Wheel of Time Discussion - Spoilers(with book spoilers)


Actually, in the books there are often cautions to Aes Sedai and the women to be very careful of the Children because they are very good at laying ambushes and a single arrow from hiding is all it takes, Aes Sedai or no. Morraine tries hard to avoid them, and every interaction with Children, even by Elayne and Nynaeve when they can channel well and are not bound by the Oaths is fraught because even a woman channeling is not immune. Against an channeler, you can bet that the Children will scatter and start firing arrows from as many directions as they can and you can't block an arrow you never see, even with the power. It doesn't provide increased awareness so that you can just feel arrows coming at you.

Now, a well trained channeler like one of the Forsaken might indeed be more than a match, but current Aes Sedai are a pale shadow of what they once were.
I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a single example of the Whitecloaks killing/burning an Aes Sedai in the books. Let alone one having a collection of Aes Sedai rings. As I said it seems excessive.

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I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a single example of the Whitecloaks killing/burning an Aes Sedai in the books. Let alone one having a collection of Aes Sedai rings. As I said it seems excessive.

Actually, there was an Amyrlin Seat who was killed and hanged by Whitecloaks a couple hundred years before the novels take place.

You’re right that Eamon Valda having a collection of rings doesn’t really map to the books. But I don’t think that’s really a problem. It’s a visual indicator that he is a threat, and that even Aes Sedai are in danger from the Whitecloaks.

That ring collection is a picture that does the equivalent of many pages of text.


Morkus from Orkus
I also was scratching my head at a Whitecloak hanging outside Tar Valon, chopping off Aes Sedai hands. I mean, if they can just roam around and execute Aes Sedai wherever they want, what's to stop the Aes Sedai from balefiring their camp?
The oaths forbidding it and the fact that at this point balefire is a lost weave prevent it. ;)
Why is there not all-out war between the two?
In the books there eventually was. The Whitecloaks besieged Tar Valon.


Actually, there was an Amyrlin Seat who was killed and hanged by Whitecloaks a couple hundred years before the novels take place.

You’re right that Eamon Valda having a collection of rings doesn’t really map to the books. But I don’t think that’s really a problem. It’s a visual indicator that he is a threat, and that even Aes Sedai are in danger from the Whitecloaks.

That ring collection is a picture that does the equivalent of many pages of text.
“Serenia Latar being raised on the scaffold, the only Amyrlin the Children had ever managed to hang. She had been dead already, of course, live witches being somewhat hard to hang, but that was beside the point. Six hundred and ninety-three years ago, justice had been done according to the law.”

The exception that proves the rule. The only example in the books over 600 years before and she was murdered not beaten in battle. While she was mediating a dispute I believe.
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“Serenia Latar being raised on the scaffold, the only Amyrlin the Children had ever managed to hang. She had been dead already, of course, live witches being somewhat hard to hang, but that was beside the point. Six hundred and ninety-three years ago, justice had been done according to the law.”

The exception that proves the rule. The only example in the books over 600 years before and she was murdered not beaten in battle. While she was mediating a dispute I believe.

Well, she was an Amyrlin, so all the example really does is show that even an Amyrlin Seat is not beyond their reach. It doesnmt do anything to say how likely or not Or how frequently Whitecloaks may have killed other sisters.

But that’s all really beside the point as far as the show goes. In the world of the show, clearly the Whitecloaks are a tangible threat to Aes Sedai. Valda’s killed at least a few.


Book-Friend, he/him
Whats up with the white cloak way of light faction? I mean, its clear they dont like the magic using women, at all. Though, where does their territory exist? I mean, the tower is where the mage women live right? The white cloaks can just camp outside the city?
They have a nation state in the southwest of the continent. Their society is basically built on the premise that using the One Power is playing God, and what caused the apocalypse. Sort if a mash of the Knights Templar with Pueitan New England.


Book-Friend, he/him
On a different note, this is the first episode where I noticed a significant divergence from the book. It has been 30 years, bud didn't Rand and Mat go to Caemlyn first, meeting Elayne there? Not a big deal, but it does imply that they're going to be shifting things around from the books.
They've announced Elayne's casting for Season 2, they didn't feel it was appropriate to cast a main cast member fir a cameo in this Season.


Book-Friend, he/him
As a non-book reader I felt that a chunk of Rand and Mat's storyline got cut. It's almost like the episode focused on dull stuff whist the interesting stuff happened off-screen.

It's not helped that the actor playing Rand is a terrible mumbler and I have a hard time telling what he is saying. He can go in the box with Salvor Hardin as characters that should be written out of their shows.
You are spectacularly correct in your assessment. Jordan has basically no time jumps for them, so there was a lot of travelog material, and some significant episodes.
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