D&D General Why Isn't There a D&D Table Top Miniatures War Game?


I hadn’t heard that? Which codex. I sold 90% of my warhammer stuff about 3 years ago when I moved house and haven’t looked back. Most of the rest of our group still plays AOS
The League of Votanm codex from late 2022. It was so bad that tournaments banned them and GW had to issue major revisions before it was even officially released.

Pay to win is one of the things that eventually swayed me from Warhammer. It just sort of rubbed me the wrong way - I see miniatures as game aids, so at a certain point I stop seeing the value when there are always cheaper options available. It's the same now with Wizkids' prices; they really take aggressive advantage of their D&D license.
I've grown frutrating because I find it difficult to keep up with whatever the current rules are.

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I've grown frutrating because I find it difficult to keep up with whatever the current rules are.
Recycling your rules every 3 years like it's a new hand of cards is for the birds, it's a big reason why I got off their merry-go-round - and why I'm not on board with the 2024 D&D changes, I'm not ready nor looking for a rules changes.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Recycling your rules every 3 years like it's a new hand of cards is for the birds, it's a big reason why I got off their merry-go-round - and why I'm not on board with the 2024 D&D changes, I'm not ready nor looking for a rules changes.
Good news! Its been 10 years and the rules are barely changing at all.


A suffusion of yellow
The 3.5 gam3 was fun, but I dunno if 5e would do a good wargame or if there's a big enough market for them to drop in to


I've still never seen any of the framework models in the wild. The kobolds and orcs were especially pricey, but I wanted to buy an individual hero just to see if they were any good.
We got some on clearance for $7
As we've been discussing, there's no reason to be beholden to Wizkids minis, you could use Reaper minis instead if you wanted to, or the likes of Pathfinder Pawns or a dozen other options.

For that matter, the old Chainmail/3E/4E game covers the D&D range pretty well, it would just be a matter of getting a hold of the cards and using those - or possibly using them as a base. No need to reinvent the wheel. Heck, Frostgrave might cover what you're talking about right now.

I certainly understand the desire folks have for the company brand to produce something - it standardizes the rules, the motif and supply chain, but if a company can't or won't do it at a reasonable price, then in my opinion the customer has the right to come up with their own solution for themselves (within what is legal).
I am all for miniature agnostic systems. Hasbro/WOTC/Wizkids though would release a product line with their branding and that is what people would go for. I am a huge Reaper collector, Bones Black, USA, RM and Metal are my go to miniatures so I could probably put together an army for an Emridy Meadows battle of about 40 minis easily. Warlord was also pretty close to a D&D battles game when they were doing that and the world is very much a part of the Dungeon Dwellers RPG and they're considering, somewhat, reviving Warlord if DDRPG does well.


We got some on clearance for $7

I am all for miniature agnostic systems. Hasbro/WOTC/Wizkids though would release a product line with their branding and that is what people would go for. I am a huge Reaper collector, Bones Black, USA, RM and Metal are my go to miniatures so I could probably put together an army for an Emridy Meadows battle of about 40 minis easily. Warlord was also pretty close to a D&D battles game when they were doing that and the world is very much a part of the Dungeon Dwellers RPG and they're considering, somewhat, reviving Warlord if DDRPG does well.
Osprey's Dragon Rampant might be the game to use for a mass battle system that is minis agnostic. It's a build-an-army system from what I understand, just not put out by WotC itself.


I don't see 3d printing at home really catching on until the print resolution is there. It's getting close on the industrial machines using resin, and Reaper's new 3d printed plastics look promising, so it's probably only a matter of a few years until that quality is available at home.

I get most of my miniatures from Kickstarters and sales, and they are still pretty affordable if you are patient.
It's the chemicals keeping me out of resin printing right now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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