Upward from Land's End

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The party decides to retrace its steps and return to the Maldrog village at the foot of the falls. Sprthnt shakes his head, at one point. “While I could not complain about the view, anything we might find up here is too isolated to be of any real commercial use to the communities that we know. I suggest that we go back down to the Maldrog village, then start going through the Pass again. We have a better idea of the materials we are seeking, now.”

Kuwaia and Cina merely nod. Cormorant differs to Britta. Britta gestures. “I agree, but we should follow the exact same path, skirting the foothills. We should cross from the mountain to the road and back to explore more area.”
OOC: 57, 85

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 13
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 57, 85(d100) = 152, 180
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 57, 85 = 152, 180
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 57, 85 = 147, 175
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 57, 85 = 143, 171
Cina: 47 + 54 + 57, 85 = 158, 186
Two days are needed to return to the Maldrog village, with an additional day spent there out of a sense of continuing friendship. Another day is spent skirting the foothills until the rise of the mountains turns northward. At this location, the party orients itself due east to begin crossing the Land’s End Pass instead of following it. Eight hours are required to reach the road, at which point the decision is made to stop for the night, rather than hurry onward, which might cause something that could be important to be missed.

Once crossing the scrub, Britta is drawn to something within the rocky terrain. Clearing some of the dust away, she discovers a vein of Magnesium. While this metal is used in the manufacture of coins, it seems too far from Boga City to note, and neither South Road Fair nor Asylim would have an interest in attempting to mine it. She also discovers a Twilightstone.

Certain that he is hearing the movement of game animals, Cormorante takes to following the sound and discovers a small mob of larger rodents called Wallabies. While these creatures are not really rodents, they are called such and mistaken for larger rabbits, which are not rodents either. The find is good for food and the party’s two Benders are directed over to take one at a distance. One of these creatures can provide enough fresh meat for four people. Drying the meat can stretch it a bit further. The hide, which is valued for standard leather, can provide up to 40% coverage.

Nearing the trade route, the party sees that an encounter with a group of Katalians is likely to be unavoidable. Katalians, being natural Benders, have been a serious threat in the past. These look to be of equal stature to the previous conflict.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Realizing that they will be attacked once the Katalians see them or the dust of their movement, Cina separates from the group to prepare for an ambush. Britta moves in the opposite direction from Cina, though she is not as proficient at hiding. Cormorante and Kuwaia move straight at the Blighters, being protective of the party, though they both obscure their presence. Sprthnt lags back and to the side a few strides, able to mystically assault at a distance and becoming completely defensive in combat.

Cina readies her bow and signals that she will flank. “I am going to hide out on our right flank and try to ambush them.”

Britta nods. “I will move to the left. We need to do better than our last encounter.”
OOC: 60, 88


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 13
Cormorante: 63(soullessness)
Britta: 50(refraction)
Sprthnt: 50(soullessness)
Kuwaia: 45(camouflage)
Cina: 54(camouflage)
Katalians: 40(camouflage)
Britta: 41(stealth) + 50(refract) + 88(d100) = 179
Cina: 68 + 54(camo) + 88 = 210

Katalians: 90(wariness) + 66(d100) = 156
179 - 156 = 23%
210 - 156 = 54%
Cormorante: 43(readiness) + 42(speed) + 43(clarity) + 60(d100) = 188
Britta: 55 + 51 + 45 + 60 = 211
Sprthnt: 45 + 40 + 34 + 60 = 179
Kuwaia: 61 + 42 + 45 + 60 = 208
Cina: 45 + 47 + 54 + 60 = 206
Katalians: 160 + 66(d100) = 226
Being used to intimidating opponents and taking what they want, this tactic will not work on the Sojourners. The sociopathic Katalians relish the opportunity for direct conflict. Instantly realizing that they are up against other Benders, they obscure their own appearance as the party members did theirs. Preferring physical confrontation over distant manipulation, the six Katalians spread out and choose separate opponents to charge.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Seeing that the Katalians are going to close to melee, Cormorante draws his hammers and charges toward the one charging him, increasing his strength as he moves. He plans to aim his first blow at his enemies collar bone. Kuwaia runs toward the sociopath running toward her, increasing her athleticism as she moves. If she is faster, she will make a lateral slash with her left sword. Britta and Cina both choose a close target to shoot, hoping to remain hidden for a second shot. Sprthnt stops moving forward, taking a defensive posture. He will cause a pulse of air to throw his a target away.
OOC: 63, 51


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 13
Cormorante: 63(soullessness), 64(strength)
Britta: 50(refraction)
Sprthnt: 50(soullessness)
Kuwaia: 45(athletics, camouflage)
Cina: 54(athletics, camouflage)
Katalians: 40(camouflage)
Britta: 41(stealth) + 50(refract) + 88(d100) = 179
Cina: 68 + 54(camo) + 88 = 210

Katalians: 90(wariness) + 66(d100) = 156
179 - 156 = 23%
210 - 156 = 54%
Katalians: 500 - 226 = 274
Britta: 500 - 211 = 289
Kuwaia: 500 - 208 = 292
Cina: 500 - 206 = 294
Cormorante: 500 - 188 = 312
Sprthnt: 500 - 179 = 321
Katalians: 160(finesse) + 57(d100) = 217
Kuwaia: 61 + 42(accuracy) + 45(clarity) + 63 = 211 + 45(athletics) = 256
Cormorante: 54(aggression) + 42 + 87(bolster) + 63 = 246 + 64(strength) = 310
Sprthnt: 45(finesse) + 40 + 34(clarity) + 63 = 183

Cormorante: 43(readiness) + 31(block) + 43(analysis) + 63(d100) = 180 + 63(soul) = 243
317 - 243 = 74 - 42(kilter) = 32% * 8 = 3 - 3(tunic) = 0
Sprthnt: 45 + 51(counter) + 40 + 63 = 199 + 50(soul) = 249
Kuwaia: 61 + 42 + 34 + 63 = 200 + 45(camo) + 245
Katalians: 160(counter) + 57(d100) = 217
256 - 217 = 39% * 12 = 5
310 - 217 = 93% * 9 = 8
Katalians: 160(corrosion) + 57(d100) = 217
Britta: 83(bending) + 51(electrocute) + 51(d100) = 185
Sprthnt: 74 + 54(shove) + 51 = 179

Cormorante: 48(conditioning) + 51(d100) = 99
217 - 99 = 118% * 9 = 10
Sprthnt: 45 + 51 = 96
217 - 96 = 121% * 9 = 10
Kuwaia: 60 + 51 = 111 + 31(buffer) = 142
217 - 142 = 75% * 9 = 7
Katalians: 70 + 57 = 127
185 - 127 = 58% * 9 = 5
179 - 127 = 52% * 10 = 5
Britta: 45(launch) + 51(accuracy) + 44(clarity) + 63(d100) = 203 + 50(range) + 23(ambush) = 276
Cina: 45 + 47 + 74(tranquility) + 63 = 229 + 50 + 54 = 333

Katalians: 90(avoidance) + 57(d100) = 147
276 - 147 = 129% * 10 = 13
333 - 147 = 186% * 10 = 19
The Katalians are slightly faster than anyone in the party. Two close with Cormorante, one closes with Kuwaia, and one closes with Sprthnt. The last two separate, looking for the party’s archers but are unable to pinpoint their exact locations. Each Katalian is armed with a pair of carving knives. The first enemy to reach Cormorante moves to his own left and slashes with his right knife but misses. Taking advantage of the double-team, the second one moves to his right and slashes with his left knife. The knife cut through the quilted tunic but does not cut flesh. Despite this, Cormorante begins to burn on the inside. The burning is severe enough to put him on the ground.

The enemies to reach Kuwaia and Sprthnt are unable to make contact with their first cut, but the physical weapon is not the real danger. Sprthnt hits the ground. Kuwaia has a minor talent to buffer against corrosion. She is injured but not incapacitated. The remaining two continue to search for the archers.

Britta fires an arrow before anyone else in the party is able to act. The arrow buries to the fletching in the Blighter’s gut. The body begins convulsing as it falls to the ground. Despite the injury and the pain, Kuwaia acts next, slicing her right sword across the torso of her opponents, causing a moderate wound. Cina releases her arrow at almost the same instant the Kuwaia swings her sword. The arrow is almost fatal.

Cormorante swing his right mallet as he is falling. The weapon clips the Katalians and almost takes his consciousness. Sprthnt is unable to physically attack, but he is still conscious and far from being incapable of responding. The Katalian who had attacked Sprthnt flies backward through the air about five strides. He is dazed but not particularly hurt. Unaware that two of their members have been dropped, the four Katalians in the center seem fully intent on continuing the conflict, especially with two of the party down.
K1: Mind: 10 - 8 = 2, confused. (cormorante)
K2: full wellness (cormorante)
K3: Body: 10 - 5 = 5, hurt. (kuwaia)
K4: Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed, prone. (sprthnt)
K5: Body: 10 - 13 = -3 - 5 = -8, incapacitated. (britta)
K6: Body: 10 - 19 = -9, incapacitated. (cina)
Cormorante: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated.
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: Body: 10 - 7 = 3, injured.
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Knowing that they are facing other benders, Britta and Cina each take aim at the same opponents that they had previously shot, intending to kill them so that they could not mystically attack. Kuwaia will continue to physically engage her opponent as best as she is able. She knows that her mystical talent is too weak to assault this enemy. Cormorante can do nothing but hope that neither of the two Katalians finishes him. Sprthnt cannot physically move but use a pulse of air to throw away one of the enemies who took down Cormorante.
OOC: 66, 54


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 13
Cormorante: 63(soullessness), 64(strength)
Britta: 50(refraction)
Sprthnt: 50(soullessness)
Kuwaia: 45(athletics, camouflage)
Cina: 54(athletics, camouflage)
Katalians: 40(camouflage)
Britta: 41(stealth) + 50(refract) + 88(d100) = 179
Cina: 68 + 54(camo) + 88 = 210

Katalians: 90(wariness) + 66(d100) = 156
179 - 156 = 23%
210 - 156 = 54%
K1 - K3: 500 + 274 = 774
Britta: 500 + 289 = 789
Kuwaia: 700 + 292 = 992
Cina: 500 + 294 = 794
Cormorante: 1000 + 312 = 1312
Sprthnt: 1000 + 321 = 1321
K4: 1500 + 274 = 1774
K5: 1800 + 274 = 2074
K6: 1900 + 274 = 2174
Katalians: 160(finesse) + 60(d100) = 220
Kuwaia: 61 + 42(accuracy) + 45(clarity) + 66 = 214 + 45(athletics) = 259
Cormorante: 54(aggression) + 42 + 87(bolster) +
Sprthnt: 45(finesse) + 40 + 34(clarity) +

Cormorante: 43(readiness) + 31(block) + 43(analysis) +
Sprthnt: 45 + 51(counter) + 40 +
Kuwaia: 61 + 42 + 34 + 66 = 203 + 45(camo) + 248
320 - 248 = 72 - 42(kilter) = 30% * 8 = 2 - 4(mantle), ineffective
Katalians: 160(counter) + 60(d100) = 220
259 - 220 = 39% * 12 = 5
Katalians: 160(corrosion) + 60(d100) = 220
Britta: 83(bending) + 51(electrocute) + 54(d100) = 188
Sprthnt: 74 + 54(shove) + 54 = 182

Cormorante: 48(conditioning) + 54(d100) = 102
220 - 102 = 118% * 9 = 11
Sprthnt: 45 + 54 = 99
217 - 96 = 121% * 9 = 10
Kuwaia: 60 + 54 = 114 + 31(buffer) = 145
220 - 145 = 75% * 9 = 7 x 2 = 14
Katalians: 70 + 60 = 130
188 - 130 = 58% * 9 = 5
182 - 130 = 52% * 10 = 5
Britta: 45(launch) + 51(accuracy) + 44(clarity) + 66(d100) = 206 + 50(range) + 23(ambush) = 279
Cina: 45 + 47 + 74(tranquility) + 66 = 232 + 50 + 54 = 336

Katalians: 90(avoidance) + 60(d100) = 150 - 100(prone) + 40(kilter) = 90
279 - 90 = 189% * 10 = 19
336 - 90 = 246% * 10 = 25
Since the Katalians could sense the party members’ talent for mysticism, just as the Sojourners could sense theirs, the first of the enemies to strike at Cormorante, as he begins to walk away, simply points at the prone man, causing him further corrosive harm. Cormorante is now dying and has only a few minutes before he can no longer be saved. The second chooses to engage Kuwaia, who is still standing.

Kuwaia avoids the small blade of her original enemy but cannot quite avoid the blade of the second; however, it strikes her new sharkskin mantle but does not cut through. Unfortunately, the double mystical assaults are devastating, and Kuwaia is now dying. As she falls she cuts her first enemy for the second time, causing him to fall.

Britta and Cina, from their hidden locations, shoot and kill the Katalians that they had previously shot. Though they have already done their damage, the prone Sprthnt throws the healthy opponent from Cormorante who had joined in on Kuwaia. As with the first, this one flies backward about 5 strides. Due to their sociopathic nature, the remaining Katalians are fully intent on seeing this encounter through, even though they cannot see the two archers, who are their only remaining standing opponents.
K1: Mind: 10 - 8 = 2, confused. (cormorante)
K2: Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed, prone. (kuwaia)
K3: Body: 10 - 5 = 5 - 5 = 0, incapacitated. (kuwaia)
K4: Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed, prone. (sprthnt)
K5: Body: 10 - 13 = -3 - 5 = -8 - 19 = -27, dead. (britta)
K6: Body: 10 - 19 = -9 - 25 = -34, dead. (cina)
Cormorante: Body: 10 - 10 = 0 - 11 = -11, dying.
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: Body: 10 - 7 = 3 - 14 = -11, dying.
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Seeing that all of their friends are down, Britta and Cina must retain the hope that they can finish these Blighters and get to them in time. Knowing full well that they must remain hidden to have that chance, each woman takes aim at a standing enemy. Sprthnt knows that he can help himself if one of the enemies tries to touch him; but aside from that opportunity which is not likely to happen, he can still employ a mystical assault. Knowing that the first opponent that he threw away is still functional, he uses a measure of his sulfur powder to augment his talent to heat him.
OOC: 69, 57


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 13
Britta: 50(refraction)
Sprthnt: 50(soullessness)
Cina: 54(athletics, camouflage)
Katalians: 40(camouflage)
Britta: 41(stealth) + 50(refract) + 88(d100) = 179
Cina: 68 + 54(camo) + 88 = 210

Katalians: 90(wariness) + 66(d100) = 156
179 - 156 = 23%
210 - 156 = 54%
Britta: 500 + 789 = 1289
Cina: 500 + 794 = 1294
Sprthnt: 1000 + 1321 = 2321
K1: 800 + 774 = 1574
K2: 1000 + 774 = 1774
K3: 1000 + 774 = 1774
K4: 1500 + 274 = 1774
Katalians: 160(finesse) + 60(d100) = 220
Kuwaia: 61 + 42(accuracy) + 45(clarity) + 66 = 214 + 45(athletics) = 259
Cormorante: 54(aggression) + 42 + 87(bolster) +
Sprthnt: 45(finesse) + 40 + 34(clarity) +

Cormorante: 43(readiness) + 31(block) + 43(analysis) +
Sprthnt: 45 + 51(counter) + 40 +
Kuwaia: 61 + 42 + 34 + 66 = 203 + 45(camo) + 248
320 - 248 = 72 - 42(kilter) = 30% * 8 = 2 - 4(mantle), ineffective
Katalians: 160(counter) + 60(d100) = 220
259 - 220 = 39% * 12 = 5
Katalians: 160(corrosion) + 63(d100) = 223
Britta: 83(bending) + 51(electrocute) + 57(d100) = 191
Sprthnt: 74 + 54(shove) + 57 = 185

Cormorante: 48(conditioning) + 54(d100) = 102
220 - 102 = 118% * 9 = 11
Sprthnt: 45 + 54 = 99
217 - 96 = 121% * 9 = 10
Kuwaia: 60 + 54 = 114 + 31(buffer) = 145
220 - 145 = 75% * 9 = 7 x 2 = 14
Katalians: 70 + 63 = 133
191 - 133 = 58% * 9 = 5
185 - 133 = 52% * 10 = 5
Britta: 45(launch) + 51(accuracy) + 44(clarity) + 69(d100) = 209 + 50(range) + 23(ambush) = 282
Cina: 45 + 47 + 74(tranquility) + 69 = 232 + 50 + 54 = 339

Katalians: 90(avoidance) + 63(d100) = 153 - 100(prone) + 40(kilter) = 93
282 - 153 = 129% * 10 = 13
336 - 153 = 179% * 10 = 18
With the extent of injuries to all of those involved in the melee, the remaining physical fighter have become slower than the archers. Britta and Cina both choose new targets and fire before the Katalians can act. Britta chooses the enemy nearest Cormorante. The arrow buries to the fletching in his gut. The electrical shock adds a little more damage, but that Katalian is not quite dead. Cina chooses the one who recently stood and is currently moving toward the prone Sprthnt. The arrow almost goes completely through him. Combined with the damage that Sprthnt had already inflicted upon him, that Katalian goes down and begins dying.

Frustrated with not being able to find the archers, the last Katalian to regain his feet, who had been thrown away from Kuwaia, tries to hobble away. He does not make it. When Britta and Cina come out of hiding to aid their friends, the two Katalians who are down but alive mystically assault them in a last chance effort. Britta is hurt, but Cina is highly resistant to corrosion and takes little damage. It was their last effort as the two girls shoot the only remaining two that they can see breathing.
K1: Mind: 10 - 8 = 2, confused. Body: 10 - 13 = -3 - 5 = -8, incapacitated. (cormorante)
K2: Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed, prone. Body: 10 - 13 - 18 = -31, dead. (kuwaia)
K3: Body: 10 - 5 = 5 - 5 = 0, incapacitated. (kuwaia)
K4: Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed, prone. Body: 10 - 18 = -8, dying. (sprthnt)
K5: Body: 10 - 13 = -3 - 5 = -8 - 19 = -27, dead. (britta)
K6: Body: 10 - 19 = -9 - 25 = -34, dead. (cina)
Cormorante: Body: 10 - 10 = 0 - 11 = -12, dying.
Tunic: 57 - 2 = 55
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: Body: 10 - 7 = 3 - 14 = -12, dying.
Mantle: 30 - 1 = 29
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover
Standard Hide: 40 cover: Hinder 6/10 cover, Deflect 9, Soak 4, value 8/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 3: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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