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Upward from Land's End

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Kuwaia, facing two opponents, manages no difficulty from the first, sticking him with her javelin, but the second, who is uninjured, sticks her, albeit rather insignificantly.

Rather than risk firing near his newly found heartmate, Sprthnt shoots a second arrow back at his first enemy, finishing what the the first arrow did not. His second enemy lacks the strength to launch a javelin and half-crawls through the shallow water to get closer to Kuwaia, hoping maybe he can stick her.
Sprthnt will move closer to Kuwaia, in order to take a closer shot at the third opponent who is crawling through the water.

Kuwaia will press her attack against her injured enemy, hoping to finish him so that she will no longer be defending against two.
OOC: 71, 73
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sprthnt will move... closer shot...

Kuwaia will press... injured enemy...
Sprthnt: 789 + 300(bow) = 1089
Kuwaia: 414 + 100(javelin) = 514 + 50(irritated) = 564, 664, 764, 864, 964, 1064

Kaalatalae: 414 + 100(javelin) = 514, 614, 714, 814, 914, 1014
K2 & 3: 514 + 350(injury) = 864, 964, 1064
Sprthnt: 19(launch) + 23(accuracy) + 20(clarity) + 71(d100) = 133 + 100(range) = 233

Kaalatala: 12 + 8 + 62 = 82
233 - 82 = 151% * 8 = 12
Kuwaia: 24(finesse) + 22(accuracy) + 18(clarity) + 73(d100) = 137
Kaalatala: 10 + 12 + 8 + 62 = 92

Kuwaia: 24(readiness) + 22(avoidance) + 17(analysis) + 73(d100) = 136
192 - 136 = 56% * 6 = 3 - 2(tunic) = 1 x 6
Kaalatala: 10 + 12 + 8 + 62 = 92
137 - 92 = 45% * 8 = 4
Even though he is injured, the third opponent is able to reach Kuwaia before Sprthnt can draw and fire another arrow. The arrow, however, becomes unnecessary before it could even be loosed. Kuwaia manages to finish all three of the hostiles, including incapacitating the healthy one, but she takes significant injury while doing so.

The incapacitated bodies of the psychotic youths begin to drift with the current of the stream.
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Sprthnt:: Body: 8 - 1 = 7, hurt.
Tunic: 50 - 1 - 1 = 48
Kuwaia: 10 - 1 = 9 - 6, injured.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
As the bodies are drifting toward him, Sprthnt begins to wade forward. He will stick each enemy with his carving knife, so that the bodies will begin to sink, at least partially. He will then assist Kuwaia, as he might.
OOC: 88

Kuwaia washes the blood from her blades in the river. She switches them both to her right hand and presses her left to her most significant wound. She nods her head toward the bank and begins to make her way there. Finding the closes suitable location, she will drop her weapons and disrobe to analyze the damage.
OOC: 79


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Antapkos and Cormorant walked along the ways within the Artisan District for a short time, but this afforded little in the manner of information or interest. Happening upon the Eastern Portal that opens the city to the desert beyond and the staging area for the Artisan Caravan, before encountering the Javelineer Barracks. They nodded at the two swordsmen standing guard and walked through like they knew what they were doing. The two guards simply nodded back and did not bother with any questions or dialogue. The two mud grubbers were now wearing the uniforms and carrying the weapons of javelineers, and they looked the part.

The staging area for the caravan was overtly obvious, with its pinned animals and other people milling about. Having been seen in their approach, another javelineer waved at them then yelled to cover the distance and override the noise of the children playing in the burro pin. He gestured and pointed. "You must be the new help. Better check in at the office, first."

There was only one structure outside of the wall, which had to be the caravan office. The Caravan Coordinator was an Amiradthan man who looked to be about 30 Cycles in age. He had a habit of twitching his upper lip that gave him a more feral look to accompany his feral attitude. He stood behind a writing table made from a slab of faux stone mounted on clay brick feet. The room was not well lit in the evening, due to its location, but there were oil lamps to compensate.

The Coordinator, a glorified clerk who was likely awarded the station for fortune of birth, was poring over some papers strewn about the table. He kept baring his teeth and making noises at them. All clerks were, of course, taught to read, but it did not make them good at writing, and needing to read one's own writing could often prove frustrating. In addition to the hallmarks of pottery and construction materials, the Artisan District also made paper, a dense, yet functional, material for the collection of scribed data. The man looked up from his reading. "What!?"

It was too loud for the confined space. The Bird Brothers both reflexively flinched before stating their business.

"Oh right, the Bird Brothers. Ha!" He shuffled the papers on the table, tapping on one.

"Antapkos and Cormorante. Can you recognize your own names? Yes, I thought not. Here!" He tapped on the paper, repeating each name in indication of its print. His general manner of speaking was confrontational and loud.

"It is nigh time two more javelineers were sent to me! Anyway, the caravan will now leave at first light. You drink too much, you walk with a headache! You are paid at each way-station. You will put a mark by your name on the ledger I give to Vyerbluth each time you are paid. Keep the mark simple so you can make the same one each time! Go! Get laid. Drink. Gamble. Whatever it is that your kind do. Be ready to leave at first light." He waved his hand dismissively.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: For the sake of expediency, I am going to adjust the timeline so that the characters can get together, as I intended all along, in fewer posts. That way the storyline no longer will have to be separated.

Sprthnt laid his left hand atop of Kuwaia's. He pressed his right hand to another wound. He simply willed his heartmate to recover faster. He could feel the energy flow through him and her, her own joining with his. What should have taken days, her body repaired in hours, but it left her ravenously hungry. When waylines are bent, way (energy) may be transferred, but material must be supplied. In the case of recovery, that material is replaced by food.

As the river climbed to a falls, Sprthnt and Kuwaia climbed into the mountains curious as to the water's source. Atop of those falls, the river was fed by a very large lake, commonly called the Lunaedriac. There was a Hebrian village situated between the lake and the falls, the Hebrians there, being rather advanced sailors, who used their single masted, double hulled, sailing vessels to conduct trade with other peaceable villages around the lake. Sprthnt and Kuwaia spent the remainder of the Cycle with the Hebrian people.

Once the winds of the Shifting Season that begins each Cycle settled into the Drenching Season, the two became fascinated with the Maldrog people who resided on the north side of the lake. This fascination migrated to the West as exposure to a trade caravan from South Road Fair peaked their interests. The residents of South Road Fair being a considerable mix of all three species of people and several tribes, the young couple were welcomed. Having demonstrated a better than usual talent for hunting and fishing, the two were invited to join one of the units of roving archers who patrol the conifer forest around the community and also provide it with game. Two Cycles passed in this manner which allowed the two to become proficient in Ansylin, the common language of the community, and a bit of Rheini and Centrin. The two were amazed by such a diversity of people they had never thought possible.

Sprthnt was really the drive behind the perpetual migration. Until reaching South Road Fair he had not come across any other individual in whom he could sense the same talent for manipulating waylines, and this subconscious yearning gave impetus for the drive. Unbeknown to him, there were a few in Bergbaulager, the Maldrog mining community, including a Norikadian, apprentice blacksmith, but these individuals are of a greater talent, beyond the current skill of Sprthnt. His yearning came to an abrupt and surprising halt in the growing community of South Road Fair. There were not just a few, but several younger people of both genders and all respective tribes who harbored the same talent. Some of them knew it. Some did not. Caravans had come and gone many times in the two Cycles; but one day, the Artisan Caravan from Asylim arrived, and with it, two more of the same talent. It was like hearing an echo of oneself, though no sound was made.
OOC: This opens the possibility of adding two more characters of any species and almost any tribe.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The sheer satisfaction of no longer being in the mud encompassed the current thoughts of Antapkos and Cormorant to the point that the two actually took their current station seriously. Such behavior would be in their character, anyway. There was really nothing much to do while walking through the desert; but in the pass between the two mountain ranges, the two proved to be quite the competent scouts. Though no danger presented itself, javelineers were also tasked with acquiring game. The Bird Brother demonstrated far greater success than the others. While this competence could have created resentment in the more experienced, veteran guards, the fact that more food was provided changed the temper of the whole situation. The ever sour caravan master, Vyerbluth, never gave anything more than a harumph.

Then, the caravan arrived in South Road Fair, and a whole new world of far greater possibility evolved right before the amazed eyes of the Bird Brothers. Antapkos and Cormorante both immediately recognize a kinship of mystical talent in several members of the community, something they had only once before experienced, with the sociopathic girl. All of these people seem well adjusted. Sprthnt and Kuwaia both recognize the same thing in two of the caravan javelineers but no others among the caravan.
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide a random roll.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Antapkos and Cormorant intended to wait for their first pay, then wander about the village to see what there was to see, hoping to meet new people, especially Antapkos, who was the more outgoing of the two. This being their first time to see a forest or a clean river, they would spend more time exploring and less time looking for ways to spend their meager coin. They would also refresh their personal drinking supply. If they managed to wander far enough from town, unmolested, they would strip down and get in the river, merely to enjoy the refreshing water.

Having seen caravans but not one with others of his own talent, Sprthnt would drag Kuwaia with him, with the intent of meeting the person or persons who piqued his interest. Kuwaia, of course, would not need to be drug along. She found herself never really wanting to be very far from Sprthnt's side. Sprthnt was extroverted, while she was introverted, but she was the dominant one in the relationship, even though he did most, if not all, of the talking. Though he was slightly taller than she, being Aedaman and he Faethrin, she had greater muscle mass and was stronger, though being female. She was even a bit unnaturally strong for her age and gender, and her musculature showed, through corded muscle when she moved, not bulk.

With a wonderlust that could not easily be sated, though she yet had not the same drive that caused Sprthnt to continue moving, Britta, a Maldrog girl, a bit tall in stature and thin of build for her species, though being Mhytre, none would call her thin, had originally accompanied Sprthnt and Kuwaia when they first decided to follow the traders back to South Road Fair, wanting to see more of the world for herself and tired of boring into the mountains looking for ore. She had only resently discovered that she had developed a miniscule talent to sense waylines. She was not particularly suited for joining the archers on hunting forees, but she would often accompany Sprthnt and Kuwaia when they were in town. She did not understand how Kuwaia could be so attracted to the Faethrin, but she liked being around them. She and Kuwaia and become confidants of friends.

Siofrita, a local Shimadow girl and daughter of Siofra, with flaming red hair, had been on patrol when the caravan had arrived. Knowing for quite some time that she could bend waylines to her own will, she immediately sensed the kinship with a ceratin Shimadow javelineer as the caravan slowly passed along the road. She signaled to the others that she wished to follow it in, and they signalled for her to go ahead. She was not sure how to approach the young, because she was not sure if he knew of such talent in himself. She had learned that many people did not until some accident happened. With the fortunate circumstance of living in South Road Fair, she knew she was not in danger of being touted as a Blighter, but she had been warned that it could be tricky to approach another when she was unknown. She figured some time during the following day that the caravan would be in town, she would find some way to brooch the subject, well any subject, with the javelineer.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
South Road Fair:
South Road Fair is built along a stream in the middle of the strip of a conifer forest that runs mostly east to west across the Southern Trade Road. It is an open array town with no wall, though it does employ roving archers and scouts. The forest is about a 3 day travel, by foot, in width, north to south but stretches from the mountains to the East all the way to the western coast. Public buildings are marked by placards decorated with symbols designating their function, as they would be in Asylim, because knowledge of reading and writing is rather uncommon. The common spoken language is Ansylin. There exists no prejudice against acceptance into the community, and any peaceable peoples are welcome to trade or immigrate.

The majority of the residents are Ansylin, though that majority has dwindled in recent Cycles, as a clan of Rheini and a clan of Spiofthests have immigrated. There is also about half the number of Centrins, as that of either of the latter two clans, who have immigrated from Boga City. Accepting of any tribe and having recently established a trade route to Bergbaulager, a Maldrog village on the Lunaedriac Lake in the Dragon's Spine Mountains, there are a few Maldrogs and peoples of other tribes who may not specifically reside but are frequently found here.

Beholden to neither Boga City to the North nor Asylim to the South, South Road Fair is an independent town under the rulership of a self-appointed Mayor named, Giodavi, an Ansylin who was once a caravan master from Asylim. He is boisterous and kind-hearted, spending his days walking about the town, politicking, and his evening at his own tavern, the Boar's Head. He has established a group of advisers, entitled as ministers. Clavo, an Ansylin and former caravan guard, is the Carpenters' Guildmaster and the Minister of Construction. Lyndha, a Spiofthest-Centrin Bajinin and the heartmate of Giodavi, runs the Trade Store and is the Minister of Finance. Sannit, an Ansylin, former caravan guard, and independent explorer, whose party was responsible for establishing contact with Bergbaulager, is the Minister of Foreign Relations. Clavo, Sannit, and Giodavi also work together to coordinate the town defenses.

The Carpenters' Guild doubles as the Home Guard, and its carpenters and teamsters are trained in combat. Clavo, the Guildmaster, oversees most of the training himself, though his skill is augmented by that of Sannit, who occasionally lends instruction, and other members of the former South Road Seekers when they are in town. There are three crew leaders, White Oak, a Spiofthest man, Olivia, an Ansylin woman, and Tablio, a Centrin man. The guild also has the use of 5 burros.

The Hunting Lodge doubles as the ranger post, teams of archers who are not actively on a hunt patrol the area around the village. This group includes a far greater number than that of the carpenters but does not have one specific leader. The members are divided among five groups, each with its own crew leader. The crew leaders collaborate when it becomes necessary. The five leaders include Passaro, a Rheini man and the father of Indigo, Siofra, a Shimadow female with bright red hair, Zephyr, a Spiofthest man, Aust, a Centrin man and former member of the South Road Seekers, and Indigo, a Rheini female who was also a former member of the South Road Seekers. The entire unit employs 25 more hunters, one trained, red wolf under the guidance of Zephyr, and one trained leopard, under the guidance of Indigo. The hunting unit led by Indigo will always accompany a trade caravan to Bergbaulager. It is not much known by the general populace that both Zephyr and Indigo are better than competent benders.

Levels of Technology:
The overt indicators for the expression of technology within any given society are represented by construction, fashion, and weaponry. The subtle indicators are communication and art. The village of South Road Fair was built using felled timbers, which are readily available as the town is located in a conifer forest. There is no masonry, with no supply and little need. The largest structures are the Boar's Head and the Trading Post.

Fashion is paranormally advanced with regard to leather goods but remains fairly simple with regard to textiles, even though silk is the most available product. Knowledge of metallurgy for weaponry and other metal goods is non-existent, as Bergbaulager is now the source for such needs. The citizens are considered to be fairly simple with regard to communication or art. Ansylin, which is the predominant language, does have a written form, but only Lyndha, the Minister of Finance, can use it proficiently. That writing has a cuneiform pattern. Lyndha is teaching a few others to read and write but exposure is limited. The demonstration of the arts could be applied to the decorative nature of leather goods, but anything else is limited to wooden carvings and simple jewelry.

The base currency is a coin, called a Clam, manufactured from Ocrin, the alloy of tin and zinc, and is minted in Boga City, where it is simply called an Ocrin. The local name comes from Asylim, where it is the same coin that is minted in Boga City. South Road Fair is a major waypoint along the Southern Trade Route. Caravans from Asylim pass through town on their way to and returning from Boga City, carrying various goods. A single caravan, under the control of the South Road Seekers, travels back and forth to Bergbaulager, mostly trading fuel oil for metal goods. Fuel oil, manufactured by combining the liquid from crushed lighter pine with pork fat, is unique to South Road Fair and highly valued.

The small village is also known throughout the land for the manufacture of exquisite leather goods, including armor, due to the coordinated efforts of Swift Raven, a Rheini, and Fallen Leaf, a Spiofthest. Well-to-do explorers of established reputation will travel to South Road Fair to have a piece of armor commissioned. The sale of wine, made from locally collected grapes, rose hips, and hawthorn berries, adds some to the profitability of the town. Outside of commerce dealing directly with trade caravans, there is also a barber shop, a bathhouse, the Boar's Head Tavern, bunk houses and hammocks to let, two grist mills, an herbalist and apothecary, a weaver and seamstress, the tannery, and the Trade Store.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
When Vyerbluth, the Caravan Master, is ready to grant liberty to those under his charge, he calls the swordsmen and javelineers to meet with him first. Since only Cormorant and Antapkos are new, the instructions are abbreviated. At first light, the day after tomorrow, the caravan would depart for Bridgetown, the next stop along the road to Boga City. The guards are expected to make sure that every member of the caravan is to be present when he is ready to depart. South Road Fair is apparently notorious for attracting or encouraging runaways.

The swordsmen are paid first followed by javelineers, then the remainder of the employees. The guards each receive 120 clams, which comes to 6 clams per day of travel. Of this net, 80 clams had already been deducted for voting rights, another 80 clams for guild dues, 40 clams for rice, and finally another 80 clams for water. Each person is required to put a mark by his name. Neither Antapkos nor Cormorant had ever even attempted to make a mark, but both looked at the print of his own name and made a passable duplication of it, each young man wondering why no one else seemed to be able to do so. Vyerbluth gave the two an incredulous look. "You two can write!?"

The question was not designed to receive an answer. Despite all the fees, 120 loose coins were still going to be a problem to carry and going to become heavy, even though the utility belts that accompanied the confiscated uniforms did have a suitable pouch for carrying them. It seems like a trick to finally be paid, yet the acquisition of coins created a need to spend them just for the sake of not having to carry them. It was diabolically clever. There was no functional way to accrue wealth when it all had to be carried.

Siofrita followed the caravan in, close enough to speak with several of its members. Being known as one of the rangers from South Road Fair, her presence did not draw any suspicion from the guards or caravaners. Since she was alongside Vyerbluth, the Caravan Master approached her about stopping on this side or the other side of town. As it was a common question and the answer depending on if another caravan was present, she was able to inform him that he could go ahead and proceed through town. As the caravan stopped and the members made ready to take an evening of leisure, it would not have been prudent for Siofra to remain while pay was dispensed. She would have to find a later opportunity to approach Antapkos, the Shimadow javelineer who piqued her interest.

Catching sight of Siofrita returning from the stopping site of the caravan, Sprthnt, Kuwaia, and Britta joined with her to learn of her own and convey their desires to meet with the two javelineers, being provided with the specifics of who the potential benders were. Being, also, informed of the pay letting, the four had nothing more to do than wait for a bit.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Antapkos suggests to Cormorant that they should alter their original idea and head over to the Trade Store to see if they could sensibly unburden some of their coins. Having only just escaped from the mud of the Flats, the two felt unhurried and less sure of the next step their lives should take, anyway. After visiting the trade store, Cormorant suggested that they see what other services might be available in the town, since the day would be soon drawing to a close.

Waiting idly in the near vicinity, it is Siofrita who recognizes Antapkos, though she was yet to learn his name, when he and his Ansylin friend walk up the steps of the Trade Store. She motions to Sprthnt, Kuwaia, and Britta. "One person I know for certain is that Shimadow javelineer. He and an Ansylin javelineer just are walking into the Trade Store. We could go meet them, now!"

Sprthnt nodded his head, vigorously, and started to move in that direction, but Kuwaia gently placed a hand on his arm to give him pause. She knew Britta had a thought to share.

Britta was generally calmer than the others or, more specifically, less hurried in all things. "We should wait and let them shop. I know we are all anxious, but it may give a bad impression and put them on the defensive if we corner them in the store."

Sprthnt nodded and immediately agreed with her. Siofrita paced back and forth for a few seconds. "Okay, but we should try to catch them before they go into the Boar's Head. Surely they will end up there, but it will be too crowded and not a good place to talk."

The other three friends agreed with that logic, so they continued to wait where they were.

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