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Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)

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Morkus from Orkus
OK that was a satisfying ending.

Obi-Wan schools Anakin one last time. The voice effects there were cool.

Reva is still alive and could easily get her own spin-off show.

Stuff happened in this show without really changing the status quo of what comes later, although it did perhaps fill in some gaps. So that was cool.

I would not mind seeing more of Ewan as Obi-Wan. He does a good job.

Also, that final scene!
I just want to know how Reva can get up from being stabbed through the abdomen, find her transport(and have it still be there), and fly to Tatooine all before the empire finishes firing at the escaping transport. Then the transport lands, the fight happens, and Obi-Wan gets to Tatooine in time to see her with Luke.

Loved the episode, but it played loose with timing a bit too much.


Morkus from Orkus
I enjoyed the episode, mostly, as I've enjoyed the show, mostly.

My one big problem with it is that Obi-wan had the beating of Vader, again, and walked away leaving him alive, again. Given that he is (as far as he knows) one of only two Jedi masters left alive, and given that Vader represents a huge danger both to the galaxy as a whole and to Luke and Leia in particular, shouldn't he have finished the job?

(And, funnily enough, the producers had a way out of that already built in - all they needed to do was bring his "Luke's in danger!" vision forward by a few seconds, and he suddenly has a really good reason to leave the job half-done.)
Yeah. I had the same reaction to him walking away in that manner. I also wondered why Vader walked away after burying Kenobi. He had to know that Kenobi was still alive as he'd have felt the death if it had happened. You don't walk away from a powerful Jedi Master like that when you know it's possible for him to escape and you want him dead.


Morkus from Orkus
No. Because in that case, Reva should have finished the job. That was the whole point of the sequence. Being unable to take a life is not weakness.
I think there's a big difference between killing a Sith that just convinced you that the good inside him was dead, and who is going to continue to murder more Jedi and innocents, and the murder of a helpless child.


If you've read anything I've posted on these boards, you should know that I notoriously hate most stuff. I am very hard on Star Wars - even though it was my favorite series when I was a kid, I didn't like the prequels, sequels, Rogue One, Solo, the Clone Wars series, or most other stuff.

I had no problems with Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought the story was coherent, the action was good, the acting was passable (and certainly better than any performance in the entire prequel series). I don't understand the hate people have with Reva - the actress did fine. I suppose maybe her delivery and accent seemed more "modern American" than other actors in the franchise - and maybe that felt out of place. But you know what - I prefer that to the stilted, faux Shakespearean accents and wooden delivery from the prequel trilogy.

I just want to know how Reva can get up from being stabbed through the abdomen, find her transport(and have it still be there), and fly to Tatooine all before the empire finishes firing at the escaping transport. Then the transport lands, the fight happens, and Obi-Wan gets to Tatooine in time to see her with Luke.

Loved the episode, but it played loose with timing a bit too much.
I don't know? Maybe the same way Luke got from Dagobah to Cloud City in a matter of an hour in Empire Strikes Back?
Star Wars has always played it loose with the timing. It's a modern myth with roots in serialized sci-fi from the 1930s. It's not realistic science-fiction.


The Obi-Wan leaving Vadar alive didn't bother me, because that's just star wars. It uses the same logic as comic books, once the bad guy is on their knees they are invincible from the good guys. It also seems baked into the jedi code.

Ultimately now having watched the full series the only two scenes that still bother me are:

1) The fire scene where obi-wan escapes because....there is a small pool of fire that is easy to walk around (like I can literally see the edge).
2) The freighter taking more hits from a star destroyer than a capital ship can tank. I mean....please, at least try to sell it to me. Just give me a throw away line, "this freighter is heavily armored and packed with shields, but it still won't hold forever", something to make that remotely believalbe.

I know a lot of people will point to the Leia chase scene, and yes its super awkward. To me its the same "one with the force" logic as why storm troopers never hit the good guys, the bad guys just couldn't grab leia because the force was with her.


Morkus from Orkus
Mace Windu thought that too, and look how that turned out.
Bad writing is bad. Had Windu just pushed his saber forward 2 inches instead of taking a wide swing, this wouldn't have been happening. With the death of Sidious, Anakin might have been savable right then and if not, he'd not have been able to take over the way Sidious did.


Bad writing is bad. Had Windu just pushed his saber forward 2 inches instead of taking a wide swing, this wouldn't have been happening. With the death of Sidious, Anakin might have been savable right then and if not, he'd not have been able to take over the way Sidious did.
Yeah, but then we wouldn't have had Episodes IV-VI and Episodes I-III wouldn't have been made at all. Stars Wars as a franchise would cease to exist.
So I guess it's good that Palpatine rose to power?


Morkus from Orkus
Yeah, but then we wouldn't have had Episodes IV-VI and Episodes I-III wouldn't have been made at all. Stars Wars as a franchise would cease to exist.
So I guess it's good that Palpatine rose to power?
I'm all for setting things up so that he failed, but at least write in something plausible. If you have a Sith Lord at saber point like that and you're going to kill him, you don't take chances. ;)

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