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Shadowrun using DnD5 [OOC]


Not so lost anymore. I've narrowed it down quite a bit. Going with a Cybernetic Dwarf Tech, focusing on Drones.

I can only have one drone. Since he's not as much of a combatant (little bit of light firearms utility), I'll need his Drone to make up for that by being a Combat Drone, likely the Doberman. I've made him somewhat of a medic, able to perform surgeries in the field and even perform cybernetic implantations (gonna say he did many of his own implants), but thing is, I really, really wanted an eye mounted drone. And a Hand Mounted Drone, lol. I suppose level 3 isn't the place for something like that, though. His background is Military, and I'm thinking he was blown up at some point, replacing some of his body parts, but I'm not sure which, considering I only get 12 points worth of cybernetic implants and I had to take 6 just to be a Drone guy. So, I could do 2 legs and an arm, with no enhancements and just get the enhancements later, I suppose. Replacing an eye isn't that expensive, which he could do later and get an Eye Mounted Drone (though the drone is expensive.)

Thoughts before I go too much further?

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First Post
No... I think I made a note of that at the very end of cybernetics but if not I will edit.

Yes you can. Reflex Booster is just a Dexterity increasing cyberware. It doesn't add actions or anything, like the things Wired Reflexes is incompatible with.

In Shadowrun terms, Reflex Booster chunks Agility up, but would work fine with an initiative booster like Wired Reflexes.

Here is the quote:
Bone Density Augmentation, Dermal Plating and Orthoskin cannot be combined.
Adrenal Pump, Boosted Reflexes, Move-By Wire Reflexes, Vehicle Rigger Control and Wired Reflexes cannot be combined.

EDIT: I can't find Reflex Booster in the post. I did find Reflex Implants (special bio-electric implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhance the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Dexterity up to a maximum score of 21. Cost for level 1 is 20,000¥ and Strain 3.), which can be combined with Wired Reflexes.
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First Post
Here is the quote:

EDIT: I can't find Reflex Booster in the post. I did find Reflex Implants (special bio-electric implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhance the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Dexterity up to a maximum score of 21. Cost for level 1 is 20,000¥ and Strain 3.), which can be combined with Wired Reflexes.

...and it's very possible I just misremembered the name of that cyberware, lol.

That's what I meant to be buying. Thanks for the correction!


First Post
Sorry I miss read that also... you can combine Reflex Implant (the DEX boost) with any of those other systems. Sorry for the confusion.


First Post
Not so lost anymore. I've narrowed it down quite a bit. Going with a Cybernetic Dwarf Tech, focusing on Drones.

Thoughts before I go too much further?

So far sounds great. Yes starting characters don't get to start as with much gear as they might be able too in normal Shadowrun. But that's why you take dangerous jobs in the shadows... too buy new toys :)

I think its sounds like a good basic ideas for your character through...


Shadowrun using DnD5 tentative recruiting...

Is there a cost reduction if he can do cybernetic surgery himself?

Also, I get 12 points of cyber ware, 6 are used up just to be a drone guy. If I go with both legs, that’s 4 points more, but the Enhanced Cyber Legs says if you have both legs replaced, they come with 3 strain, and you only have to pay for any strain over that. I’m assuming they don’t just come with 3 strain worth of enhancements, I’d have to spend some of the points I got from the talent on them? Or do they just come with them?

Or for the eyes. It only costs one strain to have both eyes replaced, and no strain to have up to 3 enhancements on them. Do I still have to use my points to get those enhancements or do they come with the eyes?

And while we’re on eyes, can each eye have 3 different enhancements for no extra strain? Like, I’d eventually want an Eye Drone Mount, but obviously only in one eye. Can the other eye have something different?

Just wanting some clarification. I eventually see this guy as having a horde of drones at his command, though I may multiclass him as a Fighter (Gunslinger) sometime later, assuming we ever get there. Looks like multiclassing is much more lenient here than normal 5e.


First Post
For starting characters ONLY you can fill up the strain in legs or eyes (or arms and ears) for free... after that you have to pay for them. But no the these cybernetics must be all the same (both eyes have to have low-light, etc.). The only exception is Drone eye which only needs to be one eye. It would have all the other cyber systems that the opposite eye would have when in your head. But as cyber eye mount is 0 strain you can start with that even if you don't have the drone yet...

If you go over the free strain of ware you have to pay with the cybernetic points.

Yes multiclassing is fairly open and easy. The classes or more "the talents I want"


Ok, with the drone, it says the free Combat Drone can have either 2 light firearms or one medium. There are no medium firearms. Does it mean Heavy Firearms?

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