TSR TSR3.5 Voluntarily Dismisses Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

Screen Shot 2021-12-11 at 3.17.46 PM.png

Dismissal without prejudice means that the suit can be filed again. The suit lasted two days from the 7th to the 9th of December. The IndieGoGo fundraiser to fund it is still running.

At first glance, the below document is dated 21st October so it’s reasonable to assume that it is not related to the recent filing; however, apparently that date is incorrect. The correct date is in the footer, and this is indeed the dismissal of the recent filing and can be found on PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records).


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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Sheesh, what a mess. All this confusion and embarrassment for what? the opportunity to thumb their noses at "the woke crowd"? Were they honestly expecting folks to rally behind them and turn the clock of social progress back 50 years, over a disclaimer notice?

I hope this is the last we hear of TSR3. We don't need clowns like this fouling up our fond memories of old-school D&D.

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Given the proliferation of "standards", I believe the best way of presenting dates is whatever method has four digits for year, two digits for day, and uses letters for the month. Do that, and the order won't matter much, it will still be crystal clear what you mean.
So Ao for August? Ok for October? He for February?

It's only crystal clear for English speakers.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
What could they be afraid of?! Are they scared? I dare them to step up to the plate and file in Washington! Show WotC they have the guts to confront them on their own turf.

Ah, but just to be sure, Washington STATE.
If they filed in Washington DC the case would never make any progress and just hang out forever ...

This sounds flippant, but I'm genuinely asking as someone who doesn't follow the details very closely:
Could these actions be the product of manic episodes? As in, actual mania?


So Ao for August? Ok for October? He for February?

It's only crystal clear for English speakers.
If the thing is intended for a local audience, use the local language and however many letters as it takes to be clear. If it's for an international audience, use English and either three letters or the full month. 2021-Dec-11 is pretty unambiguous, and it doesn't matter much in which order you put the elements (2021-11-Dec, 11-Dec-2021, Dec-11-2021... I guess you could do 11-2021-Dec or Dec-2021-11 too but those would be stupid).


Front Range Warlock
This sounds flippant, but I'm genuinely asking as someone who doesn't follow the details very closely:
Could these actions be the product of manic episodes? As in, actual mania?

Speaking as somebody who suffers from bipolar disorder (and, thus, has manic episodes), probably not. Manic episodes tend to be exemplified by extemporaneous or impulsive action. This seems to have had some forethought put into it (not smart forethought, but forethought nonetheless).


Staff member
So starting today, TSR LLC will be funding a promising pre-law student from Guildford Technical Community College, Justinian NasaLa, to get his law degree with a sole focus of bringing these libelous dogs ruining our collective childhoods to heel. He will be a weapon, forged for a singular glorious purpose, to free D&D from the shackles Hasbro has placed on it.
His law school professors giving a press conference after he screws up the case:


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