Upward from Land's End

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Britta immediately runs to Cormorant. Cina runs to Sprthnt. Sprthnt, who is still conscious, whispers to Cina, “Go to Kuwaia, first.”

Cina does not even respond. Seconds matter. She immediately runs to Kuwaia. Both girls render physical aid. Having no recourse toward siphoning life from an enemy, Sprthnt waits on the two girls. Both girls treat all three injured. They then make the others as comfortable as possible before making a fire and setting out snares. They then work together to drag the Katalian bodies away and searching them for anything of interest or value.
OOC: 72, 60

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 15
With the extent of the injuries, especially those life threatening, the party needs a full day for Cormorante and Kuwaia to recover, a process that should have required seasons instead of hours. Despite the environment, Britta and Cina have no difficulty providing food. The snares are productive, as well as the hunting.

Disposing of the Katalians, several items of interest are discovered, but none of them are of any use to the party members compared to the items they are already carrying. By the second daybreak, everyone is healthy and able to travel.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Sprthnt is unnaturally quiet during the time it takes for him and the other to recover. Once everyone is again able to travel, he voices his discontent. “What are we doing here? We are walking around in a big circle, basically waiting on someone stronger than us to take our lives. Our lives serve no purpose. How are we any better than the Headhunters and Blighters who attack us?”

He is not really asking questions. He is making a point. The others consider his words. It is Britta who responds. “Obviously we are not headhunters, but you have a point. We are not much more than the slave Cormorante was born. We just have a bigger cage.”

Cormorant held up a hand. “It is significantly better than where I was born, but it must be far worse than the lives to which all of you were born. I understand your words, though I did not yet see the plight.”

Sprthnt held up his hands. “I do not have a solution. I am open for suggestions. Perhaps our employment is genuine, but it feels more like we are being kept out of the way. Asylim is too far from the rest of civilization. The jungle where Kuwaia and I were born is no solution.”

Cina shakes her head. “South Road Fair already has several groups like us. Bridgetown is too close to there. I do not have an idea.”

Cormorant shares a thought. “Wait. Wait. This may not be a permanent answer; but along the Crystal River, there is that Shimadow village and a Maldrog village. We should go back to one of those. Maybe we could toss a coin and see if something comes from it.” It seems a viable option. The party agrees.
OOC: 75, 63


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 15
In the few hours that it takes for the party to reach the Southern Trade Route, Sprthnt becomes dissatisfied with the chosen course of action. It is not a lack of appreciation of nor disrespect toward his friend; but having time to think more about it, the idea only offers a change in venue not a change in functionality. Recalling the situation with the Da’Roneh about the selective attacks on caravans brings a new idea to discuss, an idea with purpose. If the party, which has no difficulty providing food for itself, were to take a position across Land’s End Pass from where the Da’Roneh Lookout is located, it can be determined which caravans are being targeted and which are not. This may take some time, as none of the Sojourners has any idea of the number of caravans, not even Cormorante, but interfering with the malevolent intent of one of the unknown Magisters seems purposeful, even noble.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The rest of the crew is a bit caught off guard but realizes that Sprthnt has been thinking the situation through. The party agrees to the development of Sprthnt’s idea and changes direction to follow the road until reaching the location of the established raids. Sprthnt says, “We were warned off of the Da’Roneh village, and we were outmatched by far at that time. I think that they conveyed more information than they intended when asking if we were from Asylim. If we want to make a real change in the place where Cormorant was born, this may move us in the right direction, or it might get us killed.”

Cormorant nods. Britta responds. “We were at a greater disadvantage trying to enter a stronghold area, especially since we had no idea that is what we were walking into. We can probably take out two or more raiding parties before anyone more dangerous comes to investigate.”

Cina, who was not with the party at that time, does not offer an opinion but will follow the party. Kuwaia, who is normally quiet, adds, “It would be good to know the different caravans and possibly who is controlling each, anyway.”
OOC: 78, 66


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 82
Cormorante: 31(perception) + 78, 66(d100) = 109, 98
Britta: 50(observe) + 54(ritual) + 78, 66 = 182, 170
Sprthnt: 50 + 78, 66 = 128, 116
Kuwaia: 44(perception) + 44(affinity) + 78, 66 = 166, 154
Cina: 50 + 53 + 78, 66 = 181, 169
After 6 days of following the established path, the party members think that they have reached the correct location of the previous raids. Everyone is fairly certain that the cliff they called, The Lookout, is a little more than half a day’s walk to the west. Needing a better vantage point, the east side of the Pass also looks to be a little more than half a day’s walk. The two clusters of stunted acorn trees at the base of the mountain, there, should provide a good place to set snares and probably to hunt while someone maintains a watch above. It takes another day to find a good location to establish their own lookout. Now there is nothing much more to do but wait.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.
Last edited:

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Since it was his suggestion, Sprthnt elects to take the first lookout. Kuwaia and Cina choose to join him as the Daylight is waning. Cormorant and Britta will maintain the base camp, and everyone will set snares, even Sprthnt sets a few snares in the mountains near where he establishes his observation point.

Since I am the one who was dissatisfied, I will take the post for the first day. Once twilight is approaching, I could probably use fresh water. I have no idea how long this will take. Hopefully something fruitful comes from it.”

Britta gestures with her left hand. “Cormorante and I will establish a base camp near the fresh water supply. I guess we can alternate days.”

Kuwaia agrees. Cina voices their thoughts. “We will bring the water and hopefully fresh meat and join you at nightfall. To be honest, this may seem no more interesting than what we were doing but the thought of making a difference, makes a difference.”

Cormorant laughed at the play on words. “One day at a time, we get tired of this, we discuss another option.”
OOC: 81, 69


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 95
Very shortly after reaching their destination, a caravan is seen coming from Asylim. From the distance, the banner appears to be 3 vertical lines. Deciding to meet the people, the Sojourners first see that an enemy is going to attack it, giving them the opportunity to protect it. It is possible for the party to time their arrival to meet that of the raiders, but this might not be in their best interests, since the approach of two unknown will likely create panic in the caravaners. It will be better to trail the arrival or go ahead of it.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
After a very brief discussion, the party elects to hurry toward the caravan and warn them of the impending attack. It seems the better option. Sprthnt says, “We should hurry to meet these caravaners before the enemies arrive. If we arrive during or after, we will likely be perceived as an additional threat and could receive attacks from the javelineers.”

Britta responds, “That makes sense. We should start identifying ourselves as soon as we are noticed and quickly explain the situation.”
OOC: 84, 72


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 95
Cormorante: 36(coerce) + 43(muddle) + 84(d100) = 163
Britta: 63 + 49(enthrall) + 84 = 196
Sprthnt: 62 + 38(muddle) + 84 = 184
Kuwaia: 50 + 45(allure) + 84 = 179
It takes several hours to reach the caravan. This is expected, and the party members pace themselves so outpace the raiders but not be exhausted when they arrive. Once the party is within parlay distance, Cina continues to move northward to take a hidden position.

Cormorante, even though he does normally do the talking, calls to the caravan when he knows that he can be seen. He is a tall Ansylin, which helps. Sprthnt, who is used to talking, knows that he will be mistaken for a Shimadow, so he starts explaining the impending situation. Possibly forgotten by the party, but each person is now wearing the uniform of an elite guard.

The caravan guards react positively to the party and question the direction of the coming threat. They take advice and spread out to be on the ready. The caravan stops moving forward and the other people duck down.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

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