TSR TSR3.5 Voluntarily Dismisses Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

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Dismissal without prejudice means that the suit can be filed again. The suit lasted two days from the 7th to the 9th of December. The IndieGoGo fundraiser to fund it is still running.

At first glance, the below document is dated 21st October so it’s reasonable to assume that it is not related to the recent filing; however, apparently that date is incorrect. The correct date is in the footer, and this is indeed the dismissal of the recent filing and can be found on PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records).


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On the Indegogo page:

TSR plans on Re- filing the Decclaratory Judgement of Ownership in Washington state and also carrying on its actions to have Wizards of the Coast remove of change its Legacy Disclaimer.​

Whatever rumors you have been reading Disregard.Not one Media source reporting on this dismisal (Except Clown Fish TV) asked TSR for clarifaction why the DJOO was withdrawn.​

Justin LaNasa​


And they are likely even now scouring Eastern WA for the perfect district to file in.

"Hmm...Yakima, Franklin County, Spokane...so many choices!!!"

Whatever rumors you have been reading Disregard.Not one Media source reporting on this dismisal (Except Clown Fish TV) asked TSR for clarifaction why the DJOO was withdrawn.
Justin LaNasa

Such an odd response. First, it's not our duty to reach out every time a company makes a move. They have a plethora of accounts to let us know what's happening, including Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Indiegogo, and the formal press releases that they've made in the past. If you haven't communicated with the media, it's because you don't want to.

Second... Hey, @TSR-Hobbies, any time you want to talk with us and dispel rumors, we're still here. You were the ones who cut off communication, not us. We have plenty of questions we'd like for you to answer instead of spreading "rumors".
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Such an odd response. First, it's not our duty to reach out every time a company makes a move. They have a plethora of accounts to let us know what's happening, including Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Indiegogo, and the formal press releases that they've made in the past. If you haven't communicated with the media, it's because you don't want to.

Second... Hey, @TSR-Hobbies, any time you want to talk with us and dispel rumors, we're still here. You were the ones who cut off communication, not us. We have plenty of questions we'd some for you to answer instead of spreading "rumors".
It speaks to a lack of media literacy.


Old School Blogger
Just to clear a few things up for those wondering why the date was wrong in the body of the dismissal AND the filing was in the wrong jurisdiction.

This is the same law firm that didn't file for the TSR Trademark - the actual letters, not the graphical representations, until this past August. August 16, 2021, to be exact. TSR Trademark of TSR LLC. Serial Number: 90884176 :: Trademark Elite Trademarks

Something tells me that the gaming community missed an opportunity to nip this in the bud earlier this year.

The filing was in North Carolina because the law firm is in North Carolina. They wanted an easy case to commute to, even if it was most likely the court was going to rule it was the wrong venue.

I'm not sure how effective a legal representation they truly are.

Now, either TSR retains a law firm local to Washington State or Justin's current law firm will be making some long trips cross country.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
On the Indegogo page:

TSR plans on Re- filing the Decclaratory Judgement of Ownership in Washington state and also carrying on its actions to have Wizards of the Coast remove of change its Legacy Disclaimer.​

Whatever rumors you have been reading Disregard.Not one Media source reporting on this dismisal (Except Clown Fish TV) asked TSR for clarifaction why the DJOO was withdrawn.​

Justin LaNasa​


Yeah, we’ve tried asking them questions before. We’ve given up doing that. So speculation is what they get, by choice.

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