TSR TSR3 Blames Widespread Pushback On WotC

In an unexpected turn of events, the primary individuals behind TSR3 have claimed the pushback they've received on social media and elsewhere was orchestrated by .... D&D publisher Wizards of the Coast (a company which has thus far remained completely silent on recent events).

TSR3 is run by Justin LaNasa, Stephen Dinehart, and Ernie Gygax. The controversy has been raging for over a week, since TSR3 announced itself with a press release.




Stephen Dinehart and Ernie Gygax have since deactivated their Twitter accounts; Justin LaNasa doesn't appear to have one, but it is believed he is the person operating TSR3's Twitter account. A couple of days ago, Ernie Gygax posted about recent events on Facebook (note that he edited the post, but the original can be seen here).

I wish to state in the strongest terms that I never meant to hurt anyone of any race, creed or color. My video From the Bunker caused some to feel that they would not be welcome or would be looked down upon. That was never the intent, I was reacting to focus of modern role play into a more background and Role Play rather than the wargame that so made so many lives happy over 40 years ago.

As a gamer it meant that most of us were not worthy of any attention from others of our own age. We were Nerds. We were brainy-acks and others would snicker. Older classmen would ask to "borrow" something of ours to then pass back and forth a game of keep away. I used to receive some special attention from about 4 Juniors in my Freshman year. I played the Violin and often I began to wish that I had Super Powers, perhaps become a Giant.. I was far to shy and then embarrassed as attractive ladies would just lower the eyes while the jocks or other socially vibrant fellows had some fun at another geeky nerds expense. Thank goodness I grew 4 inches my junior year.

The only real comfort zone we all could share was a table in the lunch room. At least the fledgling TSR found fertile minds in those who had only those like us - gamers. Rather than have to risk embarrassing myself, since Phy Ed was going to force us to dance with those wonderful and yet scary girls. Well to get my Diploma I had to slave for a month to Mr. Gerber the head of the Phy Ed department. Fortunately I knew all about janitorial work as before D&D and TSR dad only made $5,000 as a Cobbler (five children) and we had food stamps and even free school lunches. Yes you had to go to the councilors office every week to collect your free lunch passes. Obviously you could feel all the eyes on you and the talk about....

Everyone has been welcome at my gaming table and multitudes of new friends have been created by the time spent playing the games we Love. Look at pictures of gaming on my site or anywhere I run games. Everyone is welcome, just like a Boot Hill game leave your guns at the bar until you leave town. If you come to the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum Jeff R. Leason will show you courtesy and a smile and you will see that gaming with elder gamers is a safe and entertaining environment.


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Yeah, I think you're right. It sounds more and more like a desperate attempt to appeal to his supporters to do his fighting for him.

TSR3 is in a very bad situation. GenCon and the Game Manufacturer's Association have explicitly and publicly cut ties with them, and that's a killing blow for a game company hoping to sell itself on the names "TSR" and "Gygax." Without GenCon and GAMA, a new RPG product will never reach the majority of distributors, investors, and customers of an already small market.

So the situation is growing desperate, and Ernie is in damage-control mode. He could choose to issue a heartfelt apology, make amends to those who have been hurt, and show us examples of how his company intends to change for the better. Or he could choose to stand by his words, insult those who challenge him, and claim to be the victim of an imaginary monster, all in the hope that his online supporters will rally to his aid. And well, you know the rest...

Indiana Jones GIF
When the convention named in honor of your father won’t let you in, that’s…not a good sign.

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Please. While he has done bad posts and a sad story, it is not helpful to assign attributes he does not deserve.
His failure was not saying trans women are women and trans men are man and inclusiveness excepting everyone for what they are and not leaving trans people out in the apology.
Also being bullied can make you wish you had the power to do something against it including hurting them who hurt you.
The gun in the violin box was a common trope in mafia movies back then, so maybe he used it as an analogy.
That does not necessarily mean he was actually a potential school shooter. It does mean he had needed help back then.
So please don't stray away from the things we know for a fact. That is enough.

Weird Al spends a great deal of effort on getting permission from the people whose music and videos he parodies precisely because "It's parody/satire!" is not a magic defense against intellectual property lawsuits, and the test for whether something is fair use involves weighing of factors - in other words, you could end up being right but you'd have to go through getting sued first to find out. Better to ask permission than forgiveness.
Seems legit.

Grace Hopper disagrees and is often quoted thus: It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission
Please. While he has done bad posts and a sad story, it is not helpful to assign attributes he does not deserve.
His failure was not saying trans women are women and trans men are man and inclusiveness excepting everyone for what they are and not leaving trans people out in the apology.
Also being bullied can make you wish you had the power to do something against it including hurting them who hurt you.
The gun in the violin box was a common trope in mafia movies back then, so maybe he used it as an analogy.
That does not necessarily mean he was actually a potential school shooter. It does mean he had needed help back then.
So please don't stray away from the things we know for a fact. That is enough.
You make some valid points.

I have seen a lot of "character assassination" for days now, to use the Caeser analogy, so many need to get their rhetorical knives into the same victim (guilt or innocence does not matter) irrespective of seeing those who already did so earlier. What was this called centuries ago, blood rage or something?
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Ernie is a self-admitted potential school shooter, probably radicalized too. Totally not normal. He’s not remotely representative of the community.
Oh please.
It was the recollection of what he thought of as a bullied kid while carrying a violin case 50 years ago.
If he'd instead said that he'd wished he could've cast a spell like his D&D character & make the bullies just disappear? None of you would be yapping about it.

Oh please.
It was the recollection of what he thought of as a bullied kid while carrying a violin case 50 years ago.
If he'd instead said that he'd wished he could've cast a spell like his D&D character & make the bullies just disappear? None of you would be yapping about it.

High school revenge fantasy's not uncommon. Ernie's trying to paint himself as a victim though. I think most people got bullied.

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