Disney Buys DC: Who Joins The MCU?

How many ineffectual corps of Guardians of Oa types does one comic universe need? And what happens, in 15 years, when kids who grew up with Black Lanterns and Red Lanterns, etc., become comic book creators? Are we going to end up with Cyan Lanterns and Puce Lanterns and Mint Green Lanterns, as they strive to carve out more space on the color wheel? Just, no. This is the DC equivalent of the clone saga and symbiotes.
I know you're mostly kidding but to be honest I think it's more likely they'll go for fewer, rather than more colour lanterns. Maximalism of that particular kind - i.e. lots of choice, but you're still in a club - is much more a late Gen-X or Millennial thing. I'd expect fewer lantern colours but more divergence on how people used them/could use them.

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If I was magically in charge, I would do everything in my power to make it not be Batman.

I think Wonder Woman would be a good call. She comes with a bunch of mythological stuff, which the MCU has already tapped into, and she'd be a physical powerhouse to match any of the super-dudes.

I know you're mostly kidding but to be honest I think it's more likely they'll go for fewer, rather than more colour lanterns. Maximalism of that particular kind - i.e. lots of choice, but you're still in a club - is much more a late Gen-X or Millennial thing. I'd expect fewer lantern colours but more divergence on how people used them/could use them.
It's also a sign of how powerful Geoff Johns was at that point. A lot of DC headscratchers from that era ("We should cross over the Watchmen with the regular DCU! Oh, and the Joker doesn't have inconsistent writing -- he's three different guys!") come back to him.

I know you're mostly kidding but to be honest I think it's more likely they'll go for fewer, rather than more colour lanterns. Maximalism of that particular kind - i.e. lots of choice, but you're still in a club - is much more a late Gen-X or Millennial thing. I'd expect fewer lantern colours but more divergence on how people used them/could use them.

I want Plaid Laterns from that Biazzro universe, Lanterns of Confusion.

If Disney buys DC, I will bust through Kevin Fiege's wall like Kool-Aid Man to stop him from bringing in the rainbow of ring colors that has threatened at times to engulf the DCU in recent years.

How many ineffectual corps of Guardians of Oa types does one comic universe need? And what happens, in 15 years, when kids who grew up with Black Lanterns and Red Lanterns, etc., become comic book creators? Are we going to end up with Cyan Lanterns and Puce Lanterns and Mint Green Lanterns, as they strive to carve out more space on the color wheel? Just, no. This is the DC equivalent of the clone saga and symbiotes.
Heh, I'm not a huge comics reader, but my favorite "team" is the GL Corps, including the rainbow warriors who've come later.

But . . . just from my casually checking in every once in a while . . . this ship has sailed! We now have the Ultraviolet Corps! Part of the invisible light spectrum! There is a Grey Lantern Corp, the lanterns of "no" emotion! There is a Gold Lantern! I'm sure there are more I haven't stumbled across yet.

If Disney buys DC, I will bust through Kevin Fiege's wall like Kool-Aid Man to stop him from bringing in the rainbow of ring colors that has threatened at times to engulf the DCU in recent years.
The Kool-Aid Man: Red Lantern or not?
I'm now sad there wasn't a throw away moment in a GotG movie where they each got a separate color force generating ring...
They'd need to do nothing except make the wearer mad, sad, greedy, etc. Followed by snark about mood rings for the rest of the film.
There is a Gold Lantern!
What does that do, permanently remove Kryptonian superpowers?

Are there more lantern colors than types of Kryptonite yet? For that matter, is the pink K from that Firestorm short canonical in comics yet? Best thing that character's ever done. :)

Pink Kryptonite is canonical, although it has different effects in the comics than in the cartoons.


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