Door to Nowhere

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir will help Leutheo with the collected items. He says to Taylar, “I will follow your lead, perhaps we can learn where we are.” He causes his continual camouflage to cease before approaching anyone who is friendly, not wanting to cause alarm.
OOC: 84, 72


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 5
Leutheo: 48(alchemy) + 100(empathy) + 62(d100) = 210
Plumeir: 70 + 45(analysis) + 84 = 199
Astarte: 66(coerce) + 38(enthrall) + 73(d100) = 177
Leutheo: 56 + 71(charisma) + 62 = 189
Plumeir: 86 + 74(befriend) + 72 = 232
Taylar: 85 + 36(enthrall) + 61 = 182
As long as they are not engaged in combat or actively manipulating waylines, Leutheo and Plumeir can analyze items without seeming to be doing anything other than fiddling with something in their hand. Even if standing in front of nominal people nothing would be suspect. The tooth necklaces are identified as having come from a boar, a wolf, a hyena, and a spider. The skulls are identified as having come from a gobblerouse, a velociraptor, a white magpie, and a cockatrice. All have significant mystical proclivities. Any of these items could be used by Leutheo, who is in need. (see collections)

The Maldrogs are confused by the party arriving from the direction of the ruins, but quickly recover, thinking that they might have walked by on the other side of the ravine. They recognize that Leutheo is Centrin and Plumeir is Markidian, though they are unsure about Astarte. When it comes to the discussion concerning the structures in the ravine, the guards know of these but have little information. The party is invited and directed to the village, which is to the west of the forest, where the members are offered beverages and a place to sit for conversation.

An elder Maldrog man, who is called the village foreman, explains that no one explores the Yahdram ruin, anymore, because no one ever returns from them. Occasionally strange roars can be heard coming from the cliffs. They suspect that two monsters occupy the ruins, one which is active in warmer weather and one in colder weather, because the roars sound different.

Long ago, when I was young, was the last time a party went to explore the farther structures. We could hear their screams. Adolescents sometimes run to the closest structure on the west side of the ravine. This is a child's dare. The first building we know to be empty, or rather empty most of the time. Sometimes mountain felines make a den of it, but those are not something we fear. Whatever kills the other explorers, we have never seen. It is not really fear that keeps us away, now, but a sense of preservation. We do not wish to waste any more people. Nothing ever comes here from up there. So we figure if they do not bother us, we will not bother them. If you wish to go up there, you are on your own.”

If you follow the river south, in about two days of walking it will bring you to the village they call Westford. We thought you might be from there. About two Cycles back, a party came from there and desired to establish trade with us. We have maintained good relations and even speak some of the language. They have a great desire for the ores we mine in the heights to the west, here.”

Astarte: full wellness
shirt: 48
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 57
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 59
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
various coins: 3127 marks value

boar tusks: 2 pair: {Health & Confluence +4}
cockatrice skull: 2: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
gobblerouse skull: 2: {Health & Confluence +4}
hyena canines: 2 pair: {Will & Adhesion +4}
spider fangs: 2 pair: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
velociraptor skull: {Strength & Confluence +4}
white magpie skull: 2: {Will & Adhesion +4}
wolf canines: 1 pair: {Strength & Confluence +4}

firestone: 1: 50 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
The Maldrogs are confused by the admission of traveling through the stones
Not knowing if they are superstitious or not, he decides not to tell of their travel through the stones.
OOC: I don't know if it will affect the story or not, but Taylar did not tell anyone they used the stones to travel, he just said they were explorers that came from that direction.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar thanks the Maldrog and then discusses with the Investigators. "Well, we came here to record and explore the ruins so we should set to that task. I have heard many such 'no one returns from there' stories like the foreman told. It could be some large creature or they might be disappearing the same way we came here, yet they had no way back."

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Noticing that Leutheo is void of mystical items, he suggests that he look through the extra items that the party is carrying to see if any may be beneficial. Later to Taylar, he says, "I could not agree more. We are not ones to be turned away by superstition. If we can find some information to bring back to these people, I am sure it will foster further good will."
OOC: 87, 75


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Astarte: 61(observation) + 50(hearing) + 51(d100) = 162
Leutheo: 55 + 73(tuning) + 50 = 178
Plumeir: 61 + 64(smell) + 87 = 213
Taylar: 48 + 46(hearing) + 89 = 183
The party thanks the Maldrogs for their hospitality and the conversation. They are welcomed to take lodging for the night to make the most of the Daylight in the morning. The Investigators depart on friendly terms and some of the children attempt to follow, until they are called back by their parents. It takes about two hours to walk to the place that would be the best to ascend to the nearest structure. At this place, something unexpected happens.

A Maldrog boy, very late in adolescence, meets the party, He must have been waiting, expecting their arrival. “I have been to this first ruin, twice. I am the only one that I know who has. It was once some kind of residence for the Yahdram, I guess. Animals have been in and out of it, and it stinks, now. There is definitely something else up there in the other buildings. I think I saw part of it once. I like the snow. It was cold. It was a long way off, but I could tell that had to be big. It looked like a bear but walked like a man. Be careful.” With that, he walks away, not intending to interfere.
Astarte: full wellness
shirt: 48
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 57
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 59
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
various coins: 3127 marks value

boar tusks: 2 pair: {Health & Confluence +4}
cockatrice skull: 2: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
gobblerouse skull: 2: {Health & Confluence +4}
hyena canines: 1 pair: {Will & Adhesion +4}
spider fangs: 2 pair: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
velociraptor skull: {Strength & Confluence +4}
white magpie skull: 2: {Will & Adhesion +4}
wolf canines: 1 pair: {Strength & Confluence +4}

firestone: 1: 50 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir finds the oddity of the Maldrog boy to be interesting and suggests starting at the nearest structure. "If this boy says that he has seen an actual monster, I would love to determine if he is correct."
OOC: 50, 78

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