Upward from Land's End

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The Sojourners thank the elder for his words of caution; but of course, this could in no way dissuade them from further exploration. The intention is to climb into the mountains, staying near the falls, and keeping an eye out for anything of interest.
OOC: 82, 70

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 82, 70(d100) = 177, 165
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 82, 70 = 177, 165
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 82, 70 = 172, 160
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 82, 70 = 168, 156
Cina: 47 + 54 + 82, 70 = 183, 171
While the cliffs and the ravine for the river are rather steep, there are quite a few paths up the rocky surface that require no specific skill in climbing. It is, however, necessary to divert away from the river because climbing along beside it would be nearly impassible for a person with a high risk of falling to one’s death. The river has cut quite a deep swath through the mountain. Patches of various vegetation grow in every nook and cranny, bolstered in growth by the mist that forms from the rapid moving water. The party climbs along the western side of the river, following a path that transverses back and forth at quite the change in direction, likely used by mountain dwelling animals.

During the first day, Kuwaia happens to come across a cluster of flowering vines whose roots produce edible tubers. A few of these are harvested. Later she discovers some more Tranquility, but the party does not have any more space to collect more herbs. Cina discovers a small flowering shrub whose flowers are a popular narcotic, called Berserker. They are even still effective if a measure of the flowers are dried and ground into powder. Britta discovers a Firestone and an Onyx and later comes across a rock containing aluminum and an ingot of nickel. The brick of aluminum can be broken into 8 ingots. While hunting for potential game, Cormorante and Sprthnt are disappointed in not discovering anything worth collecting, but late in the afternoon, they are attracted to the beautiful sounds of some songbirds that must be just out of sight around a rocky turn.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover

berserker: 3: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 1: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 1: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 1: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 10: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 8: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Cormorant and Sprthnt look at one another, both having heard the songbird singing. Cormorant asks, “Do you want to investigate?”

Sprthnt runs his left hand through his hair, pulling it back from his face, a sign he was thinking. “No, not really, I am not that curious, especially since songbirds do mean food. Now if it were goats or sheep making noise, that would be a completely different matter.”

Cormorant laughs and agrees.

Now that the path has flattened, the party will look for a suitable place to rest for the night before continuing along the ravine in the morning. Snares will be placed in hopes of capturing small game.
OOC: 85, 73


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 85, 73(d100) = 116, 104
Sprthnt: 50 + 85, 73 = 135, 123
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 85, 73(d100) = 180, 168
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 85, 73 = 180, 168
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 85, 73 = 175, 163
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 85, 73 = 171, 159
Cina: 47 + 54 + 85, 73 = 186, 174
Choosing to ignore the birdsong, the singing stops, altogether, as the two men get farther away from the sound. In the set snares, Cormorante catches a hyrax in one, but the other remains empty. Sprthnt catches a larger hyrax in one of his but still nothing in the other. It is not much, but it is better than nothing at all.

By about the middle of the following day, everyone can see that there is a lake in the distance. It is far enough away that it will not likely be reached before it becomes dark, making it a destination for tomorrow. As the party travels, Kuwaia, again, collects some edible tubers and later discovers a measure of Berserker. Cina discovers some more tiny fruit whose seeds are deadly and a massive cluster of vines whose roots produce the edible tubers. If it were not in such a remote location, any nearby society would benefit from its collection. Britta comes across a Daystone and a Twilightstone. Later she discovers a rock that contains zinc and an ingot of molybdenum. The brick of zinc produces 8 ingots.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 1: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 2: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The two young men are, once again, able to capture some small game in their snares. This practice is a matter of routine for sustaining food. It no longer even has the potential for provoking curiosity or discussion. At such a remote location, Kuwaia and Cina decide to ignore any large quantities of plant material, no matter their usefulness.

Sprthnt gestures toward the lake, at one point when everyone can see it off in the distance. “It looks like we are coming to the source of the Crystal River. I wonder what interesting discoveries it might hold.”

Sprthnt did almost as much talking as Antapkos had. He was not really looking for a response. The party continued toward the lake, staying as close to the river as possible. Cina accompanied the two men to look for game animals instead of plants and Kuwaia accompanied Britta, even though she would not be any real help in locating minerals or ores.
OOC: 88, 76


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 88, 76(d100) = 183, 171
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 88, 76 = 183, 171
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 88, 76 = 178, 166
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 88, 76 = 174, 162
Cina: 47 + 54 + 88, 76 = 189, 177
Early in the day, Britta discovers some coal within the mountain rock and soon realizes that there is quite a lot of it, enough to be worth mining if it were not in such a remote location. Later she discovers a loose piece of Jade. Game animals seem to be even more rare than scarce at this location, and the hunting proves vain. Like with the foot of the falls, the head of the river hosts an unexpected find. Another village of Mhytres is situated along the water, but this one is composed of Kozzogs not Maldrogs. They are far more monastic than vivacious, but they do greet the party and appear to be friendly.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 2: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Once some communication is established, Britta decides to share the coal find with the Kozzogs. There is no one else near enough to use the information. The party also shares that they are simply exploring the region and asks if there is anything of note of which they should be aware. Originally being from Bergbaulager, Britta is a little familiar with Kozzogs and shares what she knows with the others.
OOC: 51, 79


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 6
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 88, 76(d100) = 183, 171
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 88, 76 = 183, 171
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 88, 76 = 178, 166
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 88, 76 = 174, 162
Cina: 47 + 54 + 88, 76 = 189, 177
The Kozzogs are grateful for the location of the coal vein. They explain that while they do not have the smithing skill of the Maldrogs or the metallurgy skill of the Orngaddrin, they do still work with metal and can use the coal. They are far more advanced in masonry as evidenced by the exceptional nature of the statues and decorative nature of the stone building that compose the community.

As to the other information, they explain that while larger game is rare some exotic creatures do inhabit the area. They also warn that Deviard slavers explore the area and pose a serious threat if encountered. Sometimes their own prospectors run into headhunters or cannibals, but these are not as significant of a problem as the Deviards.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 2: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The Sojourners thank the Kozzogs for the information and depart at first light to begin exploring the western edge of the lake, since crossing the river does not seem possible, as trying to swim it could prove fatal. Expecting that game animals use the lake as a constant water supply, the intention is to remain along its shores unless something in particular takes their attention away.

Sprthnt expounds. “From what we have learned from the Kozzogs, it does not seem that there is much in the way of exploration up here, and trade with the Kozzogs does not seem feasible. Their village is too inaccessible. If we find anything up here, hopefully it will be something that we can use for ourselves.”

Britta agrees. “I say that we give it a couple of days; and if nothing draws our interest, we return to the desert.” The others follow the logic.
OOC: 54, 82


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Season: Stasis. Day: 8
Cormorante: 31(observe) + 64(hearing) + 54, 82(d100) = 149, 177
Britta: 50 + 45(tuning) + 54, 82 = 149, 177
Sprthnt: 50 + 40(hearing) + 54, 82 = 144, 172
Kuwaia: 41(wariness) + 45(smell) + 54, 82 = 140, 168
Cina: 47 + 54 + 54, 82 = 155, 183
The topography and the view are absolutely beautiful. The larger animals which are occasionally noticed seem interesting, if for the moment. Exploring was more enticing to the Sojourners when they had less experience. The lake is pristine and reminds Britta of the Lunaedriac; but after two days, the youths begin to feel that there is not enough purpose to continue in the area. The Kozzogs, as a tribe, may prefer isolation, but it is not something that appeals to the party members. With nothing of significance presenting itself, a new course of action becomes the subject of discussion.
Cormorante: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Arrows: 18: ularin
Sprthnt: full wellness.
Tunic: 59
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 50
Cina: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Arrows: 18: ularin
Coins: 3167 clams
Light Hides: 100 cover: Hinder 3/10 cover, Deflect 4, Soak 2: value 6/10 cover

berserker: 4: 10 clams per measure
bliss: 1: ??
deadly seeds: 3: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
helplessness: 2: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
serenity: 1: {Impede x3}: 10 per measure
soothe: 50: 1 per measure
tranquility: 1: 2 per measure

coal: 7 bricks: {heat x3}: 5 clams each
amberstone: 2: {compulsion x3}: 20 clams
azurestone: 3: 20 clams
daystone: 2: {enthrall x4}: 50 clams
emberstone: 4: {enthrall x2}: 10 clams each
firestone: 3: (Health & Confluence +3): 50 clams
grapestone: 3: 20 clams each
jade: 2: 20 clams
onyx: 1: {Frostbite or Insulate x4}: 50 clams
ruddystone: 2: 10 clams each
shadestone: 1: 20 clams
slickstone: 1: {Insulate x3}: 20 clams
sulfur: 6: {heat x 4}{Ionize x 4}
twilightstone: 2: 50 clams

aluminum: 9: {electrocute x3}: 5 clams
chromium: 15: {compulsion x3}: 10 clams each
iron: 6: {electrocute x2}: 5 clams each
magnesium: 8: 5 clams each
manganese: 1: {leech x3}
nickel: 11: {electrocute x4}: 10 clams each
molybdenum: 11: {compulsion or electrocute x4}: 15 clams each
zinc: 16: {restore x3}: 10 clams each
Crystal Oasis: Shimadow village
Tranquility cluster
Crystal River: Maldrog village
Dragon’s Footprint: Da’Roneh village
Land’s End Pass: Tranquility cluster

Artisan Caravan: Vyerbluth: Caravan Master

Salt Caravan: Mishka: Caravan Master
OOC: Each of the characters receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

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