Door to Nowhere


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497: Season: Stasis. Day: 3
Astarte: 61(observe) + 49(hearing) + 58(d100) = 168
Leutheo: 55 + 84(tuning) + 87 = 216
Plumeir: 61 + 64(smell) + 87 = 212
Taylar: 48 + 44(hearing) + 87 = 179
GM: NOTE: Inventory has been adjusted to reflect commercial activity.

During the season in which Plumeir is training a replacement, everyone is able to replace their badly damaged garments. The larger forge, which is located at the mining operation, is able to melt down the nethrin tomahawks and pour them into forms to the desired specifications of Taylar. Even though his skill is rather minor, Taylar takes some pride in scoring some designs into the metal heads while they are still pliable. Unfortunately for Astarte, while better arrows and a better sword can be made, better materials are not on hand to make the task possible. The ore would need to be provided.
OOC: Nethrin Bludgeons: cost 200: hinder 500: damage 12

As Plumeir mentioned, there are several items of interest that the party has in its possession that have yet to be identified as to their usefulness. It is highly likely that Leutheo, due to his particular path of mysticism, can come to an understanding of these items, even though Plumeir could not.

On to the business at hand, with peaceableness returning to the Kingdom of West Cove due to the elimination of its former corruption, regular trade has resumed between Boga City and Outpost, and travelers and civilized nomadic clans are once again visiting the smaller communities. With this influx of people comes information, gossip, and rumors. The truth of the matter is that there was once only one species of people, called the Yahdram, but they were fractured into three new species because of the Sundering, which was really the only response of the gods to the War of Heaven. The land was also broken up and changed during that Sundering.

Many abandoned structures of the Yahdram still stand, some only in ruins, some repairable, like the site of Boga City. The rumors, gossip, and legends are all centered around lost Yahdram treasures. No definitive proof of treasure has ever been publicly presented, but it has not kept explorers from looking.

As Taylar tries to remember and verbalize some of his previous travel from some 15 Cycles back, Vittero lends some of his own memory to the tale. Ironically, Taylar realizes that when the Outliers had been transported back to the Western Region from somewhere in the Dragon’s Spine, they had arrived at an area across the river and determined their way back to Outpost. This location happens to be exactly the direction from the Mining Operation, where the kidnappers had gone with their captures. The Investigators had chosen to track the arrival path rather than the departure one.

Realizing the coincidence was no coincidence, the four return to the mines then cross the river and continue west. In a day more of walking, the crew comes upon a rocky cairn, smaller but similar in geologic formation to the other two which held portalways. To the best of Taylar’s recollection, he has been here before, but the Outliers, at that time, had originally gone the wrong direction, confusing its nearness to civilization. Since nothing of a hazard has yet been encountered, this outcropping, like the other two, contains a constructed path of stairs topped by a doorframe, carved into the face of the rock. Having used these several times, now, a few of the symbols are recognized from the other locations. It is deduced that the symbols represent locations and that the local symbol plus a destination symbol must be used. As this had been used by the former kidnappers, the symbol for what should be the desert is stained from use.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: full wellness
vest: 30
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 60
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 60
various coins: 3227 marks value

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: 5 squares = 10 hours' walk


As a better sword can't be made for Astarte now, she'll ask to have at least a new one with the same quality as her old standard.
Having used these several times, now, a few of the symbols are recognized from the other locations. It is deduced that the symbols represent locations and that the local symbol plus a destination symbol must be used.
"I wonder; could these devices be use to safely travel to all these locations?"
OOC: Astarte now wears a new cotton shirt and if it's cold her old mantle too


Gamer Extraordinaire
I wonder; could these devices be use to safely travel to all these locations?
Taylar responds, "I'm assuming we can if the portal on the other side is intact. Then we have to hope that the door isn't in a dangerous place like the bottom of the sea or the top of a frozen mountain. We were unprepared to land in that desert when we chased the kidnappers. If we had lost their trail to the Yenisha it could have been a more difficult journey."

Taylar intends to make as detailed a drawing of the doorframe including the position of each symbol.


It is highly likely that Leutheo, due to his particular path of mysticism, can come to an understanding of these items, even though Plumeir could not.
During the journey Leutheo will take time to sit with the various objects his new friends collected. He will give detailed instructions for each piece that he uncovers some secret about.
The Investigators find him to be a soft spoken, logical man, almost the exact opposite of Taylar's boisterous personality. When the group arrives at the doorway, he will inspect each symbol and trace it with his finger while manipulating waylines to deduce the secrets of these symbols.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir is glad to have along another dedicated Bender. He will discuss theories concerning the travel relics, relaying what he already knows to Leutheo and listening to his assessments. Adding his own physical notes about past teleports, he makes his own copy of the symbols. He then replies to Taylar. "I am not so sure that a portalway has to exist at the destination. As I recall, our first jump into the desert, we arrived with nothing but sand to see. The problem was that we could not return the way that we had arrived."
OOC: 67


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497: Season: Stasis. Day: 4
Astarte: 61(observe) + 49(hearing) + 50(d100) = 160
Leutheo: 55 + 84(tuning) + 74 = 213
Plumeir: 61 + 64(smell) + 67 = 192
Taylar: 48 + 44(hearing) + 75 = 167
Plumeir: 70(alchemy) + 41(analysis) + 67(d100) = 178
Leutheo: 48 + 100(empathy) + 74 = 222
Analyzing the symbols on the doorframe, first, Leutheo confirms that two symbols are needed to activate the traveling device, one for the current location and one for the destination. The blood of a Bender or someone mystically enhanced is necessary to trigger the standing node. A more powerful Bender should be able to travel without having to spill his own blood. Recognizing the previously used symbols, a link is established between this and the other cairn near the Rheini encampment; and before anyone can object, Plumeir passes through and returns in a matter of a few seconds. With the confidence of the first test, he and Leutheo travel to the spire in the Ka’ard’taerm and back. Though it will take some time to learn more of the symbols, everyone is confident that they have learned one of the secrets of Yahdram travelways.

After this, the party decides to make camp at the base of the cairn so that Leutheo can take the time needed to analyze the unknown collected items. Each item can take hours and the day is necessary. Leutheo sits in a comfortable position. Since the others can do nothing but wait, each takes a different location to keep an eye and an ear out for any potential danger. Taylar is about 20 strides straight away to the north, Astarte is about 20 strides to the northwest, and Plumeir about 20 strides to the northeast.

Leutheo is able to determine the mystical proclivity of every item that the others had not. Two of the pairs of fangs came from a larger variety of boar, probably a razorback. Two of the pairs came from larger wolves, one pair from a very nasty variety of wolverine, called a Ravisher, and the last from a spider. These items could be used by anyone in the party. The razorback tusks would augment overall wellness (Health +4) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +4). The wolf teeth would augment physical strength (Strength +4) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +4). The ravisher teeth would augment mental fortitude (Will +4) and the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +4). The spider fangs would augment physical mobility (Motility +4) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +4).

Five of the six skulls belong to various rare birds, the other a rare viper. These items could not be used by Plumeir and could only effectively be used by Taylar. There were two Gobblerouse skulls, one Dreamweaver, one Velociraptor, one White Magpie, and one Cockatrice. Only the Dreamweaver skull offered a different proclivity from the teeth. It would augment personal interaction (Persona +4) and the impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +4).

Each stone was of a different mineral, and anyone in the party can make use of them, except for two. Those two can only be used by Plumeir. The bright, red, translucent one with streaks of semi-translucent yellow running through it, called Burnstone, would augment overall wellness (Health +4) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +4). The semi-transparent, yellow and orange one, called Brightstone, would augment personal interaction (Persona +4) and the impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +4). It could also be sacrificed to enhance personal influence (Compulsion or Enthrall x5). The translucent, dark-green stone with streaks of lighter green and brown running through it, called Serpentine, would augment physical mobility (Motility +4) and the impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +4). The translucent, iridescent one, called Opal, and the very similar Pearl, would augment mental fortitude (Will +4) and the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +4). These two, only usable by Plumeir, could also be sacrificed to enhance resistance to heat (Insulate x5). The dark blue, semi-transparent stone with flecks of orange running through it, called Nebulastone, would augment physical mobility (Motility +4) and the impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +4).

Of the metals, which can only be used by Leutheo, there are two brownish, iridescent ingots of Molybdenum which can be sacrificed to enhance personal influence or generate electricity (Compulsion or Electrocute x4). There are two shiny, reddish-orange ingots of copper which can be sacrificed in the same manner as the molybdenum but to greater effect. (Compulsion or Electrocute x5), and there are two bright, shiny ingots of Silver that have the same use and effectiveness as the copper (Compulsion or Electrocute x5).
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: full wellness
vest: 30
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 60
Leutheo: full wellness
tunic: 60
various coins: 3227 marks value

boar tusks: 2 pair: {Health & Confluence +4}
cockatrice skull: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
dreamweaver skull: 1: {Persona & Cohesion +4}
gobblerouse skull: 2: {Health & Confluence +4}
ravisher canines: 1 pair: {Will & Adhesion +4}
spider fangs: 1 pair: {Motility & Cohesion +4}
velociraptor skull: 1: {Strength & Confluence +4}
white magpie skull: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}
wolf canines: 2 pair: {Strength & Confluence +4}

brightstone: 1: {Persona & Cohesion +4}: (Compulsion or Enthrall x5): 100 marks
burnstone: 1: {Health & Confluence +4}: 100 marks
nebulastone: 1: {Motility & Cohesion +4}: 100 marks
opal: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks
pearl: 1: {Will & Adhesion +4}: (Frostbite or Insulate x5): 100 marks
serpentine: 1: {Strength & Confluence +4}: 100 marks

copper: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
molybdenum: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x4): 15 marks each
silver: 2: (Compulsion or Electrocute x5): 20 marks each
Cairn Doorframe near mining operation
Cairn Doorframe near Rheini village
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
As I recall, our first jump into the desert, we arrived with nothing but sand to see
Taylar nods. "Yes, I do remember that now. But since it was obviously bringing travelers to the same point, how is that specific place determined? Could it be that there is a doorway buried under the sand and the waylines that power the traveling put us in the closest safe spot?"
Taylar will claim the wolf teeth (strength +4), dreamweaver (Persona +4), and velociraptor (cohesion +4)


Leutheo will claim the metals only he can use.
He hears Taylar's theory about the buried doorway and says, "It's possible. Should we travel to that place to determine whether there is a buried gate there? I would also like to see this Yenisha community."

Voidrunner's Codex

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