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Battle at Harkon Manor


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Jareth makes better time than he expected and reaches the wayhouse. He sees Onesimus, some soldier, and an elven prisoner. With a sidelong, skeptical look, he steps into the common room of the building and looks around. Upon seeing Vance, Jareth bows, saying, “Milord, your brother requests your presence.”

The young man’s eyes quickly scan the room, noticing the rather fresh water pool on the floor, with the still-wet elf outside. He refrains from asking anything just yet, preferring to wait until the headstrong nobleman is gone.

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Frozen Messiah

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{{Aulin e'llie feit?"}} The elf looks astonished and then seems to tighten his resolve staring at the ground and nothing else. Vance takes the elf's weapons and hands the dagger to Robert, the sword to Marko and the bow to Claude.

"Your weapons are in the hands of your enemy if you wish them back you will meet us on the field at dawn tomorrow. Marko."

Seeing the look on the elf's face Vance seems satisfied, "Lord Grignard will you take Marko and Robert and take this Treylor halfway back to his camp. Be careful they may be other scouting groups out." Immediately Robert heads to the stables at a trot to get the horses.

"I shall do what is asked of me Lord Valorn, I also wish to approve of this plan." Claude says to vance with a sideways glance over at Lora to see if she disaproves of his statment. He then puts the elfs bow over hs shoulder and then walked outside and calls his horse. "Veindra Tobias." he says loudly making Tobias trot ahead of Robert, who let's go of the reins when he doees this, and comes to his Claude's side. "Tres bein mon ami, you will not be carrying me today but this elf. He is strong of heart so treat him well. I will be walking beside you for the journey." Claude says as he motions towards the elf that he may use the horse.

Myth and Legend

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So there Lora knew that Claude was nothing more than an underling. He was not a man of worth, which she always had doubts of. Nobody reached his age without achieving something spectacular if he possessed any form of talent. "You may go and join this suicide attack at the enemy camp Claude. Three to one - you should hope to be a better archer than you are a tactician." Lora stated this with a plain voice as she was past the point of caring.

She then regarded the chubby sorcerer and the scrawny red haired boy. "Trinham what about you? Fancy charging at readied Elven bows on the back of a horse?" The girl smirked as she looked around for Ginger, who scurried quickly across the room and back in to her pocket.

"And where are you off to?" The Wizardress barked at Jareth. "Feeling suicidal as well?"

Onesimus had already shown to be as flexible as a fencepost, so Lora simply eyed him and turned her back on the warrior.


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Marko, The Wayhouse

Marko watched the unfolding events and heard Lord Valorn make his commands. The elf was to be returned to his camp to carry the message of honorable combat. It made loose sense to him and he would do as the noble ordered. He figured his company to be able bodied enough to complete the task with precision.

However, his temper was growing with this female soldier, Miss Loreen. She fancied herself a commander of men and it greatly displeased Marko. Her comments made perfect sense of course. She would make a noble wife and her future husband would prosper greatly from her council. Sadly, she lacked the wisdom of proper poise among soldiers. At least for Marko's tastes...

He again approached her side with subtlety, "My lady you are most wise in your assumptions. However, do not let your frustrations cloud your judgement. Sir Claude and I will handle the delivery swiftly and to your utmost satisfaction. Have no doubts we shall return safely to reinforce your position." He spoke with respect as he was addressing a skilled and strong woman. "Let your voice be one of wisdom and gentle persuasion in these manners. Then you will find Lord Valorn an easy ear to acquire, as well as the hearts of the men under your command."

He took another step back from his whisperings, her wraith was soon to follow such bold comments. Marko understood that once this company was gone from Valorn Lands that things would change. But until that time honest service was required of them. Right now Lord Valorn needed their help and that is what mattered most.


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Jareth raises an eyebrow and a snarl begins to form on his lips, when he pauses. Biting back wouldn’t help… It certainly hadn’t been a real help before, in any circumstance. “What about suicide? I only came down here because his Lordship asked me to fetch his brother. You might want to remember who is where, if you expect people to follow your lead. Or, you could fill me in, instead of snapping at me.”


Thy wounds are healed!
To Trinham Vance says offhandedly, "Yes you can bring him to the Manor just not the southwest building that we will be going to."

Looking at Lora he frowns, "I wish all that you have said were true but a force as large as theirs could overrun Harkon and we would be left with close quarter fighting that the men of the villiage are not perpared to do. Please come with me and together we will find a way to beat them in the field." He gives Lora a winning smile that almost makes her forget he's a lout.

Vance sighs at Jareth's missive from his brother. He turns to Claude and says, "No doubt he will wish to speak of you again." Listening to Claude he nods in thanks and watches as he goes to ready for his departure. "Thank you Lord Kyras, I will see..." he pauses as Lora starts to question her men. And watches on bemused as Marko tries to calm the situation.

He turns to Jareth as the young lord berates Miss Lora. "I think she is only trying to protect everyone from the same fate a Daven. I think Skazul will have some thoughts on how we are to beat them. You are Tharivol's pupil you should come to meet Skazul as well. He and Tharivol had many long talks on the subject of magic together."

[sblock=OOC] Ok did I get everyone man I love when you guys spend a day posting and I'm at work.
New Pictures in the post I was suppose to put them in when we started. You will notice Harkon has some vulnerable spots, that are hard to defend and easy to access. The first picture in the bottom right corner that little wall between builing and Tower, and the sea wall is low and thin not a good place if say 50-60 men charged it. That is what Vance is talking about. Also Harkon is set on a river not a lake. and it leads to the ocean some 2-3 miles away due north. :) [/sblock]


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Jareth frowns, and a slight sneer crosses his face as he says, “With all due respect, milord, you have not heard her words on most days. And it’s rather hard to protect me from something I know nothing about! All I know is that you all went on some kind of ride earlier, and I saw that elf outside. I can only guess something happened, but I have no idea on the specifics. Now, rather than shelter her from the consequences of her ill-chosen words, why not let her deal with the consequences? A leader must be able to communicate with their followers, after all, and explain their actions.”


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Feeling like he is caught between a rock and a hard place, Trinham carefully considers the interchange between Lora and Vance. Refusing to be rushed he spends several minutes deep in thought. Finally he says "Lora, you are still my commander and at the end of the day, I will follow your orders. However, you have asked for my opinion, so here it is. As far as the choice between open field fighting and sheltering in a secure fort is concerned." Here Trinham stresses the word secure. "Obviously I would prefer the later. However, Lord Vance knows his own house best and it apparent that he does not consider it secure. While I would, personally, prefer hit and run fighting in and around the manor, we have to think of the non-combatants. If we use the manor for our stand, then we put them at risk. Finally, please bear in mind that I am infantry not cavalry. While I may use a horse to get to the battlefield, I will definitely be fighting on foot. Mi Lord Vance, Lora, could you please take this into account when you make your plans."


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Marko, The Wayhouse

Marko heard the words of the newcomer, Jareth. While unable to describe the recent events of an elven scrimmage in the woods, Marko can non-the-less describe the most recent interrogation. Marko approached Jareth and began the tale from the companies return to the Wayhouse. Careful to emphasize the importance of the elf's description of an impending attack. Hopefully this would help the fellow to be caught up to speed. No more outbursts of frustration would be required during their planning, from anybody...

During his tale he noticed the recent outpouring of opinions due to Lord Valorn's orders. Very rarely would soldiers be so open-minded as to express themselves around their superiors. It gave Marko the impression of New-command and a lack of veteran soldiers within the company. Being a shoemaker himself, he could not complain the situation. However, he knew that infighting would lead to an even more difficult struggle when field fighting began.

He planned to evaluate Claude's leadership abilities during their errand also. The knight looked every bit the strong leader but his charitable actions toward their prisoner spoke of a difficult perspective. Marko considered himself every bit the Paladin minded individual, of course. But he contrasted greatly between friend and foe. Friends had civil rights, trust, and privilege. Foe sought only the destruction of these things and were less than dirt to him. This elf was such and Marko disagreed with Claude's charitable treatment of the strange species.

He sighed as he finished speaking with Jareth. He returned to Miss Loreen's side and stood by her as her men spoke their peace. His presence next to the woman would show his support of her place as commander amongst her men.
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] No, ML but I think we can continue Lora will probably just glare at Jareth.

So what do we have Marko, Claude, and Robert taking the prisoner back. Onesimus and Kase going to the armory. And Lora, Vance, Trinham, and Jareth going to speak with Skazul (with hopfully our newest member there too :D). I don't need to post the NPCs so I will split post what is happening with the two groups starting tomorrow night you can stil post your leaving or walking off etc. if you wiish but update tommorrow.

In other news our little Castle Eilan(or as we know it Harkon Manor) is on the cover of the National Geographic's latest edition. No other pictures :( or anything else but it was kool so I bought it anyway.[/sblock]

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