[+] Star Trek Discovery (Fan) Thread


I seem to remember they found debris of the ship and some rebel ships at the location, but maybe I am wrong and it was only debris from rebel ships.
You might be right. I do not 100% recall.

OK, that leads me back to the duplicate USS Discovery theory. I know, wild and out there, but hopefully we find out next week.

Cheers :)

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Dire Bare

So, what would this episode count as? A Mirror Universe episode? A dream sequence? I guess we'll have to see. It had a very Quantum Leap feel.
Some reviews I've read are assuming Georgiou is literally traveling back through time and dimensions and changing history in the Mirror Universe.

I think this is some sort of weird psychic dream sequence to cure Georgiou, not of her "time-sickness", but of her mental and emotional issues over her circumstances and change.

I think . . . hope? . . . we'll find out next week!

I enjoyed the episode, but it is far from my favorite. I did enjoy the main characters getting another chance to play their evil dopplegangers, although Burnham is a little over-the-top. I kept waiting for her to twirl her non-existant mustache or swirl her cape . . .
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Put me on record as thinking Carl is a Q. Course, we will probably be proved wrong and something out there will come up.

I did not see the Kelpian angle coming out of the distress signal story though.

Part 2 is next week, so hopefully we will tie up a whole bunch of loose ends since we are getting close to the end of the season.

Cheers :)


Some people are speculating that we might see Lorca next episode, since he was referenced so much, but I'm wondering whether we'll see mirror Spock. He was an officer in that universe, after all.

Dire Bare

I think the idea of the uniform is that it's what he wore in order to infiltrate the prime universe.

Kovich doesn't say if Yor worked for Prime Starfleet or some other faction. He also doesn't say that Yor traveled to the early TNG era, where that uniform was in service, although that's certainly a possibility.

We know that Yor is from the Kelvin universe in 2379 . . . when the Prime universe was wearing the grey Nemesis/DS9 uniforms. Kovich mentions Yor crossed dimensions and time like Georgiou did . . . but didn't clarify when he entered the Prime universe.

It's implied that Yor served as a "time soldier" during the Temporal Wars, which take place before Disco Season 3, but after everything else in Trek. Which is why I think the internet breakdowns I've read are speculating that Yor . . . crossed over from the Kelvin timeline from 2379 (wearing that uniform) and ended up somewhen in the 2900s and became a time solider for the Federation during the Temporal Wars.

But really, unless Discovery gives us more (which they likely won't), it's all nerdy fun speculation!

Dire Bare

Some people are speculating that we might see Lorca next episode, since he was referenced so much, but I'm wondering whether we'll see mirror Spock. He was an officer in that universe, after all.
Mirror Spock, goatee and all, would be awesome!

I don't think we'll see Lorca, if we were going to, we'd have seen him in Terra Firma Part 1 I think. But, hopefully I'm wrong!

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