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[UPDATED] WotC To Close Forums - Including D&D and M:tG (aka "Welcome New Forum Members to EN World!

WotC has announced that it will be closing its forums, which they refer to as a "former foundation of our community". The forums will close on October 29th. Of course, WotC's forum members are welcome here at EN World (although the expectations are a little different, so please do check the rules if you sign up!) The forums have been around for nearly two decades, in various incarnations, but WotC cites the rise of social media platforms as the reason for the closure.

WotC has announced that it will be closing its forums, which they refer to as a "former foundation of our community". The forums will close on October 29th. Of course, WotC's forum members are welcome here at EN World (although the expectations are a little different, so please do check the rules if you sign up!) The forums have been around for nearly two decades, in various incarnations, but WotC cites the rise of social media platforms as the reason for the closure.

Here's the announcement in full.

Choosing to retire a former foundation of our community was not an easy decision, but we feel that we must adjust our communications structure to reflect where conversations about Wizards of the Coast games are taking place.

Social media has changed significantly over the last ten years, and discussions about games aren't exclusive to company-hosted forums. The majority of community conversation takes place on third-party websites (such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and many other fantastic community-run websites), and it is up to us to evolve alongside our players.

We encourage past and current users to retrieve any information you want to retain from the Community Forums for both Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. The shutdown will occur on October 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. PT. We want to provide enough time for our forum members to move their content, and we recognize that given our forum's vibrant user base and extensive history, this may take time. Any information still on the forums on the cut-off date will be deleted.

Thank you to all of our past and current forum users. You helped build our community into what it is now, and we look forward to continuing to interact with you on our many active social platforms.

WotC's Trevor Kidd had a little more to add.

"I could hop onto all the forums having this discussion or I can say it here and let it disseminate. I'm choosing the former. Moving away from running our own forums doesn't mean we think longer conversations or fan sites/forums aren't good or necessary. They are both good & necessary. From what I'm seeing, they flourish and you enjoy them more when they are run/managed by fans.

DnD & RPGs in general are all about story telling & talking with friends. It makes sense that we want to share those stories. So, it's vital that we have places to share those experiences & stories, like forums & fansites. But it's not vital that #dnd run those.

Closing our forums does not in any way lessen our interactions. We'll still be talking & lurking in your social media & fan sites. And the idea that forums are going away because dnd &/or magic are doing poorly - that's ludicrous! :p Both are doing very, very well.

We'll still be talking with you here, and elsewhere. Enjoy your new forum homes and don't forget to migrate your treasured content!

On the topic of losing forum content - it's tough, I agree. Once we knew we were going to close the forums, we also knew we weren't going to maintain the community site indefinitely, so we opted to pull the band-aid off quickly rather than let it linger."

Welcome to new members!

If you're a refugee from WotC's forums, you are very welcome here. You can register here at EN World by clicking here. You'll find out community busy and vibrant, and generally welcoming. We've been here over 15 years now, and there is tons of useful content here and lots of great resources which you're welcome to explore. These include:

(Announcement spotted initially by Critical Hits on the Twitters).

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Idiots. They are truly succeeding at alienating deep-pocket, older players from Gen-X, and Y. It seems like they are actively trying to sink the company when this decision is combined with their continued failure to implement a good, comprehensive digital game aid.

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Greg K

Anyone know a good method of searching the WotC fourms/blogs and saving stuff? I'd like to preserve as much of Unearthed Wrecan as possible...

Wrecan's stuff is great and I would love to see it preserved. Unearthed Wrecan did not work for me, but I did a Google search of site:wizards.com Wrecan. It brought up a lot of stuff and once I found his blog I just started reading through it. Unfortunately, with work and school, I have not had much time to read much and found a few dead links, but most worked.


WotC continues its incredible knack for a complete inconsistency in its digital endeavors. No PDFs of current product and soon no online community of their own. Yes, the current forums were needing some significant work...but this is is just...well, par for the course with WotC and the digital world. Just sad.

My $0.02 anyway. :)


The tingling means it’s working!
Idiots. They are truly succeeding at alienating deep-pocket, older players from Gen-X, and Y. It seems like they are actively trying to sink the company when this decision is combined with their continued failure to implement a good, comprehensive digital game aid.

I see closing the forums as a positive step. And WotC's repeated failures to create a good, comprehensive digital game aid is why I think it's positive.

This decision is tacitly acknowledging that fans are better at forums. In this specific case, I wholeheartedly agree: I vastly prefer ENWorld's easy-to-use, robustly-moderated forum to WotC's weird forum system. And since ENworld has more users and more active threads than WotC, my preference is the majority.

So I'm glad WotC is closing their forums. My hope is that now that they've recognized that fans are better at forums, maybe they'll finally recognize that fans are also better at creating digital tools. Maybe they'll remove restrictions and give permission for fan-made character generators and other tools to exist.

One can hope.


Not particularly.

Here's the thing - with lobbying, you are actively trying to get someone else (in this case, WotC) to take some action. Usually, some other poster will not want that action taken. This forms not the basis of a discussion (which is cool), but an argument (which is not cool).

Over in your warlord thread, we can see you taking considerable effort to exclude opinions contrary to yours from the discussion. We may occasionally ask folks to limit discussion so we can get greater focus on a topic, but that's different than chopping out dissent so that WotC won't see it along with your lobbying. I've seen you repeatedly say, in essence, "Please shut up and go away, you're working against me here." That's not discussion any more, and we are a discussion board.

So, if you like warlords, feel free to talk about them. If you want to brew up warlords in particular editions, have at it! But, if you have an agenda beyond talking about stuff with fellow gamers, that's apt to become a problem, and I don't recommend it.

With respect, I think it might be more accurate to say that he's trying to limit the conversation to the actual topic - how many players want a warlord. Anyone coming in and saying there shouldn't be a warlord at all is already off topic. Trying to excise the typical edition warring crap out of a useful thread isn't that bad of an idea.

DM Howard

When I read the e-mail Morru sent out a little bit ago about this I was a little shocked. I immediately thought of how Games Workshop shut down their message boards because they didn't know how to handle that communication medium properly.

After having thought about it a little more, I suppose it PROBABLY makes sense, BUT I would hope they could go somewhere with the savings on the infrastructure and do Dungeon and Dragon magazine or something (truly) similar again. EN5ider and such is great, but I'd kill for an actual magazine again. Signed, 26 year old grognard.

If there's so many people talking about how forums are so important, I'm sure a bunch of these people will become subscribers. I bet people value these forums so highly that they're willing to play three to ten dollars a month to keep them going.


WotC continues its incredible knack for a complete inconsistency in its digital endeavors. No PDFs of current product and soon no online community of their own. Yes, the current forums were needing some significant work...but this is is just...well, par for the course with WotC and the digital world. Just sad.

My $0.02 anyway. :)

I would add that they still have an online community, it's called Facebook and Twitter. In truth, most anyone I work with younger than age 30 either don't have a clue that "forums" exist, or think of them as backwards-thinking institutions where nothing cool goes on. In 2015, if it's not going on at Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (or insert name of newest social media hot-site here) then it's not worth the time.

Ironically, i care nothing for having my personal details haphazardly abused by the whims of any of those named companies. :) I have a hard enough time keeping my profile details reined in at G+ to just friends and family.

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