Inspired by Baldur's gate 3 and the template in Dragon magazine #288
As the various spawn of Bhaal reached maturity, the most powerful among them envisioned their own plans to steal the mantle that was their sire's. As the Bhaalspawn began murdering one another, it was the infamous hero Abdel Adrian who ended up defeating his most powerful siblings and ultimately deciding the fate of Bhaal's divine power. Rather than claiming it for himself, however, he gave up the essence and allowed it to be spread harmlessly across the multiverse. Bhaal would never be resurrected, and Abdel himself was now forever mortal.
Able to assume almost any mortal form he pleased, Bhaal did not limit himself to human consorts while spreading his essence across the face of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles. Indeed, some of the most powerful of the Bhaalspawn, those that fought Abdel Adrian in the final battles, were of exotic and varied races: Sendai was a drow elf, Yaga-Shura was a fire giant, and Abazigal a half-dragon.
The Children of Bhaal who possessed the majority of the dead god's essence have perished, but those few who remain can still derive a great deal of power from the divine blood that runs in their veins. This power grows as the Bhaalspawn grows in experience. At the same time, however, that power carries the dark taint of the Lord of Murder within it, and that taint, too, grows stronger with time.
It should be remembered that all Bhaalspawn, regardless of race, have a similar age dating from the Time of Troubles (1358 DR). For a modern-era campaign, this would be fine for a teenage human. Other races do not age or mature similarly and this should be taken into consideration.
“Bhaalspawn” is an inherited template that can be added to any dragon, fey, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or native outsider (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Bhaalspawn uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.
CR: HD 10 or less, as base creature +2; HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.
Alignment: Any, but usually evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider with the native and appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points.
Senses: A Bhaalspawn gains darkvision 60 ft.
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
Hit Dice: Change all of the base creature’s racial HD to d10s.
Defensive Abilities: A Bhaalspawn has DR 5/magic or silver (if HD 10 or less) or 10/good or silver (if HD 11 or more); resistance to cold 20, fire 20; fast healing 5 (if HD 10 or less) or 10 (if HD 11 or more); and SR 11+ HD.
Speed: Increase all the base creature’s speeds by +20 ft.
Attacks: The Bhaalspawn gains a slam attack if the base creature didn’t have one. Damage for the slam depends on the Bhaalspawn’s size (1d4 for a Medium Bhaalspawn).
Special Qualities: The Bhaalspawn retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described here. The Bhaalspawn also gains a number of special qualities according to its Hit Dice (see the "Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die" table below). When a Bhaalspawn gains a special quality, it also gains a disadvantageous special quality from the "Bhaalspawn Penalties” list. A Bhaalspawn cannot have the same special quality (from either list) more than once.
Table: Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die
Bhaalspawn Advantages
Bhaalspawn Disadvantages
Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +4.
Feats: A Bhaalspawn gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, and Improved Initiative as bonus feats.
Skills: A Bhaalspawn receives a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth are always class skills for an Bhaalspawn.
The Slayer CR 20
LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., lifesense 30 ft., low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +35
Aura greater death knell aura (20 ft., DC 24), unholy aura (20 ft., DC 26)
AC 36, touch 20, flat-footed 33 (+8 deflection, +3 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)
hp 372 (24d10+240)
Fort +28, Ref +21, Will +16
Defensive Abilities evasion, ferocity, freedom of movement, poisonous blood (deathblade poison, DC 32), uncanny dodge; DR 10/good and silver; Immune ability damage and drain, death effects, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting, petrification, poison; Resistance cold 30, fire 30; SR 31
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.; air walk
Melee 4 claws +30 (1d10+7/19-20 plus bleed and trip)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks angel of death, bleed (2d6), blood rage, death attack (DC 29), let the slaughter begin, pounce, quiet death, relentless lunge, rend (2 claws, 2d8+10), sneak attack +8d6, slay, true death, swift death
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +28)
Constant—air walk, freedom of movement, greater death knell aura (DC 24), true seeing, unholy aura (DC 26)
At will—charm monster (DC 22), death knell, deeper darkness, desecrate, dispel good, false alibi (DC 21), fear (DC 22), greater dispel magic, invisibility, malicious spite (DC 22), murderous command (DC 19) unholy blight (DC 22)
3/day—blasphemy (DC 25), cure critical wounds (self only), dimension door, greater invisibility, suffocation (DC 23), unhallow
1/day—blade barrier (DC 24), death clutch (DC 26), finger of death (DC 24)
Str 25, Dex 17, Con 31, Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 26
Base Atk +24; CMB +32; CMD 53
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Sow Terror, Stand Still, Stealthy, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +35 (+43 for sound mimicry), Climb +42, Disable Device +30, Heal +28, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (planes, religion) +34, Perception +35, Sense Motive +35, Stealth +30 (+36 in dim light or lower light), Spellcraft +31, Survival +28
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ lord of murder, hide in plain sight, monster in the night, sound mimicry
Environment Any
Organization Solitary
Treasure incidental
Let the Slaughter Begin (Su)
As a swift action, the Slayer can mark a creature within 60 ft. for death. Against that target the Slayer automatically confirm critical threats. The mark last until the Slayer is dead or it mark another creature.
Lord of Murder
The Slayer gains the angel of death, death attack, hide in plain sight, quiet death, true death, and swift death abilities of the assassin prestige class, using ½ its HD as its assassin level.
Relentless Lunge (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Slayer can leap to a free space of 10 ft. within 30 ft. of himself, automatically landing on its feet. This jump provoke attack of opportunity. Upon impact, the monster provoke a shock in the ground: all creatures standing within 30 ft. of the impact except the Slayer suffer 6d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. A DC 29 Reflex save half the damage and negate the prone. The save DC is Strength-based.
Slay (Ex)
When the Slayer make a single claw attack as an attack action (like with the Greater Vital Strike feat or not using pounce after a charge) against a prone creature, if the attack hit, it is automatically a critical threat.
Bhaalspawn (CR +2 or +3)
Bhaalspawn are the progeny of the late God of Murder, Bhaal, who was killed by Cyric during the Time of Troubles when all the gods were forced to walk as avatars upon the face of Faerun. Bhaal had foreseen his death. Knowing it was unavoidable, he planned for his resurrection: He would create a multitude of children in mortal beings across Faerun, all possessing a portion of his divine essence. On their deaths, that essence would return to its source and his resurrection would become possible.As the various spawn of Bhaal reached maturity, the most powerful among them envisioned their own plans to steal the mantle that was their sire's. As the Bhaalspawn began murdering one another, it was the infamous hero Abdel Adrian who ended up defeating his most powerful siblings and ultimately deciding the fate of Bhaal's divine power. Rather than claiming it for himself, however, he gave up the essence and allowed it to be spread harmlessly across the multiverse. Bhaal would never be resurrected, and Abdel himself was now forever mortal.
Able to assume almost any mortal form he pleased, Bhaal did not limit himself to human consorts while spreading his essence across the face of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles. Indeed, some of the most powerful of the Bhaalspawn, those that fought Abdel Adrian in the final battles, were of exotic and varied races: Sendai was a drow elf, Yaga-Shura was a fire giant, and Abazigal a half-dragon.
The Children of Bhaal who possessed the majority of the dead god's essence have perished, but those few who remain can still derive a great deal of power from the divine blood that runs in their veins. This power grows as the Bhaalspawn grows in experience. At the same time, however, that power carries the dark taint of the Lord of Murder within it, and that taint, too, grows stronger with time.
It should be remembered that all Bhaalspawn, regardless of race, have a similar age dating from the Time of Troubles (1358 DR). For a modern-era campaign, this would be fine for a teenage human. Other races do not age or mature similarly and this should be taken into consideration.
Creating a Bhaalspawn
“Bhaalspawn” is an inherited template that can be added to any dragon, fey, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or native outsider (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Bhaalspawn uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.
CR: HD 10 or less, as base creature +2; HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.
Alignment: Any, but usually evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider with the native and appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points.
Senses: A Bhaalspawn gains darkvision 60 ft.
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
Hit Dice: Change all of the base creature’s racial HD to d10s.
Defensive Abilities: A Bhaalspawn has DR 5/magic or silver (if HD 10 or less) or 10/good or silver (if HD 11 or more); resistance to cold 20, fire 20; fast healing 5 (if HD 10 or less) or 10 (if HD 11 or more); and SR 11+ HD.
Speed: Increase all the base creature’s speeds by +20 ft.
Attacks: The Bhaalspawn gains a slam attack if the base creature didn’t have one. Damage for the slam depends on the Bhaalspawn’s size (1d4 for a Medium Bhaalspawn).
Special Qualities: The Bhaalspawn retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described here. The Bhaalspawn also gains a number of special qualities according to its Hit Dice (see the "Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die" table below). When a Bhaalspawn gains a special quality, it also gains a disadvantageous special quality from the "Bhaalspawn Penalties” list. A Bhaalspawn cannot have the same special quality (from either list) more than once.
Table: Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die
HD | Advantages/Penalties |
3 or less | 2 |
4-5 | 3 |
6-7 | 4 |
8-9 | 5 |
10-11 | 6 |
12-13 | 8 |
14-15 | 9 |
16-17 | 10 |
18-19 | 11 |
20+ | 12 |
Bhaalspawn Advantages
- Bull's Strength (Sp): The Bhaalspawn is under a constant bull’s strength spell-like abiltiy with a caster equal to its HD.
- Cure Moderate Wounds (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast cure moderate wounds (self only) 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. At 11 HD this is upgraded to cure critical wounds (self only).
- Darkness (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast darkness 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. At 11 HD this is upgraded to deeper darkness.
- Death Knell (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast death knell 3/day with a caster equal to its HD.
- Endurance (Ex): The Bhaalspawn gains Diehard and Endurance as a bonus feats.
- Fear (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast fear 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 8 HD for selecting this ability.
- Haunted (Su): Mindless undead perceive the Bhaalspawn as an undead creature and do not attack him unless the Bhaalspawn attacks them first or if the mindless undead are commanded by their controller to attack the Bhaalspawn.
- Immortal Soul (Ex): The Bhaalspawn gains the timeless body ability of the monk and receives a bonus to saving throws to resist death effects equal ½ its HD.
- Poison Blood (Ex): A number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1), a Bhaalspawn that has taken at least one point of damage can coat a weapon with its own blood as a swift action, causing the blood to become deathblade poison (Fortitude DC 10 + ½ Bhaalspawn HD + its Constitution modifier). The Bhaalspawn cannot accidentally poison itself when applying blood to a weapon with this capacity. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 6 HD for selecting this ability.
- Poison Immunity (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is immune to poison.
- The Slayer (Su): As a standard action, the Bhaalspawn can transform into the Slayer, the murderous avatar of Bhaal. This work as monstrous physique IV for taking the form of the Slayer (see below) except the Bhaalspawn gains a +8 size bonus to Strength, a +6 natural armor bonus, bleed, blood rage, let the slaughter begin, relentless lung, and slay.
The Bhaalspawn can remain in Slayer form for as long as it likes, but the Slayer form is physically draining. Each consecutive round the Bhaalspawn is in Slayer form after the first, it suffers 1 point of Constitution damage. The Bhaalspawn can dismiss Slayer form as a move action. This is a polymorph effect. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 20 HD for selecting this ability. - Unholy Blight/Holy Smite (Sp): Drawing on its own semidivine essence, the Bhaalspawn can cast unholy blight (if of evil alignment) or holy smite (if of good alignment) 1/day with a caster equal to its HD. If the bhaalspawn is neither good nor evil, it must choose which spell to cast when it takes this special quality. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 8 HD for selecting this ability.
Bhaalspawn Disadvantages
- Battle Recklessness (Ex): Whenever a bhaalspawn is reduced to less than ½ its maximum hit points, it becomes reckless in combat. Until the bhaalspawn recovers enough hit points to make its current hit point total greater than ½ its maximum, it receives –1 morale penalties to attack rolls and AC.
- Bloodthirsty (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is so bloodthirsty it almost always attacks to kill, and it attacks as many foes as it can. The Bhaalspawn must make a Will saving throw (DC 20) to attempt an attack that causes nonlethal damage. Failure indicates that the Bhaalspawn attacks to cause normal damage instead. If the Bhaalspawn threatens more than one foe, it must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 20). Failure indicates that, if the Bhaalspawn has multiple attacks, it must split those attacks among as many foes as possible.
- Called To Hell (Ex): When brought to negative hit points, the Bhaalspawn instantly enters a deep comma and is rendered helpless (even if it has Diehard or similar abilities). The Bhaalspawn cannot regain consciousness until it has healed at least ½ its hit point total. At that point the call to life is stronger than the call to Hell.
- Carnage (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) to peacefully resolve a conflict that could be solved by force. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn attacking the opponents. The Bhaalspawn can make a new save at the start of every round for stop fighting.
- Charisma Loss (Ex): When the Bhaalspawn gains this disadvantage, it immediately loses 2 points of Charisma.
- Fiendish Blood (Ex): Bhaalspawn bleeds a thick, black ichor when wounded rather than normal blood. If bleeding, the Bhaalspawn can be detected and tracked by all outsiders with the evil or good subtype as though the outsider had the scent special quality.
- Infernal Temper (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is forced to live with a rage that is always held just below the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. No matter the previous personality, once this flaw is taken the Bhaalspawn will become considerably more aggressive and hostile. When it is presented with frustration or humiliation, there is a chance it will enter a rage. If the Bhaalspawn fails any attack roll or skill check by more than 5 or is taunted, goaded, or humiliated in some manner (DM’s discretion), it must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the amount the attack/check was failed by, or 15 if taunted, goaded, or humiliated). Failure indicates that the Bhaalspawn has a loud, verbal outburst of anger and suffers a –2 morale penalty to all attack and skill checks until the Bhaalspawn succeeds at an attack or skill check by more than 5.
- Lies (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) when asked questions. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn attempt to mislead other creatures (even close friends) without speaking any word that is untrue. If it does not just withhold significant information, the Bhaalspawn will present it in a manner that someone could easily misinterpret the information. The DC increases by +4 if the creature or situation involves a creature whom it hates.
- Murderer (Ex): The Bhaalspawn has an urge to kill that it finds harder and harder to resist, and this urge can only be quelled by the murder of an innocent, Once every 13 days, the Bhaalspawn must kill a sentient creature that would not normally have the attitude of hostile toward the Bhaalspawn. This NPC must have an Intelligence of 3 or more. If the Bhaalspawn does not murder an appropriate victim within 13 days of its last murder, the Bhaalspawn suffers 1 point of Wisdom damage each day until it murders someone. The Bhaalspawn cannot be reduced to less than 3 Wisdom by this damage. Upon murdering an appropriate victim, the Wisdom damage caused by this ability is immediately healed.
- Narcissism (Ex): The Bhaalspawn enjoys adoration and fear, and must make a Will save (DC 15) whenever it is being adored or worshiped by lesser creatures. If the Bhaalspawn fails, it refuses to harm them, allow harm to come to them, or allow anyone to stop the adoration/worship. In addition, if a creature is frightened, panicked, or cowering, it will also refuse to harm it or allow harm to come to it so long as it is subject to the effect. The Bhaalspawn cannot have both this and the Wrathful disadvantage.
- Nightmares (Su): The Bhaalspawn is plagued by debilitating nightmares. Each time the Bhaalspawn rests, it must make a Will saving throw (DC 15). Failure indicates the Bhaalspawn suffers one of the following effects (roll 1d4) until the Bhaalspawn rests again:
- –2 morale penalty to attack rolls.
- –1 morale penalty to all saving throws.
- The Bhaalspawn rest heals no damage.
- The Bhaalspawn has faced his personal demons and awakens unscathed.
- Paranoia (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) to trust anyone other than close friends. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn believe that what it heard was a lie.
- Supernatural Infamy (Su): Sentient creatures that meet the Bhaalspawn for the first time always have an initial attitude no better than unfriendly. They automatically distrust and dislike the Bhaalspawn, having an eerie feeling that the Bhaalspawn is despicably evil and has dark intentions. Evil outsides that meet the Bhaalspawn for the first time instead have their starting attitude toward him improved by one step for the same reason.
- Tainted With Evil (Ex): Regardless of it's true alignment, the Bhaalspawn is treated as an evil creature when adjudicating spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural abilities. Thus, it suffers damage from weapons with the holy special quality, spells that detect alignment reveal it as evil, and so on. If the Bhaalspawn is actually of evil alignment, it now suffers damage from holy water as if it were an evil outsider.
- Tyrannical (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) or attempt to take charge of any new situation or dominate any creature they first encounter. The DC increases by +4 if the creature or situation involves evil outsides.
- Wisdom Loss (Ex): When the Bhaalspawn gains this disadvantage, it immediately loses 2 points of Wisdom.
- Wrathful (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 25) to resist hunting down a fleeing or escaped enemy, and to resist an opportunity to gain revenge. The Bhaalspawn cannot have both this and the Narcissism disadvantage.
Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +4.
Feats: A Bhaalspawn gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, and Improved Initiative as bonus feats.
Skills: A Bhaalspawn receives a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth are always class skills for an Bhaalspawn.
The Slayer CR 20
LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., lifesense 30 ft., low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +35
Aura greater death knell aura (20 ft., DC 24), unholy aura (20 ft., DC 26)
AC 36, touch 20, flat-footed 33 (+8 deflection, +3 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)
hp 372 (24d10+240)
Fort +28, Ref +21, Will +16
Defensive Abilities evasion, ferocity, freedom of movement, poisonous blood (deathblade poison, DC 32), uncanny dodge; DR 10/good and silver; Immune ability damage and drain, death effects, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting, petrification, poison; Resistance cold 30, fire 30; SR 31
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.; air walk
Melee 4 claws +30 (1d10+7/19-20 plus bleed and trip)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks angel of death, bleed (2d6), blood rage, death attack (DC 29), let the slaughter begin, pounce, quiet death, relentless lunge, rend (2 claws, 2d8+10), sneak attack +8d6, slay, true death, swift death
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +28)
Constant—air walk, freedom of movement, greater death knell aura (DC 24), true seeing, unholy aura (DC 26)
At will—charm monster (DC 22), death knell, deeper darkness, desecrate, dispel good, false alibi (DC 21), fear (DC 22), greater dispel magic, invisibility, malicious spite (DC 22), murderous command (DC 19) unholy blight (DC 22)
3/day—blasphemy (DC 25), cure critical wounds (self only), dimension door, greater invisibility, suffocation (DC 23), unhallow
1/day—blade barrier (DC 24), death clutch (DC 26), finger of death (DC 24)
Str 25, Dex 17, Con 31, Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 26
Base Atk +24; CMB +32; CMD 53
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Sow Terror, Stand Still, Stealthy, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +35 (+43 for sound mimicry), Climb +42, Disable Device +30, Heal +28, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (planes, religion) +34, Perception +35, Sense Motive +35, Stealth +30 (+36 in dim light or lower light), Spellcraft +31, Survival +28
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ lord of murder, hide in plain sight, monster in the night, sound mimicry
Environment Any
Organization Solitary
Treasure incidental
Let the Slaughter Begin (Su)
As a swift action, the Slayer can mark a creature within 60 ft. for death. Against that target the Slayer automatically confirm critical threats. The mark last until the Slayer is dead or it mark another creature.
Lord of Murder
The Slayer gains the angel of death, death attack, hide in plain sight, quiet death, true death, and swift death abilities of the assassin prestige class, using ½ its HD as its assassin level.
Relentless Lunge (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Slayer can leap to a free space of 10 ft. within 30 ft. of himself, automatically landing on its feet. This jump provoke attack of opportunity. Upon impact, the monster provoke a shock in the ground: all creatures standing within 30 ft. of the impact except the Slayer suffer 6d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. A DC 29 Reflex save half the damage and negate the prone. The save DC is Strength-based.
Slay (Ex)
When the Slayer make a single claw attack as an attack action (like with the Greater Vital Strike feat or not using pounce after a charge) against a prone creature, if the attack hit, it is automatically a critical threat.
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