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WD's "Base of Operations" OCC

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Lord Slaw

First Post
Well, I guess summer won't be as free as I thought it would be. I recently got a part-time job, and that, coupled with physical training for future military service, plans with friends and family, and various other external activities, mostly on a very chaotic schedule, aren't going to leave me with a ton of time off. And any time that I will have off will be abrupt, chaotic, and in places few and far between. As such, I don't think that I'll be able to give this game (or any game, for that matter) the attention it deserves, and I thought it would be the polite thing to do to give the heads up, so as not to leave anybody in the lurch.

This and the above paragraph will be posted on all PbP games I am currently in - the below note is a personal one.

I really was having a ton of fun with this game - lovely, classic D&D action, simple and to the point. Arrak was a fun character to play, and I loved all of your characters, as well ('specially Toruk - keep it smart, buddy :)). I hope that this game goes on well without me, and WalkingDad, fun houserules - I hope they work out, since I might use a few from time to time. ;)

Anyway, I might be seeing you guys around - one day, time permitting, I might get back into PbP. I'll be around the boards, so see you soon!

Walking Dad

First Post
Okay everybody. Wehad a posting shortage (at least a little my fault) and lost a player (not my fault).

I would like you to make a decission what doing next and than proceed with the ICC thread.


First Post
I thought we were going to go up the stairs, along the wall and into the next tower, then basically sweep through all the parts of the place that don't involve us getting eaten by monster dogs. If we have the luxury, we'll shoot the dogs in the courtyard from the safety of the wall.

Does that sound right to everybody?

EDIT: Just to clarify, Jarek would never suggest such a cowardly tactic against worthy foes, but against simple dangerous beasts, there's little honor or glory to be gained anyway.


I could be wrong about my assessment, but I had gathered that this was the situation:
  • The courtyard is guarded by something that slightly resembles dogs (maybe dire wolves or blink dogs?).
  • The walls are patrolled by more orcs, and the only reason we didn't rush the dog-like-things is that those orcs could have pelted us with arrows and raised the alarm.
  • Therefore, we're going to attack the orcs on the walls. These "sentries", once eliminated, won't be able to raise the alarm when we head down into the bowels of the keep, which is undoutedly where the rest of the orcs are located.
So if this is oll korrekt then the ones heading up the stairs are going to rush one sentry while the rest of us guard the bottom of the stairs from the gatehouse. Once that is accomplished, as long as more orcs aren't coming at us, we'll move across the walls to take out the other sentries up there. If attacking the one sentry alerts the rest of the orcs, those of us on the ground can attempt to pick those off while the folks who are on the wall get back down the stairs to a defensable position.

I'm fairly certain that if the ones on top of the stairs keep going without us, we'll end up with a TPK. But, how we deal with that will largely be decided by the upstairs fight's result.

Bottom line: we just don't have enough information yet to plan out an attack. We're going to strike and see what happens. And I'd kind of like to get started on that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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