successful saving throw. Creatures sucked into the event horizon can no longer escape by any form of Euclidean motion; only teleportation effects and effects that bypass ordinary 3-dimensional movement allow a trapped creature to escape the event horizon, but even those are limited to a maximum distance of 10 feet per caster level. Creatures can escape the event horizon of the spell with normal movement only during the round in which the spell is being cast, before the singularity fully forms. The inside of a singularity's event horizon disrupts dimensional lock or dimensional anchor effects.

Creatures caught in the singularity's event horizon can act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 30 + spell level) to cast a spell. Within the affected area, gravity effectively increases by a factor 10, making it nigh impossible to move. Creatures in the affected area have all their movement speeds quartered. Hustling in the area requires a Strength score of 25, and Running requirees a Strength score of 35. Affected creatures must make a DC 15 Strength check to avoid falling prone at the start of each turn, which is taken with a penalty of half their armor check penalty.

In the area, creatures take a -6 penalty to attack, physical skill and ability checks, and damage rolls. The range increments of all ranged weapons are reduced to 10% of their normal values. If rounding to the next increment of 5 feet reduces the range increment to 0, the weapon in question cannot be thrown or fired at all.

Item weights are increased tenfold. Flying creatures must make a DC 25 Strength check to maintain flight, and falling deals 10 points of damage per 10 feet to a maximum of 200. Even spells that lower your personal gravity like feather fall can only reduce effective gravity while falling back to normal, resulting in 1d6 points of falling damage per 10 feet.

If a weapon or shield becomes so heavy that its weight exceeds your maximum light load, it becomes unwieldable. The event horizon breaks all line of effect from inside to outside.

When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points or less by the singularity's effect, its body is ripped apart and drawn into the singularity's negative space, forever lost.

At the end of the spell's duration, the singularity collapses inwards and disappears, leaving any matter it has failed to annihilate behind. However, if a singularity touches either a sphere of annihilation or a rod of cancellation, the two negate each other, causing the singularity to violently detonate. The detonation of a singularity results in a massive explosion that inflicts its disintegrate effect in a 60-foot-radius (Fortitude for 5d6 damage).

A dispel magic has no effect while a mage's disjunction spell automatically end the singularity but should a gate spell be cast in the area of a singularity spell, there is a 50% chance (01–50 on d%) that the spell collapses it, a 35% chance (51–85) that the spell does nothing, and a 15% chance (86–100) that a gap is torn in the spatial fabric, catapulting everything within a 180-foot radius into another plane with no save.

Attraction Radius
Any creature outside of the event horizon, but within 10 feet per caster level from the singularity's centre point, will find themselves attracted towards it by a nigh-irresistible force that draws them 100 feet closer to the event horizon every round. This involuntary movement happens at the start of an attracted creature's turn. A creature can defend against the attraction effect using the following three methods:

Vantage: A creature possessing a firm footing on the ground or a movement speed that allows them to maneuver through the medium in which the spell is cast is considered to have 'vantage'. A creature with vantage may prevent itself from being moved by the singularity for the round by making a Reflex save at the start of its turn. Either way, a creature with vantage may move up to their relevant movement speed away from the singularity's center as a full-round action.

Tether: Creatures may use rope, chains, spells or effects to try and securely tether or hold themselves fast to solid ground or architecture; creatures so tethered may make, even if they have not vantage, the Reflex save for not being pulled toward the singularity with a +5 circumstance bonus.

Hold Fast: A creature without vantage may attempt to hold fast onto something to prevent being pulled in. In this case, the singularity combats the Strength check of the creature holding fast with an opposed check of 1d20 + half the singularity's caster level. Size bonuses do not apply to this check, as the increased effect of gravity on a larger body counteracts the added physical strength from size. Holding fast is a standard action, though it may be done as a move action instead at a -4 penalty to the Strength check.


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Originally found her (Meteor (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Conjuration (creation)

Spellcraft DC: 103

Components: V, S, F (a rod fashioned from a meteor rock worth 100,000 gp. After it is used to attracts a meteor, it return to your hand like for the returning property)

Casting time: 1 round

Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level); (see text)

Area 480-ft.-radius spread; (see text)

Duration: 5 rounds and Instantaneous; (see text)

Saving Throw: None and Reflex half; (see text)

Spell Resistance: No

To Develop: 927,000 gp; 19 days; Seed: conjure (DC 21). Factor: ignore spell resistance (+8 DC), increase the material created (+90 DC), reduced effect with distance (-4 DC), 5 rounds for escape (-10 DC), require costose focus (-4 DC), every round Reflex of fall prone (+2 DC).

To cast this spell, you need to be under the open air. Stretching out your arm, you focus a massive lance-like burst of gravitation into outer space. Any cloud cover overhead is immediately blown away, creating a circle of clear sky. The gravity lance finally terminates beyond the planet's atmosphere, where it attracts and pulls down a meteor with a diameter of roughly 50 feet. Once you finish casting the spell, a noticeable tremor can be felt out to 500 foot radius centered on the chosen point of impact for 5 rounds, as an omen of what's to come. The tremor forces everyone in the area that touches the ground to make every round a DC 15 Reflex save or Acrobatics check or fall prone. Over the course of the following 5 rounds, the meteor descends to a designated point of impact within Long range (400 ft. + 40 ft./caster level), where at the end of the 5th round it smashes into the ground, creating a massive wave of fiery destruction that leaves almost nothing behind. Once the meteor starts its descent, it is an extraordinary effect, as the spell merely pulled it down to earth.

Meteor Effects
Distance from Ground Zero1Effect
0-30 ft.Subject gets hit directly with 10,000 metric tons of rock moving at an inordinate speed and dies. Any creature with at least 3 divine ranks, or that is somehow big and/or strong enough to lift 10,000 metric tons as a light load can defend itself sufficiently to avoid outright destruction, but still takes 10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, no save. All structures, objects and creatures up to 30 feet below ground are totally obliterated, though creatures may make a Reflex save to take damage as mentioned prior instead of instantly die. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
31-60 ft.Subject takes 10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Reflex save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 20 feet below ground take half damage, and creatures may save to reduce it to ¼ the damage. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
61-120 ft.Subject takes 1d10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Reflex save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 10 feet below ground take half damage, and creatures may save to reduce it to ¼ the damage. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
121-240 ft.Subject takes 1d6 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Reflex save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 5 feet below ground take half damage, and creatures may save to reduce it to ¼ the damage. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
241-480 ft.Subject takes 1d6 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per 2 caster levels, with a Reflex save for half. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.

1. Any effect that creates a barrier, like wall of force, is destroyed on contact with the meteor's detonation and lessens the effects suffered by any creatures it protects by one stage, as described above. Furthermore, any barrier sufficient to create total cover from the blast likewise lessens the effects by one stage, provided the barrier is strong enough to withstand more than half of the damage. Any barrier strong enough to take all the damage grants total cover from the blast to any creature adjacent to it (on the side facing away from ground zero).

After all this, the entire area of the blast (out to the total 480 feet, as described above) is covered in a cloud of smoke for 1 round per caster level. This is identical to a fog cloud spell except it is an extraordinary effect.


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Karmic Annihilation
Originally found her (Karmic Annihilation (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Spellcraft DC: 370

Components: V, S, F (a fishing rod)

Casting time: 1 round

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates (see text).

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 3,330,000 gp; 67 days; Seed: banish (DC 27), slay (DC 25). Factor: no HD limit (+100 DC), remove the creature from existance (+60 DC), not only extraplanar (+100), any type of creature (+100), gains a second save for allow creatures to remember it (-10), creature within a closed list can try to stop the caster (-30 DC).

You point at a target creature within range, fingertip imbued with an irresistible power. Every being, living or dead, loses their karmic connection to the target, expunging all knowledge of the target's existence from their memory. The target itself seemingly vanishes from reality. To all onlookers, a target successfully removed by karmic annihilation appears to instantly vanish without a trace, but what truly happens is that as soon as the spell becomes active, the target makes an immediate Will save. If the target fails the save, time stops for every creature and object except for you (the caster) and the target. All color drains from the world as a rift then opens in the air or ceiling above the target from which a fishing hook emerges that hooks the target while around him appear the threads of karma that bind him to other people. The threads are cut one by one by an invisible force and when the last one is cut, the target is drags it out of reality, effectively deleting it. At this point, time resumes. All this is purely descriptive and the effective duration of this mutual time stop effect is less than a blink of an eye. If the target fail the initial save for resist the severing, it can make a second Will save (with the same DC) for allow creatures with 21 or more HD a Will save (with the same DC) to retain their knowledge and memories of the target. You, as the caster of the spell will always retain all your memories of the target. A creature cancelled in this way can never come back to life, not even by way of a wish or miracle spell or by the power of a deity. Furthermore, the target name can never be spoken or written down again (with the exception of creatures that remember him). All written mentions of his name become nothing more than a blank space. Creatures close (like lovers and friends) to the targeted creature only have a feeling that something is missing in their life but they don't know what. Only creatures that remember the target creature can attempt to retrieve it but doing so is an achievement subject to GM discretion, but should involve a great quest, artifacts, mythic power and the direct intervention of multiple deities. If a character knows personally the target meet one of the following conditions:

  • more divine ranks of the caster of karmic annihilation (only if the caster has no perfection bonus this condition can be fulfilled)
  • more divine ranks of the perfection bonus of the caster of karmic annihilation
  • more perfection bonus of the divine ranks of the caster of karmic annihilation
  • more perfection bonus of the perfection bonus of the caster of karmic annihilation (only if the caster has no divine ranks this condition can be fulfilled)
  • more than 5 times the caster level of karmic annihilation as HD
he can always make the saving throw to remember the target, even if the target has failed the second saving throw. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw to remember (only creatures that can obtain the saving throw from the above list can perform the following action), it can chose to target the karmic annihilation caster with an immediate action with one attack, spell, spell-like ability, effect, or special attack (despite the usual time for use the effect, as long as it is less than a full-round action activate it, like a dispel magic or finger of death spell) as if it were in front of him (the caster, despite he cannot see or perceive them, is not considered flat-footed against them). If the chosen action succeeds in making the spell fail (as in the case of the attack option, if it succeeds in hitting the caster and it fails the concentration check) the effect of karmic annihilation is immediately canceled and the creature is saved.
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Greater Call the Undead Army

School necromancy (evil)
Level cleric /oracle 9, sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time eight hours
Components V, S, M (skull of a powerful undead creature and onyx gemstone worth at least 50,000 gp)
Range 1⁄2 mile radius per level
Duration 1 hour/ level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
A dark, necromantic ritual calls forth the buried dead, emptying entire graveyards and turning the corpses into
shambling soldiers in your undead army. You cause all corpses in the area to rise up as skeletons under you command; this spell affects corpses buried underground as well, up to a depth of 10 ft, though such undead take 1d4 minutes to claw their way to the surface. These skeletons may be made into burning or bleeding skeletons at the time of casting by reducing the spell’s duration to 10 minutes/level. These undead do not count against you HD limit for the amount of undead you control. These undead must be commanded as a group and cannot be split up to perform multiple tasks. If you are slain, these undead immediately crumble to dust.

Orbital Laser
Originally found her (Orbital Laser (3.5e Spell) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Evocation [Light]

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9

Components: V, S, F (a spyglass worth 100 gp)

Casting time: 1 full-round action

Range: long (400 ft. + 100 ft./level)

Area: One creature or object and up to 60 ft. radius around the target

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex Partial (see text).

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell fires a beam of light down from the sky, vaporizing a target and its surroundings on impact with a fantastic amount of light. The target takes 2d6 points of damage/level (maximum 40d6) and is permanently blinded, with a Reflex save for half damage and no blinding, instead being dazzled for 1 round/level. An area as small as a 10 ft. radius or as large as a 60 ft. radius (caster's choice) is also struck, creatures taking half the damage of the target and blinded for 1 round/level. A successful save halves that damage (again) and negates the blindness completely. Creatures killed and objects destroyed by this spell turn to ash. This spell counts as disintegrate for the purpose of interacting with spells and effects. Against unattended non-magical objects the light bores though and turns everything to ash, destroying a 5 ft deep layer per caster level. For example, a 20th level casting can bore a 100 ft deep hole up to 60 ft in radius. Objects do not apply hardness against the damage of this spell. The shape is effectively a cylinder of infinite height, emanating somewhere in space. As such, the spell is best used in clear open skies. If there are obstructions, such as a roof, it burns through provided it can pierce deep enough; otherwise, it is stopped early. The beam does not disperses after it reaches its target and continue burrowing downward. The flash from this attack can be seen for miles. An undead creature caught within the area takes 4d6 points of damage (maximum 80d6), per caster level, or half damage if the save is successful. In addition, the burst results in the destruction of any undead creature specifically harmed by bright light if it fails its save. The ultraviolet light generated by the spell deals damage to fungi, mold, oozes, and slimes just as if they were undead creatures. Orbital Laser dispels any darkness spells of lower than 9th level within its area.
Orbital laser is fuxking awesome!


Tokyo Ghoul Race

Ghouls are able to blend themselves in extremely easily with humans. The main difference is how a Ghoul is able to handle their hunger when it comes. Some Ghouls act out in an uncontrolled blood frenzy, akin to starving wild creatures, attacking the first Human they see. They attack without rest until either they are dead or their prey is dead, then feast in their corpse. Other Ghouls act in a more quiet manner, preferring to stalk and ambush lone prey. Some, mainly Ghouls who have moral issues about killing, take it upon themselves to wait until conflict kills, and feast upon corpses of those slain by battle, or if can, suicide victims to avoid taking a life.

Physical Description
Ghouls look completely identical to Humans in every way. The only difference comes form a Ghoul's eyes. When chosen to reveal them, when angered, or during combat, a Ghoul's irises turn blood red, and the sclera turn black. As well, when pressed into more dire situations that require more power, thin black and red crack-like veins start to appear near their eyes.

A Ghoul's anatomy is also very different from that of a Human. Ghouls cannot eat anything but Human flesh, or flesh of another Ghoul, and my only drink water, and coffee. The reason for coffee is unknown, even for Ghouls. If a Ghoul is to eat/drink anything but Human/Ghoul flesh, their body reacts extremely violently to the food/drink, forcing them to vomit it up. Younger Ghouls have yet to learn to mask the intense and utter horrible taste anything but flesh gives, while older Ghouls can easily mask it and can swallow it without others knowing. But no matter the age, if food is swallowed, Ghouls must regurgitate the food/drink before digesting fully takes place or experience a crippling weakness that lasts anywhere from hours to days after eating.

Ghouls gain the required nutrients from Human/Ghoul flesh. It also provides the needed supplements to allow their greatest weapon: The Kagune. Kagune is an organ found only in Ghouls, that is used in conjunction with another Ghoul-only organ called the Kakuhou. The Kakuhou is a sack-like organ that stores RC Cells, types of cells found in Humans and Ghouls. From there, the Kakuhou releases these stored RC Cells throughout the bloodstream of a Ghoul to be used as a weapon, either by allowing a Ghoul's nails to become sharp enough to be used as claws, or via the Kagune, which comes in four different types, and determine how the Ghoul fights in combat, and also their own body's factors. A Kagune can be found in one of four places: On the shoulders of a Ghoul; under the shoulder blades of a Ghoul; on the small of a Ghoul's back; or along their coccyx/tailbone. Kagune itself is a blood red liquid (DM's call to make them different colors in order to help determine who is doing what if multiple Ghouls are in combat) and tends to act like water in fluidity, but can suddenly harden to be as strong as bone or teeth, and retain flexibility as great as any fibers in the human body.

Ghouls are very capable of hiding their cannibalism from other races with ease. However, due to their need of Human flesh, Ghouls and Humans, once Ghouls have made themselves present, have very violent and bloody conflicts. Other races that find Ghouls tend to react in violence. The main difference is that non-Human races that are killed by Ghouls are left to rot.

Most Ghouls tend to be driven to the Chaotic and Evil sides of the alignment chart, but all manners of Ghouls do exist.

Ghouls can be found living in any region where there are Humans.

Ghouls don't tend to worship any form of deity. But, if they are born in a society that is religious, Ghouls will worship to maintain their cover.

Ghouls speak Common. The Ghoul society has no language of their own, but gives some words double meanings in order to hide what they actually mean from other races.

Ghoul names can be as varied as Humans.

Tokyo Ghoul Racial Traits (15 RP total with the heritage)

Ability Score Modifiers:
-2 Cha, plus other base on the heritage (see below): Tokyo Ghouls are extremely resistant physically but can hardly relate to people.

Type: Tokyo Ghouls are Humanoid with the (aberrant, human) subtype. (2 RP)

Aberrant: Tokyo Ghouls, although they are humanoid, counts as an aberration and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites, bane weapon, favored enemy, effect and spells. Tokyo Ghouls also have darkvision 30 ft. (0 RP)

Size: Tokyo Ghouls are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. (0 RP)

Base Speed: Tokyo Ghouls have a base speed of 40 feet. (1 RP)

Limited Scent: Tokyo Ghouls have the scent ability, but it works only for detect creatures with the human subtype. (1 RP)

Natural Attack: Tokyo Ghouls have a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 base damage plus Strength modifier. The bite is a secondary attack if the Tokyo Ghoul is wielding manufactured weapons. (3 RP)

Kagune: Tokyo Ghouls have a Kagune basen on their heritage. Activate a Kagune is a move action and deactivate is a standard action (they do not provoke attack of opportunity) unless otherwise specified in the description of the specific kagune.

Extreme Resistance: A Tokyo Ghoul's body is extremely durable. The Tokyo Ghoul gains DR equal to ½ his Hit Dice /magic (minimum 1) while using the Kagune, and while it is inactive, the DR drops down to 1 regardless of level, due to the natural resistance the Tokyo Ghoul's skin gives. Also, due to the natural toughness of the Tokyo Ghoul's skin, very small non-magic weaponry and points, such as Caltrops, Needles, syringes, and certain weapons do not deal damage to the Tokyo Ghoul and break instantly upon impact. (5 RP)

Extreme Recovery: While the Tokyo Ghoul's skin is tough, killing them is even tougher. Ghouls regains hp every 2 hours as though they rested for 8 hours. When a Tokyo Ghoul heals 20 HP using Extreme Recovery, they lose 1 day's worth of food. Due to this, a Tokyo Ghoul can regenerate limbs. Requiring a varied amount of time based on the damage (DM's call, though must be in days), the Tokyo Ghoul loses the amount of time required as days of food (If a Ghoul takes three days to regrow an arm, he loses 6 days worth of food). Small body parts, like teeth, fingers or toes, are small enough that they can regrow within minutes, and do not take extra food to heal. If a Kagune is damaged, or cut off, the Tokyo Ghoul may regrow them the same way he regrows his limbs (1 minute = 1 day). This can be done within minutes, but costs the same in food as if they have lost a limb. A Tokyo Ghoul cannot regrow their head, nor reattach it once it has been cut off. (5 RP)

Extreme Hunger: Tokyo Ghouls may only drink plain water and coffee, and may only eat the flush of Humans (DM's call on this in order to keep players alive easier) and Tokyo Ghouls. If they eat anything else, they must make a DC 15 Fort save, or be forced to spit the food/drink out of their mouth. If they succeed, and someone else believes they aren't eating, Tokyo Ghouls can make a DC 20 Bluff check to 'eat the food', but only if they succeed the previous Fort save. After eating/drinking, a Tokyo Ghoul has six to eight hours to make another DC 15 Fort check to vomit up the food/drink. If he cannot, a Tokyo Ghoul starts to feel immense pain and weakness: the Tokyo Ghoul is sickend for 6 hours if he eat less than 2 pound of food, or nauseated for 1 day if he eat more. However, Tokyo Ghouls can still drink and benefict from potions without problem. A Tokyo Ghoul cannot benefict from create food and water/heroes feast spells or the sustenance from a ring of sustenance (they still only need 2 hours of sleep with the ring). (-4 RP)

Extreme Feeding: When Ghouls eat, the Human eaten provides them with enough nourishment to sustain them and their Kagune and Kakuhou organs for 20+1d20 days, provided they are not engaging in combat that is dangerous enough to force the use of the Kagune. For every minute of use of the Kagune, they lose 1 day's worth of food. Overeating provides no penalties to the Ghoul, but does not 'stack up' on how much time a Ghoul can shrug off between eating, it only 'resets' his hunger. Once a Ghoul starts making Fort saves for hunger, his sense of logic starts to fail. They take a cumulative -1 to Will saves per day they do not eat after starving, and when they see a valid 'feast', they must make a DC 10 Will Save to not attack them. They also takes -1 to Fort saves in order to fight hunger, and a cumulative -2 per day he is starving. Also, during the time of starving, their Extreme Resistane and Extreme Recovery abilities fail and cannot be used, and their Kagune takes penalties equal to half their Hit die (minimum 1) on all rolls involving them. Also, when a Ghoul takes damage from hunger, they take double the normal damage. (-4 RP)

Languages: Tokyo Ghoul start with Common. Members of this race with high Intelligence scores can choose from any of these additional languages. (Aklo, Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Sylvan) (0 RP)

Kagune Types: Below are the four types of Kagune, and the one picked is the one your heritage is.

-Bikaku Kagune (6 RP):
A Bikaku Ghoul gains +2 to two physical ability scores of his choice. Bikaku Ghouls are known as the 'trump card', possessing no weakness, but no strengths. They usually rely on strategy and tactics to reach vectory.

Kagune and Kakuhou: On a Bikaku, it is located on their coccyx/tailbone. It takes the form of a long, usually flat tail with a sharp point at the end. While active, the Kagune grants the Bikaku Ghoul a +2 Natural Armor bonus due to it's versatile use and length and a primary slam natural attack that deal 1d6 base damage. Activate a Bikaku Kagune is a swift action and deactivate it is a move action.

-Koukaku Kagune (6 RP):
A Koukaku Ghoul gains +2 Strength and +2 Constitution, and -2 Dexterity. A Koukaku Ghoul is made for pure defense and the power to back it up. However, the Kagune weighs down on their frame, causing a massive reduction in their speed.

Kagune and Kakuhou: On a Koukaku, it is located beneath the shoulder blades, and takes the form of tentacles that could be as thick as tree trunks, sometimes ending in points. While active, the Kagune grants the Koukaku Ghoul +6 Natural Armor bonus, but drops their speed down to half of their base land speed and give a -4 armor penalty to skill checks that stack with any armor penalty already present, and a primary Slam natural attack that deals 1d6 base damage. Activate a Koukaku Kagune is a full-round action and deactivate it is a standard action. Activate a Koukaku Kagune provoke attack of opportunity. While a Koukaku Kagune is active, one of the arms of the Koukaku Ghoul (chosen at character creation) is wrapped in the Kagune and cannot be used for fine manipulation or hold an item.

-Rinkaku Ghoul (6 RP):
A Rinkaku Ghoul gains +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Constitution. A Rinkaku Ghoul is made for pure power, and has some agility to back it up, but they possess brittle Kagune.

Kagune and Kakuhou: On a Rinkaku Ghoul, it is located on the small of their backs, and takes the appearance of tails, or spider-like legs that can be used for mobility. While active, the Kagune grants the Rinkaku Ghoul +2 Natural Armor bonus, +4 bonus to CMD against Trip, Bull rushe, and other movement based combat maneuvers and 2 primary tentacle natural attacks that deal 1d4 base damage.

-Ukaku Ghoul (6 RP):
A Ukaku Ghoul gains +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and a -2 Strength. A Ukaku Ghoul is made for speed, and rapid strikes, but their Kagune puts strain on the Ghoul's physical form.

Kagune and Kakuhou: On an Ukaku Ghoul, it is located on their shoulders and take the forms of misty, bloody wings that can harden to be used for stabs and slashes. While active, the Kagune grants the Ukaku Ghoul a +2 to Natural Armor bonus, vestigial wings (see below), and 2 primary spikes ranged natural attacks that deal 1d3 base damage plus Dexterity modifier (see below).

Spikes (Ex)
With a flapping of its wings, a Ukaku Ghoul can loose a volley of two spikes as a standard action (make an attack roll for each spike). This attack has a range of 30 feet with no range increment.

Vestigial Wings (Ex)
When an Ukaku Ghoul fall, he can slow his descent by making a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely without taking falling damage, albeit at a rate of 20 feet a round. When falling safely, an Ukaku Ghoul can make another DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally every round. Fly is always a class skill for an Ukaku Ghoul.

Racial Feats


Tokyo Ghoul race, character level 5th, plus special (see below)

Beneficts: Select 3 of the following beneficts:
  • Increase your natural armor while using the Kagune by +2​
  • The natural weapon/s of your Kagune increase the damage by one size​
  • Your racial damage reduction add cold iron or silver to the condition to be meet to be overcomed​
  • Gain the Powerful Build ability while using the Kagune​
  • Gain swim speed 30 ft. while using the Kagune​
  • Gain a climb speed 30 ft. while using the Kagune​
  • Your slam natural weapon gains the grab ability (Bikaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your slam natural weapon gains the push ability: push (slam, 10 feet plus 5 for every 5 you overcome the foe CMD) (Koukaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your tentacle natural weapons gains the grab ability (Rinkaku Ghoul only)​
  • Gain fly speed 15 ft. (clumsy) while using the Kagune (Ukaku Ghoul only)​
Special: For select this feat the first time, you must have totally consumed the Kakuhou of other Tokyo Ghoul worth a number of HD double compared to the moment you take this feat (if you select this feat at 5th level you must consume the Kakuhou of a number of other Tokyo Ghoul worth 10 HD, like two Tokyo Ghoul of 4 HD and one with 2 HD).

Special: This feat can be take multiple times, every time you gain this feat after the first you gain two beneficts not already selected. If you select Half-Kakuja after selecting other feats of the tree (Full kakuja, SSS Ghoul Treat and One Eye King), the new gained beneficts automatically evolve to the new version.

Pass for Human
Tokyo Ghoul race

Beneficts: You add you HD (minimum +4) as a bonus on the Fortitude save and Bluff check required under the Extreme Hunger racial trait.

Full Kakuja
Tokyo Ghoul race, character level 10th, Half-Kakuja plus special (see below)

Beneficts: The beneficts you gains with the Half-Kakuja evolves, they replace and do not stack with the beneficts of Half-Kakuja, unless specified (they are in the same order for semplicity):
  • Increase your natural armor while using the Kagune by +4​
  • The natural weapon/s of your Kagune increase the damage by two sizes​
  • Your racial damage reduction add one of your alignment component to be overcomed (stack) (if you are TN, chose one)​
  • Gain the Giant simple template while using the Kagune (stack)​
  • Gain swim speed 50 ft. and the hold breath ability while using the Kagune​
  • Gain a climb speed 50 ft. while using the Kagune​
  • Your slam natural weapon gains the constrict ability (same damage of the slam) (stack) (Bikaku Ghoul only)​
  • You gain Fortification (50%) while using the Kagune (stack) (Koukaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your tentacle natural weapons gains the constrict ability (same damage of the tentacle) (stack) (Rinkaku Ghoul only)​
  • Gain fly speed 40 ft. (average) while using the Kagune (Ukaku Ghoul only)​
Special: For select this feat, you must have totally consumed the Kakuhou of other Tokyo Ghoul worth a number of HD triple compared to the moment you take this feat (if you select this feat at 10th level you must consume the Kakuhou of a number of other Tokyo Ghoul worth 30 HD, like five Tokyo Ghoul of 4 HD and two with 5 HD).

SSS Ghoul Treat
Tokyo Ghoul race, character level 15th, Full Kakuja

Beneficts: The beneficts you gains with the Full Kakuja evolves, they replace and do not stack with the beneficts of Full Kakuja, unless specified (they are in the same order for semplicity):

  • Increase your natural armor while using the Kagune by +6​
  • The natural weapon/s of your Kagune increase the damage by three sizes​
  • Your racial damage reduction add epic to the conditions to be overcomed (stack)​
  • Gain a second time the Giant simple template while using the Kagune (stack)​
  • Gain swim speed 80 ft. and the ability to breath underwater while using the Kagune​
  • Gain a climb speed 80 ft. while using the Kagune​
  • Your tail break the bones, and your constrict attack now deals 1d4 Dexterity damage plus the normal damage. A Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Bikaku Ghoul’s HD + Bikaku Ghoul’s Str modifier half the ability damage but not the physical damage. (stack) (Bikaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your slam natural weapon gains the stun ability of the Ankylosaurus when you hit a creature after a charge (stack) (Koukaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your tentacle natural weapons gains the rend ability (2 tentacles; same damage of the tentacle + 1-1/2 Str) (stack) (Rinkaku Ghoul only)​
  • Gain fly speed 60 ft. (good) while using the Kagune (Ukaku Ghoul only)​

One Eye King
Tokyo Ghoul race, character level 20th, SSS Ghoul Treat

Beneficts: You gain all the following beneficts, they replace and do not stack with the beneficts of SSS Ghoul Treat, unless specified (they are in the same order for semplicity):
  • Increase your natural armor while using the Kagune by +12​
  • The natural weapon/s of your Kagune increase the damage by four sizes​
  • Your racial damage reduction change to equal to your HD/–​
  • +5 bonus hit points per HD​
  • +5 racial bonus to Initiative, skill checks, attack and damage rolls​
  • +30-foot bonus to your speed​
  • Immunity to charm, compulsion, death, disease, mind-affecting and poison effects​
  • +10 bonus to your CMD​
  • Fast healing equal to your HD, but unlike the normal fast healing, this can also regenerate parts of the body as regeneration (monster ability, not the spell)​
  • Your slam attack ignore freedom of movement or similar abilities that prevent grab (stack) (Bikaku Ghoul only)​
  • You gain immunity to critical hit and precision damage while using the Kagune (stack and replace Fortification) (Koukaku Ghoul only)​
  • Your tentacles break the bones, and your constrict attack now deals 1d4 Dexterity damage plus the normal damage. A Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Rinkaku Ghoul’s HD + Rinkaku Ghoul’s Str modifier half the ability damage but not the physical damage. (stack) (Rinkaku Ghoul only)​
  • Gain fly speed 120 ft. (perfect) while using the Kagune (Ukaku Ghoul only) (already calculated the +30-foot bonus)​
Special: After selecting this feat, only one of your eyes turn the iris blood red and the sclera black while revealed.


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i do want to ask though, why is there such a large level gap between a akalich and a Phasmalich so large? A 2360 level difference seems far too large since at level 2400 by just feats alone they could acquire a 3 trans abilities + some left over one of which could be used to acquire the template.

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