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Heroes Season 1(#9)---11/20/06-'Homecoming'


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dravot said:
Sylar is Sylar. He's not Nathan, he's not Peter. He's Mohinder's father's 'Patient Zero'. People want the story to be more twisty and convoluted than it already is (and it's convoluted enough).
People figure that there's some mystery as to why the show's creators have gone to such assiduous lengths to keep Psylar's face concealed. You can argue that the shadow makes him look scary, but few people find baseball caps menacing. If he's just some guy, then there's little reason not to show us the guy.

DonTadow said:
I don't know I thinke we're approaching grassy knowle here. It's a far stretch that the creators would cast a whole new person to play sylar only for it to be Nathan. There's also no motive for Nathan to be a killer and it doesnt mesh with the previous of next week.
Well, we have no discernable motive for Psylar whatsoever, so meshing really isn't an issue. I didn't see the previews.

But yeah, it is all just hefty speculation.

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Fast Learner

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In the opening "last week on Heroes" this week there's a shockingly clear look at Sylar's face, much clearer than they actually showed in the episode last week. I can't do a screen capture or anything, but though it's shadowed, the features are very clear, to where you can see he's unshaven, just what his nose, mouth, and eyes look like, etc.

He is most definitely not being played by the actors who play Peter or Nathan or anyone else on the show.

That's on top of the fact that there's no plot reason whatsoever to believe Sylar is any of them. Pure speculation with no story hints to back it up.


too many clips to snip....
Yeah....I know....Peter=Sylar is a stretch....especially given the screen caps from last night....but it could still be true. Several asumptions must still be made:
1. Peter learns how to absorb powers permanently
2. Peter "loses" the information about Claire's identity
3. Peter is traumatized enough to kill
4. Peter goes back in time to stop what ever trauma had happened to him

A long way to go, but it could still work....maybe...possibly...:)


lrsach01 said:
For every small flash of Sylar's face we got, I get thinking ...."That looks alot like Peter!"

After totally blowing off any concept of Syler being Peter, I have to admit there was a slight resemblance there. He looks too broad and stocky to be Peter. What I got to thinking is, it could be Peter's dad. I don't think we've heard just how he committed suicide; if it was by, say, jumping off a bridge in front of witnesses but with no body found then he could have faked his death. He was mentally unstable. Maybe unstable enough to kill.


First Post
lrsach01 said:
too many clips to snip....
Yeah....I know....Peter=Sylar is a stretch....especially given the screen caps from last night....but it could still be true. Several asumptions must still be made:
1. Peter learns how to absorb powers permanently
2. Peter "loses" the information about Claire's identity
3. Peter is traumatized enough to kill
4. Peter goes back in time to stop what ever trauma had happened to him

A long way to go, but it could still work....maybe...possibly...:)

What about the whole "You look different without your scar" bit when Future Hiro goes back to talk to Peter about saving the cheerleader? Why not warn Peter about whatever it is that will make him into Syler? I suppose with time travel, you can hand-wave it in any number of ways (if he knew Peter was going to become Syler, and told him about it, things would turn out even worse, or for some strange reason, he knows other stuff that's needed to fix the future, but not that, and Sylar/Peter somehow manages to lose the aforementioned scar - and change his face...), but for the most part, the writers seem to be trying to make sense and avoid excessively complex explanations when a simpler one works just as well.
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WayneLigon said:
After totally blowing off any concept of Syler being Peter, I have to admit there was a slight resemblance there. He looks too broad and stocky to be Peter. What I got to thinking is, it could be Peter's dad. I don't think we've heard just how he committed suicide; if it was by, say, jumping off a bridge in front of witnesses but with no body found then he could have faked his death. He was mentally unstable. Maybe unstable enough to kill.

But they show Sylar in the preview, and he's a young guy - I think he might be as young as Peter, and definitely seems younger than Nathan. Their father would probably be in his 60s.


First Post
This Sylar/peter/nathan thing is just getting more nonsensical. Its also very comical. Obviously the casting director should have cast a blond and red head for two of those roles. The actors have the same color hair. thats pretty much it. Why try to make the plot sound like giberish. Hiro went to the past to warn peter about peter's bad self? Peter turns evil. Isnt this only the 10th or so episode.

Maxwell's Demon

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The cops that arrested him said something like " He looks like that guy the New York Senator described. "

Maybe it's just me but I thought the officer said that he looked like the guy in a trench coat that the janitor described.

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