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[WoT Adventure] Turn 3

Shalimar cocks her head to the side at that, giving him a quizical look.

"Why should you be sorry, I was the one who came into your room? Though I suppouse it would be rude not to accept the apology, so I do."

she sits on his bed putting her arms around her knees emphasizing her childlike appearance. She just sits there for a moment looking over her knees at him before speaking.

"I saw your scars, you said thre was a Sister there, was that what was left after healing? If it is, then you are very lucky to have had her there. Lucky, and very brave." She smiles up at him, how she used to smile at himin Sheiner, adoration, affection, like he was her big brother who could do no wrong.

"I don't know if I could be so brave. I know what kind of friend you are and I know it must have hurt to do that. But it had to be done." She reaches out to pat his hand comfortingly.

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"I don't think you are going to try to convince me that he is a Darkfriend. Or that he threatened your life, or Shalimar's. And he is certainly not Shadowspawn." Lila said, laying out the terms of the Third Oath explicitly. "So I would very much like to hear how you intend to justify threatening to use the Power as a weapon against a man who merely made you angry."


Yuri Morotakai

Yuri's eyebrows raise upon hearing Ashrem's question.

Well, I suppose I could teach him a thing or two...though I'm hardly a master...

"You want to practice with me, Ashrem? I expect you to listen then, for your safety and mine. After we get something that'll pass for practice swords, I'll start working you through beginning forms."

Looking Ashrem up and down, Yuri nods.

"Come, let's see if Master Ferrin can scrounge up some decently weighted sticks."


First Post
Re: Yuri Morotakai

Enforcer said:
Yuri's eyebrows raise upon hearing Ashrem's question.

Well, I suppose I could teach him a thing or two...though I'm hardly a master...

"You want to practice with me, Ashrem? I expect you to listen then, for your safety and mine. After we get something that'll pass for practice swords, I'll start working you through beginning forms."

Looking Ashrem up and down, Yuri nods.

"Come, let's see if Master Ferrin can scrounge up some decently weighted sticks."

Damn...Ashrem beat me to it. Lord Tomas sighs, deciding to forgo getting some weapons training from one who seems to know what he's doing. He instead signals for an ale and flops into a corner table. I'm so bored. Why can't these peasants go home so I can do what I should be doing? Lord Tomas gazes at the people in the common room. It's hard to be a Noble sometimes. Nobody understands the dicipline it takes to keep oneself apart from the common man. Without that separation, there would be no way to perform my duties as a Noble. I could not very well hang a murderer if he was a friend. I need the separation. But it's hard...

The Lady Shiawase would understand, if anyone would around here. Damn those light blind women. Can't they see i only had their saftey in mind? The way they run their mouths, they'll get their fool selves killed long before they can become Aes Sedai. Still..one has to admire their spirit.

I'm so bored...

Jain Hadlin

It was hard, the hardest thing i've everdone.......Wierd, i wonder why Shalimars acting differnt now, maybe besause no else is around?

"Thank you, it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. You know, my parents always wanted me to be some hero. To rise above our humble beginnings, thats why they named me, Jain, after Jain Farstrider, from the books."

Jain looks up and grins.

"Unfortunatly, I've come to be, a far cry from thier dream."

He pats her hand and retrieves a stool to sit on.

"But I didn't ask you here to tell my sad stories, I want to know whats bothering you. The way you've been acting.....is that part of your training or is something wrong?"

Jain looks genuinely concerned as he sits there waiting.


First Post
Sirsei cocks an eyebrow, Well, no surprise there. She looks Lila in the eye, "No, he is none of the above." She holds out a hand, ticking off the items on her finger, "He isn't a Darkfriend, that I know of, though I suppose he could be. And he isn't Shadowspawn. Though I will say the trollocs last night were more polite and had better manners."

"If I were good at twisting words, I might suggest that he had indirectly threatened my safety. Unfortunately, I can't do that either." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"And he wouldn't have made me angry had he merely accepted the suggestion I offered. I believe I said I thought he should be more diplomatic in his choice of words. It would certainly improve his demeanor and my impression of him."

A light sparks in her eyes as a dim memory of the angry rekindles, "However, he felt it was necessary to carry things one step further and insult me because of my 'common' birth. I simply carried things to the next step."

She exhales slowly, calming herself. She tries to sound humble, but it doesn't come across all that well, "I don't need to justify myself. I didn't break any of the Oaths."

"I swear never to use the One Power as a weapon, except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of my own life, the life of my Warder, or the life of another Aes Sedai," she repeats the Oath as she learned it, a hint of annoyance in her voice, though it isn't directed at Lila.

"I didn't use the Power as a weapon against him. I am allowed to intimidate, threaten, cajole, wheedle, coax, browbeat, bully, dictate, convince, entreat, or whatever, so long as I don't lie about it. And at the moment when I was threatening him, I assure you, I wasn't making idle threats."

She is suddenly full of righteous indignation, "I will not be dominated or controlled. The Amyrlin herself may hold my allegiance and eventually my leash. But no mere man, especially not that overbearing windbag is going to hold one bit of power over me, no matter what he expects because of my birth. My mother..."

She trails off, realizing she has gone from trying to explain herself to giving a tirade. She closes her eyes, and has the good sense to blush, "I'm sorry Lila Sedai. I only meant to say that I didn't break any of the Oaths." Yet, she adds silently.

"I am sorry for hitting you the first time, I should have told you why first. You really must learn to control your tongue Jain, I wont always be there to smooth over the feelings of those who are insulted by your usage of such foul language." She says wearily seeming older.

"Don't think for one second I wont keep my promise to make you fit for polite company. Y ou are very wrong though, you are not a far cry from what your parents wanted Jain. You fight trollocs, rescue Damsels in sacks run into the night after shadowspawn without any fear. I would say if there was a such thing as a hero you would fit." Well except for a lack of common sense, but in a hero that might not be a bad thing.

Her expression changes to being very serious, and worried. "Jain, when was te last time you were in Sheiner, or heard from my father? I am worried about him and everyoe else. I haven't been able to leave the tower at all to go see them, and now with the trollocs, I'm..." she is unable to finish the thought, she hugs her knees as close as they can go and shuts her eyes tightly.

Ashrem Bayle

Ash nodded to Yuri. "As you say. In these matters, you clearly know more than me." He leaned his sword against a tree and joined with Yuri in looking for something to use for practice.

"You knew those things where trollocs. Have you fought them before? What is it like in the borderlands? You say....fades.. are real. What are they like? I ask these things only because, up until now, I was told they were just stories. Well...stories don't appear out of sheds and try to kill people do they? In my experience, ignorance will get you killed."

Jain Hadlin.

"I sorry about my language, I've spent a lot of time by myself, and a lot of time with soldiers. It's a bad habit."

When Shalimar asks about Shienar and starts getting upset, Jain moves over to sit beside her on the bed. He puts a hand gentle on her sholder in as an attempt to comfort her.

"I haven't heard anything from your father since I left , a little over a year ago. If it makes you feal better, i worry about that too."

Jain pauses for a second.

"The thing to remember, and i know it's small comfort, is the boarderlands are a big place. Those trollocs may not have even crossed the boarder in Shienar, let alone at your fathers keep."

"I'll tell you what though, after things are cleared up here, I'll go to Shienar and make sure everythings fine. Then I'll get word to you, whether your in Tar Valon, Ebou Dar, or the other side of the waste."

Jain cranes his neck around to look Shalimar in the face and smiles.

"That ok with you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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