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Warriors Of The Coast OOC


First Post
Yeah, I'll second the "YOU roll for me" sentiment... but because I'm lazy (and overly trustworthy!)

EDIT: Jus had to add, "In soviet Russia, DICE roll YOU."
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
<Bad Scottish accent>You canna takea mee dice, but 'u canna never takea mee freedom!</Bad Scottish accent>

DM rolling is fine by me.


The man with the probe
The only time I ever roll dice is for mild flavor, and that's not likely with Zan (Meaningless perform checks, and the like). I prefer you rolling as well.


First Post
Okay, just wanted to run some "Character Interaction" stuff by everyone before I make my post to the Rogue's Gallery. Here goes (and tell me if things should be changed):

Character Interactions


Though not a common "student" of Amy's, the young Garrick Yandson struck up his interest one day when the search party that Amy was lending a hand with found the boy and heard his stories of adventuring in the wilds. Though he disapproves of what the boy does - thinking it "foolhardy" - Amy finds himself feeling a strange kinship with Garrick. He's bought the boy a drink on a few occasions, eager to hear the stories the youth can share. The two are on fairly decent grounds, and Amy asks around the town guard every now and again to make sure Garrick isn't getting into trouble.


Amycoth has had a few run-ins with Ari Osten throughout his time in the city. The two of them have often turned up on the same jobs when they're open-call or for the city, and while Amy doesn't quite see eye-to-eye with the slightly-younger man, they get along okay. Amy just doesn't really trust the man's zeal and eagerness to erradicate "monsters".


Amy's heard stories of an ex-soldier wandering the wilds, "protecting" the town. While he's impressed with the tales, the concept of living on the fringes of society, away from any social contact, bothers him. He's never actually met Taviss, but from what he's heard he doesn't think the man's probably all there.


Though he's run into the twins, and heard a bit about their talents, Amy's never really approached them. Just hasn't seen a need, and they've never really been in a place where he's talked to them. Amy is indifferent to the twins.


As a man without a real dedication to a faith, let alone the Flame, Amycoth has stayed away from the investigator. He's brushed shoulders with her a few times at the Inn, and been interrogated (there isn't really another word for it) about his knowledge of the supernatural a few times. Amy feels a bit uncomfortable around the woman, but is otherwise indifferent towards her.


Zan just isn't someone whom Amycoth would know. "Library" is a word that Amy avoids, seeing it as a bit pointless. He'd rather hear a story told then read an old tome. Amy has never met Zan before, or, if he has, it didn't stick in his mind.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Greatfrito said:

Amycoth has had a few run-ins with Ari Osten throughout his time in the city. The two of them have often turned up on the same jobs when they're open-call or for the city, and while Amy doesn't quite see eye-to-eye with the slightly-younger man, they get along okay. Amy just doesn't really trust the man's zeal and eagerness to erradicate "monsters".
This works, but I want to point out that Ari is not monomonacial in his hunt for monsters. He doesn't like them, and he likes getting paid to hunt them, but he tries to convey a sense that he does it to protect people.

James Heard

Tentative Player Character Hooks and Views

Amycothe Dyne [Greatfrito]
As a former pirate, Amycothe is good people. I bet half the children seeking him out are Luttins, because everyone knows that pirates are the toughest and strongest fighters anywhere. Nelson's older brothers are pirates, and Amycothe probably has heard one tale or another involving some ship that they've sailed or preyed upon. Even Nelson spent some time in his youth wanting to be a pirate. Pirates are the firemen and astronauts of Luttin-dom. He's a celebrity. :D[/sblock]

Taviss Jarga Breland Wild Man/Ex-Soldier [Ringmereth]
Nelson probably resents Taviss a little bit, because it's hard to be a local hero when war heroes show up in the tavern. He probably thinks he's more than a little bit crazy too though, because he's got a bone to pick with the lizards and that's like toeing an ant's nest without shoes on mostly. Still, if he's gonna make himself an enemy of the lizard folk he's worth keeping an eye on, if only to make sure his fool killin' doesn't bring death upon the town and Nelson's family.[/sblock]

Ari Osten Human Hexblade [stonegod]
Ari is another foreigner with manners that seem dangerous to Seawell, though if he's been approached by Luttin pa's as a potential suitor he's probably seen as more stable (or at least wealthier) than Taviss. Luttins don't quit though, so he's doomed to marry one of Nelson's cousins eventually. The amorphous and powerful coven of Luttin wives probably has nagged every Luttin in the country to put in a word for this daughter or that, and Nelson's not immune to that. He could know Ari simply out of a sense of duty to warn him to leave Q'Barra while he still can, or he could be trying to convince Ari that five years isn't that long to wait for his little sister to grow up enough to get married. I suppose it depends on how rich Nelson thinks Ari might be.[/sblock]

Garrick Yandson Human Rogue [Kralin Thornberry]
Garrick's an outsider of a sorts, but he's been here long enough that he's establishing roots of the sort that Luttins understand. Plus he's got a larcenous streak, which makes him a more interesting person within the Luttin mentality than a lot of other kinds. It's also possible that one of the reasons Garrick travelled to Seawell in the first place could have been because his family did business with the Luttin clan in some way. If he's some sort of kin from another city then it would explain why he isn't being barraged by moon-eyed Luttin teenage girls.[/sblock]

Jina Silversun Elf Swashbuckler [Rayex]
At least Nelson is probably the best looking Luttin that she's watched grow up into adulthood and suffered the annoyance of being asked rude questions about the nature of elvish sexuality by. He probably wasn't serious either, just being annoying to see someone scowl. She might even have been Nelson's swordwork teacher. Thanks to her low wisdom score, Nelson probably thinks she's hopelessly naive about a lot of things. He might think it has something to do with her being a twin, because "twins are weird, add those ears into the mix n' they's gotta have some issues."[/sblock]

Khalia ir’Indari Human Archivist [drothgery]
Nelson probably isn't very impressed with Khalia and the feeling's likely mutual unless she's got a serious case of the jonesing for bad boys. On the other hand, if anyone's likely to be know odd bits of knowledge about the area and not-quite-useless trivia, it's Nelson. She might have been compelled to seek him out for those rare bits that complete the picture she's building in her head of the area already, and had to suffer through the agony of bargaining with him when all he wanted her to do is "show a little leg."[/sblock]

Zan Changeling Wizard [Bront]
Zan and Nelson probably have a lot in common, but Zan's been away long enough and is studious enough that they probably don't mix with each other much. Nelson and Zan might have a childhood history together, or at least overlapping childhood histories, because it would probably be REALLY HARD to be a changeling kid in Seawell without dozen Luttin malcontents always pestering you to join in on their adventures. :D[/sblock]


First Post
Thanks for selecting Taviss; I always enjoy bringing a concept to fruition. I'm just fine with the DM taking care of my rolls; that's how I've always played PbP and find that rolling one's own dice distracts from the immersion.

I also appreciate all these connections between characters. I'll come up with a list of Taviss' views on everyone else soon enough, and stonegod, if you want to talk about our characters' link, feel free to reach me at "timbaird41" via AIM.

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