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Thoughtfully: "Whatever your intentions, it's clear you're not aligned with blind zealotry. If we are to navigate these treacherous waters, perhaps we can find common ground." The voice of reason's words held a hint of hope, a fragile thread amidst the chaos that enveloped them.
Izek shakes his head in agitation, not even making eye contact.

"What is there to discuss? Whatever that stuff is it seems to be alive beyond a plague and it's clearly magical in some way. The best option is to fall back and let it either burn itself out or let the fanatics burn it. If it gets bad enough somebody else will take care of it, that's how things are."

Izek looks around for the rest of the people he arrived with, they should leave together.

"I don't see any profit in staying and I've got paying work back in Sigil. There's nothing worth looting here and it'd probably be infected even if there was. I'd suggest you all leave too if you value your lives, there's nothing to be gained here and everything to lose."

The Warlock begins trying to figure out a way out of this place.

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Trust the Fungus
Kachilk'cha starts to address the plague doctor, and then stops. Before she makes her presence known, she backs off to a "respectful distance"-- what the mammals considered respectful and half again-- and assumes a less... combat ready posture. She tilts her antennae far forward, in a display of mostly genuine humility. Only then does she address the plague doctor telepathically, "Profession of greetings, Honored Colleague. I am wanting to assistance providing for you. I am requesting for observation of medical crisis, for the best of assisting of you. I am wishing to making of purchase of magical doctoring staff, to be negotiating at later times."

Finally, after a bit of a pause, "I am being Kachilk'cha. Pleasing I am, to making introduction to you."


The unstable human man's eyes narrowed as he took in Izek's words, his agitation seemingly mirroring the assassin's frustration. His lips curled into a twisted grin, a dangerous glint in his eyes that hinted at the volatile nature of his temperament. His fingers tightened around the makeshift weapon in his hand, his knuckles white with the intensity of his grip.

"Profit? Loot?" he spat out the words with a mixture of annoyance and murderous intent, his voice laced with a bitter edge. "You think this is about treasure? It's about survival, about cleansing this blight before it spreads further!" His gaze shifted between the group, his intensity unwavering as he continued to speak, his words practically dripping with fervor. "We've seen what happens when the plague takes hold. It consumes everything in its path, devours reality itself. The only way to stop it is to BURN away the corruption, to scorch it from existence."

As the unstable man's tirade continued, the human figure who had maintained a sense of reason amidst the chaos offered a sardonic scoff. "Well haven't you just got everything figured out?. . . Yes, I wish it was that easy as to just find a portal out of here amidst the town shifting and the roving Hounds. I also wish I had a palace thrice the size of the Arch-Lector's" His voice held a hint of resignation, a touch of bitter irony that seemed to acknowledge the bleakness of their situation.

"Plagued or not, he's annoying as all Hells. Can we just kill him anyway?" Izek's impatience was rivaled by that of the unstable man, and his words did not seem to help.


The plague doctor's response resonated with a balanced blend of gratitude and solemn duty. "I appreciate your offer, Kachilk'cha," his mental voice conveyed, carrying a weight that extended beyond mere words. "Your intention and respect are acknowledged." Their mental connection served as a conduit for understanding, bridging the gap between two disparate beings navigating a common trial. As his communication continued along the telepathic channels, his words bore an air of curiosity. "You are welcome to observe, for the intricacies of this affliction are not yet fully revealed. The path towards remedy is obscured by layers of uncertainty." His mental tone shifted slightly, offering a glimpse of additional insight. "Indeed, piles still gather. It's relentless."

Amidst the exchange, the plague doctor's thoughts touched upon the uniqueness of Kachilk'cha's form. "Does your carapace provide defense against parasitic encroachment?" He seemed to have a scientist's mind.


Stepping through the shimmering threshold of the dimension door, the blue-robed figure emerged onto the rooftop of one of the fast-burning buildings. His arrival was met by the sight of Orris. The figure's eyes, shaded by the brim of his blue hood, held a glimmer of curiosity as he regarded Orris. However, curiosity swiftly gave way to a supreme annoyance that etched itself onto the features of the blue-robed man. His gaze shifted from Orris's face to the state of his clothing, an assessment that seemingly elicited a wave of disdain.

"What do you want? . . . I do not have spare change." He practically spat out.
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Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

. I do not have spare change."
The comment rolls off the knight like water over a rock. Orris gives the mage a sorrowful look.

My apologies, from your clothes, I took you to be a man of means. It is unfortunate that you have no money but I don’t do charity. I have plenty that I could lend you - at a reasonable interest rate - but I think you’ll find the shopping here less than satisfactory. And the locals,” he points at the thugs, “have an unusual sense of hospitality.”

Orris levitated down to the Wizard’s level,

“Or, it is possible you were deposited here with no money the same way I was without my finery. Although, this seems hardly the place for a dinner jacket.”

Orris changes the subject back to the wizard,

“I can tell by your mastery of magic, that there is a high pedigree of wizards from where you’re from. ”

The goal here is to let the wizard know he’s not dealing with a commoner. Orris is unwilling to compromise and be treated like one. On the other hand, he is happy to play in to the Wizard’s arrogance in order to garner information about where he’s from
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Trust the Fungus
Kachilk'cha starts to address the plague doctor, and then stops. Before she makes her presence known, she backs off to a "respectful distance"-- what the mammals considered respectful and half again-- and assumes a less... combat ready posture. She tilts her antennae far forward, in a display of mostly genuine humility. Only then does she address the plague doctor telepathically, "Profession of greetings, Honored Colleague. I am wanting to assistance providing for you. I am requesting for observation of medical crisis, for the best of assisting of you. I am wishing to making of purchase of magical doctoring staff, to be negotiating at later times."

Finally, after a bit of a pause, "I am being Kachilk'cha. Pleasing I am, to making introduction to you."

The plague doctor's response resonated with a balanced blend of gratitude and solemn duty. "I appreciate your offer, Kachilk'cha," his mental voice conveyed, carrying a weight that extended beyond mere words. "Your intention and respect are acknowledged." Their mental connection served as a conduit for understanding, bridging the gap between two disparate beings navigating a common trial. As his communication continued along the telepathic channels, his words bore an air of curiosity. "You are welcome to observe, for the intricacies of this affliction are not yet fully revealed. The path towards remedy is obscured by layers of uncertainty." His mental tone shifted slightly, offering a glimpse of additional insight. "Indeed, piles still gather. It's relentless."

Amidst the exchange, the plague doctor's thoughts touched upon the uniqueness of Kachilk'cha's form. "Does your carapace provide defense against parasitic encroachment?" He seemed to have a scientist's mind.

"Carapace is not so much being. Flesh underneath, not mammal flesh being. Superior insect flesh." She... preens. "Not offensing, intended. Parasites infesting mammal flesh, not infesting insect flesh. But other parasites infesting insect flesh, not infesting mammal flesh. Very few parasites infesting both. But exceptions, extra nasty being, yes?"


Orris's eloquent response elicited an unexpected chuckle from the blue-robed man, a flicker of amusement tugging at the corner of his lips. "An excellent rebuttal!" he exclaimed, his tone lightening, the hint of annoyance dissipating. "Perhaps you aren't one of the riff-raff." The wizard offered a piece of his identity, revealing, "I am Lord Sensbane of the Merkhant Sect, but you can call me Jach." His eyes lit up with a glint of ambition. "You might just be the one who can assist me," he mused, a trace of eagerness threading through his words. "I have a particular interest in gaining entry back to Sigil, before this place burns down...and I'm hoping you're half as useful as you're well-spoken. Admittedly, I've been somewhat... disoriented, you might say, since my arrival here." His expression subtly shifts from one of contemplation to one of mischief: "My sense of direction in terms of portals seems almost as poor as your fashion sense." There was a jest in his tone, a light-hearted jab that carried with it a sense of camaraderie. There was a sense that he was both engaged in banter which seemed like second nature, while simultaneously 'feeling him out.'


The plague doctor's words took on a more solemn note as he continued, his the voice in his head tinged with a sense of gravity. "While your insectoid constitution may offer some resilience, it's unclear if you are beyond its grasp. Should you find yourself afflicted, the flames that cleanse this place will not discriminate." He let that last thought linger.. .perhaps a subtle threat? A pause followed, as if allowing Kachilk'cha to ponder her next move. "However," the doctor's voice regained a modicum of warmth, "I do not seek to dissuade your inquisitiveness. Feel free to delve into the mysteries, to experiment as you see fit. The boundaries of knowledge are meant to be challenged." As Kachilk'cha absorbed his words, a faint glimmer of magic emanated from the doctor's skin. Upon closer inspection, she noticed an uncanny texture to his flesh, resembling the subtle granules of stone.

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

"I am Lord Sensbane of the Merkhant Sect, but you can call me Jach." His eyes lit up with a glint of ambition. "You might just be the one who can assist me," he mused, a trace of eagerness threading through his words. "I have a particular interest in gaining entry back to Sigil, before this place burns down...and I'm hoping you're half as useful as you're well-spoken. Admittedly, I've been somewhat... disoriented, you might say, since my arrival here." His expression subtly shifts from one of contemplation to one of mischief: "My sense of direction in terms of portals seems almost as poor as your fashion sense."

“It is unfortunate.” Orris looks around at the city burning around him, "A smoking jacking would be more à propos. That said, Lord Sensbane - Jach - we should probably move."

He indicates to the other side of the clearing where they appeared,

"Myself and three others, whom I was previously unacquainted with, were dragged here. I am Orris Hariri, Regent and Knight to Great Merchant Prince, Cyprian Arkwright. I'm overseeing his business dealings in Sigil and beyond."

Orris flashes his signet ring.

"If we were all called here simultaneously, then we are all part of the same puzzle to return. They are in that direction..."



Jach, observed Orris with a knowing glint in his eyes, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Smoking jacket, you say? A peculiar choice in attire for such a setting, but perhaps fashion is a realm where we both have our eccentricities."

Jach's gaze followed Orris's gesture, and a thoughtful expression flitted across his features. "Interesting, the cosmic tapestry weaving our fates together in this forsaken place. Orris Hariri, Regent and Knight to the illustrious Cyprian Arkwright. Your introduction carries a certain weight." He leaned in closer, his tone conspiratorial. "As for the puzzle you've mentioned, it seems we're all entangled in this web of chaos. If they lie in that direction," Jach gestured in the indicated direction, "then I suppose we're left with little choice but to follow the threads and see where they lead." He adds as an afterthought: "Did you all use that oaf Rusty for portal secrets as well? Isn't he just the WORST?! I must admit, the desire to give him a piece of my mind upon returning to Sigil is almost as motivating as the actual purpose of my journey. It isn't about the currency he extracted, but the principle of the matter."

With a flourish of his robe, Jach took a step forward, his movements graceful and deliberate, yet somehow utterly unconcerned about the Gatetown burning around them. "Lead the way, Knight Hariri. It appears we have a shared purpose, and I'm inclined to see where this twisted path takes us."



Jack Sensbane

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

"This way."

Orris moved across the rooftops towards where Izek and Grim were standing. He wasn't particularly agile or graceful but he wasn't clumsy. His movements were efficient and direct as he made his way around to avoid the fire that was consuming the buildings. When he reached the ledge where he'd originally arrived, he leapt off the edge, floating there for a moment, before descending, to make sure the Spellslinger was equipped to make his way down.


Voidrunner's Codex

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