(SRF) Aspiration's Beginning

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Realizing that they can both now camouflage their skin, each does so as the get close to the fourth room. Gaio steps in front of Belaria and nudges Brock to let him know that he is ready. Gaio whispers to him. “I know your talent is different than mine, but I am betting that you have some means of disguising yourself.” Once Gaio nods to Belaria, she will throw her lighted stone into the room.
OOC: 67, 79

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 16.
Brock: time: 40 days / (127 + 129 + 125) = 2 hours, 32 minutes
Gaio: time: 30 days / (127 + 129 + 125) = 1 hour, 54 minutes
Brock: 136
Garindell: 141
Belaria: 142
Gaio: 143
Brenda: 152
Spiders: 150
Belaria: 25(camouflage)
Gaio: 32(camouflage)
Brenda: 25(soullessness)
The extra lighted stone irritates the spiders as the one before had done in the other room, and they begin moving about in aggitation looking to vent aggression. Unfortunately, the range of the party’s Benders is not yet very far and the group must get closer, which will put them at risk, but such is the nature of adventure sometimes.
Brock: Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Strength: 4 - 3 = 1, weakened.
Garindell: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 1 - 2 = 7, hurt. Strength: 2 - 4 = -2
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin
beetle elytra: 16: 1 clam each

Muddle Leaf: 3: {Muddle x2}
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Brock says, "I don't really hide; it's more like I convince people not to look at me." Brock chuckles quietly as he and Garin begin to inch closer, preparing to attack.

Brock = 51, 95(+73); so: 51, 168
Garin = 92(+35), 78; so: 127, 78

Gaio nods at Brock and whispers, “Are you ready? We are the defense against the others. I am moving with you.” He augments his athletcism as he prepares to face the arachnidian threat, hoping to sling away any of them that launch themselves.

Belaria prepares to corrode the first spider that she sees. She reaches up to catch ahold of Garin to keep him from moving to far forward. She figures their talent is at about the same strength. She says, “Ready.”
OOC: 70, 82

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 16.
Brenda: 500 - 152 = 348
Spiders: 500 - 150 = 350
Gaio: 500 - 143 = 357
Belaria: 500 - 142 = 358
Garindell: 500 - 141 = 359
Brock: 500 - 136 = 364
Brock: 26(soullessness)
Belaria: 25(camouflage)
Gaio: 32(athletics, camouflage)
Brenda: 25(soullessness)
Brock: 26(aggression) + 22(accuracy) + 30(fury) + 51(d100) = 129
Gaio: 23(finesse) + 24 + 32(clarity) + 70 = 149 + 32(athletics) = 181
Spiders: 80 + 61(d100) = 141

Brock: 23(readiness) + 21(block) + 25(analysis) + 51(d100) = 120 + 26(soul) = 146
241 - 146 = 95 - 22(kilter) = 73% * 2 = 1
Gaio: 23 + 23 + 23 + 70 = 139 + 32(camo) = 171
241 - 171 = 70 - 24 = 46% * 2 = 1
Spiders: 80(dodge) + 61 = 141
181 - 141 = 40 * 3 = 1
Brock: 26(bending) + 30(heat) + 168(d100) = 224
Garindell: 34 + 23(shock) + 127 = 184
Belaria: 34 + 25(corrosion) + 82 = 141
Brenda: 32 + 25(heat) + 75 = 132

Spiders: 30(conditioning) + 113(d100) = 143
224 - 143 = 81% * 6 = 5
184 - 143 = 41% * 6 = 2
Spiders: 80 + 125(d100) = 235

Brock: 24(conditioning) + 30(fury) + 168(d100) = 222
235 - 222 = 13% * 10 = 1
Gaio: 23 + 26 + 82 = 131
235 - 131 = 134% * 10 = 13
Brenda slaps her right hand forward before anyone else can act and says, “Ha!” Unfortunately she is unable to heat her intended target.

Additionally unfortunate is the speed of the spiders, who launch themselves at the two party members that they can reach. Brock catches the first one that launches itself at his face, but a second one manages to bite into his thigh. Brock is only mildly hurt, but the venom has become a problem. Gaio also catches his first but a second bites into his thigh. While the bite is almost nothing, this dose of venom is crippling. The spider Brock is holding contorts when he tries to slam it into the ground, but luck is on his side for the heat and completely cooks the spider. Gaio falls to the floor, dropping his spider.

Seeing her heartmate fall, Belaria cries out and mystically assaults one of the spiders on him but is unable to affect it. Garindell fares better. Since that spider is the closest to the party and will likely jump beyond Brock, Garindell electrocutes it, causing it to convulse upon the floor. Having been joined by the one male spider that had escaped a previous room, there are still 4 active male spiders. Brock killed the female.
S1: Body: 1 - 5 = -4, dead. (brock)
S2: Body: 1 - 2 = -1, incapacitated. (garindell)
Brock: Body: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8, hurt. Strength: 4 - 3 - 1 = 0, weakened.
Garindell: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 1 - 2 - 1 = 6 - 13 = -7, hurt. Strength: 2 - 4 = -2 - 13 = -15
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin
beetle elytra: 16: 1 clam each

Muddle Leaf: 3: {Muddle x2}
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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