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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit rubs his beard and says, "Since everything else we do is enhanced by our combined efforts, perhaps if we linked up and searched for copper, we might increase our search area without having to move."

Bolo, busy wrestling with Turtle, pauses and says, "This far out no one should go off alone for a long distance. There are too many dangers we do not know of out here."

Turtle is hungry. Those rabbits did not have enough meat on them for his liking. He wants to go hunting again, but Bolo is busy thinking about the metals the humans are obsessed with.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Active Search

Tellerian Hawke said:
Merin suggests that Sheldon & Indigo head North, San-Bolo to the South, and Merin will head East, and Tor will head West.

That way, we are searching an expanding radius simultaneously.
Sannit rubs his beard and says, "Since everything else we do is enhanced by our combined efforts, perhaps if we linked up and searched for copper, we might increase our search area without having to move."

Bolo, busy wrestling with Turtle, pauses and says, "This far out no one should go off alone for a long distance. There are too many dangers we do not know of out here."

Sheldon nods -
Sannit is correct. Our collective strength is greater than the sum of our parts. We should try together, moving deliberately outside each area until we find what we seek.
GM: Gathering together, the first attempt produces negative results; afterward, it is decided to try more eastward. With the second attempt, everyone is surprised by the amount of detectable copper. Even knowing what is sought, it was somewhat overwhelming to detect so much. Poking around in a weather-worn fissure on the west facing of a moderate hill, uncovers a distinct vein of copper, though mining tool will be necessary to collect much.

Everyone familiarizes themselves well with the area so as to create a permanent memory. Merin, with his talent for scripting, draws a rough but fairly accurate map of the area. The party is pleased with its success.

Having acquired enough experience with traveling, despite the few number of days, the party knows it's location and is able to return to Southroad Fair following the river in only three days time.

Everyone receives 2 XP.

OOC: Collective Possessions Upon Returning to Town:
7 pack animals: 1 female donkey, 1 male burro, 5 female burros
2 Snake skins (100% coverage each)
1 Pig Hide (20% coverage)
1 Deer Hide (30% coverage)
119 Snake Teeth
26 Tin Ingots
28 Copper Ingots
11 Iron Ingots
13 Zinc Ingots
1 Silver Ingot
15 Shiny White Stones
4 Shiny grey Stones
1 Shiny brown Stone
Directions to the Copper Lode and a map
Directions to a Citrus Orchard


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 28: Late Evening: Returning to Southroad Fair

The party is greeted upon it return. Almost everyone speaks. The Southroad Seekers are now well known about town. Some are taken aback at the sight of a bear; but noticing that it is tame, they quickly adjust. Although seeing a bear lying next to a line of tethered pack animals outside the tavern gives some quite a momentary shock.


The first order of business is to head to the Boar's Head. Everything else can wait until the morning. When the Seekers enter, many raise mugs in offered toasts to their return. The tavern is fairly busy as the Salt Caravan is in town. A rather imposing figure of a man stands and calls Sannit by name. The man is almost as tall as Tor and known to all as Saemund, a guardsman from the Silk Caravan. It is an unexpected oddity seeing him as it is the Salt not the Silk Caravan that is in town.

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Sylvar B.

Saemund walks over and greets everyone warmly then speaks to Sannit. I thought I would be satisfied with the Caravan, but I've found that life to be a bit dull. Besides, stories of your exploits have reached even our ears. Might I join you? I long to make stories of my own to tell my grandchildren at evening camp,my axe needs to do something more than grace my back, and I've got no more interest in mock battle.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor listens as Saemund greets Sannit. He smiles, because although he did not know Saemund personally before now, he knew OF him by reputation, and he is glad of an extra comrade in battle.
[sblock=Tor's Thoughts]
~He will make an excellent addition to our group.~

Without saying anything, not wanting to interrupt Sannit, Tor simply smiles, and raises his hand in greeting toward Saemund. Merin also waves in acknowledgement.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit and Bolo, who he would also know if he knows Sannit, greet Saemund as a fellow brother in arms.

Always the talkative one, Sannit says, "Yes, caravan life is not for the truly bold. You are indeed welcome to join us, and your axe will find plenty to do. We've faced wild savages, lizards as big and strong as ten men, serpents as long as a train of pack mules and faster than a man can run. There are other dangers too, dangers to the mind and soul. We just returned from a journey where tribesmen attacked us like wild animals, their personalities stolen by a strange illness." He grins and takes a drink, "Of course, there's plenty of profit in it too, more than a guards wage." He motions to the rest of the group, "We are the Seekers. I will let the rest of the group introduce themselves since I doubtless would not do them justice."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor smiles, and clasps Saemund's forearm, giving him a "warrior's handshake." Tor stands barely an inch taller than Saemund, although he is a little leaner. Both are nevertheless men of great strength and power. Tor says, "Good to have you with us. You might not remember me, but I'd bet that you know my father pretty well; my father is Buliwyf Ericsson, the caravan's main Silk Merchant, and I am his son, Torvald. But my friends call me Tor."

Merin says, "I am Merindell Silveroak, but my friends call me Merin. I hope you have more sense than this big ox. I'd hate to have to deal with two of him." Merin smiles, and punches Tor on the shoulder. Tor tries to retaliate, but Merin ducks the blow, taunting him, "Too slow. You owe me a Pine Vine."
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Sylvar B.

Saemund looks at Bolo after talking to Sannit and gives her a toothy grin. "So, Bolo, you're still hanging around with Sannit, ay? Well if I suppose if that's the best you can do you stick with what you know... He looks at Sannit and winks... Savages, lizards and snakes huh? I sure hope you all haven't had all the fun without me.

Saemund takes Tor's arm in the warrior handshake, pulls him in close and peers into his eyes, studying with squinted eyes... Buliwyf is your father? Yes, I believe he is... Saemund's toothy grin returns, "but I won't hold that against you..." he guffaws loudly... "I jest, I jest...your father is a good man, I'm happy to be in your company. Saemund greets Merin, Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance Merin, if I had more sense than Tor I'd be back at the caravan with a woman and a rundlet of ale, but here I am looking for something to kill instead, so I don't think I can improve your circumstances with Tor, but I think we are all in for some great fun.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo laughs with Saemund, her curly black hair half covering the scar on her left cheek. "My mate speaks the truth, but don't worry about the lizards and snakes. They make good armor." She slaps the hooded lizard hide skirt that protects her legs. "As always the most dangerous things out in the wilds are the people." She takes a drink and says, "But there is one more you will have to meet, my pet bear, Turtle."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Getting Reaquianted

Indigo nods and waves. Sheldon laughs at Tor and greets Saemond with the same arm clasp.
Tor seems to have a sort memory for such a tall person. How could anyone forget him when he stands head and shoulders above everyone but you?

The groups joins their old friend, pleasantly conversing for a time, before Saemund finally turns serious. He informs the crew that is was more than a simple change of mind that brought him. He explains that when the Silk Caravan arrived at Asylim, he stayed outside like Sheldon usually does. As it turned out to be a good thing for him.

After 2 days, none who had entered returned. The third day, the Salt Caravan departed for north but still no sign of the leaders or main crew from the Silk. By day 4, Saemund decided something was definitely wrong and started off northward catching the Salt Caravan and joining it as a guard until it reached Southroad Fair.

The news he learned, which is still mostly gossip, is that the Silk Caravan had been disbanded to be restructured. The owner, who is one of the Magisters, apparently reallocated management to the Wharfs, which is practically enslavement. The other rumor is that some were killed, including Tor's parents and the former caravan master.

When Saemond finished his tale, Sheldon responds -
This gives us much to think on, my friend. Stick here with us, once Giodavi closes, he will have business to discuss with us. Tomorrow we have several tasks that need to be handled, and we can see about getting you some better gear. It certainly never hurts to have another axe wielder.
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