Door to Nowhere

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Seeing the solitary figure dressed all in red standing outside of the nearest large tent, Plumeir nods at Astarte. "At this point, yes, we should speak with this person. So far we have been able to find a functional language with everyone here, hopefully it will be true of this Yenisha, although I find it strange that there are no Pelimonrae guards at this tent." Since the tent is close to the base of the mountains, Plumeir will scan the lower heights to see if there are any other people about.
OOC: 67

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 59(observe) + 44(hearing) + 48(d100) = 151
Plumeir: 61 + 54(smell) + 67 = 182
Taylar: 48 + 44(hearing) + 83 = 175
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) + 48(d100) = 146
Plumeir: 83 + 65(befriend) + 67 = 215
Taylar: 72 + 33(enthrall) + 83 = 188
Taylar is not able to discern anything mystical about the newly acquired items, either, but it was worth trying. Sometimes luck plays a factor but not this time. Moving toward the readily visible solitary figure, there are some other things that previously escaped attention. On a lower ridge, about four times the height of a person, there are four Pelimonra Archers, who are obviously there as sentries to keep an eye on things. They are not trying to hide but they are above a height to naturally be noticed. These guards do not give a cause for alarm, as their presence is expected.

A curiosity of greater importance takes a bit longer to notice and it is not possible to fully understand what is hidden. There is an area of the rocky foothills that seems to have been mystically obscured by the unnatural refraction of light. It is not certain, but it looks like a very large piece of fabric attached to the rock face. The image moves occasionally, and it does not appear to be solely from the bending of light. It also looks like there are three people hidden within the refraction and strategically stationed a certain distance from one another. The impression is that these are hidden guards rather than hidden mercenaries. Due to the blurring of the imagery, it is not possible to determine anything about those three people.

Approaching the red clad figure, the party is acknowledged and motioned to come inside the commercial tent. Once inside, the figure removes her hood and mask and can be identified as a Yenisha female of about 40 Cycles. She is able to communicate in Maldrog, quite well, and seems candid in her conversation. This tent is remarkably empty for such a large space, very unlike the other two commercial tents previously entered. There are several other members, both male and female, of the Yenisha tribe inside. When the woman who welcomed the party entered, another of the Yenishae stepped outside to take her place. There are only four people within the tent that look out of place, a boy, a girl, a man, and a woman. None of these is Markidian, but they do seem to be considered as property, though they do not appear stressed. The adults show some concern on their faces. The children are seated on the ground, talking quietly with one another. There are a few other oddities within the tent but nothing of any real importance.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: Body: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
standard leather bracers: 12 pairs
standard leather shin guards: 12 pairs
standard leather mantles: 6
tomahawks: 12

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
4 missing children from Mining
3 missing from Vineyard
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar gives everyone in the tent a broad smile and addresses the Yenisha woman in Maldrog, "Hello. Is this where we can trade? We found these weapons on the ground and thought they might be valuable." He lifts one of the Evipau weapons with two fingers to not display any hostility.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) +
Plumeir: 83 + 65(befriend) +
Taylar: 72 + 33(enthrall) + 84 = 189
The woman flattens her lips into a dour expression and points. “See the Kozzogs on the other side of the valley. They deal in metal goods. Since you are not here for our business, please see yourselves out.”
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: Body: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
standard leather bracers: 12 pairs
standard leather shin guards: 12 pairs
standard leather mantles: 6
tomahawks: 12

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
4 missing children from Mining
3 missing from Vineyard
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) + 135(d100) = 233
Plumeir: 83 + 65(befriend) + 84 = 232
Taylar: 72 + 33(enthrall) + 84 = 189
The woman is, of course, far from stupid and recognizes the ploy, but this behavior, or something like it, can be expected from any group of seasoned travelers. She does not react to the ploy nor does she seem offended by it. She begins to speak more fully about the affairs of the Yenishae and gives directions and better information about trading the goods that the party carries. This being the third commercial tent visited in total, all three Investigators become fully aware that commerce is the most important aspect of this village, and everyone is open about it. No one gives the impression of looking for a quick profit from cheating a customer then disappearing with it. The businesses look to be motivated by long-term goals.

The woman fluidly switches between Maldrog and Markidian, asking if the Markidian language would be preferred. At this point the use of either language is of no consequence. The woman explains that they deal in adoption and quality laborers. In order to offer the best of services none of their subjects may be marred or in any way show defect. The four people present are representatives, and more of each are kept in a separate location.

Of a complete surprise to the party the Yenisha woman apologizes for the Evipaun having kidnapped the children. She says that the subjects are not supposed to be acquired in such a manner. The Yenishae truly believe that they are providing a benevolent service and a better way of life for the people sold, especially the children. No amount of debate will change the fact that they see their business this way while most, including the party, considers it to be the exact opposite.

She concludes by saying, “Because certain children were taken by force, I will sell them back to you at our cost, but you must provide coin, so you will need to conduct your other trade, first. You have until the end of the day. By tomorrow the pick of the children will be moved to their destination.”
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: Body: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
standard leather bracers: 12 pairs: 256 clams each
standard leather shin guards: 12 pairs: 256 each
standard leather mantles: 6: 194 each
recurve bows: 4: 200 each
nethrin tomahawks: 12: 240 each

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
4 missing children from Mining (Markidians)
3 missing from Vineyard (Centrins)
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Of a complete surprise to the party the Yenisha woman apologizes for the Evipaun having kidnapped the children
When Taylar hears that his demeanor changes entirely. He suspected the Yenisha knew where their slaves came from but only cared about their profit. Without another word he calmly collects the gear and leaves the tent to wait outside on his companions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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