Kuwaia tries to shake away her dizziness and continues to press her attacker. This time she swings for her arms, hoping to impede her opponent both mystically and physically. Cormorant steps in at his opponent hoping to take her consciousness with his next blow. Cina prepares to fire a second arrow and Britta prepares to launch a second stone, causing it to flash in the same manner as the first. Sprthnt weaves his body from side to side like an adder hoping to strike is opponent in the leg with his right sword and cut her arm as he counters with his left. He intends to further weaken the Da’Roneh.
Kuwaia swings at the right arm of her opponent, barely slicing through her kevlar bracer, but the cut is still damaging enough to disable the arm. Having a second club, the Da’Roneh attempt to hit Kuwaia, but the blow is countered. Fortunately for the robber, her bracer saves her left arm, but her movement still feels further impeded. Cina then fires her second arrow at a new opponent. The arrow is not as damaging as her first, as the Da’Roneh is incapacitated rather than killed outright. Britta then slings her second stone, also aiming for a new opponent, who is farther away. The stone strikes true and temporarily dazes that Da’Roneh. The bright flash that follows the impact causes significant confusion, and the robber cannot launch her second stone.
Cormorante slaps a mallet into his opponent for a second time, breaking bones and knocking her unconscious. Sprthnt began to move in his chosen, coordinated manner, snaking his right sword at the leg of his enemy. As she shift her position, he catches her tunic, which covers to her thigh and is unable to cut flesh, but the Da’Roneh feels energy go from her at his touch. Sprthnt is also able to counter her attack, but he still cannot cut her body. The contagion of his touch, though, causes her to become paralyzed.
The three Da’Roneh who had not been engaged by the party throw more rocks, causing others of the caravan to lose consciousness, but this is merely a distraction for them to run. The one fighting Kuwaia grabs her own injured arm and tries to run, but she is far slower than the Rheini. Kuwaia cuts her legs from under her as she turns to flee. Cormorante runs down the one who was severely confused by Britta, as the other three escape.
aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster
Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master
Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.
Feeling fully confident that his skill in machination is greater than any of these Da’Roneh and being aggravated that he could not cut one, Sprthnt kneels down and grabs the throat of the one he has weakened, causing her to further sicken until she dies. He then intends to stab any of the others that remain with his javelin before searching the bodies. Though she will not understand him, Sprthnt says as he looks the dying Da’Roneh straight in the face, “Feicim an eagla i do shúile. Tá mé tar éis fás níos láidre ná tú,” which is to say, “I see the fear in you eyes. I have grown stronger than you.”
Since little mystical talent will be required, Cina moves back toward the head of the caravan to begin helping those who are down. Britta moves up to the back of the line to begin doing the same thing. The two young women work toward one another. After Sprthnt has searched a body, Cormorant picks it up and carries it back out into the scrub away from the road. Kuwaia moves to join Sprthnt, helping him search and carry any useful items.
Cycle: 498: Season: Harvest. Day: 136
The suspicion of Sprthnt is absolutely correct. The Da’Roneh has no chance to siphon life away from him as she begins dying, which only takes a few seconds. Ending any of the other five who are down but not dead is a matter of routine. Like before, Cina and Britta are able to help the caravan members return to consciousness and remain calm.
When the six enemies are searched, various talismans and fetishes made from bones, claws, and teeth adorn each, but none is better than anything already carried by the party members. These items are not something to be given over to the caravaners, but the trail food can be gifted. Cormorante takes the time to spread out the bodies farther into the scrub.
aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster
Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master
Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.
After the caravan departs, the party members discuss the situation among themselves, as they return to their base of operation. Sprthnt begins, “Since we were given the impression that these raid were arranged by one of the Magisters, it will look like one of the others has decided to fight back, hiring mercenaries. Once the caravans that we have saved return to Asylim, I am sure they will spread the tale. I wonder how this other Magister is communicating with the Da’Roneh.”
Britta rubs the knuckles of her fists together as she thinks. “I am sure we are pushing our luck. We do not know the size or power of a force that the Da’Roneh can muster, but after these losses, they will need to bolster their efforts or quit altogether.”
Cina adds, “If we are going to continue, rather than risk any more caravaners, we may want to move to the other side of the Pass, closer to where you know these Da’Roneh originate.”
Kuwaia merely nods. Cormorant reaches over and touches Britta before he speaks. “I agree with all of you. I am willing to press further. The suggestion to move is sound one. This next event may be our defining moment.”
The party moves from its current location on the east of Land’s End Pass across to the west side at a source of water near where the Da’Roneh have their own lookout from which they stage their raids. Five days of inactivity pass until a caravan travels south returning to Asylim. As previously suspected, a returning caravan does not trigger a reaction from the raiders. After another 26 days of inactivity, another caravan returns south.
During this time, even though no threat from the Da’Roneh presents itself, the Sojourners are not idle. They are able to collect 11 pairs of elytra from enameled beetles, a wallaby, a large running bird, a warthog, and a medium goat. The rodent, bird, swine, and caprinae are all used for food and their hides are collected. The party is also forced to deal with some animalian threats, but these are not of any consequence.
With such an amount of time moving and waiting about the same area without creating any disturbance to alter the natural behavior of local denizens, a pod of jeweled beetles is encountered where 6 pairs of elytra are collected. On the 31st day of waiting, during a hunting foray, a pod of 4 rather large lizards becomes irritated by the presence of people. These reptiles are visually distinguished from ordinary lizards by having a frill ridge down their backs and around their necks, like a collar. These Iguanids are about one and a half times the size of a person. Though their camouflage hides might allow them to hide, they announce their irritation by emitting a deep, roaring growl. The party members are a bit shaken by the sound, but all can still function.
aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster
Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master
Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.
Cormorant obscures his presence and prepares to stand his ground. Britta moves to the left of the party and attempts to hide, blurring her image as she moves and preparing to sling a stone. Sprthnt and Kuwaia stand ready near Cormorant and prepare to defend themselves. Sprthnt obscures his presence and Kuwaia causes her image to blend with the surroundings. Cina moves to the right of the party and attempts to hide, causing her image to blend with the surroundings as she moves and preparing to fire an arrow.
None of the lizards roars a second time; instead, they charge at the cluster of three, moving far faster than could be predicted. The first iguanid slams into Cormorante, knocking him backward about two strides. He is not particularly hurt by being knocked down, but he is unable to make contact with the swift reptile when he attempts to cut it with his axe. Britta is not able to hide before one of the lizards runs into her. She is knocked backward 10 strides, losing consciousness as she collides with the ground.
Sprthnt is hit by one of the iguanids, next, and knocked backward about five strides. He is dazed by the blow but functional, though unable to yet retaliate. Kuwaia is hit at that same instant, being knocked backward about six strides. She is a bit confused and unable to strike back at the lizard. Cina, who is not directly facing an iguanid, takes aim and fires at the one nearest her, which is the one that hit Sprthnt, because the one on Britta is too far away. The arrow strikes true. The resilient hide of the iguanid slows the projectile but not enough. The shaft buries deep enough to incapacitate the reptile. The other three lizards show no loss of aggression, especially since their opponents are prone.
aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster
Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master
Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.
The three recover their footing and hope to better defend themselves. Cormorant augments his strength as he prepares to strike with his hammer. Sprthnt, freed of his lizard, picks up a rock to throw at the nearest beast, which is the one on Kuwaia. He enhances the stone with a sonic pulse. Kuwaia augments her athletic skill and hopes to bring one of her swords to bear. Cina augments her athleticism and circles around out of the line of sight of the lizards to take aim at the one on Britta, hoping to save her.
As Cormorante rises to his feet, his iguanid lunges in and tries to bite, but the Ansylin manages to put his left hammer in between himself and the lizard’s mouth, mostly blocking the attempt. He then swings his right hammer, making contact but causing little effect. The iguanid that had knocked down Britta bites her, causing her to begin bleeding to death. She has about eight minutes of life remaining. An iguanid bite at Kuwaia, catching her left hip but is unable to cause physical harm. Kuwaia manages to hit it back but causes it no harm.
Cina then fires her arrow from short range at the lizard that bit Britta. This shot is even more effective than her first. The arrow does not kill the reptile but it causes significant damage, possibly saving the life of Britta if she can get to her and stop the bleeding. Lastly, Sprthnt throws his rock as the lizard attacking Kuwaia. He does not hit the lizard, but it is unnecessary. He only needs to be close. The stone strikes the ground emitting its sonic pulse. Unfortunately, the sound has almost no effect. The two remaining lizards are focused on their opponents and continue to be aggressive.
aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster
Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master
Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
Each of the characters receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.