Door to Nowhere

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While Astarte immediately attempts to stifle the sounds that the injured creature is making, understanding the nature of animals, Plumeir motions for the others and scans the skies to see if any more of the creatures are in the area. "Watch out for the barb on that thing. I am certain that it is venomous."
OOC: 62, 50

Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Astarte: 51(soullessness)
Leutheo: 79(refraction)
Plumeir: 64(camouflage)
Taylar: 39(soullessness)
Voltarian: 500 + 187 = 687
Plumeir: 500 + 226 = 726
Leutheo: 500 + 235 = 735
Taylar: 500 + 252 = 752
Astarte: 500 + 259 = 759
Taylar: 81(aggression) + 48(accuracy) + 54(bolster) +
Voltarian: 230(finesse) +

Taylar: 78(readiness) + 48(counter) + 28(analysis) +
Voltarian: 230(dodge) +
Astarte: 63(launch) + 54(accuracy) + 35(clarity) +

Voltarian: 110(avoid) +
Astarte: 86(bending) + 51(heat) +
Leutheo: 66 + 81(refraction) +
Plumeir: 114 + 84(corrosion) +

Voltarian: 120(conditioning) +
Leutheo, who has the best vision in the party, instantly ignores the reptile on the ground and begins scanning the skies. It takes Astarte only about 5 seconds to stifle the sound that the Downed Voltarian is making. It is impossible to know if the sound carried or not but it seems unlikely. Despite this, Leutheo is the first to see three more of the creatures furling their wings to dive at the party. While one proved to be of little consequence, three might be a problem.
Astarte: full wellness
shirt: 48
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 57
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 59
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
various coins: 3127 marks value

firestone: 1: 50 marks
nebulastone: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}: 100 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 3: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Realizing that the creature was not alone, Plumeir plans to assault a second one by corroding its insides. He will attempt to affect more than one if he can do so at a distance so as to not endanger his friends.
OOC: 65, 53

Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Astarte: 51(soullessness)
Leutheo: 79(refraction)
Plumeir: 64(camouflage)
Taylar: 39(soullessness), 46(strength)
Voltarian: 500 + 187 = 687
Plumeir: 500 + 226 = 726
Leutheo: 500 + 235 = 735
Taylar: 500 + 252 = 752
Astarte: 500 + 259 = 759
Taylar: 81(aggression) + 48(accuracy) + 54(bolster) + 103(d100) = 286 + 46(strength) = 342
Voltarian: 230(finesse) + 83(d100) = 313

Leutheo: 37(readiness) + 38(dodge) + 107(empathy) + 75(d100) = 257 + 79(refraction) = 336
Plumeir: 46 + 60(counter) + 53(analysis) + 103 = 262 + 64(camo) + 326
Taylar: 78 + 48 + 28 + 103 = 257 + 39(soul) = 296
313 - 296 = 17% * 6 = 1 - 6(tunic) = ineffective
Voltarian: 230(dodge) + 83 = 313
342 - 313 = 29% * 12 = 3 - 2(soak) = 1
Astarte: 63(launch) + 54(accuracy) + 35(clarity) + 103(d100) = 255 + 50(range) = 305

Voltarian: 110(avoid) + 83(d100) = 193
305 - 193 = 112% * 12 = 13 - 8(deflect) = 5.
Astarte: 86(bending) + 51(heat) + 53(d100) = 190
Leutheo: 66 + 81(electrocute) + 75 = 222
Plumeir: 114 + 84(corrosion) + 53 = 251

Voltarian: 120(conditioning) + 64(d100) = 184
190 - 184 = 6% * 9 = 1
222 - 184 = 38% * 12 = 4
251 - 184 = 67% * 12 = 8
V1: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Body: 10 - 5 = 5 - 1 = 4, injured. (taylar)
V2: Body: 10 - 4 = 6, hurt. (leutheo)
V3: Body: 10 - 8 = 2, injured. (plumeir)
The second set of Voltarians are as unexpectedly quick as the first one had been. The three dive and attack with their tails, just as the first. Only Astarte is not physically assaulted. Only the reptile attacking Taylar makes contact; but like the first, its barb cannot penetrate the bearskin tunic. Taylar counters as the Iguanid flies by, but the blow has very little effect.

Unfortunately, with the speed of the creatures, neither Leutheo nor Plumeir is able to target more than one. Astarte, Leutheo, and Plumeir, all manage to hurt the three, though all by different methods, as they wing their way back skyward. Not quite as quickly as they arrived, the three winged lizards fly away. In the mentality of an animal. The four people are far too dangerous to be considered food, especially since no one was hurt. Perhaps the creature should stick to capturing caprinae, not experienced explorers.

This leaves the party to continue on to reach the next ancient ruin. The stone facade is almost identical to the previous one, but the statues and frescos are different. The entrance is open for access and the inside is dark. No particular sounds come from inside.
Astarte: full wellness
shirt: 48
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 57
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 59
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57 - 1 = 56
various coins: 3127 marks value

firestone: 1: 50 marks
nebulastone: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}: 100 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 3: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Cycle: 598
Days became seasons and seasons turned into cycles. Some say the former Outliers who had become Investigators were killed on some important mission. Others say that they lost their purpose and wandered the land randomly, becoming lost and forgotten. Leutheo and Plumeir simply lost interest in adventuring and returned to mundane life. The days of adventure were forgotten as was the reputation of each man. Astarte returned to Refuge hoping to develop a relationship with her wayward daughter. She, too, became just another person in town. Taylar became angrier and angrier but could find no focus or direction for that anger. No one knows what became of him, but he never returned to The Kingdom of West Cove.

After another hundred cycles the kingdom had fully returned to the oppressive, theocratic dictatorship that it was becoming before the Outliers had interfered with that malevolence. The general populace believed that the Cathedral was an organization of Divine rule and that their edicts were necessary for the continuation of life. One hundred cycles of continuous propaganda can fully alter the collective ideology of a people. Societies are about control. The larger the society, the greater the need for absolute power.

Taylar became angrier and angrier but could find no focus or direction for that anger. No one knows what became of him, but he never returned to The Kingdom of West Cove.
Taylar got tired of wandering, found a hot babe in some remote village and had a bunch of children. He found himself much less angry when he wasn't solving other peoples problems anymore.

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