"Form up!" The tentacular man says, cold and frostbite clear on his flesh. The Merrow tighten their formation, though the lone Sahuagin merely throws his spear at Perilor as he tries to swim away (you get an AoO.)
Spear to Perilor: [roll0]
Damage: 4
The Tentacle man's eyes go slack, and he seems to swell without actually changing size. When he speaks again, his voice is different, booming, all encompassing in its finality and awesomeness, seeming to come from some distant world where the owner of the voice, obviously not the man himself, is ruler without rival.
"Vrackoom breesee compaltor!"
The words reverberate into your very souls, fear welling from within. (Make a Charisma save, DC 14, or be Frightened for 1 minute.)
The Merrow team up on one enemy at a time, all choosing Tai Tai, as he is closest. They have apparently decided to focus their attacks.
There are six Merrow, and they each get 2 attacks. Going to do three here and three in the next post.
Morrow 1:
First Attack: [roll1]
Damage: 11
Second Attack: [roll2]
Damage: 11
Morrow 2:
First Attack: [roll3]
Damage: 11
Second Attack: [roll4]
Damage: 11
Morrow 3:
First Attack: [roll5]
Damage: 11
Second Attack: [roll6]
Damage: 11