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Heroes #17:Cold Wars-Season 3-2009

Truth Seeker


Cold Wars

Stars:Jack Coleman (Noah Bennet/HRG)
Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman)
Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh)
Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli)
Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli)

Guest Star:Zeljko Ivanek (Danko)

HRG and Matt are thrust into a series of mind games to uncover the truth about Nathan's plans. Peter gets to meet The Hunter in person

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First Post
See, that was a good episode. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

No Hiro sillyness. No Claire melodrama. OK, still lots of characters not using their heads, but not to an unbelievable degree.


For the most part, an enjoyable episode, even if the Heroes seem to be doing stupid things when they get to the punchline.

The nuke at the end though...shows that the writers just keep going back and back to the same well. It's so unnecessary. Happily, after the ship gets put back on course I don't think we will have to deal with that implication too much.

Sticking to the A story and crafting it all around the A story - even when they left it - was a welcome improvement. It made for a better show.

They left Bennett in an interesting position. Giving back the watch was a nice touch.

Mohinder, however, appears to have regained his power of Super-stupidity which is apparently contagious and infected Parkman.

And yes, Peter should have splattered his brains all over the apartment wall. But yeah...he's the hero.

Ah well. Looks like back to Sylar's road show and Claire & Comic Book Guy next week. It would be a welcome change to see Claire kick some ass and shoot somebody. I'm kind of missing dark, bad-ass Claire.

Next week, if they turn the gamer/comic guy (Read: Their rabid fanbase) into somebody who is an idiot & can't think fast on the run, I will, however, be furious.
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They manage a whole episode without a Claire moment then go and blow their good intentions by bringing Daphne back to life.

Otherwise a well-crafted episode with good focus and not biting off more than they can chew, which is sometimes a problem.


First Post
Next week, if they turn the gamer/comic guy (Read: Their rabid fanbase) into somebody who is an idiot & can't think fast on the run, I will, however, be furious.
I think that comic book guys was intentionally given a power that will let him escape from all the hassles. He'll just go hang out with the dolphins.

It is pretty noteworthy that powers that get treated lightly in supehero comics or RPG's are actually amongst the most useful in Heroes, while the heavily offensive stuff is of more dubious value because a bullet can kill just as easily. If Peter had ice or lightning zap powers when the commandos came for him, he'd likely have been captured.

Darth Shoju

First Post
This was a pretty solid episode. I've been quite happy with the "Fugitives" story arc so far.

However, Mohinder is still a dimwit.

At the end of this episode and saw that floor all I could think was that stupid jingle: "Recyling... It's easy to do..." They're doing better, but still not demonstrating original thought.

I knew they couldn't leave Daphne dead. I forgive them only because her character did not deserve it - but I now insist they kill TWO others ruthlessly and permanently in her place for changing their minds AGAIN about a major event/character change and go for 15 episodes without even THINKING of introducing even one more character. USE the ones you HAVE first!

HRG has again resumed his place as middle-management trying to manipulate things from the inside. It's where he belongs but the sad thing is that this means that nothing he does will be unpredictable or new.

I'm REALLY tired of hearing the heroes be told by Nathan, et.al., that, "You're all too dangerous," and, "If you kill anybody you'll just prove that you can't be trusted," without anyone responding that Nathan is thus - by his own argument - incapable/undeserving of being trusted, and, "I am perfectly justified in killing you and those who work for/with you when you threaten me with imprisonment and assassination without having committed any crime."

Nathan is fulfilling his own prophecies. He PUSHES people to kill and become violent - justifiably - by unjustly persecuting them, imprisoning them, and threatening them with death. Nathan is a hypocritical, bigoted, fascist who doesn't understand and/or blithely ignores legal, constitutional, and moral rights, he appears to know that he can't even control his own attack dog and admits the events he's set in motion are now beyond his control, but nobody seems capable of identifying/stating this contradiction. It's really, freaking annoying that they just sit chained in a chair and go, "Whaaaa!" Are all these people really supposed to be that obtuse and incapable of pointing out the train-wreck of his logic and justifications?
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First Post
You guys really thought Daphne was killed? The way those squibs went off looked decidedly flesh-woundy to me. Seems to me that when they're sitting around thinking of a fugitives storyline that it occurred that a speedster--particularly one that can drag other folks around--presents a problem that even the Heroes writers can't ignore and even the Heroes characters wouldn't be too dumb to avail themselves of. It makes being on the run too easy. So they took her out of the picture for the time being. It was a good move.


First Post
Nathan is fulfilling his own prophecies. He PUSHES people to kill and become violent - justifiably - by unjustly persecuting them, imprisoning them, and threatening them with death. Nathan is a hypocritical, bigoted, fascist who doesn't understand and/or blithely ignores legal, constitutional, and moral rights, he appears to know that he can't even control his own attack dog and admits the events he's set in motion are now beyond his control, but nobody seems capable of identifying/stating this contradiction. It's really, freaking annoying that they just sit chained in a chair and go, "Whaaaa!" Are all these people really supposed to be that obtuse and incapable of pointing out the train-wreck of his logic and justifications?
Y'know, I gotta say, being chained to a chair and given the Gitmo treatment has a way of bringing out the "whaaa!" in a person. Heck, it might just make a person too obtuse to point out logical contradictions. Having said that, the discussion has taken place already between Peter and Nathan, and Claire and Nathan.

"You're a hypocrite! You're a self-hating Hero!"

"I can live with that."

"This is wrong! This is illegal!"

"I can live with that."

"Say, why did you suddenly decide to do all of this anyway?"

"Um....Show needed a bad guy?"

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