Door to Nowhere

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 5
Leutheo: 100(clairvoyance)
Plumeir: 77(camouflage)
Taylar: 46(motility)
Goblins: 40(athletics)
Astarte: 500 - 224 = 276
Leutheo: 500 - 230 = 270
Plumeir: 500 - 262 = 238
Taylar: 500 - 219 = 281
Goblins: 500 - 303 = 197
Astarte: 36(aggression) + 54(accuracy) + 61(bolster) + 62(d100) = 213 dg 11
Leutheo: 33(finesse) + 48 + 100(tranquility) +
Taylar: 80(aggression) + 48 + 54(bolster) + 73 = 255

Astarte: 53(readiness) + 59(counter) + 34(analysis) +
Leutheo: 37 + 38(dodge) + 100(empathy) +
Plumeir: 46 + 60(counter) + 45(analysis) +
Taylar: 77(readiness) + 48 + 34 +
Goblins: 220(dodge) + 72(d100) = 292
Plumeir: 46(launch) + 70(accuracy) + 64(clarity) + 72(d100) = 252
Goblins: 220 + 72(d100) = 292

Astarte: 59(avoidance) + 34(analysis) + 62(d100) = 154
292 - 154 = 138% * 7 = 10 - 2(shirt) = 8
Leutheo: 38 + 100(empathy) + 80 = 218
292 - 218 = 74% * 7 = 5 - 2(tunic) = 3
Plumeir: 60 + 45(analysis) + 72 = 177 + 77(camo) = 254
292 - 254 = 38% * 7 = 3 - 2(tunic) = 1
Taylar: 48 + 34 + 73 = 155 + 46(motility) = 201
292 - 201 = 91% * 7 = 6 - 6(tunic) = 0
Goblins: 120 + 72(d100) = 192
252 - 192 = 60% * 8 = 5
Astarte: 85(bending) + 50(explode) + 62(d100) = 197 dg 9
Leutheo: 66 + 76(shock) + 80 = 222
Plumeir: 114 + 77(corrosion) + 60 = 251

Goblins: 100(conditioning) + 72(d100) = 172
251 - 172 = 79 - 40(buffer) = 39% * 12 = 5
222 - 172 = 50% * 12 = 6
197 - 172 = 25 - 40(insulate), ineffective
G1: Body: 10 - 5 - 5= 0, incapacitated. (plumeir)
G2: Body: 10 - 5 = 5, hurt. (leutheo)
Before any members of the party can complete their chosen actions, each of the Goblins launches one of their javelins before closing to melee. Taylar is spared because of his bearskin tunic. Plumeir barely takes a scratch because he is the hardest to see. Leutheo takes a minor cut, but Astarte is seriously hurt as the crude javelin stabs into her gut then falls loose.

Plumeir then continues to run in an arc to attempt to circle his opponent. He launches one of his knives as he manipulates chemical waylines. The knife flies true and sticks in the cannibal’s gut; combined with the additional corrosive damage, it is enough to incapacitate.

Leutheo realizes that his initial intention of affecting all of the Goblins must be changed because the area of effect would also hurt his friends. He must choose to assault just the one who closed with him. That cannibal convulses dramatically for about a second but does not go down. He is hurt.

Despite her injury, Astarte attempts to retaliate. She swings her sword but the cannibal dodges. Unfortunately, she is also unable to affect him with heat, either. Taylar attempts to respond to his opponent as well, but the incredibly agile Goblin dodges the assault. The irritating, psychotic cannibals make more yiping jackal noises as they continue to assault the party. They seem completely unconcerned with the loss of one of their members.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Astarte: 10 - 8 = 2, injured.
shirt: 50 - 1 = 49
Plumeir: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
tunic: 60 - 1 = 59
Leutheo: 10 - 3 = 7, hurt.
tunic: 60 - 1 = 59
various coins: 3127 marks value

boar tusks: 1 pair: {Health & Confluence +4}
cockatrice skull: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
gobblerouse skull: 2: {Health & Confluence +4}
ravisher canines: 1 pair: {Will & Adhesion +4}
spider fangs: 1 pair: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
white magpie skull: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}

firestone: 1: 50 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir continues to run in his circular pattern. Seeing his opponent fall, he quickly assesses the party to see who might be in the most need of assistance. Realizing that it is Astarte but not wanting to risk hitting her with a knife, he hopes to manipulate chemical waylines to corrode her opponent as he had his own. He yells, “Astarte, venio ad auxilium te.” Since Centrin is her first language, she understands this perfectly to mean, “I am coming to help you.”
OOC: 75, 63


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 5
Leutheo: 100(clairvoyance)
Plumeir: 77(camouflage)
Taylar: 46(motility)
Goblins: 40(athletics)
Astarte: 276 + 800(hurt) = 1076
Leutheo: 270 + 500(bending) = 770
Plumeir: 238 + 500(bending) = 738
Taylar: 281 + 500(bending) = 781
Goblins: 197 + 500(javelin) = 697
Astarte: 36(aggression) + 54(accuracy) + 61(bolster) + 73(d100) = 224
Leutheo: 33(finesse) + 48 + 100(tranquility) + 50 = 231
Taylar: 80(aggression) + 48 + 54(bolster) + 141 = 323
Goblins: 220 + 72(d100) = 292
346 - 292 = 54% * 12 = 6

Astarte: 53(readiness) + 59(counter) + 34(analysis) + 73(d100) = 219
292 - 219 = 80% * 8 = 6 - 2(shirt) = 4
Leutheo: 37 + 38(dodge) + 100(empathy) + 50 = 225
292 - 225 = 67% * 8 = 5 - 2 = 3
Plumeir: 46 + 60(counter) + 45(analysis) +
Taylar: 77(readiness) + 48 + 34 + 141 = 300 + 46(motility) = 346
Goblins: 220(dodge) + 72(d100) = 292
323 - 292 = 31% * 12 = 4
Plumeir: 46(launch) + 70(accuracy) + 64(clarity) +
Goblins: 220 +

Astarte: 59(avoidance) + 34(analysis) +
Leutheo: 38 + 100(empathy) +
Plumeir: 60 + 45(analysis) +
Taylar: 48 + 34 +
Goblins: 120 +
Astarte: 85(bending) + 50(shove) + 73(d100) = 208
Leutheo: 66 + 76(flash) + 80 = 222
Plumeir: 114 + 77(corrosion) + 63 = 254
Taylar: 66 + 45(shove) + 143 = 254

Goblins: 100(conditioning) + 72(d100) = 172
254 - 172 = 82% * 12 = 10
222 - 172 = 50% * 12 = 6
254 - 172 = 82% * 10 = 8
208 - 172 = 36% * 10 = 4
G1: Body: 10 - 5 - 5= 0, incapacitated. (plumeir)
G2: Body: 10 - 5 = 5, hurt. Mind: 10 - 6 = 4 - 6 = -2, unconscious. (leutheo)
G3: Mind: 10 - 6 = 4 - 4 = 0 - 8 = -8, unconscious. (taylar)
G4: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated. Mind: 10 - (astarte)
Taylar looks straight into the eyes of his enemy as he says, “Du magst also Gewalt…” Even though he cannot understand the simple words, that is irrelevant to the weight of their mystical impetus. Even a true jackal could feel the ominous foreboding. Unfortunately, the cannibals are psychotic, and his opponent merely cocks his head to the side as if he were a jackal. It only delays him for a second but his javelin is still faster than Taylar’s hammer.

The Goblins, who have all closed with their chosen target, jockey their bodies from side to side and thrust their javelins forward. Astarte is stuck again. Even though it is not as effective as the first assault, it is enough to take her down. Leutheo is struck with about the same force as he had been before. He is injured but functional. Taylar slaps the javelin aside with little effort. He counters with his other bludgeon, knocking some of the wind from his opponent.

Plumeir completes his mystical weave as Astarte begins to fall to the ground. Her opponent starts coughing up blood and stumbling. Leutheo’s hands start glowing with an eerie light. Despite being injured, he pushes the shaft of the javelin aside as he steps forward to attempt to punch the Goblin in the chest. The cannibal dodges the punch but the fist flashes during the extension, since Leutheo wants to knock him out. The flash almost puts the Goblin to sleep, but does not. He is, however, significantly confused.

Taylar then follows his counter block with his own assault, employing his true talent to the swing. The air around Taylar begins to rumble like a low thunder. The sound moves as Taylar moves. He hits the cannibal with an underhanded swing, which is accompanied by a loud thump. The Goblin sails backward through the air a full 8 strides. It is obvious that he is no longer conscious as he bounces when he lands.

As Astarte is falling, her sword is already in motion to strike at the cannibal. Likely because she is now falling backward, the sword swing is a bit short, but a gust of air whirls up to throw the coughing Goblin away. He flies 4 strides backward, adding further insult to injury.

Only the Goblin facing Leutheo is still functional. Leutheo is stabbed again, but it is not enough to put him down. When Leutheo claps his hands in an attempt to block the stab, the second flash of light puts the cannibal to sleep.

None of the cannibals is dead, but none can continue to fight. Astarte cannot move, but she is still conscious. Leutheo is seriously hurt.
Astarte: Body: 2 - 4 = -2, incapacitated.
shirt: 49 - 1 = 48
Leutheo: Body: 7 - 3 = 4 - 3 = 1, injured.
tunic: 59 - 1 = 58 - 1 = 57
Plumeir: Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
tunic: 60 - 1 = 59
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
various coins: 3127 marks value

boar tusks: 1 pair: {Health & Confluence +4}
cockatrice skull: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
gobblerouse skull: 2: {Health & Confluence +4}
ravisher canines: 1 pair: {Will & Adhesion +4}
spider fangs: 1 pair: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
white magpie skull: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}

firestone: 1: 50 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Knowing that she has a moderate necromantic talent, Plumeir will grab the Goblin who had attacked Astarte by its ankles and drag it over to her. He will then makes sure that the first one he dropped is, in fact, dead. Afterward, he will accelerate his own healing, even though the wound is very minor, and search the body for useful items. When engaged in conversation with the party, he will ask, “Do we want to use the portalway to return to the desert spire, or do we want to pick a symbol at random?”
OOC: 78, 66

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