Door to Nowhere


Astarte silently leaves the tent, then replied to Plumeir: "You're right; Maybe I should talk with other people first about these pictograms."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497: Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) + 52(d100) = 150
The two Ekimmard children are purchased for an additional 800 marks. This is actually a lower value than the other children would have been had they not been returned at cost. The boy and girl cannot understand anything that is said to them, but they readily follow the party. Being raised in a society should give them a chance to develop in a manner better than they would have. Since they show so little cognition, Plumeir suggests that a Maldrog family at the Mining Community may adopt them. It is certainly a better option than leaving them to their own fate, since they do not try to run. Unfortunately, Ekimmards are one of the favored targets of Deviard slavery.

As Plumeir and Taylar lead the children away from where they were being held, the Yenisha woman looks at the drawings that Astarte shows her. “This is ink from Evipau Tomahawks, yes?” It is not really a question. She continues. “I do not know any exact meaning. This one that is common to all is likely a clan symbol. The others represent rank and station. The Evipaun are very efficient at marking their skin.”

Plumeir and Taylar buy some extra skins and water, then wait at the edge of the community while Astarte quickly conducts her business. There is always someone who can communicate in at least one of the languages known. Something never before encountered in another place. The party only has 6 stones and their usefulness or value is yet unknown to the party. The two men encourage her to use the extra coins, of which the party now has plenty, and leave the stones. Astarte can readily buy cotton garments, of a desert fashion, at a trivial cost, but there is nothing blue for sale, as this color is specifically reserved for the Pelimonrae.

Trusting to memory the party orients itself and prepares for the two day walk back to the spire that is suspected to have another portalway. The children seem to still be in something of a state of shock. They all follow along without causing any difficulty, even the pompous Markidians. Being children, this traumatic event will soon be forgotten, and they will all return to being their usual self-centered selves. Two days bring the party into the shadow of the spire, without incident.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
various coins: 3827 marks value

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir scans the overly large spire to see if any confirmation can be found for their guess as to this containing a portalway. Whether he sees anything or not, he says to the others in Maldrog. “I will circumnavigate this stone from the left of us to see if there is a constructed path to climb.” He will camouflage his skin as he walks away.
OOC: 78


Gamer Extraordinaire
While Astarte and Plumeir search around the spire, Taylar will keep watch over the children, directing them into the shadow of the structure to get out of the sun. He will put his hands on the spire and manipulate waylines to attempt to discern some secrets about the place.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497: Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 61(observation) + 34(tuning) + 42(d100) = 137
Plumeir: 61 + 78 = 139
Astarte and Plumeir move in opposite directions, Plumeir moving quickly, as he is looking for something obvious, Astarte moving slower, dragging her hand along the surface of the rock. Perhaps coming as a surprise, Astarte almost immediately finds a single symbol carved into the face of the spire. There is nothing else of note near the symbol.

Recovering to some degree from the trauma of their capture, one of the Markidian boys asked Taylar what they were doing. Taylar quickly explains that the party is looking for a magical path to take them back home, like the one the kidnappers used to bring everyone here. The answer was enough for the child. Moving forward to where Astarte found the symbol, Taylar tries to mystically discern information. He knows that he has the right idea, but he currently lacks enough talent to learn anything. This symbol is different from the others previously used, but nothing more is determined.

One the northern side of the spire, Plumeir discovers a very obvious set of stairs carved right into the rock that form a circular path to ascend. Running up the steps, because he knows that he is keeping the others waiting, he stops at a landing at about half the height of the spire. The steps continue upward. This landing has a carved doorframe like the one used to arrive. Stains upon the symbols show that they have been often touched. He returns to the other to divulge his findings. Despite having greater mystical talent than Astarte or Taylar, it is in the wrong field, and Plumeir can discern nothing about the out of place symbol, either.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
various coins: 3827 marks value

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar intends to record the strange symbol for later research. After Plumeir returns he will direct the children up the stairs to the doorway and keep watch while Astarte and Plumeir complete their investigations of the spire. He will record whatever symbols are on or around the doorway along with their positions.
When it is time to depart he says in Markidian, "I will go first. There is no way to warn you if the other side of this portal is not safe, so we must hope it goes to where we wish to be." He shows the former captives how to cut their hands to put on the symbol to utilize the portal and will go through first.


Astarte will offer the youngsters her carving knife. She'll translate Taylar's words for the Centrin kids; at least this she can do, while hoping that either Plumeir can communicate with rest of the younglings or if not, they'll simply mimic Taylar and Markidian plus Centrin children. If necessary, she'll help all the little ones with teleporting, then do it herself.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir waves his left hand in a pausing gesture before addressing his friends. "Wait. Wait. These children have no marks upon them, no cuts on their hands. The Evipaun must have sent them through the portalways without having to draw their blood." He then looks at the Markidian children and simply asks how they went through the other gates.
OOC: 81


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497: Season: Drenching. Day: 60
Astarte: 61(observe) + 44(hearing) + 4(d100) = 109
Plumeir: 61 + 63(smell) + 81 = 205
Taylar: 48 + 44(hearing) + 67 = 159
Astarte and Plumeir watch over the children while Taylar quickly ascends the carved stairs to their end. There is another doorframe on the landing there, but the symbols are different from any of the others that the party has used. It makes sense that this frame has the same use as the others but the destination must be completely different.

With the known symbols at the lower doorframe, the suggestion from Plumeir makes sense to the others and the same Markidian boy who asked questions of Taylar earlier provides the necessary information. Two of the kidnappers had activated the frame, allowing everyone else to pass through before entering themselves. Astarte and Plumeir each place their hands on the correct symbols on each side of the frame. Taylar passes through and the children follow with Astarte and Plumeir coming through on their heels.

The group arrives on a rocky cairn, protruding from a temperate conifer forest. It is not the same cairn as the one where the Investigators found the first portalway. Having one of the children stand on the shoulders of Plumeir and then having both of them stand on the shoulders of Taylar, the Markidian child recognizes the Salmon River, which empties into the bay of West Cove.

It takes a few days to cover the walking but the Rheini children are returned to their village first, because it was the closest. A barren Rheini couple ask to adopt the Ekimmard children and raise them, not caring that they are not even the same species. The Centrin children and the Markidian ones are returned in due order and the party arrives back at the Mining Operation, being received as heroes who had accomplished a rescue no one had before been able to accomplish.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
various coins: 3827 marks value

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
Portal Spire with two doorframes and odd symbol
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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