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Who was originally cast as Aragorn?


What? Me Worry?
Apok said:

Really? I dunno, for some reason I can picture Patrick Stewart as Denethor more easily than as Gandalf. Sir Ian McKellan is a superb actor and he pulls the roll of marvelously. As others have stated, he is Gandalf.

First, like I said, McKellan is Gandalf. I won't argue that. However, I knew of McKellan before LotR - most notably in Gods and Monsters - and like the best actors, he is able to submerge himself into the role to the point you see the character, not the actor. I think Stewart can also do that. What's problematic is that Trek fans, even casual ones, often can't get past the fact they're seeing Captain Picard. I know I've been like that. But remove that unique bit of pop cultural baggage, and you have a Shakespearean actor in Stewart that I feel could have played Gandalf quite well, to the point you would see Gandalf, not Picard - or Stewart. The reason I can't see Stewart playing Denethor is what makes him a good choice for Gandalf - Stewart has a natural warmth to him that makes him instantly likable. McKellan also has that quality. Denethor needs an actor that is less instantly likable, but at the same time instantly commands respect.

When I heard Cate Blanchett was playing Galadriel, I thought it was perfect casting. I still do. I will say, though, that Michelle Pfeiffer would also have been a good choice.

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I don't remember where I had heard this and it could have been nothing but rumour... that Sean Connery, Patrick Stewart, and Tom Baker might get the role of Gandalf. I will agree that Sir Ian McKellen is Gandalf, he is the perfect choice (of course I'm saying this after seeing FotR and loved it!).

I have not been disappointed with any casting choices so far. A little bit of an older actor for Aragorn might have been better for the character but Viggo has been superb so far and made the role his.

Cate Blanchett is the kind of actress that you either love the way she looks or you don't. I belong to the former. I loved her in everything I've seen her in.

I've got tickets to TTT for Dec. 19 12 Noon! Just 10 and a half hours to go!!!!

I like Cate Blanchett. She's a fantastic actress. She's beautiful. She played the part of Galadriel perfectly. But...

She doesn't look elven.

I think she was--in terms of appearance only, not acting ability--the biggest miscast of the movies. She's beautiful, yes, but it's not an elven beauty. Her features aren't right for it.

That said, I can't think of who might've been better. If she were ten years younger, I'd say Mira Furlan (Delenn on Babylon 5) would have been perfect, but now... *shrug*



Alaric_Prympax said:
I don't remember where I had heard this and it could have been nothing but rumour... that Sean Connery, Patrick Stewart, and Tom Baker might get the role of Gandalf. I will agree that Sir Ian McKellen is Gandalf, he is the perfect choice (of course I'm saying this after seeing FotR and loved it!).

At the risk of throwing a cat among the pigeons, I disagree. McKellan doesn't have the presence the role requires. It's a combination of his bearing and his voice that makes me feel he fails to portray the protective, avuncular character Gandalf is in the books (The Hobbit and LotR). When he meets his end, I thought "good riddance". I was rooting for the Balrog!

Stewart would have made a better Gandalf. He has the demeanour of a leader which the role of Gandalf requires. McKellan doesn't. I don't think Connery would have been good for the part - he doesn't do 'worried' very well. Tom Baker has the voice, but I'm not sure he portrays emotions very realistically.

Alaric_Prympax said:

I have not been disappointed with any casting choices so far. A little bit of an older actor for Aragorn might have been better for the character but Viggo has been superb so far and made the role his.

I had misgivings about Weaving as Elrond the first time I saw FotR. But when I saw the film again and re-read the book, his performance grew on me.

Mortensen was fine as Aragorn - he certainly looked the part IMO - but I would have preferred if he hadn't used an American accent. I suppose the fact that he was called in at such short notice meant he didn't have time to do the necessary voice training. A pity.

Bloom was trying too hard as Legolas. There was one point in FotR where he's running and he's trying to make it distinctive (which it is). Will all elves run like that in the three films? I doubt it.

I thought the actor who played Sam (Sean Astin?) did a good job, except a couple of times when his accent slipped.

Christopher Lee was simply brilliant as Saruman. They couldn't have cast better. Can you imagine how much more dramatic the conflict between Saruman and Gandalf would have been if it had been Lee vs Stewart?

Alaric_Prympax said:

Cate Blanchett is the kind of actress that you either love the way she looks or you don't. I belong to the former. I loved her in everything I've seen her in.

I thought she was OK. Sygourney (sp?) Weaver might have been a good choice, but perhaps she's too old. Also, I'm not sure she could have done the voice.

Alaric_Prympax said:

I've got tickets to TTT for Dec. 19 12 Noon! Just 10 and a half hours to go!!!!

I'll be seeing it at exactly the same time. :) I'm eight hours ahead, and the film starts here at 8pm (noon your time).

ColonelHardisson said:
Y'know, Daniel Day-Lewis would have been a decent enough choice for Aragorn. I don't think it would have been a perfect choice, though.

I have to say that Sean Bean was one of the best casting choices, as far as I'm concerned. He actually resembles the image of Boromir I'd always had.
Well, except that he's blond and has a beard! ;) Gondor men were always described as dark-haired and clean-shaven.

Black Omega said:
While I do very much enjoy Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart as actors, they also have the added burden that when you see them, you see Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart. I couldn't pick Ian Mckellen out of a crowd before FotR and thus it was very easy to only see him as Gandalf.

Of course, I could be wrong. I'd never have guessed Gimli was Rhys-Davies.
Never saw X-Men? Also, both when I hear Gimli and Treebeard, I just want to shout out "Sala!"


First Post
ColonelHardisson said:
Denethor needs an actor that is less instantly likable, but at the same time instantly commands respect.
When I heard Cate Blanchett was playing Galadriel, I thought it was perfect casting. I still do. I will say, though, that Michelle Pfeiffer would also have been a good choice.

It was rumoured for a while that Donald Sutherland was up for the Denethor part - I'd have liked to have seen that. He has gravitas but can also be really creepy. The mad old steward would have been right up his street.

Pfeiffer as Galadriel? No, can't see it. She couldn't have pulled off the suppressed power and potential threat, she's just too pristine.


What? Me Worry?
Joshua Dyal said:

Well, except that he's blond and has a beard! ;) Gondor men were always described as dark-haired and clean-shaven.

Dunedain were described that way, true. There had been some intermarrying between Gondor and Rohan, though, so even the most direct lines (except for the northern Dunedain) would likely not have been "classically" Dunedain in appearance. Regardless, I always pictured Boromir pretty much like he appears in the film. Perhaps a bit beefier.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
The other rumors I had heard were:

Ethan Hawke as Faramir
Uma Thurman as Galadriel

The Patrick Stewart/Sean Connery/Tom Baker stuff was clearly just fan-boy sci fi fan talking. Tom Baker? He hasn't been in anything of consequence in decades! I mean, I loved him in Dr. Who, but really...


As a uber David Bowie fan, I can say that he would have been terrible at the part. Everything that Bowie does is larger-than-life.

Aside - Don't think bowie looks too old. The guy is like 54. He looks pretty good for that age. He definately has the 1/2-elvish looks about him too.

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