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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign

Sylvar B.

Since Saemund is new to the group he leaves most of the decision making to the more tenured members. He is thankful for the armor and the boots. Saemund sits with the group as they discuss events with the 7 magisters. He sits back in his chair, attentive, but says little. He studys the magisters for signs of deceit.

GM: We will get you up to speed on the main plot. The Magisters rule Asylim, the Southern port city of the land. The caravans that formerly employed all members are based in Asylim. You are currently in Southroad Fair, a small, developing community, between Asylim and Boga City. The community was founded by Giodavi and Lyndha, who were both originally from Asylim. One or more of the Asylim Magisters wants to take over rulership of Southroad Fair and subjugate its people, but it is not known who.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Town Meeting Drones on

OOC: I'm pretty sure Giodavi, Lyndha, and Raven are on the level so skip them. I would say the order you listed them in is fine: Maeli and the new weaver/seemstress,
Clavo, the Carpenters Guild Head, and two unknown carpenters,
Caccio, the Captain of the Guard, and two guards
Merin and Sheldon immediately recognize that Bolo has linked with them, none of the three needing to still be in physical contact to do so. As Bolo concentrates, Merin and Sheldon for their part, seem to only be listening to Giodavi, Sannit, and the others speak in turn.
[sblock=Detect Intent]Range = Confluence + Will
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic + Theologic + Divination[/sblock]
GM: Even though Maeli is the first target, she and Lyndha both immediately look at Bolo, then at Merin and Sheldon. Being about the same age, they react similarly. Both frown slightly and shake their heads. Nothing can be detected from Maeli.

Clavo does not react. His only intention seems to be to listen. The same is true for the other male carpenter present. The female carpenter, however, jumps, like she had been poked and looks around nervously for a second. This confuses the initial determination, but as she recovers, her intention, also, is to listen.

Caccio does not react but nothing can be determined from him. He appears to be one of those rare individuals who can go completely blank, thinking about nothing at all. Both of the other two guards look directly at Bolo, smile and nod. The expressions on their faces seem to indicate some confirmation of previous thought. They intend to respect Sannit's position and listen to the meeting.

[sblock=GM Tip]For future reference, Sense Motive, would be better to use in this type of situation. Detect Intent is more useful in a potential combat situation.[/sblock]
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 30 - 35: About Southroad Fair

During the next five days while the Southroad Seekers are waiting on armor to be manufactured, lacquered, or repaired, they spend time getting more acquainted with the other town folk and completing various tasks.

Sheldon spends time training combat, working with the carpenters, working with Raven tanning skins, and visiting Lyndha to learn reading and writing.

Indigo spends time training combat, working with the guards, and working with Maeli studying various herbs and stones.

Tor spends time training combat, working with the carpenters, and working with the guards.

Merin spends time training archery, working with the guards, and visiting Lyndha to learn reading and writing.

Sannit spends time training combat, working with the carpenters, and working with the guards. He also makes a point of becoming acquainted with the two millers and the weaver.

Bolo spends time training combat, training Turtle, working with the guards.

Saemund spends time training in combat, working with the carpenters, and working with the guards.

GM: If there are any other desired tasks or purchases, post and I will add results.

OOC: General Expenditures while Remaining in Town:
Food: 800 clams
Armor Repairs: 90 clams

Party Inventory
GM: Inventory reflects converting kukris into arrow heads.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
When the party is alone, at some point during the week, Merin will offer the following comments:

"I hope we did not offend Maeli by Detecting Intent. Perhaps we should offer her some form of apology? ALSO: the female carpenter is Way-Aware. Judging by the fact that she was unable to tell where the detection was coming from, she is probably inexperienced, like we are. As for the two guards, it seems as if they are also Way-Aware, and perhaps more advanced than we are; judging by their reaction, they were uncertain if Bolo was Way-Aware, but now, they seem to have identified her as the source, thereby confirming their suspicions. But they are not as advanced as Maeli or Lyndha, else they would have noticed Sheldon and I linking with her. Which leaves me to my next question, although I'm pretty sure we've all guessed the answer by now: Saemund, are you able to feel a connection to The Way?"

Without waiting for a response, Merin concludes by saying, "I think the people at that meeting who ARE Way-Aware have no ill intent. I suspect that they are like us, wanting to help this community grow, and willing to lend their talents toward such a cause."


Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: I did say 'sense motive' in my previous post, but I'm sure the results would have been the same. Bolo also wants to learn reading and writing from Lyndha

Sannit says, "Well, we know who in the leadership is way-sensitive so that's a new thing we did not know. Bolo and I don't entirely trust everyone yet. It's possible they blocked your attempt to determine any treacherous motive."

Bolo scoffs and says, "Let them get offended. We are risking our lives out in the wilds. I need to know we can truly rely on our allies here."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

When the party is alone, at some point during the week, Merin will offer the following comments:

"I hope we did not offend Maeli by Detecting Intent.
GM: It is difficult to convey emotion in written text with being overt or wordy. Neither Lyndha nor Maeli were offended. They both understood what you were doing and trying to convey that they felt it unnecessary.

Spoiler: Lyndha is manipulating Way at all times, but being a Diviner, it tends to go unnoticed.

Tellerian Hawke said:
ALSO: the female carpenter is Way-Aware. Judging by the fact that she was unable to tell where the detection was coming from, she is probably inexperienced, like we are.
GM: Good guess, but she is far beneath any Seeker's ability. This particular carpenter is responsible for discovering the benefit of mixing the pine fuel (turpentine) with rendered pig fat and would be good to teach to train and work with the pack animals during the Seekers absence.

Tellerian Hawke said:
As for the two guards, it seems as if they are also Way-Aware, and perhaps more advanced than we are; judging by their reaction, they were uncertain if Bolo was Way-Aware, but now, they seem to have identified her as the source, thereby confirming their suspicions. But they are not as advanced as Maeli or Lyndha, else they would have noticed Sheldon and I linking with her.
GM: These 2 particular guards make a point of introducing themselves to the Seekers after the close of the meeting. They are siblings of Ansylin decent, the same age group as the Seekers, and were born in Southroad Fair. They seem genuine in their desire for benevolence and understand the need for secrecy in their common talent. They are on par with the Seekers in being able to manipulate way.

Merin -
Which leaves me to my next question, although I'm pretty sure we've all guessed the answer by now: Saemund, are you able to feel a connection to The Way?"
OOC: Saemund is able to detect and manipulate way, but he is inexperienced and completely untrained.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds

OOC: I did say 'sense motive' in my previous post, but I'm sure the results would have been the same.
GM: My apologies. I mis-read the original post. This will give some differences. I will re-post the results rather than edit and correct the previous one.

[sblock=Sense Motive]Range = Cohesion + Personality
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Personality + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic + Theologic + Divination[/sblock]
[sblock=GM Tip]The easiest way for Bolo to improve this skill is to increase Academic.[/sblock]
GM: Clavo is motivated by greed but lacks avarice. The female carpenter is motivated by desired acceptance, while the other male carpenter is motivated by contentment.

Caccio seems to have no motivation at all. He appears to be a blank slate. The other two guards are motivated by justice.

Sannit says,
Well, we know who in the leadership is way-sensitive so that's a new thing we did not know. Bolo and I don't entirely trust everyone yet. It's possible they blocked your attempt to determine any treacherous motive."
Bolo scoffs and says,
Let them get offended. We are risking our lives out in the wilds. I need to know we can truly rely on our allies here."
Sheldon nods,
I agree with Bolo, but I do not think they were offended. Lyndha is definitely more than she seems, Maeli too. I hope this is a good thing. Those two guards were certainly a surprise.
GM: Noted: Bolo has also studied reading and writing.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 36: Morning: Culmination of Time in Town and Departure

OOC: Due to the assistance of the Seekers, the delay for their construction project has been shortened.

Construction Project

GM: Everyone receives an additional 4 XP for events in town.

OOC: Raven donates 10 bricks of salt in hopes that more exotic skins might be found.

It is an estimated 7 days journey to the location of the alleged Haunted Tree. The party decides to travel eastward along the stream for five days due to the constant fresh water supply and then turn northward to search specifically for the tree.

The first day's travel is, of course, uneventful and Bolo, Merin, and Sheldon each spend some time with Saemund to familiarize him with manipulating way and the potential of its use known to them, including something as simple as finding and catching fish for the midday meal. Saemund also takes a turn at guiding the pack animals to expand this knowledge, surprised at how far advanced this is compared to what could be expected of those from the former caravan.


The party makes camp late in the afternoon of the first day. There are still about 2 hours of daylight remaining.
GM: State any specific tasks for the close of the day, including searching for food, herbs, stones, etc.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin and Tor will both search the riverbed for precious metals, such as copper, or titanium.

Tor will also look for lighter pine.

Merin will also try to detect reptiles.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit will work with Merin and Tor to search for precious metals, adding gold and silver and the two new minerals they blacksmith wanted them to find.

Bolo and Turtle will work with Indigo and whoever else wants to in searching for plants, including the barks that Maeli gave them.

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