Well, I guess summer won't be as free as I thought it would be. I recently got a part-time job, and that, coupled with physical training for future military service, plans with friends and family, and various other external activities, mostly on a very chaotic schedule, aren't going to leave me with a ton of time off. And any time that I will have off will be abrupt, chaotic, and in places few and far between. As such, I don't think that I'll be able to give this game (or any game, for that matter) the attention it deserves, and I thought it would be the polite thing to do to give the heads up, so as not to leave anybody in the lurch.
This and the above paragraph will be posted on all PbP games I am currently in - the below note is a personal one.
I really was having a ton of fun with this game - lovely, classic D&D action, simple and to the point. Arrak was a fun character to play, and I loved all of your characters, as well ('specially Toruk - keep it smart, buddy
). I hope that this game goes on well without me, and WalkingDad, fun houserules - I hope they work out, since I might use a few from time to time.
Anyway, I might be seeing you guys around - one day, time permitting, I might get back into PbP. I'll be around the boards, so see you soon!