Disney Buys DC: Who Joins The MCU?

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ETA: It's okay to say what you think Disney would do, but I am more asking what you would do or would want to see.

Just as a dumb exercise: let's say Disney purchases DC Comics from WB and decides to integrate one character or team into the MCU. Who? How? Cast? Note: support cast and rogues gallery get to come too.

Difficulty: no JLA, Titans or other team that is essentially just a bunch of solo heroes tied together. If it is a team, it has to be one of the shared origin themed teams.
If it were up to me?

Absolutely no-one.

What makes DC's heroes worthwhile is that they come from a fundamentally different place to Marvel's ones. They're much more mythological in their vibes, much less "just a guy with some powers". Dragging them into the Marvel universe is going to harm both if it's more than a little joke thing.

If we absolutely had to bring one, I'd be looking for the least-mythological, most Marvel-ish hero possible. Someone who is a cool character but a poor fit for DC - Blue Beetle maybe? I suspect there are much better examples.

Going the other way, we could 100% exile The Eternals to DC - they'd be happier there anyway.

Just as a dumb exercise: let's say Disney purchases DC Comics from WB and decides to integrate one character or team into the MCU. Who? How? Cast? Note: support cast and rogues gallery get to come too.

The one DC team I can think of that would actually fit in reasonably well - The Doom Patrol.

You've already got a cast. Just give 'em a bigger budget, and let 'em go!

As someone who is more of a DC fan than a Marvel fan (although I enjoy both) I would prefer to keep them separate. If I had to pick I would say Robin/Damien Wayne could move over to Marvel.

Or maybe Arm-Fall-Off-Boy?:LOL:

If we're going to play by the OP's rules and import a single (thematically unified) team with their supporting cast and rogues? The Green Lantern Corps as cosmic rivals to the Nova Corps and the Kree and Shi'ar Empires, and literal canon immigrants trying to rebuild their ancient legacy in a galaxy they never made.

And the Doom Patrol fit really well, tonally, with Marvel, too. (The LSH I'm not so sure of, as much as I love the Legion.)
I was going to mention the Doom Patrol back when I was pitching Major Bummer (who I still think is the best option within the narrow OP restrictions) but then it dawned on me that they may not be "thematic" enough. They don't really share a common origin or power source beyond three of them being recruited by the Chief - and Cliff having his body built by him, of course. You can't even really claim the theme is that they're all doomed to be seen as freakish outcasts by the public - Chief's just a guy in wheelchair and Rita wouldn't make people bat an eye as a conventional hero if she stopped hanging around with the guys. She's a distaff Hank Pym power-wise. Or the prototype for the Giant Girl webcomic. Or a not-alien Skyscraper from the Sentinel Comics games.

Then again, I don't really get what Reynard's after there. Explicitly eliminating the Teen Titans as "not thematic" is just weird to me - they're certainly not a bunch of solo heroes working in a team (most of them have never had even a miniseries in their name) and depending on era they're either all sidekicks or at least all younger heroes with a generation gap between them and the bulk of the superhero community. But if they don't qualify as having a theme, the Doom Patrol seems like even more of a stretch despite having a good tone for the MCU.

Tora OdinsOlafsdotter


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