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REAL NAME: Ben Grimm
OCCUPATION: Hero for Hire
BASE OF OPERATIONS: The Baxter Building
PERSONALITY: Grouchy, difficult, and angry. Likes to put down the Human Torch.
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Hit stuff. Hard. Thinks afterwards.
BACKGROUND: Ben Grimm, along with the rest of the Fantastic Four, were exposed to gamma rays, imbuing them with fantastic powers! Ben feels he got the short end of the stick, with his permanent transformation into a hideously huge creature of rock. Though he has resigned himself to his fate, he tends to be angry and bitter. Hence, the smashing of things.

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REAL NAME: Jennifer Walters [Is Identity Secret: No]
QUOTE: I'll give you 5 seconds... wait, who am I kidding?
OCCUPATION: Super-hero/Lawyer
PERSONALITY: Jennifer - quiet and reserved/She-Hulk - party girl
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Super-strength brawling
BACKGROUND: Bruce Banner (The Hulk) was visiting his cousin, lawyer Jennifer Walters, when she was shot by a mobster trying to intimidate her client. Due to massive blood loss, Bruce performed an emergency transfusion using his own blood. Mousy Jennifer then gained the ability transform herself at will into a 7' tall jade amazon. Her personality change is much milder than her cousin's - from bookish to party girl. She prefers to be She-Hulk, but still needs to earn her living as Jennifer Walters, lawyer.
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First Post
Whoa, didn't see Thor before and I love Norse mythology

REAL NAME: [Is Identity Secret: Yes or No] Donald Blake (yes)
QUOTE: For Asgard
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Avengers Headquarters, New York
PERSONALITY: Compasionate, fearless, headstrong, honorable to a fault, zest for life

- Godlike strength, speed, endurance and resistance to injury

- Mastery over the elements of storm

- The enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir -- which can project mystical energy and open interdimensional gateways, and affords Thor the power of flight.

Thor is still fearless in battle, he will tend to throw Mjolnir first and then wade into melee range with a battle cry and a smile on his lips, although his time on earth has taught him that glory isn't everything and will retreat from the fight if his allies are hurt or someone needs him.

BACKGROUND: Thor was the son of Odin and heir apparent to the realm of the Norse gods. With the mystic Uru hammer Mjolmir at his side he was fearless in battle and his exploits were legendary. Thor became headstong and arrogant and nearly started a war between the Norse gods and the race of giants.

In order to punish his son, Odin set Thor to earth, wiping his memory of his past and trapping him in the body of a handicapped mortal. It was Odin's hope that his son would learn humility and compassion.

It worked better then Odin could have hoped as the handicapped mortal learned both these traits as he dealed with his injured leg and came to care for the sick and dying, first as a medical student and later as a doctor.

Realising that Thor had learned his lesson he compelled his son to travel to Norway, where fleeing from an attack he found a wooden cane in a cave, frustrated at his situation Blake struck the cane against the wall cave and was transformed back to his godly form and the cane was revealed to be Majolinir.

Thor has come to love earth as much as his he did the realm of his birth, he helps humanity out of compassion for the human race, even refusing a request by his father to come back to Asgard.

In dealing with humanity Thor has come to understand the double nature of immortality, he has watched people he cares for become sick and die all the while never growing a day older, its a burden that weighs heavily on the Thunder god, one which causes him to withdraw from close friendships.

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Fearless Leader said:



We have a conflict with She-Hulk.
I have two people writing me backgrounds for her (one privately and one here).

I'm not sure which of you is John Powel but he's the one that spoke up first.

let me know who's who...

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Who's left?

We're quickly narrowing the field of choices...
as an update here's what's left.


the ULTIMATES have 4 members so far, looking for at least 6. I'm surprised Shell-head is still available... Otherwise you have:
- Wasp
- Iron Man
- Photon [formerly Captain Marvel]
- Giant Man*
- Ant Man*

FANTASTIC FOUR have 4 members, which is perfect. I'm really surprised no one took (arguably) the most powerful member of the team. (ie. Sue) If someone wanted her, She-Hulk would go to "Ultimates" status with Cap and the others... (there can be only 4)
- Invisible Girl*

X-MEN, wow... look at all the mutants to be had. Currently it's at 3 members, I'd like a minimum of 5-6 X-men. Some GREAT choices left...
- Nightcrawler
- Storm
- Cyclops
- Kitty Pryde*
- Jean Grey*
- Iceman*
- Angel*

SOLOS ... all the solos heroes are gone. We might add 1-2 more if someone has a cool character that wouldn't be a member of the X-men or Avengers. I am ruling out Dr. Strange though and he's the next biggest solo I can think of.

any thoughts so far...
If not, in the next day or two I'll start the main story thread in "playing the game"... it will all be PRIOR to being whisked away by the Beyonder. The characters that would be together can talk to / address their team mates (such as the FF at the Baxter Building, up at the Xavier Institute, or Meanwhile, within the Triskelion, the HQ of the United States Superhuman Defense with the Ultimates)...

We'll have some freeform roleplaying prior to the big bang.
is that cool?


I aim to misbehave

Are we going with the Ultimate origin for everyone or is it player choice?

The biggest issues I see are the gamma radiation (it's gone and now powers are a result of a failed negative zone experience [possibly caused by Doom]), and Thor, who is much more of an environmentalist than his original.


Karl Green

First Post
Captian America

HERO NAME: Captain America
REAL NAME: [Is Identity Secret: Yes or No] Steve Grant Roger (no)
OCCUPATION: Full time superhero
APPEARANCE: 6’2” tall, 240lbs, blue eyes, blond hair
PERSONALITY: Loyal, patriotic, strong moral compass, strong willed, compassionate, courteous
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Enhanced by the Super-Solider Serum, Captain America agility, strength, endurance and reaction time are superior to those of an Olympic-level athlete. Also, Captain America has mastered a number of fighting forms, including American-style boxing and judo. These abilities, combined with his indestructible shield, make him one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known.
Captain America’s only weapon is his Vibranium shield, a concave disk 2 ½ feet in diameter and weighs 12 pounds. The shield exceptional aerodynamics properties enable it to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. The disk’s unparalleled overall durability coupled with a natural concentric stiffness, allows it to rebound off solid objects with minimal loss of angular momentum.
BREIF HISTORY: As a young man Steve Rogers joined the United States Army along side his lifelong friend, Bucky. Chosen to be part of the top secret "Super Soldier" program, Steve was given immense strength, and leg the Allies against Nazi Germany as Captain America. When the Government located a nuclear missile silo aimed directly at Washinton, D.C, Captain America sprung into action. Before it could be disarmed or destroyed, the missile was launched, and Steve lept onto it, and rode it into the sky. Over the Atlantic, the Captain ripped off a panel on the missle and threw in a single grenade, disabling the rockets navigation. The rocket plunged into the sea, with Captain America sinking right behind it. The Captain was seemingly gone forever.

Sixty years later a team of investigators sponsored by Tony Stark, one of America's leading technological businessmen, uncover a frozen Captain America. Thawed out and ready for action, he is recruited once again by the U.S. Government to lead America's new superhero team, The Ultimates!
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First Post
@Karl Green: Ultimate Cap rules, gota love his "grenades and aussault rifles are just as important as my shield" attitude. ;)

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Keia said:

Are we going with the Ultimate origin for everyone or is it player choice?

The biggest issues I see are the gamma radiation (it's gone and now powers are a result of a failed negative zone experience [possibly caused by Doom]), and Thor, who is much more of an environmentalist than his original.


good question...
We're going with a hybrid mix.
It's mostly the ULTIMATE universe setting stuff, but for
1. people that don't know the Ultimate stuff
2. a hero hasn't shown up in the Ultimate books
for those type situations we're doing the mix...

Ultimate Captain America is basically the same as the original in the iconic ideals of the character... most of the others are the same way all with minor updates, changes and new stuff for origin, personality, powers and such.

go with the most Ultimate stuff you can get away with BUT in the end this game is meant to be an updated telling of many of the things that happened in the original Secret Wars comics with our current outlook of the world.
As long as you play the "basics" of a character, I'm happy to have you modify any of the peripherials...

for something like the lack of gamma, if you choose to write it up as a Doom created situation I'm all for it and will build it into the background fine...

make sense?

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